
"Are you talking at comparable depths?" - Douglas Murray

"Religious axioms are the deepest fundaments." - Jordan Peterson

"People are not sure they can cope with the questions they should be asking." - DM

"If you want to get to the bottom of things, you are called upon, not only to face the ultimate of tragedy of existence, to face it full on. That's not enough. You actually have to face the problem of hellish malevolence itself. And that's a worse problem then death." - JP

"You don't have to pair [exposure therapy to fear] with relaxation for it to work, as long as you are doing it voluntarily. You have to do it voluntarily." - JP

"The way you learn is by facing an optimized challenge voluntarily. That pushes you slightly beyond your current limits." - JP

"The reason you should be suspicious of people with no sense of humor isn't just that they don't know what is funny, but that they don't know what is serious either."

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