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The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal

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“Combines the gritty toughmindedness of the best coaches with the gentle-but-insistent inspiration of the most effective spiritual advisers” ( Fast Company ).

This groundbreaking New York Times bestseller has helped hundreds of thousands of people at work and at home balance stress and recovery and sustain high performance despite crushing workloads and 24/7 demands on their time.

We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully both on and off the job by laying out the key training principles and provides a powerful, step-by-step program that will help you

* Mobilize four key sources of energy
* Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal
* Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do
* Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals to make lasting changes

Above all, this book provides a life-changing road map to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job, meaning physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned.

222 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Jim Loehr

35 books151 followers
Dr. Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist and author of 16 books including his most recent, The Only Way to Win. He also co-authored the national bestseller The Power of Full Engagement.

Dr. Loehr’s ground-breaking, science-based energy management training system has achieved world-wide recognition and has been chronicled in leading national publications, including the Harvard Business Review, Business Week, Fortune, Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report, Success, Fast Company and Omni. He has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s Nightline with Ted Koppel, the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and CBS Morning News, and the Oprah Winfrey Show.

From his more than 30 years of experience and applied research, Dr. Loehr believes the single most important factor in successful achievement, personal fulfilment and life satisfaction is the strength of one’s character.
He strongly contends that character strength can be built in the same way that muscle strength is built
through energy investment.

Dr. Loehr has worked with hundreds of world-class performers from the arenas of sport, business, medicine and law enforcement, including Fortune 100 executives, FBI Hostage Rescue Teams, and military Special Forces. Corporate clients of the Institute represent hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, including Procter & Gamble, The Estée Lauder Companies, FBI, GlaxoSmithKline, PepsiCo, and Citigroup Smith Barney. A sampling of his elite clients from the world of sport include golfers Mark O’Meara and Justin Rose; tennis players Jim Courier, Monica Seles, and Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario; boxer Ray Mancini; hockey players Eric Lindros and Mike Richter; and Olympic gold medal speed skater Dan Jansen.

Dr. Loehr possesses a masters and doctorate in psychology, serves on several prestigious scientific boards and is a full member of the American Psychological Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the Association for
Applied Sport Psychology.

The Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute is the pioneer in delivering a science-based energy management training solution. Based on over 30 years of proprietary research, the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute has worked with elite performers, including Olympic gold medalists, military Special Forces, Hostage Rescue teams, surgeons, and Fortune 500 CEOs to achieve sustained high performance. In 2015 alone, 25 of the Fortune 100 companies participated in Corporate Athlete® training, delivered across 32 countries, in over 500 sessions.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews
Profile Image for Konrad.
Author 1 book8 followers
June 20, 2012
I first heard about this book in a great blog post (don't have the link) that summed up actionable steps on how to get the most out of your productive day. They recommended the book as an ultimate resource and expansion on the post. Turns out the post just effectively summed up 200+ pages of motivational speech and personal resume touting without all the fluff.

What it basically boils down to is that you should eat healthy, take plenty of rest, find something to be motivated about, and that "life is a series of sprints" instead of a marathon to the finish. Of course, they offer you some cursory resources to get this done, but I got the undeniable feeling that I was reading a marketing pitch for their company.

Don't get me wrong, the subject of managing energy and not time is truly powerful and it's already made a huge difference in my life; it's just that I got more out of a short blog post than this entire book, and I think that says something about the book.
Profile Image for Max Nova.
420 reviews207 followers
March 22, 2014
I would have avoided a lot of pain and suffering if I had read this book two months ago! The central conceit of "The Power of Full Engagement" is that "Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance" - basically the number of hours you work is less important than your energy levels during those hours.

I picked up this book because I was pretty burnt out. For months, I had been working around the clock on a big project for my startup. I used to look forward to each day, but work just wasn't fun any more. Reading this book, I found myself saying "that sounds a lot like how I feel right now" with many of the cases they discussed. It was a wake up call.

All through college, I considered myself a personal efficiency GTD ninja. But as I read this book, I realized that although my time was nominally managed quite well, I had lost the balance in my life and the quality of both my work and my personal life and fitness were suffering as a result.

Loehr and Schwartz do an excellent job laying out their philosophy on how to be fully engaged. Much of what they says stems from research on how professional athletes sustain extremely high levels of performance. Some of the most important insights:

* Physical energy is the fundamental source of fuel in life

* We, too, must learn to live our own lives as a series of sprints—fully engaging for periods of time, and then fully disengaging and seeking renewal before jumping back into the fray to face whatever challenges confront us.

* Creating positive rituals is the most powerful means we have found to effectively manage energy in the service of full engagement. [NOTE: the authors use the word "ritual" with no religious overtones, it's more like strong habits that you really commit to - like setting aside an hour each night to play with your kids and never letting anything else encroach on that time. Another example they use a lot is the warm-up ritual a tennis player does before each serve.]

* Far from precluding spontaneity, rituals provide a level of comfort, continuity and security that frees us to improvise and to take risks.

* The sustaining power of rituals comes from the fact that they conserve energy. “We should not cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing,” wrote philosopher A. N. Whitehead, back in 1911. “The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of operations which we can perform without thinking about them.” In contrast to will and discipline, which imply pushing ourselves to action, a well-defined ritual pulls us. We feel somehow worse if we don’t do it.

* Expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short-term discomfort in the service of long-term reward

* Sustained high performance is best served by assuming the mentality of a sprinter not a marathoner. Over the span of a thirty-to forty-year career, performance is optimized by scheduling work into 90-to 120-minute periods of intensive effort followed by shorter periods of recovery and renewal.

* After interviewing a large sample of managers and their employees, the Gallup Organization found that no single factor more clearly predicts the productivity of an employee than his relationship with his direct superior. More specifically, Gallup found that the key drivers of productivity for employees include whether they feel cared for by a supervisor or someone at work; whether they have received recognition or praise during the past seven days; and whether someone at work regularly encourages their development.

I've already made significant changes in my daily life as a result of reading this book - largely in the form of some new "rituals" like:
* Running 3 miles at 8AM 6 days a week
* Going home for an hour at lunch and reading in a park by my house
* Taking a 30 minute nap at 4:30PM each day
* Only checking personal email at noon, 5PM, and 10PM
* Writing in a daily log for 5 minutes each day
* Reading in bed from 11 to midnight each night

Even though I'm actually working fewer hours, I've already been far more productive than I've been all summer. I actually find myself pretty excited to get back to work and I'm certainly in a much more positive place emotionally now too! Now, to be fair, I've only been doing this for a week so it's too early to tell if this is a long-term winning plan. But it certainly feels like it is.

Five stars not because it's even particularly well written (in fact, it sometimes sounds a bit like a sales pitch for their consulting firm... but so did GTD in certain parts) - but because the problems this book addresses are real and the solutions work. It has already made a huge difference in my quality of life.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,203 reviews1,133 followers
June 7, 2016
This was not my book.

My hackles were raised on page 42 when the authors detailed publisher Nancy Woodhull's busy work-focused lifestyle - e.g. enjoying recording new ideas while on holiday - adjacent to her death from cancer aged 52. They say:

"There is no way of determining conclusively whether there was any relationship between Woodhull's work habits and her early death, but her profile was not significantly different from many of the Japanese who die from karoshi."

Okay, so, a) karoshi deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes. Not cancer. Work stress does not cause cancer.

b) that wording...?

And c) you don't need to threaten readers with cancer in order to spruik the benefits of a balanced life.

The book is from 2003, and it's in a very dated 90s style of writing. Overall, I just didn't like it.

Profile Image for Shaimaa شيماء.
376 reviews282 followers
December 18, 2023
كتاب لطيف ومشجع اعتمد فيه الكاتب على نماذج لأشخاص يعانون من توتر الحياة السريعة والضغوط المستمرة وفقدان الشغف والمعاناة النفسية والجسدية.

الهدف من الكتاب هو الوصول للأداء الجيد في ظل الظروف العصيبة.

الفكرة الأساسية أن التحكم في الطاقة وليس الوقت هو السبيل لبلوغ الأداء العالي.

ولأن الطاقة تذوي بالإفراط في استخدامها وعدم استخدامها كفاية، لابد أن نتعلم كيف نوازن بين إنفاق الطاقة وتجديدها بين الحين والآخر.

أفضل طريقة للحفاظ على الأداء العالي هي تبني عقلية المسافات القصيرة وليس عدائي الماراثون.

يتطلب الانخراط الكامل الاستعانة بأربعة مصادر وهي المقدرة الجسدية والعاطفية والذهنية والروحية.

من أجل ذلك يوصي الكتاب بممارسة طقوس الطاقة الإيجابية وهي أنظمة روتينية محددة بدقة للتحكم في الطاقة.

الدقة والتحديد هما بعدان حيويان لتطوير الطقوس خلال فترة الاكتساب التي تبلغ من ثلاثين إلى ستين يوما.

محاولة عدم القيام بشيء ما بسرعة يستنزف مخازننا المحدودة من العزيمة وضبط النفس.

لإحداث تغيير يدوم، لابد أن نطور سلسلة من الطقوس، مركزين على تغيير واحد مهم في كل مرة.
Profile Image for pri.
244 reviews7 followers
January 12, 2009
Different than I had expected as it is one of the books that gets talked about at the office. The concept of needing recovery and rest really stuck with me. I remember working 20 hour days and just pushing and pushing until I was 'done' (which was impossible). But with a new job, 9 hours of pure focus is exhausting. The idea of creating little rituals throughout the day really appealed to me. I liked that they included tons of examples of people who, in very small ways, changed their habits but improved their quality of life. This book was much less of 'how to get more done' type of book. It really was about atuning with your purpose and vision and reaping the benefits of that as a side effect at work. I'm really keen on setting up new habits with my new job - and trying to find ones that feed me. This book prompted me to set up some daily intervals on my calendar to 'recover' and see if I can get more done in less time if I attend to the other parts of my life more fully. The book really stresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one's life. I did read it in a short span of time and am interested in rereading it in a few months time - to remember some of the advice and principles. It's a lot to think about absorbing at once.

Here's a quote:
"Purpose fueled by the feeling of deficit also narrows our attention and limits our possibilities. Imagine, for a moment, that you are out on the sea in a boat that springs a leak. Your purpose immediately becomes mobilized around keeping the boat from sinking. But so long as you are busy bailing water, you can't navigate towards a destination. The same is true in our lives. When we are preoccupied with filling our own holes to stay afloat, we have little energy available to define any deeper or more enduring purpose. By contrast, when we are able to move from the inner experience of threat to one of challenge, we introduce a whole new range of possibilities into our lives. Rather than reacting to fear, we can focus on what moves us and feels meaningful" (pg 135)
8 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2014
The message is clear: optimal performance comes from living a balanced life, not from working 12-15 hours straight. What will get us results is not the number of hours we put in, but the quality of those hours, which is affected not only by the specific skills we bring to our job, but by what we do outside the workplace in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual spheres. What Schwartz is saying may be counter-intuitive: how logical does it sound to say that if you work less you get more done?! And yet, it's true! Many people spend way too much time at work without allowing for adequate time for the essential recovery process to unfold.

Our work culture is built on the assumption that we function like computers, in a linear fashion. It just so happens that we are humans, and we function rhythmically, in an oscillatory fashion. Sleep, good nutrition, regular exercise, a healthy emotional life and a strong sense of purpose are essential factors for our performance and general well-being. When they are lacking we are underperforming, no matter how good our technical skills are (and we are leading a dangerously unidimensional life...).

In order to correct our dysfunctional habits, we need to diagnose them and then establish positive rituals which, in time (30 to 60 days), should engrain new, healthy and more productive habits. For me, I found that I needed more sleep, more exercise and more time to do non work-related activities, such as reading, writing and watching movies/documentaries. To unlearn old habits is not easy, and it takes a lot of willpower! But the results - in terms of performance and quality of life - should be well worth it...
Profile Image for Sergei_kalinin.
451 reviews168 followers
February 26, 2012
Очень неоднозначное впечатление от книги... Думаю, что её оценка будет очень сильно зависеть от уровня читателя.

Предположим, я новичок, в один прекрасный понедельние проснувшийся с осознанием, что "в моей жизни необходимо что-то менять". При этом главная причина такого осознания - утрата моей жизнью блеска, динамики, яркости, скорости, кайфа и т.п. Мои внутренние "батарейки" быстро садятся, энергии на то, чтобы быть счастливым п��и нынешних запредельных жизненных скоростях, не хватает :(

Если я - такой новичок, не знающий "куда бежать и за что хвататься", то книга, несомненно, очень полезна и содержат��льна. Её надо читать, и принимать как руководство к действию. Не факт, что всё написанное в ней будет для вас исключительно полезным - но можно и нужно пробовать!

А теперь предположим, что я профессионал - практикующий психолог-консультант и коуч; имеющий хорошее академическое образование и многолетний опыт работы. Для которого разного рода методики управления энергией - обычный рабочий инструмент, применяемый по отношению к себе и к другим (клиентам).

Вот с точки зрения профессионала - книжка очень попсовая и очень слабенькая :( В ней есть некоторые азбучные истины, но каких-то тонкстей и особых "фишек" в ней нет. Т.о. с точки зрения новичка - за книгу твёрдая "пятерка", с точки зрения профессионала - от силы на "двоечку".

Теперь (кому интересно) подробная рецензия по существу:

1) Главная идея книги: заменить линейные (постоянные) нагрузки циклическими (ритмическими). Невозможно постоянно находиться в напряжении на одном и том же высоком энергетическом уровне. Чтобы эффективно функционировать, нужно чётко чередовать периоды энергетические затрат и периоды качественного отдыха. В целом этот тезис банален, и потому возражений не вызывает :)

2) Есть четыре основных уровня внутренней энергетики человека: физическая (телесная) энергия, эмоциональная, интеллектуальная, духовная. Уровни относительно автономны, но связаны друг с другом. Базовым уровнем является физический. Будет достаточно телесной энергии - будет нормальная энергетическая подпитка и для всех остальных уровней. Далее автор приводит рекомендации по управлению энергией для каждого уровня отдельно.

3) Авторские рекомендации по управлению физической энергией очень примитивны и не сильно отличаются от советов по улучшению самочувствия в какой-нибудь группе здоровья для пенсионеров :) Правильно питайтесь, дышите свежим воздухом, достаточно спите, занимайтесь физкультурой и т.д. и т.п.

Всё это как бы верно, но очень уж упрощённо, примитивно. Прежде чем браться улучшать свою физическую форму, надо бы сначала оценить её начальное состояние - об этом в книге нет ничего, ни одной методики. Любые диеты, физкультурные комплексы, рекомендации по режиму сна/бодрствования и т.п. эффективны только тогда, когда разработаны с учётом индивидуальных особенностей, но об этом в книге снова ничего нет. Увы, слабенько :(

4) Глава про эмоциональную энергетику расстроила меня (как специалиста по психологии эмоций в прошлой жизни :))) больше всего. Там надерганы разрозненные рекомендации из методов управления стрессом (уменьшение негативных эмоциональных состояний), а также приведены основные идеи из модели эмоциональной зрелости (хотя самих таких моделей только я знаю четыре :), и далеко не факт, что используемая авторами модель - самая эффективная на практике) и эмоционального интеллекта.

В главе есть информация о конечном идеальном состоянии (свобода от стресса и получение энергии от позитивных переживаний), но КАК добиться этого идеального состояния - практически ничего не сказано :( По сути в главе просто декларируется: "Испытывайте как можно больше положительных эмоций!", но толковых способов получения этого результата там нет.

Как специалист добавлю, что управление эмоциями - очень непростая штука, там есть много сложностей, ловушек и тонкостей. Отрицательные эмоции являются врождёнными, "выключить" их совсем невозможно; 2/3 переживаемых нами повседневных эмоций - негативные, и это научный факт. Авторы книги оценивают отрицательные эмоции как некое абсолютное зло и учат бороться с ними. А это в корне неверно, т.к. отрицательные эмоции - далеко не всегда "зло", и имеют свою собственную мощную энергетику, которую можно и нужно использовать "в мирных целях" :) Но в книге ничего про это нет, минус :(

5) Довольно слабая глава про интеллектуальную энергию. По сути дела под "интеллектуальной энергией" авторы понимают навыки и приёмы творческого (креативного) мышления. Сразу минус: методов и подходов к развитию интеллекта много... Почему авторы говорят только о творческом мышлении, и не упоминают, например, о системном или критическом мышлении, где полно своих интересных методик, и которые "прокачивают" интеллектуальную энергетику ничеть не хуже, а м.б. и лучше?

Думаю, что научить кого угодно навыкам, скажем, латерального мышления (по Э. де Боно) несложно, но главная заподлянка здесь в другом... Глубоко уверен, что способность человека получать энергию интеллектуального уровня зависит не от его владения техническими навыками (творческого, системного и т.п. мышления), а от личностных свойств. Т.е. человеку должно быть в принципе интересно заниматься интеллектуальным решением каких-либо задач в какой-либо сфере своей деятельности. А конкретные навыки - это уже вторично...

Т.е. в книге есть ответ на технический вопрос: "Как организовать процесс интеллектуальной деятельности таким образом, чтобы оно было высокоэнергетичным?". Хотя на самом деле нужен ответ на вопрос: "Как и где в своей жизни человек может использовать навыки высокоэнергетического интеллекта? Зачем и почему ему это надо? Каким должен быть сам человек, чтобы у него была потребность в таких навыках?".

...В качестве лирического отступления замечу, что с аналогичной проблемой в своё время столкнулись создатели методологии ТРИЗ. Сами по себе интеллектуальные методы решения проблем в ТРИЗ замечательные, но почему их тогда никто не использует повсеместно? В качестве ответа на этот вопрос появилась ТРТЛ (теория развития творческой личности). Не будет творческой личности - все эти прекрасные методы высокоэнергетического интеллекта никому нафик не нужны :) Но об этом авторы данной книги, видимо, даже не догадывались...

6) Глава про духовность просто ни о чём :( И просто смешная. Авторы дают некое примитивнейшее определение "духовности" как деятельности, направленной на достижение ценностей за пределами наших эгоистических интересов.

В целом книга насыщена цитатами из разных психологов, но, видимо, с работами А.Маслоу о духовных горизонтах человеческой психики (а не только о самореализации) авторы не знакомы. Тогда бы они не писали такую чушь об "эгоистических интересах". Большинство "великих" (высокодуховных) людей в истории человечества были страшными эгоистами :) Что не мешало им создавать некие ценности, значительно превышающие масштаб их личности.

Авторы также пишут, что на духовном уровне расход энергии это одновременно и её восстановление. Ну-ну... Далеко не всегда! Есть огромное количество великих людей, которые "сгорали" (и умирали) именно из-за перерасхода энергии на духовном уровне; из-за неспособности правильно взаимодействовать с мощной духовной энергией (которая в отличие от энергий других уровней значительно мощнее человеческой индивидуальности, выходит за её пределы и может легко уничтожить человека). И где в книге хоть слово об этом? Т.е. тема духовной энергетики попросту не раскрыта :(

7) Во второй части книги акторы предлагают простой и надежный алгоритм "исправления" персональной энергии: правильное целеполагание + устранение внутренних ограничений + ритуалы.

Глава про эффективную постановку целей особых возражений не вызывает - там написано всё довольно толково (разве что очень "по верхам").

Очень забавной получилась глава про устранение внутренних ограничений, которые блокируют наши попытки достичь более высокого уровня индивидуальной энергии. Написана она сравнительно неплохо: все основные "тараканы", которые мешают человеку целенаправленно изменяться в желаемую сторону, там присутствуют. Но есть одно "но"...

Как показывает опыт, одного только описания "внутренних ограничителей" - недостаточно. Т.е. даже прочитав об этом самом ограничителе в книге, 80% читателей никак не смогут этот самый ограничитель в самом себе увидеть, и уж тем более - справиться с ним. Здесь нужен или особый текст (в котором мощно, подробно, поэтапно) идёт проработка этих самых ограничителей - и тогда появляется шанс, что человек не просто примет написанное к сведению, но хоть чуточку изменится. Или нужна работа с живым специалистом (психологом, коучем и т.п.), который просто не даст проигнорировать эти самые внутренние ограничения, заставит работать над ними :) К сожалению, данная книга не заменит работу с живым специалистом, т.к. она не является эффективным "текстом-практикумом", способным преодолеть внутреннее сопротивление тех, у кого "и так всё хорошо" ;)

И последнее... Не знаю, было ли так в англоязычном варианте книги, или проявил творчество переводчик - но слово "ритуалы" в контексте книги совершенно дурацкое :( Речь идёт о формировании новых стереотипов поведения, новых привычек, более здоровых и конструктивных, о формировании новых устойчивых умений и навыков по управлению персональной энергетикой, нового режима и образа жизни. При чем тут "ритуалы"?

Profile Image for Christi.
789 reviews7 followers
September 27, 2015
This was an interesting read. It focuses on the idea that instead of managing time we should manage our energy (since there is always too much to do). It talks about making sure we are balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energy. It's also talks about changing our view from running a marathon through life (which produces burnout) to small sprints with periods of recovery in between. I really enjoyed reading the case studies and looking at the process/worksheets in the book that let you follow what they do for their clients. There were a few places I felt they exaggerated to make the point (the fifty-year old who died from a heart attack allegedly because she couldn't relax), but overall it was a fun read. I only gave it three stars because it was pretty basic stuff (eat right, sleep well, find a purpose larger than yourself, etc.) and didn't bring a ton of new things to the table. But still, worth the quick read. If you're in a huge hurry, scan the bullet points at the end of each chapter and use the worksheets in the back.
Profile Image for Brian Johnson.
Author 1 book981 followers
December 29, 2015
“Every one of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors has an energy consequence, for better or for worse. The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time that we have. The premise of this book—and of the training we do each year with thousands of clients—is simple enough: Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy.”

“If nothing succeeds like success, it is equally true that nothing fails like excess. Because change requires moving beyond our comfort zone, it is best initiated in small and manageable increments.”

~ Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz from The Power of Full Engagement

The Power of Full Engagement is a *great* book.

I read it on my Kindle and I basically highlighted half the book. It’s so densely packed with Big Ideas we can apply to our lives that, if you’re feelin’ low on energy or if you’re the kinda person who likes to play full out and is always looking for ways to optimize, this book is on the “must buy” list. :)

Grounded in the research and consulting they’ve done with the world’s greatest athletes, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz provide a set of Ideas and tools to help “Corporate Athletes” function at optimal levels of performance. At the heart of their wisdom is the fact that: “Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance.”

Here are some of the Big Ideas:

1. Full Engagement: - The 4 Principles.
2. Sprinters - vs Marathoners.
3. The Pulse of Life - Honor it.
4. Points - & The time between ‘em.
5. Drink Plenty of Water! - And other tips. :)


Here's my video review:

And click here to find 250+ more of my reviews:

Profile Image for Sergii Khlivnenko.
23 reviews9 followers
April 9, 2018
Керування часом неефективне. Керування власною енергією - ось що нам потрібно. В книзі описується як розвивати фізичну, емоційну, розумову і духовну енергію. Це досягається через інтервальні тренування, що дозволяють максимально викластися та повністю відновитися.
Дуже круто описана система тренування, що практично перевірена як на спортсменах світового рівня, так і професіоналах компаній із списку Fortune 500. Визначення цілі, прийняття реальності та вироблення корисних ритуалів - ось три головні кроки до життя на максимумі.
Profile Image for Sean Goh.
1,492 reviews92 followers
April 30, 2014
It is in the spaces between work that love, friendship, depth and dimension are nurtured. Without time for recovery, our lives become a blur of doing unbalanced by a lack of opportunity for being.

There is much evidence that highly linear forms of behaviour, excessive anything, lead to high incidence of illness and an early death.

We grow at all levels, physical, mental, emotional, by expending energy beyond our normal limits, and then recovering. Expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short-term discomfort in the service of long-term reward.

Emotional capacity, the ability to move freely and flexibly between our own opposites.

Mental capacity - attention span, realistic optimism.
A single negative thought is what gets you hit in the face. (Of boxing)

Make peace with the worst case scenario.

We needed to stop asking the meaning of life, and start thinking of ourselves as being questioned constantly by life. - Victor Frankl

Mental health is based on a certain degree of tension, between what one has already achieved and what one still ought to accomplish.
What man needs is a struggle towards a worthy and worthwhile goal.

To ensure conviction:"What do I really believe?" and "Is there anyone I'm trying to please with this answer?"

The key supportive spiritual muscles are Commitment, Honesty, Integrity and Passion.

The things that keep us from finding meaning are failure to actively engage in life and a certain laziness or lack of caring that allows us to let others make our decisions and tell us what things mean.

Unpleasant facts don't go away simply because we stop paying conscious attention to them.

Selective inattention is a strategy for putting things on hold in order to deal with them at a more appropriate time.

The truth may set you free, but it won't take you to where you need to go.

Healthy rituals straddle the territory between the comfort of the past and the challenge of the future. They provide a sense of security and consistency without thwarting change or undermining flexibility.
Profile Image for Christine.
69 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2013
While certainly targeted at white-collar workers with nuclear families to come home to, the principles in this book are more general than that, and I found it helpful and inspiring despite living a more alternative lifestyle. While the idea of needing stress and recovery for maximal performance was not foreign to me, this book makes the value of "oscillation" super clear, whether it's for getting the most out of physical training with intervals, maximizing mental performance at work, or increasing emotional control and resilience. The illustration of how high-power athletes use rituals for recovery was super useful! If you don't oscillate, you're a "flat-liner"!

I disagree with some of the book's advice on eating, particular its encouragement of snacking / 5-6 small meals a day, but I suspect that's mostly because the book was published in 2003, so the advice is a bit dated. Eating healthy food on a snacking schedule is better than grabbing fast food at your desk, though, which is probably why they got great results using that advice. (See http://blog.wellnessfx.com/2013/04/11... for more info on the snacking myth.)
3 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2011
If you're interested in personal development, this is one of the first books you should pick up. Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz have studied high-performance athletes to determine what makes the very top players different from the players who could be at the top but aren't. Surprisingly, its not talent or skill.

The difference is ritualistic behavior. The lessons they learned from these amazing athletes are then looked at from a holistic and balanced point of view. They go through all the major areas of life (logical, physical, emotional, spiritual) and discuss how their program involves each one of those areas. Finally, its all wrapped up in how the program is put together, the results that it has achieved for their business clients and a simple system for how you can start getting similar results.

This is by far one of the best books I've ever read on personal development and hits at all the core areas of life. If you haven't read this yet, I suggest that you make the investment for yourself and the important things that you have in your life. Its completely changed my life.
Profile Image for Rob Fulton.
10 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2014
The Power of Full Engagement

I love innovative books, when you're reading a book a day like I am, it's hard to be impressed with ideas that you've read in 4-5 other books, this book is the exception.

I realize that most of us have a focus on managing our time, schedules, meetings, and not what the author Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz suggest which is manage your energy.

There are so many examples that answered literally every question and objection I had regarding managing time vs energy.

He links that full engagement as a person takes successful energy management.

He shows how there are 4 dimensions of energy: body, emotion, mind and spirit. (no new age information here!)

He focuses on performance and precision and gives many exercises and a solid system to follow.

I will also say this is a great dinner conversation book, I have had many conversations about the ideas in this book and it's absolutely entrepreneur reading material, mom material and the rest that have a will for full engagement with their life, life's work and relationships around them.
20 reviews6 followers
July 10, 2008
This book was pretty insightful and the most useful nugget of information is found in the first chapter -- its not about time, its about energy. The first 2 chapters expand on this theme and offer methods for better managing this precious resource - eat better, exercise, sleep well (duh) others like taking respite breaks, making transition and planning rituals were new and useful.
Once you read the first two chapters, the following are semi-redundant and re-emphasise points in the first -- spinning out the theme with a pyramid chart, self-diagnostics, clever acronyms and methods ... hey -- its a self-help book & you need to earn the $14.95 by staying on formula. I thought it was a solid read & good food for thought.
Profile Image for Robert Chapman.
501 reviews51 followers
August 19, 2013
I've read several books on the topics of willpower and time management, which is why I think the title of this book appealed to me.

The main message in this book is one which we all can benefit from, it's all about how we spend our energy. We spend our energy at work and at play, the trick is to understand how you work and how much renewal you need and when you need it to perform at your best.

Each person and profession is different, and failure to achieve the proper amount of renewal will result in lower performance no matter much effort is put forth. The book offers useful tools to assist you with discovering more about how you achieve the proper work/renewal ratio.

I liked how this book flowed and the examples used to illustrate the message.
Profile Image for Leanne Rhodes.
10 reviews4 followers
December 6, 2014
A great book to shift your concept from time management to energy management. It looks at what fuels your energy on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and causes you to rethink your values and what drives you. The book provides some excellent exercises to help you move forward in becoming energy efficient. The book does not offer quick fix ideas but rather sound wisdom on how to live a more fuelled life.

I knew the book was worth the money I paid for after reading the first chapter.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is feeling like they themselves are stopping themselves from achieving their best.
Profile Image for Egia Chaparyan.
68 reviews4 followers
February 5, 2017
Неожиданно отличная книга: мало воды, понятная структура, убедительная аргументация. Возможно, запрос хорошо совпал с содержанием. О чем книга? Энергия бывает духовная, физическая, умственная и эмоциональная. В каждом виде энергии свои "мускулы", которые нужно тренировать, подвергая систематически стрессу. Поддержание баланса энергии - ключевой навык мощной жизни. Дейст��ия, приводящие к успеху, - осознанные ритуалы. Только регулярные маленькие шаги способны привести к значительным результатам, но все начинается с определения корней, ценностей, так как базовый резерв энергии лежит именно на этом уровне (духовная энергия).
Profile Image for Nick.
Author 21 books117 followers
November 22, 2020
If this book seems a little obvious now, it's only because the advice has become so generally known. Using the performance techniques of professional athletes allows business people to work better, managing their energy rather than time. Get enough sleep and exercise, eat a healthy diet with not too much sugar, and then manage your psychic energy -- spiritual and mental -- as well as your physical energy -- it all matters. And no doubt it matters even more during the kinds of global stressors like the pandemic.
37 reviews
December 21, 2016
Основная идея книги в том, что мы управляем энергией, а не временем. Мне этот подход очень понравился. Даны практические советы и примеры из жизни как увеличить энергетические ресурсы человека. Также отмечу, что самым главным является чередование работы и отдыха. Книга безусловно полезна, рекомендую.
Profile Image for Sergey Morovshik.
59 reviews13 followers
November 5, 2018
Отличная книга про все виды энергии у человекая, что с ними делать. Как прокачать каждый отдельный «мускул» и конкретные примеры с экшен планом.
Одна из лучших книг по теме энергии!
Рекомендую тем кто в стрессе или не может «собраться».
Ещё один плюс , она короткая :)
Profile Image for Lori Calico.
27 reviews6 followers
December 26, 2008
This is an amazing book that shows how important it is to address yourself at all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical, in order for peak life performance. A must read.
Profile Image for Raynur.
33 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2020
Очень понравилась.
Возможно ты и знаешь многое. Но приходит какое-то осознание.
В данный период моей жизни самая нужная книга. Про ресурсы.
Profile Image for Chrys Fey.
Author 19 books335 followers
May 24, 2019
This book could've been condensed down to just a few chapters.
Profile Image for A.
53 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2008
My friend of 27 yrs., Kristin, recommended this book to me saying that she thought that over the years she had noticed that I had "lost joy," and am "not as connected" as she had seen in the past in me (she is right!). She thought this was an excellent book for me to read...so it went to the top of my list! Here is a review that I Shortened a great deal, including quotes from the book! "Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. The number of hours in a day is fixed, but the quantity and quality of energy available to us is not. This fundamental insight has the power to revolutionize the way you live your life. The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully both on and off the job.
At the heart of the program is the Corporate Athlete® Training System. It is grounded in twenty-five years of work with some of the world's greatest athletes to help them perform more effectively under brutal competitive pressures. Clients have included Pete Sampras, Jim Courier, Monica Seles, and Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario with in tennis; Mark O'Meara and Ernie Els in golf; Eric Lindros and Mike Richter in hockey; Nick Anderson and Grant Hill in basketball; and gold medalist Dan Jansen in speed skating.
During the past decade, dozens of Fortune 500 companies have paid thousands of dollars to learn the Corporate Athlete training system. So have FBI swat teams, critical care physicians and nurses, salesmen, and stay-at-home moms. The Power of Full Engagement lays out the key training principles and provides a powerful, step-by-step program that will help you...Above all, this book provides a life-changing road map to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job, meaning physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned."
Here is a paragraph I pulled out that I thought was interesting, talking about the athletes they worked with initially:
"Over eighty of the world's best players have been through our laboratory...
These players typically came to us when they were struggling, and our interventions have often produced dramatic turnarounds. After we worked with them, Sanchez-Vicario won the U.S. Open for the first time and became the top-ranked player in the world in both singles and doubles, and Sabatini won her first and only U.S. Open title. Bruguera went from number 79 in the world to the top ten and won two French Open titles....speed skater Dan Jansen, who won his only Olympic gold medal following two intensive years of training with us....
Energy is the X factor that makes it possible to fully ignite talent and skill. We never addressed how Monica Seles hit her serves, or how Mark O'Meara drove the ball, or how Grant Hill shot his free throws. All of these athletes were extraordinalrily gifted and accomplished when they came to us. We focused instead on helping them to manage their energy more effectively in the service of whatever mission they were on..." This is a fantastic book!
Profile Image for Lara.
1,596 reviews
March 19, 2012
Often I feel like my ability to take care of my to-do list is uneven at best. I rarely have the energy to get everything done, and when I do I tend to overdo things and then feel exhausted for far too long. This book addresses these issues and much more. while there are some self-promoting moments, the lessons are relevant to all of us in this age of information overload when we are asked to work more hours and do the work of more than one person.

The key is to look at the different aspects of our lives and to both challenge/stress them and to build in rest period for recovery. These areas include the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. And the descriptions they give, of how we over-stress and under-rest ourselves emotionally and mentally while understressing ourselves physically and spiritually really made sense to me. Now that I have read the book, I plan to go back and carry out some of the exercises provided. And I will have to think about rituals or habits I can develop to automate some of the positive behaviors and make them easier to carry out.
Profile Image for Khuram Malik.
Author 1 book12 followers
October 19, 2010
Life changing book.

Many books that attempt to help you with time management, or workload management to reduce your stress tend very much to address the tactical issues.

This book addresses the underlying causes of why we struggle to find the time to do things. Its not a new time management or task management bible.

The authors insist that the key to high productivity is not time (since its finite) but energy, and then explain how we can increase our capacity in order to get more done in a shorter amount of time while still keeping stress to a minimum. This is no "one day i'll try this" type of book. The principles and ideas can be implemented on day one, and i did so myself and have noticed a two to three fold increase in productivity.

I recommend this to everyone that feels they dont have time to get things done.
If thats where you are at right now, stop everything and read this book. Its worth it.
Profile Image for Diana Shaffner.
235 reviews3 followers
June 9, 2013
Jim Loehr's "Power of Full Engagement" carries such an important message. Through many examples from the business world as well as private circumstances the author illustrates how to use the power of full engagement. Fully engaging in essence means being fully present in the current moment. For readers with knowledge of meditation and mindful living exercises this will sound familiar. However, Mr. Loehr's book is an extremely worthwhile read mostly due to its amazing amount of real life examples in which subjects have used the technique and described the positive consequences. Learning to be fully present in body and mind instead of distracted has a myriad of benefits for body, mind, and soul. This book has had a wonderful impact on my life for many years and I recommend it to absolutely anyone but particularly to individuals who often feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Profile Image for Liana.
121 reviews3 followers
March 8, 2017
Just another self-development book which I like to read so much on my way to the office.
Two things that I got from this book:
1) There are only 24 hours each day. And you can't increase this number no matter how hard you want this. The only way to get more done is to manage your energy.
2) There are 4 kinds of energy: physical, emotional, brain(?) and spiritual. They didn't say it like that in the book but you can really consider is to be a pyramid. If you don't have enough physical energy you can do literally nothing. If you are in a bad mood, you can do smth, but you can't do it well because you can't concentrate in a deep level. And so on and so forth.
Profile Image for Tracey.
10 reviews
November 5, 2012
I'm not one for self-help books. I think most of them are really tawdry. This one is actually fairly decent. It isn't flowery at all but is full of sound advice that the authors have found works. It uses studies and offers a lot of anecdotes. Running the risk of spoilers, it strongly pushes the idea of setting up routines to manage the unexciting day-to-day stuff you have to do to survive in order to free up mental space to do your job. This is particular useful for people in creative fields who have a lot of unstructured time (like dissertating grad students!).
Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews

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