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Power Questions - Build Relationships, Win New Business and Influence Others

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Excellent Book

205 pages, Hardcover

First published January 5, 2012

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Andrew C. Sobel

14 books16 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
44 reviews3 followers
June 3, 2012
This book has no redeeming value. The questions are obvious or insipid. The commentary is drivel. It refers to Socrates having "started his class" with a question?!? Please, authors, read a Platonic dialogue before you spout off about it. The author claims Chuck Colson is his "hero." OK, nothing wrong with second chances -- even though the man was craven and paranoid enough to co-author Nixon's enemy list in 1971 -- but that man had the nerve to sign a theological "justification" in 2002 that gave cover to one of the most disastrous and immoral foreign policy blunders in US history: the unprompted invasion of Iraq, an impoverished country, for political expediency and with divisive intent. Some hero! Well, enough ad hominem. The substance of the book is paltry: I don't even want to calculate how many cents I paid per word (for the discounted digital version even). The "power questions" are neither thoughtful questions nor especially powerful. Unless your dialogue partner is one of the flabbergasting-ly pompous "success stories" that the authors restrict their conversations to. Frankly, Jesus would cry and Socrates would laugh at the people this author congratulates (or is that brown-noses) throughout the vapid tale of how to get egotists to open up more about their egos!
Profile Image for Nguyen Huu Anh Vu.
124 reviews9 followers
May 10, 2019
The message of this book is strong "Ask better questions to gain insights to a problem, to force you to think, to deepen relationship or to alleviate a situation".
I love all the POWER questions that the book propose and their stories behind those questions. They are practical; some can be applied right away.
The authors also carefully include a summary section after each chapter. Neat!

To look at it from another side, this can fall into self-help category but instead of dry advises on how to live your life, the book gives you advises on question format.
E.g. Does what you want to do match with your values, goals? (Other self-help book: Advise on life value). How does your perfect day look like? (Other self-help book: Advise on visualization)...
Just like most of the self-help books, they discuss life at an overall level, with random poke at details. I would love to see more on different situations the question can be applied or where it is failed to be applied.
Overall, it is just another self-help book with a question"-able" twist.
Profile Image for Ziad  Mahmoud.
88 reviews39 followers
October 12, 2019
يقول عمنا و أستاذنا سقراط العظيم في مقولته الشهيرة :
"تكلم حتى آراك"
ولكن أوقات كتير بيكون سبب عبثية الحورات و الكلام بسبب عدم معرفة كيفية طرح الاسئلة في الاساس .
فـ الكتاب ده جيد جدا فعلا في تنويرك لكيفية طرح السؤال
كيف و متى و أين !
على حسب مختلف المواقف المختلفة سواء كانت إجتماعية أو فردية
في أماكن العمل و شغل الـ HR
أو في العلاقات عموما في التعارف و حل لـ مشكلة فتح المواضيع .
الكتاب في حاجات كتير بديهية و لكن أنت بالفعل محتاج حد يفكرك بالبديهيات لأن الناس بدأت تتكلم بشكل بغبائي .
و لـو هو كله هيتكلم ! أومال مين الـ هيسأل و يسمع !
فـ ياريت نكتر من الناس الـ بتسمع و بتسأل اسئلة جيدة ..
و صدقني أنت ممكن تغير حياة شخص بمجرد سؤال
مش نصحية مباشرة ( و ده الـ كان بيعمله أستاذنا سقراط ) ..
الكتاب : 215 صفحة
ترجمة : أنور الشامي
و موجود PDF ...
Profile Image for Ahmed Saad.
24 reviews
May 3, 2020
كتاب جيد
العلاقات الفعالة
اغلب الامور نعرفها ومنها البديهي لكن لا نعرف اهميتها وكيف يمكن الاستفادة منها وجعلها فعالة هذا الكتاب يذكرنا بها ويضرب امثلة تجعلنا ندركها بشكل اكثر إفادة لنا.

المحيطين بك بجودتهم ليس بكثرة عددهم، بتنوعهم واختلافهم عنك ليس بتشابههم بك.

مناسب للمُسوقين والمديرين واصحاب الاعمال ولجميع المهتمين بتحسين جودة معارفهم وبناء علاقات فعالة.
Profile Image for Ahmed Hassan.
128 reviews186 followers
December 27, 2022
الكتاب طلع حلو ومفيد على خلاف ما كنت متوقع .. والصراحة كل سؤال ذكره ملهم ومحفز جداا انه يغير من طريقة تفكيرك وطريقة تعاملك مع الاخرين بشكل اكثر كفاءة وبذكاء

وعجبني التلخيص بعد كل فصل وازاي تستخدم السؤال بطرق مختلفة في الحياة العملية

واحلى حاجة في الكتاب انك هتلاقيك بتخلصه من غير ما تحس بسبب سهولة الطرح وتحية للمترجم
Profile Image for mai Khaled.
133 reviews6 followers
March 12, 2022
إذا علمت أنه لم يبقَ لك سوي ثلاث سنوات في الحياة،فما الذي تأمل أن تحققه خلالها شخصيًا ومهنيًا ؟؟

من اكتر الاسئلة الملهمة في الكتاب وطبعا في غيرها كتير حقيقي الكتب رائع وقيم ويستحق القراءة
فكرة الكتاب شقائمة على طرح الأسئلة في مختلف المواقف وخاصة الأسئلة الفعالة ((يعني في هدف من السؤال عايز توصل له مش مجرد سؤال والسلام )) زي اي مثلا
زي أسئلة تخص
١/الفوز بصفقات جديدة مثال ما السر وراء إتمام البيع ؟
2/عقد اجتماعات أولى مجدية مثال
ما الذي سيكون مفيدًا لك أن تعرفه عن شركتنا ؟
3/خلق الحاجة والطلب مثال
في رأيك كم سيكلفك ذلك ؟
او ماجدوى إصلاح ذلك في رأيك ؟
4/مناقشة مقترح مثال
احس لديك بعض التردد هل بوسعك أن توضح لي السبب وراء ذلك ؟
وغيرها من المواقف والاسئلة
_قبل الالتقاء بعميل أسئلة توجهها لنفسك
-بناء علاقات
التواصل الشخصي
فهم أولويات الطرف الاخر
تقيم مقترح أو فكرة جديدة
الكتاب ده لمين الكتب ده لشخص بيحاول يتعلم فن الحوار والمناقشة وطرح الأسئلة وفتح مواضيع قيمة وترك اثر طيب في نفوس الاخرين
من المميز برضوا في الكتاب
ان بعد كل فصل في زي ملخص صفحة كده فيها السؤال وتعريف الموقف اللي ممكن اطرح فيه السؤال
وامتي اوجه السؤال ده ؟
وصياغان اخرى لنفس السؤال
وكذلك اسئلة اخري للمتابعة
العيب الوحيد بالنسبة بالنسبة لي في الكتاب هي بعض القصص التي لم توصل المعني او الهدف اوي من سردها وكانت حشو على الفاضي انما غير كده في قصص كويسة بتوصل المعني بشكل لطيف جدا 👌💯
Profile Image for Veselin Nikolov.
599 reviews81 followers
February 28, 2018
I'm on a quest to look for answers and in order to get the right answer, we need to use an appropriate question. Otherwise, we might end up with a 42, be ignored, see the other person check their phone, lose a client, or be unhappy.

This book is about questions that make the person we're talking to, talking back to us. It suggests to use open-ended empathetic questions and to prepare for important conversations. We should not insult a client with things we could google 5 min before the meeting. This is all kind of common sense but is, in any case, an interesting and not very long summary. The author had the chance to talk to some very successful people.

It was very entertaining and I kept some notes that I'll read again in the future.
18 reviews
January 24, 2020
This is a great quick primer with useful questions for anyone whose work involves engagement or anyone who wants to develop relationships. It is not overwhelmingly deep, but it is worth 3-4 hours of reading. I tested some in a conversation today and I was pleased with the outcome.
31 reviews
October 3, 2020
Powerful book. Must read. Provides a toolkit to build relationships in business and life. easy read.
Profile Image for Bohdan.
158 reviews6 followers
April 2, 2023
Забагато дуже питань, у яких надто цінності. Давно не було відчуття кожен розділ, що книга може стати у пригоді
1 review1 follower
June 22, 2012
Power Questions is a highly engaging and practical book. It shows you how to use thoughtful questions to improve your conversations and really connect with other people. There's no conceptual blah-blah or blatant promotion of the authors' businesses. Each chapter highlights a real story and a question--or series of questions--that helped transform the conversation and/or the other person. This is a little gem. Highly recommended. By the way I read the other reviews before I bought this and Kaplan's is off-base and obviously colored by his political views. He refers to the characters the authors meet in the book as "pompous" success stories and "egotists"--hmmm...You may disagree with his politics, but Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship has demonstrably kept over 100,000 former prisoners from going back to a life of crime; Tom Monaghan sold Domino's pizza and gave the entire billion dollars away; and Bonnie McElveen-Hunter is Chair of the American Red Cross...he's out in left field on that one. Anyway, what I like is that the book is not simply a collection of questions--the authors show you how and when to use them. That's where the power lies. For example, they point out that "Why?" can be--in the right circumstances--a very powerful question; or, it can be a terrible question. One I liked in particular was the one Steve Jobs used to drive his engineers to higher and higher levels of performance: "Is this the best you can do?" They also talk about questions you should not use--for example, "What keeps you up at night?" (during a sales call) which is just a lazy, cliched question.
Profile Image for Chhun.
74 reviews45 followers
August 13, 2016
I found that most of the questions are hard to put into practice. Actually, we cannot ask all the critical thinking questions without a proper time because people hate thinking something complicated. Instead, I found some questions are useful to ask myself. For example, what would you do if weren't afraid? Or in average, Children ask 300 questions to 500 a day, so how many questions have you asked today? I might use such questions for myself everytime I am afraid or feeling stucked.
Profile Image for Amaya Smith.
12 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2018
This book is written by some evangelical Republicans but they don’t really let you know this until half way through. It wasn’t awful but it’s your typical sales marketing Amway guy stuff. See Take the Stairs and others. Either way it’s always good to be inquisitive. I’ve also read Humble Inquiry which us a little better but not by much. Quick read so nothing to lose. An even better read is the reviewer who gave him one star for butt kissing Nixon’s strategic.
Profile Image for Danny.
187 reviews3 followers
June 12, 2019
This book reminds me of searching for a recipe online. In the old days you look up a recipe and make it - now a days you have to scroll through paragraphs and paragraphs of personal reflections, stories and metaphors. This is a book that could have been a blog post. Most of the questions were common and the stories unhelpful. The list of questions at the back is really the only redeeming quality.
Profile Image for April.
125 reviews4 followers
February 9, 2013
This book didn't live up to my expectations. It was good, but I wanted to learn more than I did. Most of the questions seemed obvious and specific to rare occasions. I expected more useful information rather than stories.
January 8, 2015
For someone like me who asks questions for a living, it's always a bit confronting to realise we've been talking too much and not listening enough. This book is proving to be a great reminder to me about leaving space and getting to understand more from others.
Profile Image for Phubet Chitapanya.
22 reviews4 followers
July 14, 2018
ช่วงแรกๆ นั้นมีหลายๆ คำแนะนำที่น่าสนใจมากเลย สามารถนำไปประยุกต์ใช้ได้เยอะ แต่ช่วงหลังๆ ผมค่อนข้างเข้าถึงยาก อาจจะเพราะตัวผมเองไม่ได้ทำงานในวงการในธุรกิจ และภาษาที่ใช้ อาจจะเพราะประโยคที่ผู้แปล แปลออกมาช่วงหลังๆ ไม่ค่อยเข้าใจ และไม่คิดว่าภาษามันธรรมชาติซักเท่าไหร่
Profile Image for Ashley.
1 review2 followers
June 3, 2013
Best business/consulting book I've ever read. Great reminder to think outside the box when approaching everyday problems
Profile Image for Hisham El-Halwagy.
142 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2017
من اكتر الكتب الي قراتها قيمه علميه و أضافه لمخزوني الشخصي عرض المواقف و الاساله اكثر من ممتاز و ترجمة الكتابه ممتازة جدا
217 reviews7 followers
July 2, 2020
Great book! Lots of great questions that frame a good conversation between two people. I think the questions presented in this book allow for deeper thoughts and deeper connections. It reads alot like a reference. One we can use and reuse as different situations arise. I know I will be keeping close and refer to it before meetings and discussions with clients and teammates.

1-“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
2-“What would you like to know about us?” When someone asks us a question, we rarely ask them to clarify exactly what it is they want to know- great counter question
3-“How will this further your mission and goals?”
4-“The unexamined life is not worth living.” - Great comment on reflection
5-“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
6-He is committed to inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.
7-Relationships atrophy when you take them for granted. Don't just go through the motions! Treat your spouse or partner like a newlywed. Treat old clients like brand new ones. Greet a friend as if you haven't seen him in a year. Use this simple question—what are your dreams?—to show you care and to help reconnect people to their greatest longings.
8-We should have remembered Helmut Von Moltke's warning, “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.”
9-“What parts of your job do you wish you could spend more time on, and what things do you wish you could do less of?”
10-“If you had to write your obituary today, what would you like it to say about you and your life?”
11-“What decisions do we need to make today?” After every meeting, ask: “What have we decided today?”
12-Peter Drucker's five questions about Mission, People, Value, Expectations, and a Plan.
13-“What's the most important thing we should be discussing today?”
14-I tell them that a friend is someone who knows the song of your soul and sings it back to you when you've forgotten the words. Who are those friends and why aren't you seeing more of them now? How would you change your life?
15-‘What difference will your footsteps make a hundred years from now?’”

Profile Image for Jung.
1,352 reviews25 followers
February 27, 2024
"Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others" by Andrew Sobel & Jerold Panas is a guidebook that teaches the reader how to use strategic questions to enhance their professional and personal life. The book contains 12 real-life scenarios that illustrate the power of well-crafted questions in various contexts. Each scenario demonstrates how the right question, asked at the right time, can transform an ordinary interaction into a meaningful exchange and unlock new insights. The book is divided into four sections:

1. The art of effective questioning: This section focuses on the importance of asking the right questions in professional interactions. The authors provide examples of how a well-placed question can turn a presentation into an engaging dialogue, inspire a captivating story, or redirect a conversation that has gone off track.

2. Mastering the art of inquiry to foster deeper connections: This section highlights the transformative power of questions in enhancing relationships and communication. The authors provide examples of how asking the right questions can lead to deeper understanding, alignment with organizational values, and personal decision-making.

3. Personal growth and reflection: This section explores how introspective questioning can lead to growth and self-discovery. The authors provide examples of how asking reflective questions can guide personal transformation and align actions and relationships with core values and aspirations.

4. Enhancing leadership and influence: This section focuses on the role of questions in leadership. The authors provide examples of how asking strategic questions can inspire change, foster engagement, and drive decision-making in leadership contexts.

Overall, "Power Questions" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their questioning skills and transform the way they connect with others. The book provides practical advice and real-life examples that illustrate the power of questions in various contexts.
30 reviews
January 18, 2020
Questions are divided into three big categories, and each is illustrated with examples mostly from the author’s own experience, although some seem too “smooth” to serve the author’s argument that I doubt how real they are. Chapters are short and easy to follow. Overall, it was mind-opening to see hundreds of example questions listed by the author, especially at the end of each category. They easily refresh my mind and help me recall some useful questions to ask during conversations, to both keep conversation going and effectively help me learn new information. Some of these questions may seem trivial, but it’s good to have such a summary in case you suddenly forget these trivial things under some circumstances.

One of the examples that impressed me the most is about some manager from another company wanted to have lunch with the author, but she kept talking about her daily life such as children, family, etc rather than ask about the author. As a result she did not actually learn anything from the author. The author could not help anything, either, and the time was wasted as an unpleasant experience, at least to the author. I’m impressed because such situations often happen to me as well, especially when I’m nervous, or over excited after seeing someone I really respect. I don’t have the courage to ask questions, fearing that they may be stupid or show my ignorance of the person. It served as a positive example to me that people actually want to help, but we should give them a point to start by asking questions.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
205 reviews
February 27, 2024
The right questions can be powerful tools in shaping your interactions, relationships, and even your life’s trajectory. You’ve learned through several stories how asking meaningful questions in professional settings can lead to deeper understanding and stronger connections, be it in a business luncheon gone awry or in a CEO’s introspective moment about her role.

You've witnessed how a single question like “Why do you do what you do?” can transform the perspective of a group of bankers, aligning their daily grind with their true passion for helping clients. You’ve also seen the profound effect of asking yourself about your life path, as illustrated by the young man at a career workshop who rewrites his future while penning his own obituary. And you’ve observed how a mundane query – “What have we decided today?”– can turn an aimless meeting into a purposeful and decisive gathering.

These examples illustrate the impact that thoughtful questioning can have in both personal growth and effective leadership. The art of inquiry isn't just about seeking answers; it's about opening doors to new possibilities and perspectives.

As you move forward in your professional and personal life, remember the power of a well-placed question. Embrace curiosity, encourage dialogue, and be open to the transformative changes that can arise from simply asking the right question.
Profile Image for Sara Lainee .
51 reviews
June 9, 2022
Let me start by saying I had to read this book for work. I did not go into this book willingly and maybe that’s why I didn’t enjoy it as much.

I think this author means well. He has a lot of experience and a great idea of how to communicate effectively and we all know good conversation is asking good questions.

However, this “self help” book reads more like a handbook of what to say in very niche or very broad situations. Many questions are blatantly obvious to ask, and many are unprofessional. There’s no guidance in how to listen, interpret, and frame questions - it’s all “here’s a situation, here’s what I said. That worked for me and the CEO loves me!“. This book feels more like a brag written by an egotistical narcissist brown-nosing all of the elite CEO’s he’s worked with and framing it as a self help book.

My favorite moment (out of the 35 in this book) is when he is talking about the ONLY positive/learning experience he has with a female bosswoman he’s worked with and he calls her his “s/hero”. *cue my cringe and eyeroll*. To my fellow boss ladies, find a different inspiring self help book or a different author in general.

Overall it was a quick and easy read with horrible structuring. The only helpful bit was the summary of questions at the end.
Profile Image for Sarah Cupitt.
479 reviews8 followers
Currently reading
February 27, 2024
WIP - Apparently asking “What business are you really in?” revolutionised the corporate world.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

- The key to effective communication often lies not in the information we provide, but in the curiosity we show toward others’ perspectives, needs, and stories.
- “What would you like to know about us?” (instead of tell us about yourself)
- “What would you like to know about us?” for entrepreneurial spirit
- Does the product solve a significant problem or fulfill a clear need for the potential buyer?
- “How would this takeover further your mission statement?”
- “What do you feel is the right decision for you?”
- Why do you do what you do? (cut to the chase)
- Introspection: Who am I? What values do I hold dear? What do I want to achieve in life? How do I wish to be remembered? What is my plan to fulfill these aspirations?
- Opened ended q's: “What challenges are you facing that we can help with?” or “How can our services be more aligned with your goals?”
- Role and responsibility: “What aspects of your job would you like to spend more time on, and which would you prefer to do less of?”
- Simple enquiry “What have we decided today?”
- “What most impresses you when you meet someone who is trying to win your business?”
1 review
January 4, 2023
I am reading the book in bed. I look forward to learn more about asking good questions. Now I am reading the book on a train. I am wondering why the book is so oddly written. I am reading the book on my front porch. I decide to skip through the chapters.

If this paragraph bothers you, the book will bother you. All their stories (at least to where I got to) are written in present and present continuous tenses. Not worth the price tag. There certainly are some good questions and I may refer back to the book from time to time, but that could have published on a few pages on the website. I found the book boring and only made it to chapter 15 (out if 35) before skipping chapters to skim the questions.
Profile Image for Sói.
64 reviews6 followers
November 7, 2021
Khá ngắn gọn vào thẳng vấn đề không vòng vo. Là những mẩu truyện ngắn, đa phần là hội thoại và luôn được kết luận bằng câu nên hỏi như thế nào. Một số câu cũng hay ho nhưng nếu đã làm môi trường văn phòng sẽ không thấy lạ lắm nữa, có nhiều câu lặp lại. Nhiều câu, theo ý mình, là quá riêng tư không hề phù hợp để hỏi cho những môi trường làm việc.

Phù hợp với các bạn chưa nhiều kinh nghiệm lắm, thiên về sales marketing, hay làm proposal và kêu gọi đầu tư. Tuy nhiên, cẩn thận khi dùng vì nhiều câu quá sáo rỗng, đôi lúc hơi đa cấp 😂.

Mình không thuộc đối tượng sách nhắm đến nên với mình đọc hơi chán.
8 reviews
December 31, 2018
Meaningful read

I have found this book helpful in sharpening the art of asking an appropriate and powerful question. I
Plus the rich sharing of the author's experiences of him using these questions in various scenarios, it spurs me to want to attempt using them when I am connecting with my clients.

It is also written in simple language that majority of the people are about to understand well.

This is a sure recommendation to all walks of sales persons, be it just starting their career or a long time player.
61 reviews17 followers
April 21, 2019
Easy and quick read.
A valuable question makes people open-minded and extends "Yes or No" into profound thinking of themselves. In some cases, a question itself even could be a good answer.
The author emphasized how power questions make all the difference, and tried to give as more question examples as possible in this book. Unfortunately, there's no "question dictionary" ccould catch up with changes of real world. Anyway, the author did a good job on having audience's attention to the power of questions.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews

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