
This book has been around for a long time, and I hope it sticks around forever. It guides the reader through a fascinating (and fun) 12-week-long program of exercises and explorations that help loosen up one’s artistic self. It takes you on a journey that will cost you nothing (aside from the guidebook) and it brings much insight, gently helping you see what is holding you back, and showing you how to move forward. Three times in the last decade I've committed to doing The Artist's Way's program, and each time I've learned something important and surprising about myself and my work. Just to show how influential it's been to me—the first time I did the program, I had decided by end of it that I wanted to 1) travel to Italy and learn Italian, 2) Go to an Ashram in India, and 3) Return to Indonesia to study with the old medicine man I'd once met there. We all know what THAT decision led to. . . Without The Artist's Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.

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