What Rishi Sunak, Britain’s first brown prime minister, means to me

It’s a thrill to think of the difference his appointment will make, but don’t assume we’ve defeated racism completely

Sathnam Sanghera: “Frankly, I never expected to see such a thing in my lifetime”
Sathnam Sanghera: “Frankly, I never expected to see such a thing in my lifetime”
The Times


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Some people on the left appear to be reluctant to say it, but it is undeniably a great thing that, in Rishi Sunak, Britain has its first brown prime minister. Frankly, I never expected to see such a thing in my lifetime.

After all, many immigrants of my parents’ generation can still recall a time when white gangs roamed the streets of British towns and cities with iron bars and knives, looking for West Indians, Africans or Asians to assault, a judge at Birmingham crown court complaining in 1973 that “roughing up of coloureds is almost a hobby in some parts of the Black Country”.

It was only recently that it was revealed that Buckingham Palace barred “coloured immigrants or foreigners” from serving in clerical