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Philosophy will help you to stop overthinking—doesn’t matter what kind or where it’s from. As long as you’re reading philosophy about life, you’ll get something out of it.

Globally speaking, you say there’s a difference between Western and Eastern philosophy. But both have the same goal: To help you live better.

They only have different vehicles for getting there. The Stoics reasoned themselves to tranquility. Eastern philosophies and methodologies like Buddhism, Zen, Mindfulness, and others did it by removing reasoning. Instead, they observed the mind. That’s what meditation is.

You can also practice eastern philosophy without meditating. And that’s what Michael Singer perfectly captures in The Untethered Soul. You can get many things out of this book: Spirituality, meditation techniques, and peace of mind.

I recommend this book to everyone who’s skeptical, practical, and open-minded. Singer does a great job, helping you stop overthinking, without making things complicated or esoteric.

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