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Why the Rich Are Getting Richer

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Что вам рассказывали о деньгах, когда вы учились в школе? Новая книга Роберта Кийосаки — о том, чего вам НЕ рассказывали. Из нее вы узнаете о настоящем финансовом образовании! Это не сладкая сказочка с непригодными для достойной жизни советами, а своего рода учебник для выпускников финансовой школы Богатого Папы. Если вы ищете новые идеи, способные обеспечить вам не только выживание, но и процветание в будущем, значит, вы нашли подходящую для себя книгу.

272 pages, Paperback

Published July 18, 2017

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About the author

Robert T. Kiyosaki

349 books8,276 followers
Robert Toru Kiyosaki is an American businessman and author, known for the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of personal finance books. He is the founder of the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos, and Rich Global LLC, which filed for bankruptcy in 2012.
Since 2010, Kiyosaki was the subject of a class action suit filed by people who attended his seminars, and the subject of investigative documentaries by the CBC, WTAE-TV and CBS News. In January 2024, Kiyosaki revealed that he was more than $1 billion dollars in debt.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews
Profile Image for Bimal Patel.
208 reviews13 followers
July 16, 2017
I bought this book recently hoping it would be an eye opener with some new sociological and political theory about why rich keep getting richer. Well, the book did not live up to my expectations. Years ago I picked up Rich Dad Poor Dad as it was a much talked out book on personal finance but the repetition of information right from page one made me quickly loose interest and abandon it by third chapter. This book is somewhat along those lines. It focuses on Debt and Taxed as a way of getting rich, in theory how you can get rich by using debt and tax breaks to legally keep your money. The author did not go into details and kept on advising the reader to get a smart CPA on board just like his has Mr. Wheelwright as his CPA. Periodically you can see the author promoting his and his colleagues books. There is no clear message in this book except leveraging debt and tax breaks to make money.
Readability: Easy
Dept: Very superficial
Organization: Ok
Quality of Diagrams/Charts: Fair
Profile Image for Fahri Rasihan.
477 reviews119 followers
November 20, 2018
Orang kaya semakin kaya, orang miskin semakin miskin. Mungkin banyak di antara kita yang sering mendengar kalimat tersebut. Faktanya memang demikian banyak orang kaya yang semakin kaya, sedangkan orang miskin semakin miskin. Pertanyaannya adalah apa yang membuat orang kaya menjadi semakin kaya? Melalui buku ini Robert T. Kiyosaki menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Menurut Kiyosaki faktor utama dari kesenjangan orang kaya dan miskin yang semakin lebar disebabkan oleh 'Pendidikan Keuangan'. Melalui pendidikan keuangan inilah orang-orang kaya memanfaatkan utang dan pajak untuk menambah kekayaan mereka. Jika kita melek pendidikan keuangan, Kiyosaki menjamin hidup kita akan menjadi jauh lebih mudah dan bahagia secara finansial. Sebaliknya jika kita menutup mata akan pendidikan keuangan dijamin hidup kita akan menderita dan melarat. Dan lewat 'Why Rich Are Getting Richer' Kiyosaki membeberkan fakta dan ilmu tentang pendidikan keuangan yang berkaitan dengan ini semua.

Inti dari buku ini sebetulnya tetap terfokus pada pendidikan keuangan yang diberikan oleh 'ayah kaya' dengan topik kesenjangan anatara orang kaya dan miskin. Menurut Kiyosaki, pendidikan di sekolah tidak mengajarkan ilmu pendidikan keuangan. Sebaliknya pendidikan yang diberikan sekolah lebih terpaku pada belajar, mencari pekerjaan, menabung, dan berinvestasi pada saham serta dana pensiun. Stigma seperti ini membuat banyak siswa memiliki pola pikir menjadi seorang karyawan. Sementara untuk menjadi orang kaya yang bebas secara finansial kita harus menjadi pengusaha besar atau investor. Tak hanya lingkungan sekolah, lingkungan keluarga pun selalu menekankan hal yang sama. Di mana anak didokrin untuk kuliah, bekerja, dan menabung. Padahal dalam pendidikan keuangan kita harus bisa masuk ke dalam kuadran B (Usaha Besar) dan I (Investor) untuk sukses dalam hal finansial. Sedangkan lingkungan sekolah dan keluarga menekankan kita untuk masuk ke dalam kuadran E (Karyawan) dan S (Usaha Kecil).

Selain soal lingkungan sekolah dan keluarga yang menjadi faktor kesenjangan antara orang kaya dan miskin, utang dan pajak pun menjadi dual hal yang ikut memengaruhi. Orang miskin dan menengah harus membayar pajak yang tinggi atas pendapatan atau gaji yang mereka peroleh. Sedangkan orang kaya membayar lebih sedikit pajak dari pendapatan yang mereka peroleh. Mengapa bisa demikian? Ini karena kebanyakan orang miskin atu menengah masuk dalam kuadran E (karyawan) dan S (usaha kecil), di mana pendapatan yang mereka peroleh berupa gaji atau pendapatan biasa. Sedangkan orang kaya masuk dalam kuadran B (bisnis besar) dan I (investor), di mana pendapatan yang mereka peroleh berjenis pendapatan portofolio dan arus kas. Lewat investasi dan bisnis yang mereka jalankan secara tidak langsung ikut membantu pekerjaan pemerintah, sehingga mendapatkan potongan pajak yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan karyawan dan pengusaha kecil.

Dibagi menjadi empat bagian, buku ini dengan cukup lengkap membahas berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi kesenjangan antara orang kaya dan orang miskin. Bisa dibilang fokus utama Kiyosaki masih berpusat pada pendidikan keuangan. Kali ini Kiyosaki dibantu oleh Tom Wheelwright, CPA pribadinya. Wheelwright cukup banyak memberikan ilmu baru tentang utang dan pajak. Penjelasan Wheelwright yang diselipkan di setiap bab sangat membantu pembaca untuk memahami permasalahan yang sedang dibahas. Beberapa bagan dan ilustrasi gambar yang ada juga sangat membantu kita untuk lebih memahami penjelasan yang diberikan. Gaya bahasanya masih tetap ringan dan sederhana. Namun sayang, menurut saya Kiyosaki terlalu banyak mempromosikan produk dan dirinya sendiri. Sebagai contoh banyak sekali pengulangan tentang bukunya yang best seller dan Oprah Winfrey yang mengundangnya di acara talk show.

Secara keseluruhan Why The Rich Are Getting Richer merupakan buku yang cukup informatif akan pendidikan keuangan. Hanya saja sayangnya Kiyosaki terlalu banyak mempromosikan produk dan dirinya sendiri dalam buku ini. Menurut saya pembaca tidak harus sering diberitahu akan bukunya yang best seller, Oprah Winfrey yang mengundangnya, hingga rasa bangganya menjadi sahabat Donald Trump. Terlalu banyak mempromosikan diri sendiri ini juga berhasil membuat saya bosan, karena menurut saya terlalu berlebihan. Lalu satu hal lagi yang membuat saya kecewa adalah terlalu banyak materi yang diulang sehingga terkesan memanjangkan bukunya. Padahal jika bukunya tipis pun tidak maslah, asalkan isinya padat dan lugas. Hanya ada dua hal baru yang berhasil saya tangkap dalam buku ini, yaitu tentang utang dan pajak. Kesimpulan dari buku ini adalah kesenjangan antara orang kaya dan miskin disebabkan oleh penasihat keuangan, pajak, utang, kesalahan menabung, dan keruntuhan (ekonomi).
Profile Image for Jim Brown.
64 reviews3 followers
January 16, 2019
I read Rich Dad Poor Dad 19 years ago and it changed my life. The reason for that was because it introduced me to concepts I'd never considered before. Since then, I've tried to read several other Kiyosaki books and they all seem to fall flat. This one was no different. It feels like a cross between a sales pitch for his CashFlow game and summary of all the other books packaged with a new wrapping paper.
Profile Image for Rubi.
331 reviews144 followers
March 6, 2024

Me han gustado mucho los contenidos del libro y la sabiduría que se desprende de entre sus páginas.
Me llevo muchísimos aprendizajes a poner en práctica.

Sin embargo no puedo darle más puntuación porque:
1. Está traducido al español por un mexicano: con todo el respeto, hay ciertas palabras que un español no entiende o le cuesta entender. Además hay errores gramaticales terribles, como "Entre más estudies, mejor". NO SOPORTO ESTE TIPO DE ERRORES. Me ponen nerviosísima.
2. El señor Kiyosaki dice verdades como templos y cosas a tener muy en cuenta, pero repite varias veces lo mismo durante el libro y además sin mucha estructura.

"Hoy en día nuestros impuestos alimentan a Estados Bélicos Unidos y a los Estados Desempleados de América"

"Por los ahorros pagamos impuestos, pero por la deuda no. Una razón más por la que los ricos son cada vez más ricos.

"El mundo se mueve demasiado rápido como para quedarse inmóvil"

Profile Image for Vivian Luo.
99 reviews11 followers
January 27, 2019
3.5 stars*

This book is described as the 'Graduate School' of Rich Dad Poor Dad. I enjoyed Robert's discussion on the history of the US currency, the rationale for the introduction of tax and the critical role of oil in our economy. I also enjoyed his discussion on the impacts of globalisation, technology and financialisation and kelptocracy on the value of our money/savings and his emphasis on why it is so important to understand the forces that shape our economy.

Some of my favourite quotes:
- "Handling rejection and delayed gratification are indicators of very high EQ, emotional intelligence"
- "All coins have three sides: heads, tails, and the edge. Intelligence is found on the edge of the coin, and in the ability to see both sides"
- "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." - Thomas Edison
- "If you argue with an idiot, there are two idiots."
- “He who has the gold makes the rules"
- "If you think you can you can
If you think you can’t you can’t
Either way you are right" - Henry Ford
“You can always quit, why start now?”
Profile Image for Mohammad Ahmad.
6 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2023
كتاب سيء وصادم ولا يقارن بكتاب الاب الغني والاب الفقير ، كمية تكرار ممله ، الكتاب تحدث عن الضرائب وذكر طرق لتفاديها وهي لا تتناسب مع السوق والحياة في السعودية.
Profile Image for Thanh Pham.
16 reviews
December 9, 2018
Bunch of graphs which waste my time looking up their reliability. He adds some sentences like “as my book ....... said “ many times and I felt like he was just advertising his books. The answers to the title question can be conducted from his books which were published before. Honestly, I don’t think the advice of getting a job and saving up money is wrong. Some people were born to be a billionaire, they have new ideas and have enough money to support their dreams, but for those kids who are from poor families? In conclusion, i think the book doesn’t make any sense!
Profile Image for Phil Sykora.
197 reviews73 followers
July 30, 2018
I didn't listen to the audio CD, I read the book. I can't find it on Goodreads, and I can't help but think that I can't find it on Goodreads because Kiyosaki's publisher, or maybe Kiyosaki himself, knows that Goodreads skews liberal, and any book in which Kiyosaki doubles-down on his support of Donald Trump is probably going to get an immediate negative review. Don't worry: I didn't like this book for a whole host of other reasons.

What Robert Kiyosaki thinks investing in the stock market looks like:

What investing in the stock market actually looks like:

Long-term dollar-cost averaging. It saves you from the highs and lows of a volatile market. Now, if, like Kiyosaki predicts, we experience a down-turn on par with the Great Depression that lasts upwards of twenty years, I'll be forced to change my tune -- but, in that case, virtually no one is actually going to be making money. The DOW is a proxy for the wider U.S. economy; if it fails, so does everything.

That means “savers are losers” only if your concept of saving is strictly limited to “stowing all your money under the mattress.” Following the 2008 financial crisis, early retirees (i.e. “the millionaires next door”) probably experienced a relatively minor loss compared to Kiyosaki himself, whose CPA claims he owns tens of thousands of rental properties. However, Kiyosaki jokingly refers to those same early retirees – highly risk-averse investors, mind you, who almost certainly had their homes paid off in full prior to retiring – as the “foreclosures next door.” I think he's projecting, don't you?

It comes down to this: I only emulate the advice of people I want to emulate. I didn't like this book because I don't want to be anything like Kiyosaki. In my mind, he isn't rich; to me, wealth is about freedom, not income. It sounds like Kiyosaki worries about money more than the average person, which is just the other side of the same coin. Instead of bringing him comfort, he seems obsessed with the stress and management of making MORE, MORE, MORE. In fact, to borrow his coin analogy: tails is poverty, heads is rich and obsessed, and the edge is where I want to be. Good enough that I don't have to worry.

It reminds me of anedcote that Tim Ferris recalled in The Four-Hour Workweek after he met a billionaire on a flight to Las Vegas:

“1:00 A.M. CST / 30,000 FEET OVER LAS VEGAS

His friends, drunk to the point of speaking in tongues, were asleep. It was just the two of us now in first-class. He extended his hand to introduce himself, and an enormous—Looney Tunes enormous—diamond ring appeared from the ether as his fingers crossed under my reading light.

Mark was a legitimate magnate. He had, at different times, run practically all the gas stations, convenience stores, and gambling in South Carolina. He confessed with a half smile that, in an average trip to Sin City, he and his fellow weekend warriors might lose an average of $500,000 to $1,000,000—each. Nice.

He sat up in his seat as the conversation drifted to my travels, but I was more interested in his astounding record of printing money.

“So, of all your businesses, which did you like the most?”

The answer took less than a second of thought.

“None of them.”

He explained that he had spent more than 30 years with people he didn’t like to buy things he didn’t need. Life had become a succession of trophy wives—he was on lucky number three—expensive cars, and other empty bragging rights. Mark was one of the living dead.

This is exactly where we don’t want to end up.”

Now, if Kiyosaki enjoys what he's doing, more power to him! I think his message, by and large, is a good one. He's teaching people about financial literacy. He's helping people all around the world.

I just don't think I want to get bogged down in the same bustle, at least not to the same degree. This is a guy who, years into his journey to becoming an entrepreneur, with a multimillion dollar business at his command, almost gave up and got a “normal” job as a pilot because it was too stressful. Is that a blueprint that the rest of the world can copy? I honestly only know a handful of people with the personality and social support network that could reasonably become successful entrepreneurs, but I know a lot of people who have the capacity to become rich by saving more and investing in income-producing assets (whether those assets are rental properties, Kiyosaki-approved, or long-term index funds, Kiyosaki-disapproved, doesn't matter).

Not everyone is born to be an entrepreneur.

So why the 3/5? Why not less? Because, for being such an idiot, Kiyosaki is actually pretty fucking smart. It is entirely possible -- if not likely -- that we suffer a massive downturn soon. Maybe the biggest ever. The Fed can't go on printing money forever. What goes up must come down.

But, again, as I said above, if that happens, you're not going to thrive just because you own a few rental properties.
Profile Image for Romina.
14 reviews2 followers
September 29, 2018
Buen libro, liviano, entretenido y de gran aporte.
De repente es un poco redundante, quizás podría ser más corto y práctico. Tal vez porque ya he leído Padre Pobre, Padre Rico. Si es primer libro, quedaría muy bien para entender y recordarlo en el futuro.
Aunque no doy 5 estrellas, por lo redundante y porque creí encontrar mucho más, si bien me nutrí de nuevas cosas, en la promoción se veía más prometedor.
171 reviews11 followers
February 22, 2018
I've read several books on investing, advice, etc.... however, I must honestly say this was the worst. I came away from reading this book dissatisfied. I didn't learn a thing. Sorry, but I had to be honest about it.
Profile Image for Sinni.
10 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2022
couldn’t finish this book, the constant glorification of trump is unbearable 🗑
Profile Image for Ramy.
1,200 reviews779 followers
May 24, 2022
كتاب جميل جدا ..هو نتاج دورة تدريبية مع روبرت كايوزاكى و المحاسب الضريبي بتاعه
ل شباب جامعة ما فى جنوب افريقيا
هو زيارة متمحصة لكتاب
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
بعد عدة عقود من اصداره

تغير فيها شكل الاقتصاد..روبرت كايوزاكى يقول ان الروبوتات برمجيات او الالات
قد قلصت وظائف البشر .الاستثمار فى التعليم و الاقتراض من اجله لم يعد الاستثمار الامثل ...
ازداد عدد حملة نفس المؤهل المتصارعين على نفس الوظيفة ذات الاجر المحدود

العملة تفقد قيمتها بالتدريج و بفعل التضخم و ضرائب الحكومات
و ان الحكومات فاعليتها تقل مع الزمن فتزيد نفقاتها وا لتزامتها

و يقول ان مدرسة
The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy
مدرسة ان تتعلم ..تحصل على وظيفة ...تدخر...تستثمر مدخراتك فى الاسهم على المدى الطويل ..حينها بالتبعية تصبح مليونير
هى مدرسة كلاسيكية قديمة ربما كانت ذات نفع من 1970 و حتى 2000
قبل حدوث و انهيار فقاعات عقارية و مالية

اما الان فمحاولتك ادخارك 100 ج من مرتب وظيفتك
تعنى انك تدخر من فلوسك و من ثم من وقتك و عمرك
100 صافي+ 40 ضرائب تقتطعها الحكومة من المنبع + 18 تضخم

اما مدرسة روبرت كايوزاكى فهى تعتمد على الاكشن و المغامرة
معاك راس مال ضعه مقدم ل عقار
و خد قرض يسدد بقية اقساط العقار
اجر العقار و من الايجار ادفع الاقساط للقرض و مع انتهاء القرض
يصبح معاك "اصل" العقار و "تدفق نقدي"= دخل سلبي هو الايجار
و دخل شبح "هو الزيادة المتوقعة فى ثمن العقار"
و التى ستتحول ل دخل استثمارى عند بيعه العقار فعلا بملغ اغلى من ثمن شراؤه ...الفرق وقتها هو الدخل الاستثمارى

فلوسك قيمتها تقل مع الزمن لو وضعتها فى البنك
الاذكى هو ان تخرج الفلوس ذات القيمة المتضائلة من البنك تقترضها قرض بشروط معقول
تضمن ان تستفيد من ورائه اكثر مما ستسدد عند سداده
الفارق هو دخل شبحي
ف تستعمل نقود ليست ملكك فى صناعة اصول ملكك
يعود منها دخل سلبي
و من عدة دخول سلبية تشترى العقار "الاصل" التالى

يعيب الكتاب التكرار و الاطناب
لما فى كتاب Rich Dad, Poor Dad
لولاه لكان اصغر حجما

ملخص الكتاب

الكتاب القادم : Naval Ravikant Twitter Wisdom: Founder of Angel List
Profile Image for Jordan Chicano.
121 reviews6 followers
March 1, 2024
This book falls flat on so many levels. Lot of self promotion and rambling through the chapters.
Get a good CPA.... Go into debt.... Buy my board game. No clear instructions, no definitive paths, just words on a page aimlessly bouncing around the readers mind.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is still the go to #1 personal finance book that changed my outlook on money at a young age. Since then, Robert Kiyosaki is more of a salesman now than anything.

I do not recommend this book.
Profile Image for Aisy.
56 reviews1 follower
October 19, 2021
Saya membaca Rich Dad, Poor Dad di tahun 2019 dan ada hal-hal yang berguna yang saya pelajari dari buku tersebut. Terutama mengenai aset vs liability. Saya mengharapkan adanya insight baru yang saya dapat dari buku ini. Namun hanya muak yang saya rasakan ketika membacanya.
Pertama, penulis banyak mengulang-ulang premis dari Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Dan sungguh, saking banyaknya sampai menyebalkan.
Kedua, struktur penulisannya berantakan. Ditambah pengulangan tadi, sebagai pembaca saya merasa tidak nyaman menekuni kalimat per kalimat.
Ketiga, banyak hal yang saya tidak setujui dalam buku ini. Kenyataan bahwa si penulis menyadari kebusukan Donal Trump dan masih 'mengagungkannya'. Sarannya mengenai menggunakan utang untuk semakin kaya juga tidak bisa diterapkan oleh semua orang di semua negara.
Keempat, yang membuat saya benar-benar jengah adalah, bahwa inti dari buku ini adalah mengajak kita untuk menjadi kaya raya dengan menggunakan segala cara. Seperti mengakali pajak. Persepsinya mengenai pajak dan sosialisme juga membuat saya berpikir bahwa si penulis benar-benar orang kaya yang tidak peduli pada kehidupan orang lain. Seolah-olah tujuan utama dalam hidup ini adalah kaya saja. Seolah-olah yang bernapas di sekitarannya itu bukan mahluk Tuhan juga.
Saya pikir, kita tidak butuh buku motivasi keuangan yang semacam ini. Kita butuh buku tentang keuangan yang membuat kita waras alih-alih merasa cemas, yang membuat kita mengingat tanggungjawab kita kepada sesama manusia, mahluk dan lingkungan hidup. Kita nggak butuh buku yang mengajak kita melulu mengejar uang.
Dari Rich Dad, Poor Dad saya belajar meluruskan mindset saya soal membeli rumah, menabung, berinvestasi dan meningkatkan penghasilan. Ada beberapa hal dalam buku tersebut yang tidak saya setujui dan porsinya masih bisa ditolerir. Namun buku ini benar-benar kelewatan dan jelas bukan untuk saya.
336 reviews75 followers
November 6, 2023
Both the 1 star and 4 star reviews are correct, it just depends on your starting point.

Is this book full of shit and swagger? Yes.

Does he maunder on for hundreds of pages, of which only 30 have any content whatsoever? Yes.

Is this book a circle jerk with his accountant and full of name dropping Donald Trump? Indeed.

Does he posit that the world will end, employees will get shafted by inflation, the stock market will crash, but his golf courses and hotels will still be profitable? Why yes he does.

Are there things in here that are simply untrue? Yes. Like his claim that he sold a profitable business to do real estate full time, or that he gives away all this info freely because he wants to help the world. Also, some of his business deal descriptions either lack detail or are also false. A mini storage facility with $500/month operating cost? I'm not familiar with mini storage but don't they need at least one employee?

This book was worth reading because the 30 pages of content were informative, albeit extremely entry-level. He calls it "graduate school" which should warn you away from anything he's selling. And find someone you trust to confirm or deny his facts. Don't trust someone who literally tells you he's a salesman.
Author 3 books12 followers
August 6, 2022
I didn’t think I was going to like the book right off the bar because of how he talked up Trump, a person with Whom I take significant moral issue. However, the book doesn’t spend a ton of time justifying him or the rich, but rather giving a history of why the system is rigged against the poor and how you can access that system. There aren’t many how-tos, and those that are present are often inaccessible to those edits are already poor (e.g. buy a good CPA). So I’d recommend this more as a history lesson than specific financial advice.

My big issue with the book is the premise for action. The author correctly identifies the problem with our current financial system and how to work it, but I don’t want to do that, and we shouldn’t have to. The author is a survivor who’s telling you how to manipulate a corrupt system rather than arguing for changing that system.
Profile Image for Mohamed Atif.
28 reviews2 followers
February 16, 2019
الكتاب رائع جدا..وبيناقش جوانب كتير مننا غافل عنها..ومش بنحاول نتطرق ليها..لكنها تعتبر الدينامو الخفي، وراء ازدياد الاثرياء ثراء
ومنها على سبيل المثال
-الضرائب والديون
- الدخل الشبح
-العقارات (افضل اسثمار للكاتب)
- التخفيضات الضريبية
- انواع الدخل ( العادى،الاستثمارى، السلبي )
- كيفية الانتقال من فئة الموظفين إلى فئة المستثمرين ومن ثم اباطرة المال.

الكتاب يمكن تقسيمه لثلاث اجزاء- الجزء الاول- قد يبدوا ممل ورتيب ؛ لأن الكاتب يسعى الى عرض احصائيات وحقائق تدعم افكاره ووجهة نظره المعروضة في الكتاب "لكنها غاية الاهمية".

اما باقي الاجزاء فستقدم لك مفاتيح ذهبية للمرور داخل عقول وعالم الاثرياء، وكيف يزيدون من ثرواتهم.
وكيف "يصادقون الحكومة والضرائب" بدلا من الفرار من الضرائب 😅

لشراء الكتاب :
Profile Image for Ramakanth Domada.
46 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2021
I have not read Robert Kiyosaki's first book- Rich Dad Poor Dad. This is my first; may be that is why I liked it. The author says that this is a graduate student's version of Rich Dad Poor Dad so I felt I can start with this.
The author 's explanation of how the rich handle taxes and debts are insightful. Anyone would learn something from the book. But for the most part, he promotes his company and his CPA which is quite irritating and many charts, diagrams are repeated number of times. Chapter with USA's (or world's) financial history, US dollar , petrodollar etc are most interesting areas in the book.
Profile Image for Ella Dincă.
141 reviews3 followers
May 14, 2023
Never too late to study and read more about this subject. I have just started and I'm not that sure this was the best choice.
I don't fully agree with this author, I think his point of view it's not inclusive, pretty straight forward and dismissive of other categories, but there are some valid points I am glad I discovered.
It was really hard to finish this book and to get over all the repetitive ideas.
Overall, I think there are better sources that elaborate on the valid points this book has.
Profile Image for Cole Schoolland.
314 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2022
A very challenging read and one I am better for but not sure I'd recommend.

Like many books on the subject of money and finance, this promises to have the key to wealth. And I think it does but you REALLY have to work for it and even then it doesnt do a good job of explaining what you need. It is very poorly written and obnoxiously repetitive.

Don't buy the book - go play the game Cashflow (created by the author).
20 reviews
May 20, 2018
Had a few good insights such as the four quadrants that you can work in, otherwise it was a little repetitive and self promoting with little actual insight given as to how to find the right property to invest in. The rich keep getting richer because we purchase book like this for $40 CAD.
10 reviews
July 27, 2021
Padre Rico Padre Pobre en esteroides

Si leiste PRPP, invertiste dinero en varios activos y quieres saber un poco mas sobre lavdeuda, impuestos y porque se imprime cada vez mas dinero este libro te puede ayudar
Profile Image for Henry Suryawirawan.
96 reviews26 followers
April 4, 2019
A refresher for the Rich Dad Poor Dad. At times can be repetitive and lack of depth. The premise of the book is still good. However I would recommend people reading Rich Dad Poor Dad instead.
Profile Image for William Lawrence.
307 reviews
February 3, 2022
"Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and How to Keep it that Way" should be the title.

You really trust a guy who tells you to go into debt?
7 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2022
Muy redundante. No concluye nada concreto. Se basa todo el rato del libro padre rico padre pobre sin aportar nada sustancialmente nuevo.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews

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