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The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame

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A system reset is imminent. Probably even before 2020, the world’s financial system will need to find a different anchor. The dollar has been at the center of the monetary system since the Second World War, but decades of money printing have caused a gradual but relentless dollar devaluation. In a desperate attempt to maintain this dollar system, the United States has waged a secret war on gold since the 1960s. China and Russia have pierced through the American smokescreen around gold and the dollar and are no longer willing to continue lending to the United States. Both countries have been accumulating enormous amounts of gold, positioning themselves for the next phase of the global financial system.

There are only two a financial reset planned well in advance, or a hastily implemented one on the back of a dollar crisis. The United States, realizing the dollar will lose its prominent role, seems to be planning a monetary reset that will surprise many. It will be designed to keep the United States in the driving seat, but will include strong roles for the Euro and China’s Renminbi. And it is likely gold will be reintroduced as one of the pillars of this next phase of the global financial system. Insiders claim gold could be revalued up to $7,000 per troy ounce during this process.

250 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2014

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Willem Middelkoop

13 books21 followers

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Profile Image for محمد حمزة.
326 reviews135 followers
August 15, 2023
كتاب لا بدّ من قراءته.. أرجوك اقرأه

"السر الصغير والخطير لا يُعلَّم في معظم المدارس الاقتصادية، فقد تندلع ثورة قبل حلول الفجر إن أدرك الناس جزءا يسيرا من آلية عمل نظامنا المالي الحالي"

"معظم المصارف المركزية أصبحت تحت سيطرة الحكومة في القرن العشرين، هناك استثناءان لهذا الأمر، فنصف أسهم مصرف بلجيكا المركزي ما تزال في أيدي جهات خاصة، وفي الولايات المتحدة لا تملك الحكومة الأمريكية حتى سهما واحدا في مصرف الاحتياطي الفيدرالي الذي تملكه مصارف تابعة لها.
يفسر لنا هذا لماذا تَعد مصارفُ وول ستريت مصرفَ الاحتياطي الفيدرالي بطلَها المفضل"

"يعتمد بقاء نظامنا المالي الحالي واستمراره على تفضيل الناس للأوراق المالية على الذهب"

بعض الإضاءات والاقتباسات من الكتاب في التعليقات

لا بدّ من التنويه أن عنوان الكتاب بالإنكليزية:

The big Reset
ومن المؤكد أنه لا ينطبق تماما على كلمة (الانهيار)

شوّال - 1444
نيسان - 2023
Profile Image for Rutger.
85 reviews20 followers
June 8, 2018
Willem Middelkoop is an intelligent and energetic guy who went from rags to riches in life. I’ve heard him talk about living with his foster parents in Drenthe, then moving on to work for himself from an early age. He’s a real social climber who managed to do everything he took on in life quite well; photographer, real estate speculator, stock exchange/economical expert on Dutch tv, entrepreneur of a big webshop for precious metals, and now international writer. Remarkable and admirable. For this reason, I’ve read several of his books; I like to read autodidacts who have a unique perspective. His Dutch books (translated to “When the dollar drops” & “The permanent oil crisis”) underwhelmed me, because, while interesting future scenarios, they suffered from a lack of economical understanding (for example, peak oil is bunk, price mechanisms make new oil supplies affordable) and unwarranted pessimism.

This book, however, is much better. Middelkoop doesn’t take on an easy task here; in precisely 100 short chapters Middelkoop explains the following; the history of money, central banking, the international dollar system (& the movers and shakers in this system), the high amounts of public debts by government (and the fallout of the financial crisis of ’08), the gold suppression scheme, and a future image of how a new more international system should work. Woof! A lot of meat on this bone – I’ve read about 12 books about the financial crisis alone! A lot more can be said about all these things, but, still, I’ve gotta say Middelkoop managed this challenge quite well. Middelkoop is on the sides of the angels when he tries to make people understand how corrosive central banks and government debts are for economies. For this, I think Middelkoop pulled of an impressive feat; he managed to put into words, clearly written, what many experts can’t seem to get across the masses. However, I glazed over his constant framing of the US as a bad actor in the international area. I’m old enough to remember the Soviet Union, and thus old enough to remember what a real bad international actor is like. Middelkoop also seems kind of blind to the nastier sides of contemporary China and Russia. I’m all for a developed China, but it’s also well-known that rising powers tend to be bellicose and arrogant, why would China be any better? It probably won’t be, so be more mindful of this.

Sometimes the book veers into conspiracy stuff: Middelkoop makes it seem like the gold suppression scheme is an established fact – central banks selling gold strategically to safeguard the dollar’s value. This would mean central banks have acted in unison for over 6 decades, world-wide in order to dump gold and please the US. This simply can’t happen. The sad truth is that governments and international agencies are much less competent than we like to think. The truth is that gold, while a better store of value than fiat, has a lower ROI long-term than stocks or bonds; that's why demand shrinks and prices go flat -- except during run-ups to a financial crisis. Middelkoop never seems to mention this obvious fact. Partly, this has to do with his pessimism about the future, but partly it’s probably wishful thinking as well, since Middelkoop owns a lot of gold himself and speculates on a sharp increase in the gold price. I hesitate to use the “conspiracy thinker” slur, but it simply is apt here. If you follow Middelkoop’s interviews and social media over the years, as I have, it’s clear he tends to take the “altmedia” very seriously – whether it’s 9/11 truth or Ukrainian snipers on the Maidan. (Now, I’m not arguing conspiracies don’t exist, I don’t know, but I like facts more than theories.)

The biggest problem facing developed economies, in my opinion, is the lack of fundamental innovation, i.e. formation of new industries. Think about it: the 90s kicked off with cellphones, internet and all sorts of new digital business models. This created enormous amounts of wealth. We lack similar big money makers. If we had more money makers, we’d be talking a lot less about debt and inflation – not saying they don’t matter! In all developed economies, economic growth has stagnated. We should focus on handling this issue: more science, more entrepreneurship. I also didn’t see much mention of the rise of bitcoin; for now this is still a small industry, but, if successful, bitcoin could replace central banking – at least in part. This is not me saying this, but the IMF. I’d take it more seriously.

If you want to know more about international economics and where we’re heading, “The Big Reset” is a good start.
Profile Image for Adam Anaan.
95 reviews7 followers
December 10, 2018
يا الله اعجبني الكتاب لدرجة الخيال , شيء لا يصدق من المعلومات المدرجة بداخله و تاريخها بطريقة جميلة و معلومات مفيدة و مهمة جدا جدا

اعتقد اننا بحاجة الى ترجمة الكتب من هذا النوع , قراءة هذا النوع من الكتب يعطيك فكرة و ثقافة سياسية مالية و كيف تدار لعبة المال في العالم الحقيقي , صدقني قراءة كتاب من هذا النوع افضل من الف رواية و رواية

انصح به و بشدة لمختلف الاعمار من الناس
Profile Image for Tim.
316 reviews290 followers
August 15, 2021
I was very much personally affected by the 2008 crash, financially and otherwise. Looking back everything should have been obvious but I'd never experienced a crash before nor had I ever in life experienced the intimate personal emotions and euphoria of a bull market runup (in this case the housing market). When all that happened and the banks were bailed out there was some shock but not necessarily surprise that things just kept on going and the same fabricated financial derivatives that caused all the problems were not only still being used but were morphed into even more creative ways to rip people off.

Now I'm not a proponent for going back on the gold standard. Necessarily. I never thought I'd even consider this particular side of things but you know when it starts to arise? When you take a hard look at where to put your savings right now. The stock market has never gone up like it has now. Or the Nasdaq. Well, to be fair it has. Take a look at the Nasdaq chart of 2000-2001 and compare it to 2020-2021. Similarly, compare the S&P 500 to the period from the early 2000s to 2008. You could even go back to the 1920s for a real fun comparison. The peaks now are super sized compared to then and we all know what happened post dot com and mortgage boom. This book does some of it but when you start breaking down the layers and realize that everything is credit and debt it's beyond frightening. Liquidity is illusionary - where's the value? What does it fall back on? Obviously the argument here ends with gold being the investment for a time like this and maybe he's right. Certainly some hard asset as a percentage of allocation or a hedge would make sense. This is where the Bitcoiners will step in and make their case and it's also compelling but the crypto markets are still very much affected by traditional markets and not safe havens....yet.

A financial reset will happen and will affect everyone. It's only a matter of degree and time. Economically on a macro scale I don't know what the answer is and I'm not qualified to even argue the points. Politically every side has its pet issue and we see a great deal of all or nothing approaches to solutions. Is it just possible that those on the left AND the right have something to offer and maybe a middle ground is the best option? We seem to have a bit of a perfect storm right now with a pandemic and a propped up financial system and figuring out a solution to our system of endless loans and insolvent banks (many currently are not required to have ANY reserves on hand) is apolitical. The crash won't care what side you're on.
Profile Image for Hattan Zahid.
3 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2015
كتاب ممتاز لمن يريد معرفة اهم المخاطر التي تهدد الاقتصاد العالمي
an excellent book for who wants to know about the main threats that endangers the global economics!
Profile Image for نايف.
107 reviews8 followers
June 20, 2023
في ستة فصول تحمل عناوين ( تاريخ المال - خيميائيو هذا الزمان - تاريخ الدولار - كوكب من الديون - الحرب على الذهب - التحول الكبير)

يطرح الكتاب مشكلة عصيبة على نظام الاقتصاد العالمي🌍، وهي مشكلة العملة ودورها في الاقتصاد📊، كيف تنحى الذهب بوصفة المعدن النفيس والمهم في المعاملات الى مال ورقي يطبعه المصرفيون ويتداوله الناس فرحين مبتهجين به.

كيف اطاح 💵الدولار 💷بالجنيه الاسترليني ثم الذهب واصبح ملكاً متفرداً على عرش الاقتصاد العالمي👑.

عقبات واجهة الدولار على مدى سنين طويل من تزعمه الاقتصاد العالمي منذ سنة ١٩٤٥، فمنها صدمة نيكسون🚨 في ١٩٧١ وتبعها تزاوج الدولار والبترول ليصبح (البترودولار)🛢️وأخيراً سنة ٢٠٠٧-٢٠٠٨ ازمة ائتمان الرهن العقاري…

⛔️لقد ترهل الملك الورقي الدولار وربما سنرى بديلاً له في العقود القادمة.⛔️

باتت الديون تنخر باقتصادات الدول الكبرى كأمريكا🇺🇸 والدول الأوروبية🇪🇺 واليابان🇯🇵، ومازالت المسكنات تُعطى لهذه الاقتصادات عن طريق الطباعة الجامحة للأموال لتأخير الإنهيار او ربما للبحث عن حل جذري⚒️.

🏢 يتطرق الى نشأة الاحتياطي الفيدرالي وارتباطها بمصارف وول ستريت ودورهم في التحكم بالاقتصاد الامريكي والعالمي، هذا الاحتياطي الذي يلفه الغموض والضبابية من ادوراه الأساسي في الاقتصاد والسياسة🏢


"إن الترياق الأول لأمةٍ تعاني سوء إدارة هو تضخّم العملة، والثاني هو الحرب كلاهما يجلب رخاءً مؤقتا وخرابا دائمًا ، إلا أن كليهما يعد الملجأ الأمثل للانتهاء من ساسة واقتصاديين"

"يعتمد بقاء نظامنا المالي الحالي واستمراره على تفضيل الناس للأوراق المالية على الذهب"

‏‎"يسجل التاريخ طريقين لا ثالث لهما للأمة التي تتكبد ديونا هائلة إحداهما بإشهار إفلاسها والأخرى بتضخيم العملة، ومن ثم بتدمير ثروة المواطنين العاديين"

"الذهب هو المال، كل ما عداه مجرد ائتمان"

"في معظم الإزمات والانعطافات المالية، يبقى مقتنو الذهب والفضة بمنأى عن التأثيرات السلبية للأزمات المالية"

‏‎"إنَّ ما يحدد سعر الذهب إلى حد بعيد هو ما يتوجه الناس الذين يفقدون الثقة بالأوراق النقدية للجوء إليه بوصفه بديلًا للنقود ، وهم يسعون للأمان من خلال امتلاك الذهب"

"حالما يفقد الناس الثقة في المال وقوته الشرائية الجديدة ، فإنه من المستحيل إعادة تقديم النقود الورقية لهم"

Profile Image for baas.
36 reviews1 follower
August 5, 2022
I finished reading this book in 1 day which is a personal record. It's one of my favorite books ever and probably one of the most important financial books ever written in The Netherlands.

The truth is fiat currencies are fake. People will trade with whatever medium of exchange the government wants them to and as long as this authority borrows money only from itself, debt can be cleared without an issue. Today the entire planet owes $300 trillion to itself.

Unbanking yourself is the greatest threat an individual can do to them and they will do everything they can to prevent this from happening. Books like this are a must-read for anyone who wants to deeply understand fiat currencies and save their future. Not your keys not your coins. Stay humble and stack sats.
Profile Image for Sherry.
28 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2021
Great book on the global monetary system and gold standard. Interesting cases and convincing research data. It is worth reading if you want to dive into complexity of the relationship between gold and fiat currency. It can also help you understand some of US's policies and actions from a monetary perspective.

The big monetary system reset has not come as predicted, yet another round of QE during the pandemic further weaken the credit of US central bank and the dollar. Gold price shot up and even went above $2000 in the second half of 2020.

In retrospect, China didn't accumulate enough of gold in its FX to enable a switch from dollar-dominated system to a gold-or-SDR-based monetary system. But RMB was inclued in the SDR currency basket in 2016, which could be interpreted as completion of the phase 1 transition.

Despite its missing the prediction, the book has exposed many untold truth about gold investment with supporting data. There is unshakable evidence of inflation manipulation by central banks and gold market intervention by governments and financial institutions. And all of them revolve around the one and only goal - to uphold the global status of dollar. State capitalism is inevitable because the pandemic-induced recession and stimuliuss is eroding the trustworthiness of central banks and fiat currency around the world, and they have nothing but the state power to prevent the collapse of the modern monetary system.

In the near future, developments in the following areas may help to boost a reset.
1) Basel III includes regulations that cover banks' precious metal trading activities. Physical golds would be reclassified as level 1 asset (riskless as cash) while unallocated gold - paper gold would be treated as involving more risk. These paper gold liabilities need to be funded 1:1 with capital. The new landscape would discourage derivative trading, adding cost to transaction and thus pushing up gold price. However, the multiyear regime change may not be fully implemented until 2023.
2) Bitcoin, the so-called digital gold. With its fixed supply, and decentralized nature, it may act as an alternative to gold to protect wealth from sovergin crisis.
3) Stablecoin, which is similar to SDR. And its underlying blockchain technology has made it more acceptable as the medium of global payments.

With cryptocurrency going mainstream, its underlying technology and decentralized nature have attracted more and more investors and users. The development preapres people to get used to the abstract system and will pave the way for a new global monetary system.

Profile Image for Ahmed.
19 reviews1 follower
July 27, 2019
"من حسن حظنا أن الناس لم يفهموا بعد كيف يعمل نظامنا المصرفى لأنهم لو فهموا لأندلعت ثورة قبل صباح الغد". هنرى فورد

هذا الكتاب يكشف لك حقيقة تلك الأوراق الملونة عديمة النفع - الأوراق المالية - وكيف يتم التلاعب بها وبالإحصائيات ليبقى العالم يتعامل بها ولكن لا مفر من العودة لأستخدام العملات المعدنية ذات القيمة الحقيقية من الذهب والفضة وغيرهم من المعادن.
Profile Image for Shahnawaz Haque.
48 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2017
This book will give you an idea on the foundation of financial system and how it has changed with time.It points out what's wrong with the current system an suggests remedy at the last chapters.The book is small but fairly covers key areas of financial system including the biggest problem of taking debt at large.
Profile Image for Lisa Neo.
5 reviews
May 5, 2022
I am very intrigued by this book. It is very well-researched and well-presented. There is so much information in it. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to understand the intricate and complicated interconnection between the financial, economic, and political systems.
19 reviews
January 14, 2023
Quite an impressive book to read. Lot’s of information about the latest developments about the world reserve currency and the history.

Good writing style with short and easy to read chapters and sub-chapters.
Profile Image for Nelson.
3 reviews
August 29, 2018
Call it the greatest reset!

Packed with facts and data.
Overall well written with a punch.
Would recommend to anyone who wishes to know the next phase!
333 reviews23 followers
November 5, 2018
Interesting read about gold price manipulation - complemented by a brief history of money. Quite illuminating.
48 reviews
December 4, 2018
A case to own precious metals is well presented in this book. I also really liked the historical context that the book is able to present.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for M.A USman Jr.
37 reviews
April 16, 2020
قراءة وتحليل لمتغيرات موازين القوى الاقتصادية
11 reviews
October 28, 2020
A short and easy read. Avoids a detailed predication, which I think is wise. At the same time it's clear that the global financial system as we know it is heading for an inevitable reset
31 reviews
January 15, 2021
Super interssant boek voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de financiële sector, goud, geld, of centrale banken. Erg gedetailleerd en goed onderbouwd.
Profile Image for Quinten.
32 reviews9 followers
March 28, 2020
The 100th book added to my read-shelves. Quite the hallmark of a new era for me here on goodreads. This book is brilliantly written and put together. One of the first books I have read about the present economic system that’s in place over an ever more globalizing world order.
The title of every chapter in this book is put forth as a question. At the end of each chapter I had a feeling of the question being answered with the use of financial wit and the needed sources to substantiate the answers given.
Especially in these excillarating times considering the COVUD-19 virus it is nice to have a general overview of the economic system and its flaws, so it is possible to have a general idea where these developments all might lead us in the near future.
Profile Image for Void lon iXaarii.
214 reviews93 followers
April 21, 2014
A very interesting book on what the author quite rationally argues as the necessary and prepared for reset in the world financial system and worldwide geopolitical balance of power. The most impressive to me part of the book was how sections/pages begin with very simple clearly formulated questions which he then proceeds to answer. The questions are very relevant and the answers show quite an impressive knowledge and research.

Despite sometimes covering some of the basics of the subject the book manages to keep it interesting and relevant and be gripping from start to finish, with an interesting mix of historical research of the past decades and attempts to infer the future and extend the present in reasonable ways while still largely being open to the unknown or different possible solutions.
Very interesting stuffs.
Profile Image for عمر.
75 reviews
January 20, 2017
The book provide good information regarding the current financial system and its risks. The author warns about risk of printing fiat money with limits and give historical cases in which similar plans to QE conducted countries to hyperinflation then collapse of their financial system.
The author recommends a return to gold system with cooperation of big powers (US, EU & China) with IMF to produce international currency (SDR for example) to avoid a collapse similar to 2008. He suggest individual to invest in physical hard assets, especially in Gold.
The author provided a funny joke about current situation of financial system as follow:"the guy who jumps from the roof of an 80-story building. As he flies past the 20th floor, somebody shouts from the window to inquire whether all is fine. ‘No problems so far!’ is the answer."
1,157 reviews9 followers
February 5, 2016
This book is about the suspected global reset of the entire monetary system worldwide. This guy is an Englishman, so he doesn't come with the American bias. He calmly and surely lays out the strategy of governments to ultimately reset our entire global monetary system, all the while printing money, and keeping gold and silver prices suppressed. An excellent read, with short chapters which makes it even easier to read.
72 reviews6 followers
January 30, 2016
Willem points out large movements of gold from the West to the East.  He sees China, and other countries, preparing for a reset of the global financial system.  From his perspective, gold will revalue significantly higher; history shows currency debasement is not new.
Profile Image for Mackenzie Moyer.
22 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2016
If you'd like to understand how the world economy functions, really functions, read this book. Between this gem and "Economic Hitman" you'll be diving into a rabbit hole that will reveal everything in full splendor.
1 review1 follower
April 20, 2014
An excellent piece of work on history of money. The book's main message is - as the name suggests - that the international money system will be re-shaped or reseted within five years or so.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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