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A Radical Awakening: Turn Pain into Power, Embrace Your Truth, Live Free

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The New York Times bestselling author and renowned clinical psychologist teaches women how to transcend their fears and illusions, break free from societal expectations, and rediscover the person they were always meant to be: fully present, conscious, and happy.

A Radical Awakening lays out a path for women to heal their psychic wounds and prepares them to discover their own powers to help heal others and the planet. Dr. Shefali helps women uncover the purpose that already exists within them and harness the power of authenticity in every area of their lives. The result is an eloquent and inspiring, practical and accessible book, backed with real-life examples and personal stories, that unlocks the extraordinary power necessary to awaken the conscious self.

363 pages, Paperback

Published May 18, 2021

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About the author

Shefali Tsabary

56 books578 followers
Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., was exposed to Eastern philosophy at an early age and integrates its teachings with Western psychology, having received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University in New York. This blend of East and West allow her to reach a global audience and establishes her as one of a kind in the field of mindfulness psychology for families.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary lectures extensively on conscious parenting around the world and is in private practice. She is author of the award winning parenting book, The Conscious Parent as the newly released Out of Control: Why Disciplining Your Child Won't Work and What Will, as well as It's a Mom: What You Should Know About the Early Years of Motherhood, which debuted on the Indian National bestseller list for four weeks. Dr. Tsabary lives in New York City.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews
Profile Image for Wendy.
3 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2021
I don't usually write reviews nor do I allow myself to be influenced by reviews because no two individuals read the same book. It is always read and interpreted through our own individual perspectives. However, I feel like I need to get this one off my chest.

Before reading this book I thought this was going to be a 5 star read. Some parts were really good, other parts ok and then there were these parts where my mind went blank. The way I see it, it feels like she too has her own emotional blind spots and that she views things in a certain way based on her personal traumas and experiences. But the reality of things aren't as black and white as she sometimes claims them to be. I feel like it lacked nuance overall and I can't help but wonder if she would talk about men in the same way if she had a son instead of a daughter.

She often refers to nature and claims things to be a certain way and that's it. That's the only 'truth' and the sooner we accept this 'truth' the 'happier' we will be. Nothing in nature is this simple, there is context, there are layers, complexities, interconnectedness... And yes, men too have layers and traumas and complexities... They are not 'just', or not 'all' hunters and neither are we women just prey. It's not just 'us' (women) against 'them' (men). Human connection (and animals too) is much more compex than that, monogamy is not just imposed by society or a human invention, it also occurs in many other animal species.

Here's why it doesn't sit well with me...
What she blames the patriarchy of doing for centuries, is the exact same thing she is doing now in this book. This division, us against them. No accountability for men's behavior, they're hunters after all, we need to 'accept' this. Reducing them to nothing more, reducing us to nothing more. We just need to be careful around them and 'realize' what their 'true nature' is. We are 'prey' and prey needs to stick together, join forces. Seriously?

Can we evolve please.
Profile Image for Alina Adamut.
50 reviews9 followers
May 26, 2021
If you are like me, if you want to learn how to be truer and truer to yourself, then this book is for you. It's not a book that makes you feel good about yourself, but a book that teaches you how to feel okay with whatever is inside you. Because everything is inside you, inside us. A Radical Awakening is the ultimate guide to breaking free from everything that doesn't feel right to you, from all imposed (and sometimes, unwritten) rules and regulations, from all things, people, and experiences that don't honor your essence. This book is a tremendous gift. But don't be fooled: this book is just the first step, then a lifelong action follows- the work we need to do on ourselves. Why is this important and necessary? Because it's the only path that would lead us to our freedom! Thank you, Dr. Shefali!
Profile Image for Loredana (Bookinista08).
653 reviews257 followers
October 5, 2022
OK, o să încep cu lucrurile negative, fiindcă sunt mai puține. Nu mi-a prea plăcut teoria autoarei despre căsătorie și monogamie. Își expune punctul de vedere, dar apoi menționează doar în treacăt ceva despre consecințele abolirii instituției căsătoriei. Not cool. Apoi, cartea putea fi mult mai scurtă și mai concisă dacă ar mai fi tăiat din mumbo jumbo-ul despre zeița interioară și bla bla. Iar a treia chestie care mi-a displăcut. Nu zice un adevăr evident. Că femeile și bărbații nu sunt la fel. Că vai, femeia deșteptată nu poate fi ea însăși cu adevărat decât cu un bărbat iluminat și el la rândul lui, că altfel nu ar trebui să ne coborâm standardele etc etc etc. Apoi, draga mea, în ritmul ăsta, rămânem toate singure forever and ever. Că io una nu prea văd iluminați în jurul meu. Cel puțin nu cum îi descrii tu. Condiționarea este foarte puternică, și mai ales la bărbați, care se schimbă mult mai greu decât femeile. Dacă se schimbă vreodată. Așa că nu-mi vinde gogonele, că nu merge.
În rest, o carte mișto, mai ales prima jumătate a ei, care a fost scrisă mai profesionist. A doua jumătate mi s-a părut mai mult o lălăială fără scop.
Profile Image for Stephanie ~~.
270 reviews117 followers
March 30, 2023
2.5 Stars-
I understand this is currently a wildly popular book. If I were to rate the writing itself, completely separate from Dr. Shefali's assertions, I give it 3.5 stars.

Whether I agree with an author's position is irrelevant. What I personally found off-putting about this piece is its hypocrisy, to be frank. What is completely not taken into account in this volume is something I often write about: privilege. In order to be able to participate in the self care proposed in this book of Shefali's, one would need to have resources from which to pull: financial security is essential to follow along with her suggestions. I see men and women who have the privilege of financial security, familial security, the privilege of living in a safe environment, the privilege of choice. They alone are the ones who would be able to dig in and utilize all of the pointers Shafali doses out en masse. Without the privilege of having the MEANS to choose this, that, and the other-- where does that leave the rest of her readers? Take a guess: it leaves them saying, "Don't you think I'd do allllll these things IF I could?"

When we tell women, or anyone for that matter to take agency of their lives, make unapologetic amendments to their physical health care or mental health care (wellness in general), we presuppose they have the privilege of plentiful choices. This is a falacy. The modalities of self care that I am able to pick and choose from are not affordable for many. The ease I have to move away from unhealthy environments is not available to all women. It isn't.

If I read this book as a completely broke, disabled woman, living in an abusive environment, the implementation of three quarters of suggestions in Shefali's book would not be viable for me. That's privilege I am extremely aware of, and goes entirely unaddressed in too many "this is how you can improve your wellness" books being published.
Profile Image for Ashley Morel.
7 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2023
Parts were 5 stars. Other 0 - namely the lack of accountability of presence for males and their sex drives and the seemingly self-indulgent parts on polyamory and monogamy. Outside of those middle parts, the beginning and ends were great.
Profile Image for Nicole Kalil.
Author 1 book15 followers
May 12, 2021
This is the most important book I’ve ever read.
It wasn’t the easiest book, as I found myself wanting to sit with it, write out my thoughts, and it even brought some painful truths the the forefront.
Dr. Shefali lovingly offers up the opportunity to face our pain, listen to our truth, and live authentically.
I’ll be reading this more than once, and recommend to women who are tired of carrying the weight of everyone else’s expectations.
Profile Image for Manea Anna.
99 reviews8 followers
January 26, 2022
Dat fiind faptul că până și în secolul 21, femeile încă sunt discriminate , această autoare își propune în această carte să facă niște precizări și să aducă niște explicații.

Căprioara nu plânge că nu e jaguar,
Nici margareta nu se ofilește lângă trandafir.
Leoaica nu se micșorează în fața leului
Și nici păunul nu-și ascunde penajul în fața Vulturului !
Fiecare își acceptă dreptul de a fi valoros, fără vreo îndoială !!!

Trebuie să ne acceptăm așa cum suntem , și mereu avem mai multe opțiuni de a alege - fie acceptăm lucrurile așa cum sunt, ne schimbăm (pe noi) sau , ultima opțiune - pur și simplu plecăm.

Atunci când femeile vor începe o revoluție colectivă împotriva agresiunii masculine, cu multă muncă - bărbații vor fi puși la locul lor, lângă femei - nu înaintea lor !

Sunt și niște remarci în unele capitole cu care nu sunt de acord, însă părea fiecărui individ este total diferită.
August 18, 2021
I loved The Conscious Parent (and I should update my review on it, because there's a caveat to the 5 star rating I gave it). A Radical Awakening is a very different book. There are a few chapters that are excellent. But most of the book is quite... preachy... many chapters that were hard to get through. I think the book may resonate with women who are going through a break-up or divorce and maybe even re-evaluating toxic relationships in their life. (but even still, Untamed is a much MUCH better book for this). Just 'OK'. Not sure I'd recommend it to anyone.
Profile Image for Jessica Sellers.
197 reviews
July 3, 2021
At times I wanted to give this book 10 stars, other times -77 stars.

Random notes:

Tell young girls, about men and their sex drives and how they can be used.
Don’t pass on the same fiction ideas that were passed to you.
Pause and go within, who is responding?
What am I learning from this person?
What we see in someone we also possess in ourselves, good and bad
Surrendering judgement brings freedom
Value every teacher
Put yourself first
1 review3 followers
May 21, 2021
One of the greatest books I have read in the last decade. Unique, as it confronts us with the reality and the cultural conditioning of women. The book can be informative, therapeutic and transformative at the same time. All women should read a copy. Evert men should read it so they can join the movement of change and transformation, for women, and for all humanity. Couldn't put this book down... although had to pause to deconstruct, breathe and continue... a Must read and embody... for all human kind!
Profile Image for Erica.
832 reviews3 followers
August 26, 2021
This may be one of the most important books you will ever read! EVERY woman should read this. It would be beneficial for men as well, honestly. I dare say this book will be LIFE CHANGING! Indeed, if we could implement a fraction of what she teaches, society would see a radical overhaul for the better.

If you haven't noticed, I'm on a feminist / deconstruct the patriarchy / equal rights for all - races, genders, sexualities, etc. path. I'd call it a phase, but I don't think it will ever end. Until all of us have equal rights, we all suffer - in various forms and varying degrees.

Dr. Shefali challenges a lot of what we've been conditioned to believe; about ourselves, others, society, religion - all the things. I felt pushback to some of her ideas, while wholeheartedly embracing others. This tells me that I've learned much and have much more to learn.

There is an abundance of radical ideology in here, explained thoroughly and dissected for easier understanding. Definitely an Eastern philosophy vibe, with an emphasis on less patriarchal power, without emasculating males and masculinity. I can't wrap my head around everything in here, yet, but I'll read and re-read and keep trying. While I believe this book can radically improve society, I can't control that. But I can control improving myself through what I learn, and that's what I'll be working on.

READ this! Seriously! Read this book and then let's get together. We'll need hours to discuss, but we'll all be better people for it!
Profile Image for Raluca.
331 reviews15 followers
May 10, 2022
O carte de nota 20 despre iubirea de sine, despre limitele impuse de societate, de tradiții și de cultură.
Este o carte foarte complexa și la subiect. Recomand citirea ei cu mintea deschisa.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
99 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2022
I give this 1.5 stars simply because there was a small sprinkling of nuggets that I sort of agreed with, but whew! What a journey indeed! For someone who speaks so much about dismantling the patriarchy, she is incredibly anti-woman. She hedges so much to make her points in this book, it begins to feel akin to your racist friend who precedes every observation with "I'm not racist, but..." She suggests that men simply cannot control their baser instincts and that monogamy is a literal prison for them because we are all no better than animals, but then in the same chapter says that we need to aspire to some kind of intimacy that transcends a purely physical experience. Which is it?! These types of contradictions abound throughout. Not only that, but she puts men and women in very stereotypical boxes in ways that are disempowering and narrow-minded. By the time I got to the end where I might have actually agreed with a few points, I was so tired of her "enlightened" rambling that I just didn't care anymore. She is incredibly self-important in ways that I think have very little to do with radical self-love and everything to do with ego. Her assertion that her book has changed your life at the end is laughable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allison Sylviadotter.
84 reviews27 followers
June 2, 2022
DNF. As a victim of childhood emotional trauma from my father's anger and a victim of domestic abuse from a rageful narcissistic partner, and having thoroughly worked through these issues with therapists, I was very annoyed at how she claims it is the woman's responsibility to make sure she doesn't attract these men. That I myself am complicit in my own abuse. Absolutely not, it took a decade to finally come to terms that the abuse suffered from these men (and others) and it was NOT MY FAULT. Women are not at fault for the abuse they suffer from men. I didn't ask for it, no woman does, and I took action as soon as it was safe to escape (and that's a possibility I know a lot of women don't have). Maybe this is not what she meant, but she goes out of her way to give men a pass with their bad behaviour. She seems very privileged in her perspective and drastically over-simplifies the complex situations of abusive relationships.

Also, the entire book is about dismantling self-constructed egos and the effects female biology and female social conditioning have on all women, but then goes on to validate made-up gender identities like "gender-fluid" and she doesn't seem to see the complete and utter hypocrisy. She even says gender is a construct and part of the ego (which we are supposedly dismantling in this book) then says she validates personal gender identities, as though they're above scrutiny and can't be examined. This is where I stopped reading and realized she's just as mired in her ego as everyone else. She felt the need to virtue-signal to appease the gender trend. Absolute hypocrisy.

I was so excited to read this book and I am beyond disappointed that yet another woman doesn't have the fortitude to talk about women without proper analysis of male behaviour, and the absolute egoism inherent in genderism.
Profile Image for Antonia.
66 reviews2 followers
July 16, 2023
Cartea care a venit cumva la fix în viața mea. Odată parcurse paginile, zic eu că ești pregătit/ă să schimbi ceva în viața ta. Nu mi se întâmplă des cu cărțile de dezvoltare personală să simt că sunt life changing, însă aceasta este. E foarte posibil să plângi în timp ce o citești. Mie mi s-a întâmplat. Aduce în discuție niște subiecte dureroase, iar conștientizarea acestora este ca un duș cu apă rece, ca o palmă peste față.
Cu extrem de multă abilitate și inteligență, Dr. Shefali ne învață ce înseamnă să fii o femeie puternică, să îți asumi întotdeauna responsabilitatea pentru acțiunile tale, să te eliberezi de frici, să spui ceea ce gândești și simți, să faci ce îți aduce bucurie, să te iubești pe tine însăți, să lași în urmă vechile tipare cu care ai fost crescută și educată, pentru a îmbrățișa noul tău sine, noile tale idei și comportamente.
Fiind o carte de nonficțiune, desigur că au existat anumite pasaje cu care nu am putut fi de acord cu autoarea, pentru că fiecare dintre noi are un mod unic de a vedea lucrurile. Fiecare este influențat de anumiți factori, fiecare are povestea lui de viață, trecutul lui, o istorie personală. Aceasta nu înseamnă că, per total, cartea nu este una bună. Dimpotrivă!
Recomand ca această carte să fie citită de cât mai multe persoane, în special de cât mai multe femei.
Profile Image for Eric.
3,796 reviews24 followers
October 17, 2021
Page after page of happy-slappy psychobabble. I certainly hope her patients come away better than readers of this book. Within just a handful of pages I was wondering if I should even attempt to finish it, but pressed on because the author's credentials actually sounded legitimate. The further I went the more I wondered why I was wasting my time. There were so many contradictions that it was really mind-boggling that she could get the work published. A quick look at the section "A Soul Erosion" in the free sample that Amazon provides for a preview ought to suffice that this is not a serious work. One star is almost too high. Were there negative stars I would have been looking in that direction.
Profile Image for Abby.
279 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2021
3.5 I LOVE Dr. Shefali and a lot of her parent teachings. I was hoping to really love this book too. And while I definitely think there are a TON of gold nuggets in this book, it was also a very long read, and a found a lot of things I didn't agree with (which is completely fine - we all have different views on things!) I'd still recommend this because it can be very eye opening and it definitely gives you a lot to think about!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
32 reviews
July 15, 2021
At times I really wanted to give this book a 5/5. But then there were times that I wanted to give it 0/5. I couldn't believe what I was reading and it became a bit cringe-y. It definitely took a different turn from what I was expecting. The beginning was great, the middle not so much, and the end was good.
Profile Image for Nicole Fromer.
26 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2021
I listened to this during a very long road trip and found myself really questioning some of her points. This could be entirely because I’m not quite in the same stage of life as who the projected audience is.

Perhaps I might have enjoyed it more if I was reading the book as opposed to listening to it?

I ended the book feeling like I grabbed very few takeaways that I can use in my life.
6 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2021
Profound. Demands a new way of living. A catalyst to continue self growth and self love.
Profile Image for bookish__days.
21 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2024
Prea mult feminism, după care prea multă încurajare a bărbatului, “acest animal” cum îi spune ea, care trebuie să vâneze non-stop, iar noi trebuie să fim de acord cu asta și să îl înțelegem. Mi se pare că se contrazice foarte mult de la un capitol la altul.
Încurajează divorțul, încurajează egoismul… mi se pare că toți acești psihoterapeuți nu vor decât să transforme totul în această mare industrie a redescoperirii de sine.

Profile Image for Sahithi Maley.
34 reviews9 followers
October 18, 2021
I think reading the book made me realise a lot of my own flaws and how to take ownership for it. The book has opened up my eyes on how culture has played a huge role in dictating how i think, feel and react.

Taking ownership is a beautiful thing. I am no longer afraid to do tht too. Thanks Dr. Shefali for this beautiful book
Profile Image for Elena.
22 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2023
Am apreciat capitolele despre toxicitatea feminina și cea masculină. Multe dintre ideile cărții sunt general valabile (au aplicabilitate pentru femei și bărbați deopotrivă). Am rezonat cu ultima parte a cărții, în care vorbea despre interconectivitate.
Profile Image for Andreea.
5 reviews
September 24, 2023
Can't decide if 3.5/5 or 4/5 rating. Pretty much good on the spiritual insight parts but covered in the beginning and end of the book. The rest could have been comprised in maybe half a book length. Still interesting key points covered throughout the chapters.
Profile Image for Jane Gakere.
226 reviews30 followers
December 21, 2023
4.5 stars. While I don’t agree with every concept in the books, it’s certainly Very enlightening and pushes one to awaken to their true self.
Highly recommend especially if one is on a spiritual awakening quest.
Profile Image for Georgina Smith .
7 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2023
I came across this book by chance. And I want to believe that he inspires me a lot. It helped me to realize my personality and to understand my pluses and minuses. A book that brings you face to face with yourself and takes seriously the problems that women have
2 reviews
May 29, 2021
Every man & woman should read this book

I felt the jolt energy reading through every single concept covered in the book, be it the deconstruction of our cultural conditioning or the deconstruction of male and female biology and psychology. I love Dr. Shefali’s bold and bare style with carefully selected terms to engage reader from the beginning to the end of this book. Self-love is the big take of this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews

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