I’ve been thinking a lot about trust lately and why we trust people, so I wanted to give this book another read. I remember really liking this book but couldn’t remember why. While this book wasn’t the one I was thinking of, it’s a fantastic book about trust and technology. Rachel Botsman is regularly studying the intersection of trust and technology, and it’s a pretty interesting book. She writes about why we’re so willing to trust complete strangers in this world of Uber, Airbnb and similar tech services. It’s kind of crazy when you think about it, so it’s cool that Rachel explains what the research says about why we trust and why we lose trust.

There are also some crazy stories in here like the Uber driver who went on a shooting spree and how it didn’t stop people from getting an Uber in the area. That’s just one story that really stands out, but there are a ton. This is a super interesting book that brings up a lot of great questions and will definitely get you thinking.

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