Do you see the gap? The disconnect between how politicians and media downplay the risks of #LongCovid compared to what the emerging science says? I do, and for the sake of my friends and family, I want to do something about it. And I need your help.

The gaslighting is intense. Do you feel it? That desperation to go back to 2019, especially for the vast majority of folks who have already weathered their first Covid infection? For so many, happily, it didn't seem that bad! Maybe there's nothing to this pandemic after all?

I'm no doctor. "Just a dad," desperate to give my <5yo kids the modest protection of that first vaccine and wondering "will it stave off the potentially life-long consequences of infection for me and my kids?" I've had to come to terms with the answer: it's not that simple.

And yet, it's so painful: to see evidence that repeated Covid infection leads to a weakened immune system and ever-worsening damage to the brain, heart, lungs, liver, and much more. It's worse still to not know how to credibly convey this conclusion to those you care about.

Perhaps you, like me, worry about coming off like a crackpot conspiracy theorist when you point to a set of studies you found via Twitter as a rationale for social (and literal) isolation. Surely if it were truly that bad, some of us reason, the government would do something?

But in this "choose your own adventure" phase of the pandemic, our leaders agreed, nearly without exception, to let the chips of this "mass disabling event" fall where they may. Do your loved ones have the right data to make decisions of perhaps life-long consequence? Do you?

This is our mission: build a #LongCovid Research Databank with studies that paint an accurate, "hopium"-free portrait of the risks we face from endless Covid exposure. Summarize the findings with language that's easily understood and accessible to all.

Only by showing friends and family that it is in *everyone's* self-interest to stop the spread of Covid (grounded in justified, evidence-based concerns) can we create a society safe for the immunocompromised, for all those we love with "comorbidities" ... and for ourselves.

And only through looking at the science can we start to understand that prior Covid infection may *itself* be the "comorbidity" that leads to worse outcomes next time. I've seen nothing to suggest "let it rip" is more than a giant, endless game of Russian roulette. Have you?

If this mission speaks to you — if you're inspired to help further public understanding of the risks of #LongCovid — join me and my allies at @TheWHN in building a resource to help everyone (even the skeptical!) truly "follow the science" to a healthier future for all.

We already have a strong community at @TheWHN, co-founded by @yaneerbaryam and @DrEricDing and joined by hundreds of advocates and scientists to meet the challenge of saving lives, livelihoods, and liberty with a science-based pandemic response.

It’s fantastic if you have scientific, medical, communications, or web design/development expertise to bring to this community, but ALL volunteers are welcome. We encourage anyone who's interested to join us regardless of background or how much time you have to participate.

Share your contact info with us here. We’ll reach out to introduce you to @TheWHN and discuss how you might best contribute to our #LongCovid Research Databank project. You can also reach me via DM with any questions. I very much hope you'll join us.

You can also join me in advocating for access to vaccines for our kids under 5yo by following @ImmunizeUnder5s. Learn more and join our community of parents and pediatricians at

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