The greatest salesletter ever written:

Wall Street Journal’s ‘Tale of Two Men’.

It made over $2 BN in revenue because of one technique:

Indirect storytelling.

Learn it in 3min🧵
The letter starts by introducing two young men.

We have no idea that we are reading an ad.

It simply makes you curious.

What happens to these men?

You need to keep reading to find out...
The story unfolds.

The letter continues to help you build a rapport with the men.

Then comes the “aha” moment.

One of them is wildly more successful than the other!

But why?

It's on you to figure it out.

The hook sinks deeper.
By now you’re expecting some sort of a reveal.

But it doesn't come.

Instead, you learn that it's NOT intelligence, talent, or dedication.

What is it then?

At this point, you realize this is an ad.

But you don’t care anymore.

Because the story sucked you in.
Turns out you are “in luck”

You can have that knowledge too!

Because of the captivating story, the offer is 1000 times more tempting to us, than if it was made directly.

We want what the author is offering. We have to have it…
This page made $2 bn because it didn't sell you a journal subscription.

It sold you a dream.

Storytelling slices through the noise.

It builds up desire.

And the indirect approach breaks down scepticism.

So if you want to sell more products, tell more stories.
Thanks for reading!

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