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The New Atlantis

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In New Atlantis, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing his aspirations and ideals for humankind.

The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem.

The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Solomon's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences.

New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a longer work of natural history: Sylva Sylvarum (forest of materials).

48 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1626

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About the author

Francis Bacon

1,931 books830 followers
Not to confuse with collateral descendant and artist Francis Bacon

English philosopher, essayist, courtier, jurist, and statesman Francis Bacon, first viscount Saint Albans, in writings, which include The Advancement of Learning (1605) and the Novum Organum (1620), proposed a theory of scientific knowledge, based on observation and experiment, which people came as the inductive method.

A Baconian follows the doctrines of the philosopher Francis Bacon or believes in the theory of, relating to, or characteristic of his works or thought that he authored the plays, attributed to William Shakespeare.

This Queen's Counsel, an orator, authored. He served as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. After his death, his works extremely influenced especially as advocate and practitioner during the revolution.

People called Bacon the creator of empiricism. His works established and popularized simple Baconian inquiry, often called. His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all natural things marked a new turn in much of the rhetorical framework, which still surrounds proper conceptions today.

Bacon received a knighthood in 1603, and people created him baron Verulam in 1618 and promoted him in 1621.

Ideas of Bacon in the 1630s and 1650s influenced scholars; Sir Thomas Browne in his Encyclopaedia Pseudodoxia Epidemica (1646–72) frequently adheres to an approach to his inquiries. During the Restoration, the royal society founded under Charles II in 1660, commonly invoked Bacon as a guiding spirit.

During the 18th-century Enlightenment of France, criticism of the ancien regime associated more influential non-metaphysical approach of Bacon than the dualism of his French contemporary René Descartes. In 1733, Voltaire "introduced him as the ''father," a widespread understanding before 1750, to a French audience.

In the 19th century, William Whewell revived and developed his emphasis. People reputed him as the "father."

Because Bacon introduced the influence behind the dawning of the Industrial age in England, people also consider him. In works, Bacon,

"the explanation of which things, and of the true relation between the nature of things and the nature of the mind, is as the strewing and decoration of the bridal chamber of the mind and the universe, out of which marriage let us hope there may spring helps to man, and a line and race of inventions that may in some degree subdue and overcome the necessities and miseries of humanity,"

meaning he expected that through the understanding of use of mechanics, society creates more inventions that to an extent solves the problems. This idea, found in medieval ages, changed the course in history to inventive that eventually led to the mechanical inventions that made possible the Industrial Revolutions of the following centuries.

He also a long treatise on Medicine, History of Life and Death , with the natural prolongation.

For the historian William Hepworth Dixon of biographers, so great influence of Bacon in modern world proceeds to owe to who rides in a train, sends a telegram, follows a steam plough, sits in an easy chair, crosses the channel or the Atlantic, eats a good dinner, enjoys a beautiful garden, or undergoes a painless surgical operation

Francis Bacon's left the vast and varied that dispaly and that divided in three great branches:

Works present his ideas for an universal reform into the use of the improvement.

In literary works, he presents his morals.

Works reform in law.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with thi

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews
Profile Image for Bill Kerwin.
Author 3 books83.3k followers
April 23, 2019

This 15,000 word fragment of a utopian narrative is written in a clear, transparent style and demonstrates that Bacon could have been an important early contributor to the body of English fiction if he hadn't been too busy with other things.

In spite of its male chauvinism, I was particularly impressed by his description of "the feast of the family"--a celebration of the individual patriarch by a society which values and honors a stable and fruitful marriage.

The description of the workings of "Salomon's House"--Bacon's plan for an ideal research university--occupies the bulk of the fragmentary work.
Profile Image for Krzysztof.
8 reviews10 followers
September 14, 2014
I cannot say that I liked it, for Francis Bacon's utopian vision of society is not only ridiculous but also kind of offensive. The New Atlantians, who themselves are (obviously) learned, chaste and sophisticated, consider the Chinese 'foolish', the Africans to be the 'little foul ugly Spirits of Fornication', and the American Indians plain 'savage'. Way to go, Enlightenment! (yes, I know that technically it's not Enlightenment yet). And this wondrous land called Bensalem consists exclusively of noble, goody-goody, holier-than-thou, law-abiding citizens, whose exemplarily virtuous lives taste of Christian propaganda. Even their Jews, although circumcised, are more Christian than the Pope. How come they became Christians in the first place? Well, apparently, they had been evangelised by the Almighty himself, who sent them the Bible. In an ark. Through a beam of holy light. And, interestingly, God's choice of the Scriptural texts is identical with the one officially established by the Church (sic!). Hmm, sounds suspicious...

Anyway, all their rulers are just and wise, ordinary people well-organised and open-hearted, families flourish, divorce and crime statistic approximate absolute zero and scientific progress lies at the very foundation of their society. However, in his glorious vision, Bacon does not attempt to maybe consider what amazing strategy makes these people so good and noble and their little state so clockwork perfect. Although the island is relatively small and procreation strongly encouraged, such problems like overpopulation or poverty are non-existent. Why? No reason. That's just the way it is. It makes me think that it is not so difficult to build a perfect society. All you require are perfect people. But the islanders' goodness may at least be explained by the fact that they were chosen by God; they simply have no other option but to be nice and polite (predestination, anyone?). But how to justify the fact, that among the one-hundred-and-fifty crew-members of the ship that arrives at the island (with them the narrator of this story) there is not one criminal, sinner, blasphemer, cheater, nor even a simple ill-mannered fellow? A miracle! Who needs utopian civilisations on secluded islands, when our good ol' Europe breeds such unblemished specimens?

The only reasons it is not a one-star review are: A) the age of the text - I do understand that's how people thought back then (but that doesn't mean I have to like it), B) quite readable narrative and C) some surprisingly spot-on predictions about the development of sciences in the future (including such inventions like Powerade, protein drinks, laser, microscope, electronic music, hearing aid, flavour-enhancer, aeroplane, submarine, and industrial espionage). Other than that, a rather boring read.
Profile Image for Owlseyes .
1,715 reviews274 followers
March 29, 2021
A book first published in 1627, under the title The New Atlantis, Or the Voyage to the Land of the Rosicrucians.

The story of a ship lost in the Pacific ocean, with 51 people on board, 17 sick...and the encounter of a land full of "boscage": Bensalem island, whose inhabitants are Christian too and well-advanced.

First communications are in Spanish, but emissaries of Bensalem master the "ancient Hebrew, Greek, the good Latin, and Spanish" languages. They're willing to assist those lost, hungry and moribund. And yet, they don't accept compensations; Bensalem officers don't "get paid twice".

Then there's the question: how come??, both Christians? and the reference to an apostle named Saint Bartholomew and the miracle of the gift of Tongues, that saved the island.

Bensalem knows about Europe, but not the other way around.

Bensalem's Governor recalls how it was 3,000 years ago, the navigation then: great Atlantis [America] and China and a time when all nations of "might and fame resorted here".

There's something "supernatural" about this island. The Governor speaks of a Society created in the Island, dedicated to the study of the works and creatures of God. It's the College of the 6 Days Works or The House of Saloman. Beautiful.

Islanders have a Feast of the Family. A ceremony dedicated to those who have a long lineage: 30 descendants at least alive. The father Tirsan blesses those descendants and delivers a jewel on each one, and there's music and dance. Among the islanders there's a different type of Jews.

We got to know from the Head of the House of Saloman that science has had a great advance in the Island. They have caves for research (medical, namely) and they possess the water of Paradise for the prolongation of life. [Well, for a book of 1627...it's surely an advanced vision].

We also got acquainted with other riches of the House of Saloman: chambers for air purification, animals and plants “genetic” manipulation, advances in Pharmacology, Houses for manipulation of Light & Sound & Taste & Perfume, Engines-Houses for air travel and submarine, Mathematical-houses, and a House for meteors demonstration.

(guess where's the seizish [!] strawberry...can you spot it?)

The book ends when the Head of Saloman hands, in a largesse move, 2,000 ducats to the narrator and fellowmen and grants him permission to publish these amazing stories.

Ah!! At Bensalem they have galleries where inventors & discoverers-statues can be found. One of the statues mentioned is of the discoverer of the West Indies: Christopher Columbus.

About the return to Europe? …no hint.

This Bensalem island is truly the province of Bacon; the one who, by the age of 31, had great projects. The one who said "I have taken all knowledge to be my province".

Profile Image for Carlo Mascellani.
Author 11 books283 followers
May 20, 2021
Romanzo di stampo utopico, sulla falsa riga di molte, analoghe opere dell'epoca. Purtroppo, però, Bacone non ha la perizia stilistica di un Moore o del nostro Campanella e il suo racconto, lungi dal trattare temi etici, morali, umani, a causa della formazione dell'autore, risente troppo di un mero interesse scientifico, di una presunta onnipotenza della ragione umana, del desiderio di assoggettare una natura vista come puro ambito di sfruttamento, di tutti quegli aspetti che, secoli più tardi, Comte e il Positivismo riscopriranno e faranno propri.
Profile Image for Mehmet.
Author 2 books439 followers
January 19, 2022
Plato'nun Devlet'i ile insanların zihninde uyandırdığı "ideal bir devlet, ideal bir toplum nasıl olabilir?" sorusu Al-Farabi'nin 9. yüzyılda yazdığı El-Medinetü'l Fâzıla'sında; Thomas More'un 1516 yılında yazdığı Utopia'sında, Tommaso Campanella'nın 1602 yılında yazdığı Güneş Ülkesi'nde ve Francis Bacon'ın 1622'de yazdığı yarım kalmış bu eseri gibi pek çok eserde cevaplanmaya çalışılmıştır.

Yeni Atlantis'i diğer ütopya eserlerinden ayıran özelliği bilimin, ve doğa üzerinde egemenlik kurmanın önemli bir yer teşkil etmesidir. Bu yönüyle ayrılsa da bu ütopyada din; özelde Hristiyan teolojisi son derece güçlü bir yere sahiptir.

Bilimsel deneylerle ilgili şu alıntı, bugün bizim için popüler bilim dergilerinde okuduğumuzda şaşırtmayacak; ama dönemi için düşünüldüğünde çığır açıcıdır:

"Ayrıca her tür hayvan ve kuş için kapalı alanlarımız ve parklarımız var, biz bunları hiç bilinmeyen ve nadir bulunan hayvanlar oldukları için değil, incelemelerde bulunmak ve deneyler yapmak için kullanıyoruz; öyle ki bunlardan insan bedeninin yararına neler yapabileceğine ilişkin veri topluyoruz. Bu hayvanlardan çok şaşırtıcı sonuçlar elde ediyoruz, örneğin yaşamsal saydığımız bazı organları ölmüş ya da çıkarılmış olsa da, bu hayvanların canlı kalmasını sağlayabiliyoruz; öldüğü sanılan bazılarını ise diriltebiliyoruz." (s.90)

Bugün insan ömrünün uzatılması ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda bir konsept olarak "ölümü ortadan kaldırma fikri" 400 yıl önce Bacon'un ütopyasında yer bulmuş. Tarımla ilgili, melezleştirme ile ilgili, sağlıkla ve gıda üretimi ile ilgili diğer öngörüler ve fikirleri de aynı şekilde parlak ve çağının çok ötesinde.

Kitabın boğucu Hristiyan vurgusu ve birkaç noktada hissedilen Yahudi düşmanlığı, çağının koşullarında hoş karşılanabilir. Bu nedenle bu kitap yukarıda saydığım diğer ütopya eserleri ile birlikte okunup incelenebilir. Özellikle siyaset bilimi, kamu yönetimi gibi sosyal alanlarda öğrenim görenlerin okuma listesinde bulunması gereken bir klasiktir.

Daha fazla ütopya okuması yapmak isteyenler ise bunlara ilaveten;
-Étienne Cabet'nin İkaria'ya Yolculuk (1842)
-William Morris'in Hiçbir Yerden Haberler (1890) adlı eserlerini de okuyabilir.

Profile Image for Richard.
259 reviews70 followers
October 30, 2010
This book started out as more fun than any other Utiopa I've read. but it quickly digressed into uninspired, orthodox christian propoganda. Even the Jews in this city are Christians. Whatever. Essentially Bacon's ideal society is Christian Europe without the corruption and greed. However, he gives no cure for the corruption and greed. He just insists that, "they wouldn't do that." Sorry, Francis, but I need more than an insistance that a friendly group of Atlantians wouldn't dream of greed or pride. Oh well.
Profile Image for C.
170 reviews9 followers
January 16, 2022
Review en Français • en Español • in English
Voici une autre œuvre à ajouter à ma liste d’utopies. Je l’avais vu mentionné comme étant le premier roman science fiction, il fallait donc que je le lise. L’idée que l’auteur offre d’améliorer l’agriculture, la santé et la longévité par la science a un fort écho dans le livre Le Meilleur des mondes, à la différence qu’ici l’ingénierie est au service de la société.

Aquí esta otra obra que añado a mi lista de utopías. La había visto mencionada como la primera novela de ciencia ficción, entonces la quise leer. La idea que el autor ofrece para mejorar la agricultura, la salud y la longevidad a través de la ciencia, es una a la cual le hace fuerte eco el libro Un mundo feliz, con la diferencia que aquí las ciencias siguen al servicio de la sociedad.

This is another work to add to my list of utopias. I had heard about it as the first instance of science fiction in literature and so I had to check it out. The author through his idea of how agriculture, health and longevity can be improved by science, has been strongly echoed by Brave New World, only here science is still at the service of society.
Profile Image for Merve Özcan.
Author 21 books31 followers
May 22, 2017
Ahlak kavramına bilimden daha çok önem vermiş adam ama bilime yaklaşımı ile tanınıyor. Bilimin de hatrı sayılır önemi var ama bence onun temelinde ahlak yatıyor. Aklıma takılan başka şey de, madem bu toplum ideal, niye bir şey yasaklanıyor? Zaten ideal olduğu için yasağa gerek olmamalı.

Din kavramına girmiyorum bile. Güldürdü. Hele şatafatlı liderler.

Yaşadığı dönemle kıyasladığımızda öngörüşlülüğü ve bilim konusundaki tahminleri çok iyi, eleştirileri helal dedirtecek türden. Thomas More'u bir kez daha okumak istiyorum şimdi.
Profile Image for Roy Lotz.
Author 1 book8,543 followers
June 15, 2016
This is a very short book, so it deserves a very short review. It is interesting, and probably inevitable, to compare this work with More’s Utopia. Whereas More is mostly interested in politics, economics, and culture, Bacon’s interests are primarily scientific. At least a quarter of the book consists of a long catalogue of the inventions and discoveries made by Salomon’s House. The list was quite impressive, as Bacon does manage to anticipate many later discoveries. But it is still pretty dull, as it is, after all, a list.

Even considering Bacon’s prescient view of scientific collaboration, this book makes for far less interesting reading than More’s work. More manages to describe a startlingly new culture—one with religious toleration and a communist economy. Bacon just describes very virtuous Christians, and Jews that are virtually Christians. But thankfully, this book is short enough so that its flaws don’t overwhelm its attractions.
Profile Image for Ivar Volmar.
147 reviews14 followers
December 4, 2020
Kõik inimkonna tuntud utoopiad on olnud mul "kunagi tuleb läbi lugeda" nimekirjas juba keskkoolist alates. Ja nagu ikka, on utoopia, erinevalt antiutoopiast, ääretult igav ja see teos ka õudustäratavalt moraliseeriv. Ja sarnaselt Platoni riigile ei tahaks ise üheski utoopias küll elada.
Profile Image for tyranus.
110 reviews285 followers
October 30, 2015
Öncelikle belirtmek gerekir ki, yazar vefat ettiği için kitap yarıda kalmış. Kitapta çoğunlukla her bilim dalının araştırıldığı "ev"ler vardır. Bu evlerin çalışma düzeni, amacı ve elde edilen bilimsel ve teknolojik başarılar ve bunlara bağlı olarak elde edilen toplumsal gelişmeler anlatılmaktadır. Bu nedenle Francis Bacon'un "Yeni Atlantis"i diğer ütopyalardan farklıdır; Ne Thomas More'un ekonomik ve idari temelli "Ütopya"sı, ne de Platonun siyasal temelli "Devlet"idir. Daha ziyade bilim ütopyasıdır; yakın gelecekte gerçekleşmesi muhtemel bilim ve teknolojik ilerlemeye dayalı bir yaşamın tasarımıdır.

Güney yarım kürede Ben Salem adı verilen dış dünyaya kısmen kapalı bir ülkede, bilim ve teknolojik ilerlemeler sayesinde ideal toplumsal bir yaşam kurulmuştur. Ülkenin yöneticileri, "Süleyman Evi" denilen bilim ve dini yapılanmanın üyeleridir, ve bu üyeler ideal toplum düzeni için farklı alanlarda bilimsel araştırmaları yönetmektedir.

Siyasi yaşama ve yönetime dair çok az bilgi mevcuttur. Yazarın yaşadığı dönem açısından değerlendirildiğinde, bilime dayalı "Yeni Atlantis", ortaçağın din temelli devlet yönetimlerine bir eleştiri ve alternatiftir. İyi okumalar...

..."bir insanın kendisine saygısı, bütün kötü huylarının en başta gelen dizginidir." (kitaptan bir alıntı)
Profile Image for Elif.
41 reviews
April 17, 2020
Siyaset Felsefesi’nin tarihindeki en iyi ütopya diyemem ama Bensalem ve Süleyman Evi topluluğu gayet ilgi çekici. Bilimin üzerine kurulu, din ve erdemi de yanına çok önemli konular olarak alan bir düzen olması bence en güzel yanlarından. 1624’te yayınlanmış bir kitapta bu kadar bilimsel konular alınması şaşırtıcı.. Ayrıca bilemiyorum ben mi zorlama bir yorum getirmeye çalıştım ama minerallerle olan çalışmaları, şimşek, yıldırım modellerini yapmaları, sinek vb canlıları üretmeleri bana 1953 yılında yapılan Miller-Urey deneyini çağrıştırdı. Kitap eminim bir çok bilimsel çalışmaya ön ayak olmuştur. Tamamlanmış bir kitap olsaydı sanırım daha iyi bir kitap olabilirdi.
Irkçılık, her ne kadar hoşgörülü olduklarını belirtseler de din ayrımcılığı ve cinsiyetçilik çok inceden hafifçe hissedilebilir ama sanırım her ütopyanın bir çatlaktan sızıntı veren yanı vardır.
Profile Image for Grrm.
21 reviews2 followers
July 10, 2021
Не будучи особо знакомым с жанром утопии, решил прочитать сие сочинение достопочтенного Фрэнсиса Бэкона. Сразу в глаза бросился малый размер сочинения и, по итогу, полностью его прочитал за какое-то смехотворное время. Единственным плюсом имею знакомство с этой стороной творчества англичанина.

"Новая Атлантида" вобрала в себя разрозненные христианские, иудейские и языческие (?) символы, как попытку нарисовать "органическую" веру, соотносимую с естественными благодетелями человека, не осквернённого цивилизацией. Вместе с никаким раскрытием темы и тем, что около трети книги составляет перечисление собственности и операций братства Соломона, ощущается то ли непонимание того, что стоит сказать об идеальном обществе, то ли попытка Бэкона вообразить себе тот мир, в который он хочет отправиться после своей кончины.
Profile Image for Nazanin .
41 reviews
November 21, 2023
Sir Francis Bacon's idea of intellectual utopian society is totally absurd; in which all the people can live peacefully in the best possible condition ever if only people are fully devoted to learning , reasoning and science. Although it is true that educated societies tend to have a better functioning generally, but the main question here is: is that really enough to create a violence free society ? If we put aside any sort of emotions and only focus on factual information and reasoning, is that enough to create a utopia?
Well honestly I believe utopia is nothing but an illusion which people kept dreaming on creating one .
The problem with the idea of utopian societies is that , each individual values a different thing in their lives which may not make sense for the rest of the society. You cannot expect people to be fully committed to one particular ideology.
Profile Image for Tuncer Şengöz.
Author 6 books244 followers
September 21, 2015
Londra'da British Museum'un hemen girişinde Enlightment Room (Aydınlanma Odası) yer alır. Çok geniş ve uzun bir salon boyunca dünyanın dört bir yanından toplanmış kitaplar, mineraller, fosiller, taşlar ve daha pek çok nesne sergilenir.

British Museum, Kral George III'ün 60,000 kitabının yer aldığı bir kütüphane iken, 19. yüzyılda oğlu George IV tarafından müzeye dönüştürülmüş ve İngiliz halkına verilmiştir. Kraliyet Kütüphanesi, aydınlanmaya büyük katkı sunmuştur. Dönemin bütün önemli düşünürlerinin Kraliyet Kütüphanesi'nde uzun saatler geçirdikleri söylenir.

18. yüzyılın sonundan 19. yüzyıl başına kadar hüküm süren George III doğa bilimlerine oldukça meraklı bir kral idi. Dünyanın dört bir yanından toplanarak getirilen nümuneler o dönemde kabarmaya başlayan merak duygusunun boyutlarını göstermesi bakımından ilginçtir.

Yeni Atlantis, yaklaşık 150 yıl sonra aydınlanmaya büyük katkı sunacak Kraliyet Kütüphanesi'nin oluşturulmasını tetikleyecek fikirlerle dolu bir kitap. Bacon 17. yüzyılın başında Yeni Atlantis'i dinsel bir ütopya olarak yazmaya başlamış. Kitabın daha sonra yazılan bölümlerinde ise botanikten, gastronomiye, ışıktan sese, toplumsal ahlaktan teknolojiye çok geniş bir alanda Bacon'ın hayal ettiği bilimsel gelişmeleri okuyoruz. Eser tamamlanamamış. Ancak yazılan bölümlerde bir kaç yüzyıl sonra bütün Avrupa'ya yayılacak aydınlanma fikirlerinin temelini okuyoruz.

Bacon'ın fikirleri daha sonraki yüzyıllarda "ütopya" olmaktan çıktı, gerçeğe dönüştü: Dünyanın dört bir yanında botanik bahçeleri, bilim ve doğa tarihi müzeleri, araştırma-geliştirme merkezleri kuruldu. Dahası, bilimsel çevreler tıpkı Bacon'ın hayal ettiği biçimde, kast sistemi ile örgütlendi.

Ancak bilim, Yeni Atlantis'te öngörülen biçimde dinin kucağında ve rahiplerin öncülüğünde değil, laikleşerek ve din sınıfına tamamen sırtını dönmüş bilim çevreleri vasıtasıyla gelişti.

Yeni Atlantis, günümüz okuyucusu için fazla vaatkar değil. Bacon'ın zamanında yaşayan insanlar için ütopik olan tasarımlar, günümüz insanı için gündelik yaşamın sıradan gerçeklerinden ibaret. Bu durumda kitaptan geriye okuyucu için ilginç olabilecek sadece Bacon'ın dinsel ütopyaları ve bol dinsel referanslı, "mucizeler" ve "efsaneler"le dolu "Bensalem tarihi" kalıyor.
Profile Image for Mariana Rivera.
88 reviews6 followers
December 30, 2020
Nueva Atlántida trata de unos marineros que pretenden hacer un viaje de Perú a China, pero unos vendavales los desvían del camino y terminan perdidos en el océano. Al cabo de unos días a la deriva, se topan con una Isla muy peculiar llamada Bensalem.

Bensalem es un lugar mítico que alberga una comunidad en la que reina la armonía y la paz, en la que la violencia está ausente y hay conformidad social, pero principalmente es una sociedad en la que se cree que la clave de la felicidad recide en el poder de la ciencia puesta al servicio común. 

En Besalem, el núcleo de la sociedad es la familia, y se celebran unas ceremonias muy pomposas en las que se ensalza el rol de el padre en la familia, inclusive se le hacen a éste, concesiones de rentas y privilegio por parte del Estado.

En general, disfruté mucho de esta utopía principalmente la idea de que la ciencia puede mejorar nuestra vida en sociedad, pero hay algo que me llamo la atención: En la ceremonia en la que se le hacen grandes honores al padre de familia, mientras a éste se le coloca en una especie de trono durante las fiestas, a la madre de familia se le trata diferente: "Si vive la madre de cuyo cuerpo desciende el linaje, al lado derecho (del padre) se coloca una puerta detrás de la cual será colocada ella quedando invisible". 

Que la madre sea "un cuerpo del que desciende el linaje" que ha de quedar escondido en una ceremonia en la que se hacen grandes honores al padre, deja de relieve que, ni siquiera en las utopías las mujeres gozan de equidad.
Profile Image for Audrey Stark.
79 reviews38 followers
December 28, 2014
I get that the genre of utopia is all about paradox. I just didn't enjoy this text, and that's what it boils down to. It's probably really offensive to some people. It's a Christian utopia which asserts God chose them to handle knowledge not given to the rest of the world. There's a token Jew and women are basically not present. I was bored.
Profile Image for Carol Spears.
346 reviews13 followers
November 13, 2013
The best thing about this book was that it ended abruptly. It was mostly (more than 90%) a native of an island giving lists of religious ideas and practices and another native, the ruler, giving lists of the islands productivity.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sohail.
472 reviews12 followers
December 8, 2022
Of all the utopian literature that I have read, this is by far the most practical and the least totalitarian fictional world. Furthermore, Francis Bacon introduces some innovative ideas that were way ahead of their time. These ideas had roots in the scientific empiricism that he promoted. Some of them came into fruition after his death, and some (such as genetic engineering) only recently. So far this is the only utopian book that I would recommend reading.
Profile Image for Maggie McKneely.
195 reviews8 followers
March 22, 2023
Bacon *did* predict that if the scientific future became reality, there would be no stimulation and people would become lifeless and sheep-like. And yet he still thought it was a good idea and wrote this propaganda piece to spread the modern gospel.

He was correct, and I’m pretty sure it was not a good idea.
Profile Image for Cynda is healing 2024.
1,348 reviews168 followers
January 2, 2020
Read from Three Early Modern Utopias Three Early Modern Utopias by Thomas More

To be fair: New Atlantis is an unfinished work. So the writing could have been significantly different. Francis Bacon might have completely rethought the text. I can only review what has been written.

European visitors to this utopian island find themselves in a school of higher learning, a school of arts and mechanics. Could it be that the paternalistic nature of colleges and universities were developed in part as a result of the influence of this utopian tale? The university Solomon's House on the island of Bensalem has dormitories, a collegiate diet, social and sexual rules to follow, and leadership that expects compliance with its rules. Could it be that the push for innovations and inventions promoted at universities were developed in part as a result of this utopian tale? Various arts and mechanics discussed here: mechanical arts of papermaking and glassmaking to scientific innovations using prisms and possibly a microscope. If the first readers of the The New Atlantis did not find the text worthwhile, we surely would not be reading it now in various mass produced texts.

Something worth reading here. I am not clearly finding it. I have read something to compare against my recent read of More's Utopia, to see that utopian literature could be about a variety of societies, so far civilian and academic.

I read next another utopian tale The Isle of Pines by Henry Neville.
Profile Image for Nemo.
73 reviews45 followers
April 14, 2018
The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible.

New Atlantis is a Utopia ruled by scientist-kings, viz. the elite with supreme knowledge of causes of Nature. Bacon's vision is awe-inspiring, in both senses of the word. On the one hand, it is mind-boggling to ponder the vast unrealized but distinctly real potential of human knowledge and consequent power. On the other hand, it is awful how such immense power might be abused by people without any moral compass, to deceive, enslave and destroy on a cosmic scale. Bacon anticipates not only many of the achievements in modern science and technology, but also the imaginations of science fiction and fantasy writers.

(Read full review at https://nemoslibrary.com/2018/04/13/f...)
Profile Image for Aviendha.
310 reviews18 followers
April 10, 2017
İlginçtir ki, rüşvet iddialarıyla hayatının bir dönemini geride bırakan Bacon, felsefe ve bilim ışığında mükemmele yakın (rüşvetin söz konusu dahi olmadığı) ütopyasını kurmuş.
Anlatımda yer yer dini imgelere atıfta bulunmuş ve pek tabii Hristiyanlık yüceltilmek istenmiş. İnsan ırkı, doğru karma ile felsefe ve bilimi doğanın üzerinde kullanırsa başarılı olacaktır tezini savunuyor. Kitap, yazarın bakış açısını görmek dışında böyle bir konu için fazlasıyla yüzeysel kalmış.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews

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