I love books about self-deception and irrationality, so when I heard about this book, I had to read it. I was personally unfamiliar with Stuart Vyse’s work, but I’m officially a fan. Although he’s a psychologist who writes about skepticism and people who believe weird things, it’s great to see someone like this write a book about the uses of delusions. It’s easy to see people who have delusional thinking as unintelligent or irrational, but that’s not always the case. We obviously evolved this way for a reason, so Stuart breaks down why some delusions might be useful.

This book covers so many great topics, and that’s why I enjoyed it more than some other books on the same topic. Vyse covers relationships, dealing with grief, self-confidence, brainwashing, and so many more interesting subjects in this book. He turns to the research and and gives an honest take on whether or not certain types of delusions are harming or helping us. I can’t recommend this book enough, and I will most likely be reading it again.

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