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Idle Thoughts #1

Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

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Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 - 1927), English author, known for his humorous essays."What readers ask nowadays in a book is that it should improve, instruct, and elevate. This book wouldn't elevate a cow. I cannot conscientiously recommend it for any useful purposes whatever. All I can suggest is that when you get tired of reading 'the best hundred books, ' you may take this up for half an hour. It will be a change." (from the Preface to "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome Jerome)

104 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1886

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About the author

Jerome K. Jerome

1,057 books1,097 followers
English author Jerome Klapka Jerome, best known for the humorous travelogue Three Men in a Boat .

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_K...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews
Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews5,944 followers
October 3, 2022
هذا الكتاب لن يرفع بقرة عن الارض
لكنه سيرسم بسمة علي وجهك بسمة ارتحلت عبر الزمن لوجهك  من القرن التاسع عشر

عن الخجل؛ عن الحب؛ عن الجو ؛ عن القطط و الكلاب يحكي جيروم بتلقائية و بسخرية شاعرية
Profile Image for Praj.
314 reviews854 followers
July 1, 2011
Monday afternoons are most favorable to practice the art of idling. The anxiety of a fresh work week prevails over the dormancy of deadlines and you are back on detoxification diet after a carb loaded Sunday. On one such afternoons amid my momentary sniffing of liquid black ink( the one that fills the belly of a fountain pen), I hear a deafening sound enough to crack the inner chords of my ears. As I look up from my sniffing activity, I observe a recognizable obnoxious face of a dear friend who also acts as my local bookworm.

“Have you heard of Jerome K Jerome “, she says overlooking my disdain.
“Is he your fuck mate?” I ask, trying to outwit with my sarcasm.
You lightheaded bitch!, she shows displeasure. “He is the one who wrote Three Men in a Boat”.
Laughter overcomes me as I tell her my awareness of the author stating that he is one of the funniest men in English literature.
As she takes a mouthful of my salad, “Read this book. It is quite interesting”, she urges while masticating on the lettuce. “Jerome writes that although this book might be a good change in between reading “the best 100 books ever”, it wouldn’t even elevate a cow. But, I think it might elevate you”.
As she squanders away to my relief, I sit at my desk torn between the desire to resume ink inhalation or read a book by one of my favourite author.

Idling can be a joy if it is masked in the aura of procrastination. Lethargy is an entirely different concept as it is accompanied by comatose temporal lobe. So, I concur with my dear friend Jerome, when he states that in the world of slow-coaches and indolent people, a true idler is a rarity. A lazy person can sit on a park bench for hours and would care the least even if his butt falls asleep while staring expressionlessly at the birds. On the other hand, an idler for a gem of a person that he is, counts the pigeons in the park, browses the newspaper and exhibits characteristic facial expressions indicating his choc-a bloc schedule. Jerome infers idleness is as sweet as stolen kisses. Idle thoughts on the other hand, can weave an intriguing web of frivolous words and rational sentences. An imposed idleness can relay a series of thoughts, wondering why isn’t the life-cycle of a mosquito applicable to certain neighbors when they share the same blood-sucking attributes of the insect. Your mind debates the legitimacy of Darwin’s claim of man being evolved from apes, when you can clearly see the physical similarities and behavioral patterns between a walrus and one of you elder uncles at a family reunion. If we could identify with the baby talk, would all the “goo-goo-ga-ga” spell out Stewie Griffin’s verbal diarrhea? As you idle away work responsibilities, flinging pebbles in the nearby pond, the simultaneous ripples in the water brings a plethora of dystopian phrases that you might scribble away. Pigeons are devilish birds and so are seagulls. They secretly hate me like my exes. They stare at me and then maul me for a bag of cookies. Cats are smarter than dogs. An individual is the most compassionate and cheerful when he is fed. It is funny how a hungry stomach lustfully adores a plate full of gastronomic delicacies. Hunger is a luxury for those well-fed, as myself. Melancholy is like a glob of butter on toasts. It is detrimental to health, but without it life would be as flavorless as a stale oat. Vanity is not an honorary title solely bestowed on Simon Cowell. Everyone is vain. Take pride in it, just like my aunt whose bedroom lifestyle can put a praying mantis to shame (so claims my uncle, marvel at him being still hale and hearty), flutters like a butterfly at a cosmetic counter even though she appears to be a victim of a reversed metamorphosis. Jerome inscribes that memory is a rare ghost-raiser. Like a haunted house, its walls are ever echoing to unseen feet. Through the broken casements we watch the flitting shadows of the dead, and the saddest shadows of them all are the shadows of our own dead selves. Self- imposed amnesia is the best cure. That is what my cousin prescribes to when she runs into one of her ex-husbands while on a shopping spree.

Jerome is not at his sarcastic best. He is sick, you see. But, he does not disappoint at all. With the help of his dearest companion – the pipe, his drugged temporal lobe leisurely grabs every thought that runs through his mind contemplating from animal attitudes to love, furnishing apartments, babies, food and merriment of the time gone by. The text comprising of 14 varied essays, are rich with the humorous undertones on frolicsome anecdotes filtering into a theoretical finesse.

I am alone and the road is very dark. I stumble on, I know not how nor care, for the way seems leading nowhere, and there is no light to guide. But at last the morning comes, and I find that I have grown into myself.

As the alarm once again nearly ruptures my ear drums, it is 4’oclock in the evening and as I erase the defined whorls off my cheek printed by the ink stained thumb, a thought lingers asserting that my friend was precise of this book elevating me. Moo!!!!!

Profile Image for Margarita Garova.
483 reviews203 followers
June 3, 2020
Нямам доверие на книги, които се афишират като "мъдри", някакви ню ейдж тъпни, псевдодуховни книжки за личностно израстване. Но ако книга носи заглавие като "Празни мисли на един празен човек", ме печели моментално и предварително.

Толкова е мило да четеш размисли за живота на някой, който не се взима насериозно, но в същото време не поставяш под съмнение интелекта и проницателността му. Нашите симпатични слабости и предиспозиции към невинни пороци като хапване и пийване, социалната ни непохватност и умението да общуваме по-адекватно с даке��а си, отколкото със съседите, са описани с темперамента на островитянин, който умее да цени добрия живот, без да се обременява с излишното.

Много се доближава до моето светоусещане. Ще препрочитам.
Profile Image for MihaElla .
243 reviews452 followers
May 1, 2020
Ah, this was such a lovely, entertaining, witty read.
First about (my) sentiments. I felt a bit (strongly) envious of the friend to which JKJ dedicated this small collection of essays. Well, I assumed, on reasonable ground, that it’s a woman, a man, a pet. But no, alas! It is his most beloved smoking pipe! It has, as per below listed, got the best of the lively and trustful attributes to be worthy of this laudatory credit:

“To the very dear and well-beloved friend of my prosperous and evil days-
To the friend who, though in the early stages of our acquaintanceship did ofttimes disagree with me, has since become to be my very warmest comrade-
To the friend who, however often I may put him out, never (now) upsets me in revenge-
To the friend who, treated with marked coolness by all the female members of my household, and regarded with suspicion by my very dog, nevertheless seems day by day to be more drawn by me, and in return to more and more impregnate me with the odor of his friendship-
To the friend who never tells me of my faults, never wants to borrow money, and never talks about himself-
To the companion of my idle hours, the soother of my sorrows, the confidant of my joys and hopes-
My oldest and strongest pipe, this little volume is gratefully and affectionately dedicated.”

Indeed, so! I feel (again) a bit (strongly) jealous, what a tremendously charming way to pay a tribute to…something or someone!
This collection of essays – by the way, there is a second volume, too- is a joy to read, while at the same time, it feels like you are hit by cold showers, from the moral lesson point of view. JKJ is again in his best element: humour, wit, a bit of satire, irony, here and there, and everything is wrapped up in a very simple, digestible and common description of the human life, of people or their actions, trying to reveal the weaknesses and idiosyncrasies as states of fact or common aspects of life. I loved the best his very amusing anecdotes. His humour is bright, and his satire can be easily accepted, without turning the knife deep into your wound, or trying to sink in some deep doubts or questions. He is not dwelling strongly on the human sentiments, but only give you a gentle glimpse and, most important, doesn't carry any meanness or wickedness. He wants you to have your wrinkles smoothened on your face. Well, it depends here on how much loosen skin one has. Sometimes, you can get yourself in big trouble, as by laughing out loud strongly, your eyes might be covered totally of that free skin...
I like the way he treats some important subjects by proving that he knows a good deal about the man's and woman's psychology, which allows him to paint, in a very limited space, some very memorable characters, mostly as if talking about himself. His style is clear, straight, and the humorous-satirical shades give the best of the message in all his anecdotes, because in the end we are supposed to extract some lessons, or take-away points, which in most cases, are full of bitterness, grief, sadness, about the human nature...
This little volume gathers 14 essays on: being idle; being in love; being in the blues; being hard up; vanity and vanities; getting on in the world; the weather; cats and dogs; being shy; babies; eating and drinking; furnished apartments; dress and deportment; memory. I loved the most the essays on themes such as: idleness, love, vanity and vanities, being shy, cats and dogs, memory. The others are good enough too, so don't think they should be skipped or skimmed. It is just my personal feel that was moved strongly on those themes. I am now heading into the second volume, which surprisingly was written much later, that is to say when he was in his late 30’, while the first volume saw the light of print in his late 20’. If you have a desire for something playful and light, but still thoughtful and inspiring, this is a happy choice.

“Can you remember, reader, when you felt something of the same sort of thing? Can you remember those amazing days of fresh young manhood—how, when coming home along the moonlit road, we felt too full of life for sober walking, and had to spring and skip, and wave our arms, and shout till belated farmers' wives thought—and with good reason, too—that we were mad, and kept close to the hedge, while we stood and laughed aloud to see them scuttle off so fast and made their blood run cold with a wild parting whoop, and the tears came, we knew not why? Oh, that magnificent young LIFE! that crowned us kings of the earth; that rushed through every tingling vein till we seemed to walk on air; that thrilled through our throbbing brains and told us to go forth and conquer the whole world; that welled up in our young hearts till we longed to stretch out our arms and gather all the toiling men and women and the little children to our breast and love them all—all. Ah! they were grand days, those deep, full days, when our coming life, like an unseen organ, pealed strange, yearnful music in our ears, and our young blood cried out like a war-horse for the battle. Ah, our pulse beats slow and steady now, and our old joints are rheumatic, and we love our easy-chair and pipe and sneer at boys' enthusiasm. But, oh, for one brief moment of that god-like life again!”
Profile Image for Vimal Thiagarajan.
131 reviews81 followers
June 6, 2016
Safest bet on the planet, as far as reading an essay collection goes. Just enough humour to keep you engaged, just enough philosophy to make you ponder and nod, and just enough imagery to thoroughly transport you into the charming realms of slow-paced old world existence - Jerome K Jerome is surely in a league of his own.
Profile Image for Shaz S.
60 reviews53 followers
June 13, 2011
This is one of the wittiest, most hilarious books I have read in quite a while. I was quite uncertain about picking up this book because the only humour or sarcasm that I really enjoy is written by Oscar Wilde. Previous experiences have taught me not to expect much LOL-inducing wittiness from other authors because they generally pale in comparison. But with The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, even before the book, the introduction caught me, hook, line and sinker.

"One or two friends to whom I showed these papers in MS having observed that they were not half bad, and some of my relations having promised to buy the book if it ever came out, I feel I have no right to longer delay its issue. But for this, as one may say, public demand, I perhaps should not have ventured to offer these mere 'idle thoughts' of mine as mental food for the English-speaking peoples of the earth. What readers ask nowadays in a book is that it should improve, instruct and elevate. This book wouldn't elevate a cow. I cannot conscientiously recommend it for any useful purposes whatever. All I can suggest is that when you get tired of reading 'the best hundred books', you may take this up for half an hour. It will be a change."

It’s not every day that one comes across satire of such quality or honesty. The essays cover a wide range of topics; from pets to babies to blues and clothing. I deliberately restricted myself to reading just an essay a day and most of the time I couldn't read this book in public because every other sentence is ridiculously funny and I’d break into peals of laughter at regular intervals drawing weird looks from the strangers around me. I thoroughly enjoyed these idle thoughts and Jerome K. Jerome just became one of my favourite authors of all time. It’s amazing how most of his insights and observations are relevant even after more than a century of the first publication of the book. I guess great humour is classic.

Rating: 4.5/5
Profile Image for Mohamed Osman.
566 reviews456 followers
February 11, 2012
مقالات أكثر من رائعة تتميز بأسلوب هزلي ساخر ، الكتاب يعد وجبة خفيفة لفصل بين الكتب الثقيلة ، ستندهش عندما تعلم أن الكتاب من عام 1889 ومازال يلمس الكثير من المواضيع التي نعاني منها نحن الآن ، الكتاب يتكون من 14 مقال في مجالات مختلفة مثل الكأبة ، الإفلاس ، الوقوع في الحب ، الكسل وغيرها ، أكثر ما أعجبني الكأبة والوقوع في الحب ، الكتاب من ترجمة دكتور أحمد مستجير أي أنها ترجمة لا غبار عليها لكن إن كنت تستطيع قراءة النص الأصلي فأنصحك بذلك لأنه سيكون أكثر إضحاكا
Profile Image for Antonio Fanelli.
948 reviews177 followers
June 4, 2022
Articoli interessanti, a volte, ma per lo più noiosetti e pieni di moralismo spicciolo.
Un paio di articoli sono invece molto divertenti.
Un libro evitabile.
Profile Image for Lubinka Dimitrova.
258 reviews159 followers
November 27, 2015
“What readers ask nowadays in a book is that it should improve, instruct and elevate. This book wouldn't elevate a cow. I cannot conscientiously recommend it for any useful purposes whatever. All I can suggest is that when you get tired of reading "the best hundred books," you may take this for half an hour. It will be a change."
Profile Image for Plateresca.
376 reviews83 followers
October 8, 2023
'We shall never be content until each man makes his own weather, and keeps it to himself.'

As I was reading this, I was sure that Jerome wrote this after Three Men in a Boat and that it was only published on the success of that hit; imagine my surprise when I learnt that, in fact, he wrote this before, and that it 'helped establish him as a leading English humorist'. Apparently, readers were more lenient at the time.

It is a book of the kind that it's more fun to write than to read; something in the nature of blog posts, where the author feels free to ramble as much as he likes, because why not, it's his blog.

That said, there are great observations here, like this one, for instance:

'There are certain misfortunes which, while inflicting a vast amount of suffering upon their victims, gain for them no sympathy. Losing an umbrella, falling in love, toothache, black eyes, and having your hat sat upon, may be mentioned as a few examples, but the chief of them all is shyness.'

It's just that most of these essays follow the same pattern: the author states his prompt (e.g., 'On Eating and Drinking'), says a couple of mildly amusing things on the subject, then rambles away from it into faint misogyny or a kind of nostalgic sadness.


'For everything looms pleasant through the softening haze of time.'

I finished the book almost a month ago, and by now I look at my vintage hardcover with more sympathy than I felt for it at the time I was reading it :)

So, not the worst choice if you have plenty of time and nothing to do and want something light, but not too light. (Which was not exactly my case).

Some more interesting observations:

'They say — people who ought to be ashamed of themselves do — that the consciousness of being well-dressed imparts blissfulness to the human heart that religion is powerless to bestow. I am afraid these cynical persons are sometimes correct.'

'A new life begins for us with every second.'
Profile Image for Юра Мельник.
320 reviews34 followers
July 31, 2020
Зовсім не захоплююче, але цілком правдиве читання, що привертає увагу тих хто дозволяє собі валятись у ліжку в понеділок об одинадцятій ранку. Можливо Джером К. Джером і не нажив великих статків на своїх книжках, бо писав есеї про лінь і нудьгу забезпеченого британського письменника у світі де середня тривалість робочого дня була 15 годин.
Profile Image for Ramy.
1,200 reviews779 followers
February 10, 2017
كتاب مضحك جدا حسيت انى بقرا ل احمد رجب او محمد عفيفى ....
فى مقال الطقس ضحكنى جدا فكرنى باحمد رجب لما قعد مع شخص ميعرفهوش اوى ف كل ما يجى ف سره يفكر ف موضوع يفتحه معاه يكلمه فيه لتمضية الوقت فيتراجع ..ألسياسة ؟ لالا ربما كان ذو موقف معارض...الادب ؟ ربما كان لا يحبه ...الرياضة ؟ ربما كان زملكاوى ...الى ان استقر الى الحديث مع عن الطقس...و حينما وجد لدى الرجل شهية للحديث فى هذا الموضوع بدا احمد رجب بحماس يذكر كيف ان هيئة الطقس فى مصر مجموعة من الجهلة الاغبياء يقرفون المصريون بتوقعات خاطئة تتسبب فى اصابتهم بالبرد ليتضح فى النهاية ان محدثه هو رئيس هيئة الارصاد الجوية ....

هذا هو لقائى الثانى مع جيروك ك. جيروم بعد روايته

ثلاثة رجال في قارب (Paperback)

جيروك ك. جيروم يكتب مجموعة مقالات مضحكة جدا عن اللاشىء..اللا موضوعات
عن الاكل و الطقس و الايجار و الذكريات و الطموح و الكسل و الكآبة و التملق و المدح و الملابس
مقالات مضحكة و بها فعلا من الخواطر ما هو ذكى و يحتاج لعقل يقظ لملاحظته مع انه يمر علينا يوميا

و هذه ايضا نقطة تحسب ل جيروم الكتاب من سنة 1889 و لن تحس انه كذلك بل ستشعر انه مكتوب هذه السنة
بالطبع لو تغاضيت عن الغليونات و القبعات العالية و العصى الانيقة و فساتين النساء

نقص النجمة فقط لان جيروم بعض ان يضحكك يذهب للابعد محاولا اضحاك القارىء اكثر فلا يجنى الا ان يجعل القارىء يبدأ التملل و ينظر كم صفحة تبقت من الفصل "المقال" حتى ينتهى منه ليبدأ الفصل التالى

اعجبتنى جملة فى فصل الكفاح ....لما تظن ان شكسبير كدح و كتب كل تلك المسرحيات ؟ الا من اجل ان يبنى بيت لمسز شكسبير و الشكاسبة الصغار ؟....شكاسبة ههههه
و اخير الكتاب لا يخلو من لمحة من الفلسفة و الحكمة فى طيات السخرية فى كل فصل

الكتاب التالى : موعد مع راما
Profile Image for Jamie Collins.
1,460 reviews308 followers
January 21, 2012
"I like idling when I ought not to be idling; not when it is the only thing I have to do."

I enjoyed this collection of essays on a variety of topics such as Being Hard Up, Being In Love, Being Shy, Dogs and Cats, and The Weather. Jerome's prose meanders; he's lyrical, sentimental and melancholy; but he is sometimes poignant and frequently hilarious.

One must either forgive the sexism of a man born in 1859 or suspect that he's joking when he assumes that the reader is male, or sympathizes with women who needn't go to political meetings, or claims that it is the duty of women to dress prettily.
Profile Image for Nashwa Moustafa.
Author 4 books87 followers
April 17, 2020
هي فعلا افكار تافهة لكن خفيفة وممتعة عن الفلس والكفاح والمال والطقس طريقة سحرية وخفة دم سابقة عصرها
Profile Image for Христо Блажев.
2,334 reviews1,583 followers
September 3, 2017
Любовта е като дребната шарка, всички трябва да я преболедуваме.: http://knigolandia.info/book-review/p...

Кой ли не е срещал откъси от тези “Празни мисли на един празен човек” и продълженията им тук и там? Как ли не са били кастрени и въвеждани в различен контекст, за да доставят удоволствие, да разсмеят, да те накарат да се замислиш… Джером К. Джером (срещан еднакво често и като Джеръм К. Джеръм) е оформил серия чудесни хумористични есета, като шеговитата му мотивация да ги издаде (в италик отгоре) е притеснително сходна със сериозната на ред автори на ръкописи, които получавам. Нека не забравяме времето на написване на тези текстове – края на XIX век, и да ги приемем с лекотата, с която видимо са писани.

Издателство "Пергамент Прес"
Profile Image for Sabareesh.
73 reviews24 followers
February 18, 2019
"This book wouldn't elevate a cow," reads the author's preface. I cannot presume to agree with or raise issue against it, but whatever be the case, elevation aside, I loved the book.

The lovely satire and humorous insight (looks like I am using 5 adjectives per noun!) made it a great read.
It is rather surprising how the societal aspects of one's individuality and the individual natures of the cross-cultural constants of society one encounters have not changed one bit in the 130+ years it has been since the book was written.
Profile Image for Vassiliki Dass.
258 reviews32 followers
May 12, 2020
Παίρνουμε εδώ μια πρόγευση του αριστουργήματος Τρεις σε μια βάρκα και ο σκύλος.
Το χιούμορ του συγγραφέα αρχίζει να ακονίζεται, δεν εχει βρει ακόμη την απαραίτητη αιχμηρότητα αλλά είναι ευχάριστο το ανάγνωσμα με μερικές πραγματικά πολύ καλές στιγμές. Ότι πρέπει για χαλαρές αναγνώσεις σε καιρούς καραντίνας ή αντίστοιχης μελαγχολικότητας
Profile Image for Петър Панчев.
836 reviews138 followers
December 3, 2018
За онова, което искаме да кажем просто така
(Цялото ревю е тук: https://knijenpetar.wordpress.com/201...)

Все ще се случи един ден с някой приятел да седнете в заведение за по питие и поговорите неангажиращо. Постепенно темите преливат и се губят в мъглата, покрила всички световни проблеми. Но пък нещата винаги опират до дребните недостатъци и съвършенства, оценявани по достойни и недостойни критерии. В един момент и двамата осъзнавате важността на темите – съвсем човешки и пълни с материали от миналото, – далеч от философстването и сериозния тон. Две-три усмивки и малко смях биха били съвсем подходящи за случая. Така могат да се родят едни „Празни мисли на един празен човек“ („Пергамент прес“, 2017, с превод на Станимир Йотов). Да четеш подобни есета не действа въздигащо, просто ще си подредиш мислите и осъзнаеш докъде си стигнал. Но това не би могло да стане при всички, просто защото в нас е закодирана една точно определена черта на личността – сравнението. Ние се защитаваме всячески от различното и сме склонни да се борим с призраците на чуждите идеи. Затова го има и притеснението на Джеръм, че едва ли някой ще приеме сериозно специално тези му писания. Той споменава: „Днешните читатели искат книги, които поучават, възпитават и въздигат. Тази книга не би могла да въздигне и крава и затова не мога да я препоръчам с чиста съвест като някакво полезно четиво. Мога само да предложа, когато ви омръзне да четете „стоте най-добри книги“, да вземете тази за половин час. Тя ще бъде нещо различно.“ Бих се съгласил с него.
(Продължава в блога: https://knijenpetar.wordpress.com/201...)
Profile Image for Pavlina Radoslavova.
41 reviews48 followers
November 3, 2014
Няма по-приятно занимание в дълъг ден или в безсънна нощ от четенето, и то на подходяща книга. Когато не ти се прави нищо, когато няма с какво да запълниш времето, когато се въртиш в леглото и само сменяш позата, защото не можеш да заспиш, а още по-малко да станеш и да изпълняваш домакинските си задължения. Това изглежда е поредният празен ден, в който обаче не е задължително и размислите да са празни.

„Празни мисли на един празен човек” е книга именно за тези специални дни – лека и увлекателна, тънка и забавна. Чете се на един дъх и накрая, макар да затваряш последната страница с голяма усмивка, знеш че това не е книга, която ще забравиш още на другата сутрин. Защото с неподправения си стил Джеръм К. Джеръм успява зад свежия английски хумор и веселите истории да вплете и сериозните размисли за нещата от живота – лентяйството, любовта, лошото настроение, безпаричието, суетата, успехът в живота, времето, домашните любимци, скромността, децата, яденето и пиенето, дома и жилището, модата и поведението, паметта…

Цялото ревю е в "Аз чета"
Profile Image for Al.
412 reviews27 followers
November 3, 2020
I’m going against the prevailing opinion on GR, and I had high hopes for this book, because I thoroughly enjoyed Three Men in a Boat when I first read it years ago. Jerome wrote 14 essays, and based on the fact that he dedicated the book to his pipe, I think it would be fair to assume that most, if not all, of the essays should have tongue firmly planted in cheek. Unfortunately, I didn’t perceive them that way. The ones that stood out for me were the first one, On Being Idle, On Being in Love, On Being Shy and the last one, On Memory. Out of those, On Being Idle and On Being in Love were the best because they seemed the wittiest. The rest of the essays just meandered without being amusing and failed to appeal to me. It’s a short read, about 150 pages, so I may come back to it and find that I enjoy it more, if I can find an idle couple of hours.
Profile Image for Maurizio Manco.
Author 6 books114 followers
April 10, 2018
"La verità è che ciascuno di noi ha l'innata convinzione che il mondo intiero, con tutti e tutto ciò che contiene, sia stato creato per lui, come una sorta di appendice necessaria. I nostri simili, uomini e donne, sono stati messi al mondo per ammirarci e per provvedere alle nostre varie necessità. Sia tu che io, caro lettore, siamo il centro dell'universo, nelle nostre rispettive opinioni. Tu, dal mio punto di vista, sei stato fabbricato da un'avveduta Provvidenza, allo scopo di leggere e pagarmi per ciò che scrivo; mentre io, a tuo modo di vedere, sono un aggeggio spedito nel mondo per scrivere qualcosa che tu possa leggere." (La vanità, p. 32)
Profile Image for نوري.
863 reviews309 followers
July 11, 2017

هي فلسفة وخواطر رجل كسول تافه، يحترم الأشياء العتيقة ويرى الأشياء بشكلاً مختلف، يجد متعته في بيته وعلى سريره.. على هذا القدر من البساطة نجده يقدس الحياة ولا يحمل نفسه أكثر من طاقتها، نجد الكاتب في البداية يصرح بأنه كتاب خفيف يصلح كإستراحة بين الكتب الثقيلة، احيانا أثناء القراءة وجدت أنه ليس بتلك التفاهة وإنما يحمل بضعًا مني.
Profile Image for Maria.
Author 2 books22 followers
November 4, 2009
The book's sarcastic tone is very entertaining and his insights are wonderful.
Profile Image for Alice.
150 reviews
June 23, 2019
Bem-humorado. O RAP do século XIX.
Se bem que mais longas e, por vezes, ligeiramente maçadoras, estas crónicas de Jerome K. Jerome lembram muito as de Ricardo Araújo Pereira. Fonte de inspiração para o humorista português, com certeza.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for بسام عبد العزيز.
974 reviews1,313 followers
November 4, 2014
أو أي تعبير آخر ينم عن الإعجاب التام ولا اعرفه!

بداية هذا الكتاب مخصص للأشخاص أصحاب حس الدعابة المرتفع جدا.. الأشخاص الذين لديهم بديهة متوقدة تجعلهم يدركون السخرية الكامنة في الكلمات و رؤية الأفكار التهكمية التي تذخر بها عبارات جيروم..

الكتاب مشبع تماما بالسخرية من الانماط البشرية.. ممتلئ عن آخره بالنقد اللاذع لكل فئات المجتمع..
إذا كنت من المتحفظين دينيا فلا تقربه!
إذا كنت من مؤيدي حقوق المراة فلا تقربه!
إذا كنت من مقدسي الحياة الزوجية فلا تقربه!
إذا كنت من عابدي القيم العليا فلا تقربه!

ببساطة هذا الكتاب لمن يستمتع بمشاهدة "ساوث بارك" و "فاميلي جاي" و "جوني برافو" ويضحك علي قدم المساواة!

لا أعلم ماذا أقول؟!
منذ الصفحة الأولي و انا لم تفارقني الابتسامة.. أحيانا انقلبت إلى قهقهة! و هذا أدى لأن ابدو مخبولا في نظر الناس من حولي فقد كنت أقرأ الكتاب في المترو ووجدت الجميع يحملق في وجهي عندما ضحكت بصوت مسموع و انا أقرأ!
وجدتني احيانا أشتم الكاتب لشدة إعجابي به! (لدينا عادة نحن المصريون أن نشتم بعضنا على سبيل الدعابة عندما يقول احدنا دعابة جيدة.. و في الحقيقة حتى لو لم يقل نكتة جيدة فنحن أيضا نشتم بعضنا! :) )

كنت أنتوي ان أقتطف بضعة جمل من الكتاب لكن لم أستطع الاختيار.. ففي كل صفحة أجد الكثير من الجمل التي تستحق التوقف عندها... لذلك قررت ألا أقتطف شيئا و أترك للقاريء الاستمتاع التام بكل كلمة يقولها جيروم..

أشكر جيروم بشدة على هذا الكتاب الذي كان خير معين لي على الخروج من حالة الإحباط التي كنت أعيشها.. و لكنني شعرت بالحزن كثيرا عندما انتهى الكتاب فقد كنت أريده أن يستمر للأبد... و هذا شعور تقريبا لم أشعره أبدا مع أي كتاب!

فعلها جيروم ك. جيروم ثانية بعد قصته الرائعة "ثلاثة رجال في قارب" و جعلني أنسي كل شيء و أضحك من قلبي ...
Profile Image for Uroš Đurković.
709 reviews171 followers
August 31, 2019
Dž-K-Dž nekad je elegantan, nekad dosadnjikav, nekad tipično britanski duhovit (protomontipajtonovski), nekad ima neki nerazrađeni patos, a uvek je natopljen ironijom.
Njegovo ugodno čavrljanje može da prija dozirano; čitanje je i idealno upravo za neke međudokolice u džepovima dana.


(P. S. Obratiti pažnju na pacove u delu, besparicu i duge detinje haljinice.)
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,275 reviews316 followers
November 20, 2011
For someone thought of as terribly bluff and British, it's strange how Jerome's almost stand-up thoughts on everyday life always tend to veer towards mystical, melancholy and lyrical conclusions on the bittersweet pleasures of a world where all things must pass.
June 15, 2013
Jerome K. Jerome always makes me laugh. But among the funny, rambling stories, there's also some unexpected insight and depth. While Three Men in a Boat was much better, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow was still entertaining and I enjoyed reading it. It was filled with random thoughts about life and all of its troubles and pleasures. I found some of his comments about women mildly offensive, but many books written in that time period were sexist (you can't expect old books to have modern views!). I was able to overlook it.

If you're looking for a fun, easy read, give Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow a try!

I'll just leave you with a few favorite quotes from the book.

"Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it."

"But we are so blind to our own shortcomings, so wide awake to those of others."

(on pets) "And when we bury our face in our hands and wish we had never been born, they don't sit up very straight and observe that we have brought it all upon ourselves. They don't even hope it will be a warning to us. But they come up softly and shove their heads against us. If it is a cat, she stands on your shoulder, rumples your hair, and says, "I am sorry for you, old man," as plain as words can speak; and if it is a dog, he looks up at you with his big, true eyes and says with them, "Well, you've always got me, you know. We'll go through the world together and always stand by each other, won't we?"

"It is so pleasant to come across people more stupid than ourselves. We love them at once for being so."

74 reviews7 followers
January 15, 2015
If Jerome K. Jerome was this idle and wrote this book from an idle perspective then I think we should all be procrastinating at his pace. Some of the work in this book just merely questions the rudimentary form of our own existence. He writes this amazing section on love and if you come to think of it he makes you realize what us "busy" souls are really missing out on Love.
He has the humor level of a subtle genius. Some banter is so lively that you might as well nod your head and say "take a bow, ye'old Lad"
Now I realize why my school syllabus had works of Jerome Klapka Jerome included in it, because I think subtle thinking with a tinge of humor is what this hard world needs at the moment.
Profile Image for Tim Orfanos.
353 reviews37 followers
January 29, 2023
Ο Τζερόουμ δείχνει τις χιουμοριστικές του προθέσεις από την αρχή της νουβέλας, ωστόσο στο τέλος δίνει την εντύπωση στο αναγνωστικό κοινό ότι διαβάζει κάτι παρωχημένο και ξεπερασμένο. Πέρα από αυτό, σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις, ίσως, (λόγω της μετάφρασης) δεν περνά η χιουμοριστική 'πινελιά' και διάθεση στον αναγνώστη, ενώ κάπου στη μέση υπάρχει η αίσθηση του κορεσμού. Οφείλω, όμως, να αναφέρω ότι εκφράζει αρκετές αλήθειες που προκαλούν το γέλιο σε θέματα όπως π.χ. οι σχέσεις, ο έρωτας, τα επιπλωμένα διαμερίσματα ή το φαγητό.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews

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