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  • From www.therewiredsoul.com

Once again, I’ve had success and luck on the mind, which makes me think about the randomness of outcomes. So, I decided to give this book another read since it’s been a couple years, and it’s just as fantastic as the first time I read it. Leonard Mlodinow does such an excellent job explaining how randomness is involved with everything from personal success to the the success of companies, movies, books, and so many other things we don’t give a second thought. He highlights how people are rewarded or punished based on these outcomes, but randomness is rarely ever considered.

If you haven’t read this book yet, you’ll walk away absolutely baffled at how often we’re sold on this deterministic idea that things happened the way they should have. The reality is that randomness is doing it’s thing. To end the book Mlodinow dives into some social psychology research about how we judge a person’s worth by their status or wealth, and that is a major issue because most people were either dealt a bad hand or an extremely lucky hand.

There are some points in the book where the math off probabilities goes way over my head, but anyone can easily follow along with this book. Get this book if you haven’t yet, and if you have it, give it another read. I’ve actually been teaching my son about some of the topics from this book.

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