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You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover And Develop Those Riches

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"Everyone is born rich, sometimes we are a little short of cash" Bob Proctor.

Drawing from 45 years in the area of thinking, reason, the will, memory, intuition and imagination, Bob Proctor talks you through how to realise your inner-millionaire.

270 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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Bob Proctor

236 books352 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews
Profile Image for Andrea Samadi.
18 reviews29 followers
February 6, 2012
So how did a book change my life? Well, I was a school teacher in Toronto, Canada, and had no idea who Bob Proctor was, or what the personal development movement was. It was a chance meeting with a neighbor, who was Proctor's Director of Sales, that inspired my passion for personal development and youth leadership, and led me to a very unique path of self-discovery. When I asked my neighbor what he did for a living, he handed me this book, You Were Born Rich, and I read it that weekend, and saw that I had so much potential that I was not using. I decided to quit my job as a teacher, and go and work for Proctor's Director of Sales. This was back in 1996.

This book taught me the foundation of everything I would need to understand to change my life; The Law of Attraction and Vibration, How to Have a Razor's Edge, and how to be a Risk Taker.

So here I am 12 years later, and my life is so different. It all started out when I spoke to my quiet neighbour, who he handed me this book. I know that I was destined to do so much more with my life, and this book was my first step! Also, working in the offices with Bob Proctor and his staff, I can tell you first hand, that anyone who properly applies the concepts, will change their life forever. I saw and witnessed success stories time after time again, of people who put in the effort, and were able to reap the rewards with their life.
Profile Image for JJ Khodadadi.
439 reviews109 followers
June 1, 2023
جذابیت کتاب همون اوایلش بود که میگفت مواظب باشید درمورد کتاب با کسی که نظرش درمورد این مطالب منفیه صحبت نکنید که یه وقت نظرتونو نسبت به ما منفی نکنه :)))) خیلی کتاب مزخرفی بود. نسخه صوتی کتاب رو گوش دادم
September 10, 2012
For those who are looking for a road map to start building a new life that you can dream about it is a must read book.Study it! Don't skip the exercises - they are the key to changes that you will make in your life to get where you want to be.
Profile Image for Gabi Cutayar.
29 reviews9 followers
January 11, 2012
If you believe that you have limitless potential, and you believe that you create your own life experience, then this is a must read.
Proctor takes your through the mindset and thought patterns you need to attain the life you want. I enjoy the way he gives examples from people he has met, and how he talks about his own experiences to illustrate the points he makes.
It lends itself to be re-read a few times. Definitely one I will read again.
Profile Image for Jason.
16 reviews4 followers
May 1, 2014
This was a great book. It was full of powerful anecdotes and examples to teach, encourage and remind that we get out of life what we think about and what we focus on. Great ideas in this book. Will read again next year.
Profile Image for Janique.
30 reviews
April 28, 2013
Whoha!!! I strongly recommend not only reading the book but find a seminar and attend it - life changing stuff!
Profile Image for Isaac Samuel Miller.
Author 4 books66 followers
December 20, 2019
I really like this book by Bob Proctor. I’ve read so many books until I am honestly forgetting to upload my reviews, but here are my thoughts.

I’ve watched a lot of Bob Proctor’s videos and I’ve listened to a plethora of his speeches as well. I think the premise of this book accurately nurtures the mindset that’s necessary to spring forth the required actions that we need, especially if you’re serious about the attainment of your goals.

I love his analogies for illustrating the law of frequency and vibration. We all are truly “Born Rich”, and if you want to know why, then I suggest you read this fabulous book.

I highly recommend this book. -Isaac Samuel Miller (Author of, Just Get Up And Manifest Your Inner Genius) www.isaacsmiller.com
Profile Image for Danijel.
479 reviews12 followers
March 7, 2012
Dobil sem avdio knjigo oz. posnetek seminarja BORN RICH. Večkrat slišano, vendar so zanimivi primeri dani. Najbolj me je fasciniral naslednji primer (upam, da sem znal povzeti in pravilno napisati):

"little black boy went to the fair. There was a man who were selling balloons. He pump white balloons and let it go. Then he pump red balloons and let it go. Then he pump yellow balloon and let it go into the air. A little boy ask a man: 'Mister, can a black balloon fly.' The nam answer: 'any balloo can fly. It not matter whats on outside, but whats on the inside!'
Profile Image for Christine.
9 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2010
I am doing a mastermind group with this book. Love it! Powerful! I re-read the chapters all the time. It goes beyond the conversation of money and prosperity and tackles our innate strength.
Profile Image for Lucas Robak.
Author 11 books22 followers
January 14, 2018
After watching his videos for over a decade, I felt like Bob Proctor was talking directly to me. What I truly loved about this book was that Mr. Proctor didn't waste any space by citing a bunch of sources, he is the source. Everything is "common sense" and written so elegantly that gradeschoolers can understand all the concepts (some words I had to look up). This is a book that I'll be reading every year from here on out. So happy I finally got around to finally reading his material rather than just watching it!!
Profile Image for Allison.
307 reviews5 followers
July 20, 2020
I love Bob Proctor and truly believe that he wishes well for all of humanity. Positive, and motivating, You Were Born Rich, is a must read for those interested in self development. Keep in mind, being "Rich" is not about money only...it is about being fulfilled in all areas of your life as well as having a clear vision for what you want to do with your time on this planet.
Profile Image for Gil Bradshaw.
410 reviews3 followers
November 14, 2017
I would probably give this 3.5 stars instead of four. This is classic self-help motivational stuff. I listened to the Audible version and I can't imagine actually reading it. This was recommended to me by a life coach named Marco Lopez.

These seminars can cost upwards of $10,000 and you can buy it for almost nothing on audible.

I believe in the power of positive thinking. I believe in goals. I believe in a lot of the things talked about in the book but Proctor says these techniques work because of our brain chemistry which I don't think he actually knows. It's OK if we don't know why something works. We don't need to explain it cerebrally or scientifically. Whenever he did that I rolled my eyes. I can't figure out why I didn't adore this book. I deeply believe in the principles he discusses, but I think the fact that Proctor always told the people in the seminar that they could all drive Cadillacs or become wealthy if they applied the principles made me want to take a shower. It made me feel dirty and cheapened the seminar. The goal with self-help in my mind should be improvement of self-mastery or intellectual and spiritual progression and not to drive a Cadillac. Ew.

There is a lot of good content here. He mainly breaks down Napoleon Hill's material into different bite-sized concepts that he puts into discrete action items.

I'll give Proctor another chance.
Profile Image for Steffany.
42 reviews
February 27, 2011
The very very best book I read which improved greatly my life and mostly multiply my business income. This is the book I hare reread the most often and some chapter I read again. One of the chapter is suggested to be read 100 times, do it and watch the change in your life. When I got that book, many many many years ago, I also got the many audio tapes and video tapes and listen and watched them. Bob Proctor is to me the very best motivator there is.
Profile Image for Judy Phin.
91 reviews14 followers
October 10, 2020
This audiobook is based on a recording of a two day workshop, it's important to also complete the activity book that you are able to download with it. This was only my first time listening to the whole workshop, i'll be going through it a second time to complete the activities. There are some extremely valuable shifts in thinking that are necessary for an abundant mindset, unearthing any limiting thinking that you may not be conscious of having.

Bob Proctor is fun to listen to, very inspiring and motivating! I've been adopting some of his habits of thinking and still yet to learn everything I can from the work shop.

I recommend it for anyone feeling stuck, wanting to change up their thinking in a more positively geared direction.
Profile Image for Zachary Wrightsman.
40 reviews9 followers
December 8, 2019
A great book that I would put right next to “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Science of Getting Rich” and “The Richest Man in Babylon”. All these books were referenced and I would suggest you read them as well if you haven’t already done so. Bob Proctor does a great job at telling the stories on how to apply the principles he has. This book is for sale on amazon for $60 at this current time. If you have the desire to read it for free as I did it won’t but take a simple google search.
Profile Image for Paul Bard.
867 reviews
November 17, 2021
The first four chapters are an inspired masterpiece, but the chapters on risk taking and not thinking about the past are totally redundant, and seem like a totally other book. The last chapter, about throwing stuff out, is positively half-baked.

Strongly recommend reading the first half and DNF on the rest. The first half is brilliant, compelling, and profound.
Profile Image for Vaios.
309 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2023
Σκουπίδι. Τελευταίο βιβλίο αυτοβελτιωσης που διαβαζω. Πλεον ολοι βγαζουν μια μπουρδα που λένε αερολογιες και γίνονται εκατομμυριούχοι. Στον καδο των αχρήστων κατευθείαν. Καμία θέση στο ράφι της βιβλιοθήκης μου.
Author 9 books46 followers
July 27, 2021
I'll never get tired of books like this.

I'm not focused on confirming every detail. I had a football coach who used to talk like this to me. Whether he was right on everything or not was not my concern. The man gave me a rocket pack. He convinced me I could do anything if I worked hard and smart enough.

Guys like Bob Proctor get my mind in the zone. Robert Cialdini discussed in Presuasion about how, to his surprise, something as simple as motivational posters could make people work longer. I guess this is my booster.

He definitely reframed a few things in my mind which were helpful. Good performance coach.
Profile Image for Linh Chi.
129 reviews35 followers
February 5, 2023
Nếu bạn tin rằng bạn có tiềm năng vô hạn và bạn tin rằng bạn tạo ra trải nghiệm sống của riêng mình, thì đây là cuốn sách nên đọc. Tác giả hướng dẫn bạn cách tư duy và lối suy nghĩ để đạt được cuộc sống mà bạn mong muốn. Tớ thích cách tác giả đưa ra ví dụ từ những người mà mình đã gặp và cách tác giả nói về kinh nghiệm của bản thân để minh họa cho những luận điểm được đưa đưa ra. Chắc tớ sẽ đọc lại quyển này một lần nữa.
Profile Image for Ramy.
1,203 reviews783 followers
May 18, 2023
الكتاب هو كتاب تنمية بشرية ...ليس له علاقة ب البيزنس و الثروة و المال ..اللهم فى بعض فقرات متفرقة محدودة
...يقتبس الكثير من جمل و فقرات كتاب
علم اقتناء الثروة و اللى انا اصلا معجبنيش و مقتنعتش بيه ..كان مجرد موضوع تعبير كبير ..

نصائح المال :
= اخراج ال��ال عن التداول يفقده قيمته ...تخيل تدخر مليون ج ف شنطة و تدفنها ل 10-20 سنة هذا المال بدون قيمة طوال فترة دفنه و قد يصبح بدون قيمة أيضا عند خروجه "قد تكون العملة تم تغييرها" و حتى إن لم تتغير سيكونو قد فقدوا جزء كبير من "قيمتهم"..
= خطط ان تحيا لا تموت قريبا لا تنتحر .. احلم.. حدد ميزانية احلامك ..خطط و ادفع لنفسك اولاً بصفة دورية.
اعمل من اجل هدفك المالي "بفلوسك أو بناس يعملوا تحت إمرتك" ..وجود ثروة متراكمة مما تدفعه لنفسك أولا تجعلك اكثر هدؤا و صفاءاً
= دخلك ..اقتصد في نفاقاتك ..عش على 70% من الدخل 10 % للادخار ثم الاستثمار و 20% لسداد الديون القديمة بالتوازي حسب نسبة كلا منهم او بالتوالي بدءا ب الأعلى فائدة و بذلك تعيش مطمئن على حاضرك 70% و 10% على مستقبلك و 20 % على ماضيك ..
= الناس تصنف مالياً 3 مجموعات ..1 العجز ..الديون "الدخل اقل من الانفاق"
2 نقطة التعادل " الدخل تقريبا مثل الانفاق" 3 الفائض.." الدخل اكثر من الانفاق"
= ف المجموعتين 1 و 2 لو تظن ان زيادة الدخل هي الحل تكون واهم ... لان مثل ذلك الشخص المديون او المتعادل ..عادات انفاقه هي التي تسببت في هذا الوضع ... يكسب 800 ينفق 900 او 800 ...و لو كسب فجاءة 1000 سينفق 1100-1000 ليظل في نفس الوضع..
الحل هو محاولة ترشيد و ضبط و تدوين ثم تقليل الانفاق حتى مع ثبات الدخل ...

نصائح التنمية البشرية:
= إن عشت خائف من فقد المال او في عقلية ضحية المال الفقير...ستعيش فقيرا بالفعل لن يأتيك أي مال..
= لا تصدق نصائح المحيطين بك بخصوص المال و بخاصة ان كانو فقراء , ثقك في نفسك و حدسك
= هناك أناس تظن انه لان حسابهم البنكي صفر فهم فقراء و سيظلو فقراء فيظلو بالفعل فقراء "حلقة مفرغة",
و هناك أناس يعرفو ان حسابهم البنكي الصفر لا يعبر بالضرورة عن حالتهم الذهنية و النفسية ولاحقا يصنعوا الفلوس فلا يصبح الحساب صفر"يكسرو الحلقة المفرغة"
= لكي تحقق الشيء ..نجاح درسي ..مالي ..عقارات ..يجب ان تتخيل الصورة الكاملة ..تتخيل نفسك ناجح ..تتخيل نفسك مالك العقار الفلاني , لا يمكنك انجاز شيء لم تتخيل صورته الكاملة في ذهنك مقدما .لصناعة اول كرسي تم اختراعه ..كان للنجار الأول ان يتخيل شكل الكرسي كاملا و يتخيل نفسه جالسا عليه و مرتفع عن الأرض و مرتاح على ظهر الكرسي و مسانده ..ثم يبدأ في صناعته بناءا على ما تخيله و تصوره ..لم يكن حتى اسم الكرسي موجود ..هو اطلق على الشىء الذى تصوره و تخيله ذو الأربع ارجل و ظهر ..اسماه "كرسي" ...
= قدرتك على صنع صورة و تخيلها و الاحتفاظ بها في عقلك الباطن + قدرتك على الايمان بالله .. لا حدود لهم حتى و إن لم تتصور انت نفسك ذلك
كـ قصة اللمبة تماما كالبيت الذى دخلته الكهربا و ركب الزوج لمبة قوة 8 شمعة ...و حينما جاءه بائع يبيع لمبات بقوة 20 شمعة سخر منه و قال أترى ستكون اقوى من اللمبة الحالية ؟حتى و إن كانت غالبا ستحتاج لكهرباء "اكثر" ؟ و كم كانت دهشة الرجل و زوجته حينما جرب لهم البائع اللمبة ذات ال 20 شمعة و كم انبهروا بضوئها الساطع رغم انه يعمل نفس سلك التيار الكهربائي...كذلك نحن يمكن ان يكون بين نفس جنبات ضلوعنا ايمان و ثقة و حلم اكبر مما نحن نعتقد انه يمكن ان نحلم او نتخيل ..
= لا يمكنك التفاوض مع عقلك اللاواعي، لأن اللاواعي ليس لديه مفهوم عن العدالة، ولا مفهوم للفكاهة، ولا يستطيع تحديد ما هو جيد أو سيء بالنسبة لك. كل صورة موجودة بالنسبة للعقل اللاواعي. لذلك، سيتم قبول صورك السلبية والمقلقة والمشكوك فيها بنفس السرعة والاستعداد الذي سيتم فيه قبول صورك للرخاء.
= الطبيعة دائما ما تنجح لانها لاتفكر في شيء الا النمو و النجاح ... ليست لديها اية أفكار سلبية او شكوك
فكر في بذرة البلوط ...انت متأكد – و البذرة - انها ستنمو الى شجرة كبيرة عملاقة .
نظرتك اليها و هي بذرة في راحة يدك يتطلب منك الايمان انها سوف تتحول لشجرة ...
هى لا تعرف الا ذلك الفعل بمجرد دفنها في الأرض تبدأ بجمع كل مقومات النجاح باتجاهها ...الماء الهواء الشمس فيتامينات التربة..و تستمر في عملها بدون ذرة شك واحد انها ستنمو الى شجرة بلوط ..و هو ما يحصل بنهاية الامر..
= بدراسة سلوك وحياة الطيارين في الحرب العالمية الثانية ...وجد ان الطيارين المتحفظين على حياتهم كانوا الأكثر اعداداً ضمن القتلى ..بينما عاش غلب الطيارين المخاطرين...
= مبدأ "حد الموس" ..الشعرة .. في سباق ال 100 متر الفائز الأول فقط متقدم عن الثاني ب 0.1 ثانية اسرع..فى سباق الخيل الحصان الفائز ب جائز المركز الأول مليون دولار تقدم عن حصان المركز الثاني الفائز ب 500 الف ...تقدم عليه فقط ب مقدمة انفه ..فلان بدأ مشروع و لم يصبرعليه و اغلقه ,و فلان اكمل نفس المشروع لينتهى به المطاف يكسب الالاف شهريا.. الفارق بين الناجح و الفاشل ليس كبير او بعيد كما يخيل لك ذهنك..
=مبدأ " خطوة واحدة أبعد.." للمدرب الأجنبي فنس لومباردي...لو فلان يعمل يوميا 8 ساعات لمدة 22 يوم عمل "شهر" .. يعني يعمل 176 ساعة
و عملت انت 8.5 ساعة يوميا بنهاية الشهر ستكون عملت 176+11 ساعة ...فرق صغير مستمر يصنع في النهاية فرق كبير...
= فكر في "كيف يمكننا" بدلا من " لماذا لا يمكننا"

ملخص الكتاب:

الكتاب القادم : The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
Profile Image for Karl.
Author 2 books14 followers
February 26, 2015
Yes, “You Were Born Rich” does provide ways in which we can change our thinking to create more physical wealth in our lives; however, Bob Proctor also provides a superb transition from some of the earlier books on the power of thought & the Law of Attraction, written by some of the pioneers in the genre; people like Prentice Mulford, James Allen, Robert Collier etc. by adding some of his personal wisdom and a modern perspective. This is to say that the principles you will read about in “You Were born Rich” are ancient and timeless, the grammar and the context used by some of the earlier authors in this genre can be a little dated; whereas, Bob Proctor’s book puts it into context for the modern era.

Originally released in the 1980’s, long before the recent resurgence in Law of Attraction literature, “You Were Born Rich” can re-ignite our divine spark by reminding us that we all have an immense power within us – the power of thought.

Bob Proctor reminds us that, “Through the years, history has recorded the results of great visionaries. In fact, everything ever accomplished was at first, and for a time, nothing more than an image held in the mind of the architect. Realize, now, that you too are the ‘mental architect’ of your own destiny” and if we aren’t happy with our current reality we have to start by changing our thoughts, “If you sincerely wish to change or improve your results in your physical world, you must change your thoughts and you must change them immediately.”

Furthermore, as the wise have cautioned throughout history, we are forewarned about the negative effects of fear, “A mind ‘saturated’ with fear of failure or images of unwanted results, can no more accomplish, create, or produce anything of value, than a stone can violate the law of gravity by flying upwards in the air;” and this eventually leads us to the concept that “…we hold on to old ideas and old things, because we lack faith in our ability to obtain new ideas and new things. This of course, leads to a condition of insecurity, which stems, at its root, from an inability to understand who, and what, you are. And, a lack of awareness of your true relationship with the infinite power will always leave you with a distorted image of yourself.”

Of course, being aware that we have power and being aware of those things that can drain our power make up only a small part of the material, the largest portion of “You Were Born Rich” is dedicated to how we can reclaim, and make use of, our inherent power. Although there is far more information in the book than I can include here, some of the significant discussions center around the power of: visualization, expectation and the subconscious mind. Essentially, “any idea, plan or purpose may be planted in the subconscious mind by repetition of thought empowered by faith and expectancy.”

And, speaking of repetition of thought, the ideas in this book will only work when we understand the material at a deep level, not just at the surface, intellectual level, so it may require more than one read to get the full benefit. Thankfully, Bob Proctor has made this a very readable book and readers will likely enjoy the information regardless of how many times they read it: I know I will.
Profile Image for Desiree Finkbeiner.
Author 7 books85 followers
September 9, 2013
As an NLP practitioner, this was excellent material to build ideas from. Though some of their key phrases were semantically different than those used in NLP training, they're essentially the same. He talks about 'conditioning' and 'habits', and I generally use terms like 'programming' or 'imprinting'. We're all born a clean slate and 'programmed' how to think by our environment. Before the age of reason, we simply accept what we are told until they become beliefs so deeply rooted that it is very difficult for most people to unlearn the old patters and habits they have formed from their imprinted thinking patterns. Proctor explains in detail how to rethink our lives, how to examine our thoughts and how to create new neuro pathways which will in turn create new habits and new circumstances. I know these methods work because I use them in my practice with my clients. This is the real deal. Worth a read for ANYONE stuck in a comfort zone or in a negative thought prison.
Profile Image for Tikiri Herath.
Author 36 books317 followers
January 11, 2020
Probably one of the most important books I've read, only a few notches below Viktor Frankl's venerable book, Man's Search for Meaning. It took two readings to realise there's so more to these lessons than meets the eye. Yes, everything made sense and there was nothing new, but this book opened my eyes to certain mindsets I hold that keep me down. This was an eye-opening read.
Profile Image for Kojo Baffoe.
Author 4 books36 followers
September 1, 2014
Reading this book pushed me to make certain decisions that I had been procrastinating on. The understanding that a lot of the limits in our lives come from the limitations we place on our thinking is an important one. Operating from a place of fear results in constant fear of failure and the manifestation of failure. Definitely a book I will be using as a handbook of sorts, constantly going back over ideas and implementing. For some, this is some wishy-washy mumbo jumbo but what's the worst that could happen - one is proved wrong?
Profile Image for Alissa.
1,273 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2017
I wasn't so sure about this book at first. But as the chapters went on I was able to find great advice to help me achieve my goals in life. A couple of good quotes..."Keep your mind on a higher image rather than a lower concern," and "Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews

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