
"But now the great tsunami of stupid has swept the nation. Conservatives, just like progressives before them, are unthinkingly condemning all things America, because America, you see, is rotten, bankrupt, over.

Now, the way each camp, the left and the right, arrived at their own species of anti-Americanism was different, of course. For the left, there was always something repugnant about the inequities and unfairnesses of democratic capitalism, and above all, of course, America. For the right, it was the fall from grace, the loss of virtue, and the betrayal of the American dream by a corrupt elite."

My Thoughts: As someone who is concerned about both the radical left and the radical right, and has shed my carte blanche allegience to the Republican party, I see what both sides see in the other. The woke and anti-woke are both problematic. As Matt said earlier about the false dicotomy of Republicans and Democrats... I agree. They are the same, just different versions of it.

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