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When the Machine Made Art

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Considering how culturally indispensable digital technology is today, it is ironic that computer-generated art was attacked when it burst onto the scene in the early 1960s. In fact, no other twentieth-century art form has elicited such a negative and hostile response. When the Machine Made Art examines the cultural and critical response to computer art, or what we refer to today as digital art. Tracing the heated debates between art and science, the societal anxiety over nascent computer technology, and the myths and philosophies surrounding digital computation, Taylor is able to identify the destabilizing forces that shape and eventually fragment the computer art movement.

352 pages, Paperback

First published April 10, 2014

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Profile Image for Artur Coelho.
2,396 reviews65 followers
July 18, 2021
Uma história da arte computacional, que é em si uma história da incapacidade de aceitação de uma vertente de expressão artística pela critica e academia. Desde o final dos anos 50 que há artistas que se dedicam a explora o potencial artístico da frieza da computação, desenvolvendo algoritmos, máquinas de desenho e experiências estéticas que se focam no cerne matemático da computação. Mas, apesar de um breve lampejo de visibilidade com a lendária exposição Cybernetic Serendipity, nunca saíram de uma espécie de ghetto artístico.

Em parte, porque o establishment artistico dos anos 70 e 80 os rejeitou (por ironia, a computer art é tão abstrata e cerebral como os movimentos minimalistas que caracterizaram esses tempos), mas também porque a sua abordagem artística, iterativa, algorítmica, focada na combinação de programação, hardware e matemática, era vista como uma prática demasiado investigativa. Entretanto, com a democratização da computação deu-se a explosão das artes digitais, um umbrella term que captura um pouco de tudo, do 3D ao digital painting ou net art. E, mesmo assim, a computer art continuou um nicho algo obscuro, hoje visto como a génese da arte generativa.

Este retrato de uma vertente artística cerebral e condenada vale pelo percurso histórico que nos mostra, falando-nos dos seus principais praticantes, enquadrando-os nas práticas artísticas contemporâneas.
Profile Image for Erik Nauman.
12 reviews
June 14, 2019
This book filled in a gap in my art history knowledge (which has many more gaps yet to be filled) about the history of computer art. The thread of schools and movements unravels at the end, in the 80s, and is hard to follow. But that doesn't seem so important because the point is more that it turns out the computer itself can't be an art genre, and does not hold its own as a medium, but just one among many ways to make visual art. One small mistake the author makes is including Bruce Nauman among many artists in the 60s who used computers to make art. He did make films but did not use computers.
Profile Image for Christopher Ried.
49 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2021
The book does a good job and brings a broader context on the rub of "computer art" and contemporary art. For a fair amount of the new era, it was too new to know what should be done with computer art. However, we are 60+ years after the fact that the first proto-artists started creating digital art and we have yet been able to create a new framework of aesthetics and critique which I believe is one of the underlying points to history.
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