A Field Guide to American Houses is a must-read for anyone interested in architecture, specifically domestic architecture in the United States. Since its initial publication in 1984, it has established itself as the authoritative guide to American houses and is widely acclaimed by architects and architecture enthusiasts alike. The second edition, fully updated and designed with fresh aesthetics, takes the comprehensive guide to the next level.

One of the new additions to this edition is a section dedicated to neighborhoods, which provides a historical context to the various architectural styles found within them. Another highlight is the expanded and new categories of house styles, each accompanied by photos and descriptions. This allows the reader to have a better understanding of the specific architectural style, and its defining characteristics. Additionally, the appendix on “Approaches to Construction in the 20th and 21st Centuries” offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of construction techniques and materials over time.

Finally, the expanded bibliography and the inclusion of 600 new photographs and line drawings make this book a visual treat. The clear, concise descriptions and the beautiful images combine to make A Field Guide to American Houses an excellent starting point for anyone interested in architecture, especially those new to the field. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply an admirer of architecture, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of American houses.

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