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The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

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David Icke's most powerful and explosive book so far. Every man, woman and child on the planet is affected by the stunning information that Icke exposes. He reveals in documented detail, how the same interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons.

517 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 1998

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About the author

David Icke

123 books863 followers
David Icke is a writer and public speaker.
He has toured all over world giving presentations and has written over 10 books sharing his research and views regarding the current state of society and global events.
Former BBC television sports presenter and British Green Party spokesman.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Louise.
13 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2022
Before I read this book, I had no idea that the world is ruled by the descendants of evil alien reptiles who shape-shift between their reptilian and human forms. But thanks to this astoundingly well-annotated compilation of historical, anthropological, and extraterrestrial research, I now know the horrible truth.
Profile Image for Marvin.
1,414 reviews5,367 followers
June 18, 2014
Are there conspiracies? Of course, there are. Royal families and despots have conspired to stay in power for millenniums. The wealthy and Wall Street conspire to get rich. Politicians and lobbyists conspire to fill their own greed. Occupy Wall Street's motto "We are the 99%" illustrate that very struggle going on every day.

Then there are Conspiracies with a capital "C". These are the ones that involve "they". "They" are the few and mysterious game-players that are behind every event and every government. "They" are the puppet masters who secretly plan every turn. "They" are the excuse we give ourselves for feeling powerless.

In David Icke's world of conspiracies, "They" are alien shape-shifting reptiles from the lower fourth dimension. They have been breeding with humans and controlling our minds since the days of the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian empires. Almost every famous person is accused of being involved from George Bush who is running drugs with the help of Queen Elizabeth to child sex rings masterminded by Boxcar Willie. And no political or historical movement is off the hook. Capitalist corporations like Exxon are in it deep but so was Karl Marx. All religions were created by the reptiles to keep humans in a form of mental prisons, keeping us from realizing our full potential and the true reality.

As strange as this all seems, I really enjoyed it. Icke has an entertaining style and is adept at taking historical fact, including very obscure ones, and weaving them into a fascinating if not totally believable fantasy. He mentions many real secret societies, and a few that didn't exist, and mixes them up into an almost believable concoction that could set your head spinning.

Then he tosses in the lizards.

Another amazing thing about this book is how Icke leaves nothing out. Asides from alien reptiles, you will find out about UFOs from the fourth dimension, the hollow earth, satanic rituals, who actually killed Kennedy and Princess Diana, the truth on Bigfoot, and about almost every myth or conspiracy known to man. As one critic stated, this is the Rosetta Stone of conspiracy books. The only conspiracy missing was the one about Elvis still being alive but perhaps I inadvertently skipped over that.

But there is something else about this book that fascinated me aside from the entertainment value. When people discuss David Icke and his theories the question always come up whether he actually believes his own theories. Is he serious?

Personally, I suspect he doesn't believe them. I also think he is very serious. Something else is going on here...

I believe Icke is using a very old but still common method of teaching that is used by many esoteric societies. Some religions and cults purposely espouse impossible ideas and difficult to understand concepts to broaden the mind; to get the student to see beyond what they think is reality, to think out of the box, to become enlightened. The Zen koans like "The sound of one hand clapping" is only one example. Unbelievable stories that are kept secret except to advance students (like Xenu?) have this purpose. Icke's description of the world is a lot like the ancient Gnostics. He sees reality as being split. There are humans who in their pure form are immortal and part of the divine. "Everything is God" is stated at the end. However reality is hidden and kept from us in this case by the reptiles, the evil other half of reality. There a clear connection to the Gnostic idea of a evil force and a divine force which needs to be unified to bring reality back to oneness. At the end of this book, Icke tells us how to defeat the Reptiles. It is pretty vague. But it is about realizing ourselves, being ourselves and love which the reptiles are powerless against. If this sounds a little simple I think it is supposed to be. I give Icke big points for clearly denouncing violence. It's not about alien shape-shifters. It's about our own enlightenment and being ourselves. This is Icke's road to the world's emancipation.

So forgive me if I do not consider Icke to be a total crack-pot. I may disagree with his methods but it is there amongst the madness. If nothing else, this is the mother of all conspiracy theories and deserves to be read if not believed.

Profile Image for sologdin.
1,751 reviews696 followers
December 24, 2020
Basically a chronological encyclopedia of tinfoil-hatism, this one weaves together most of the more famous conspiracisms into a grand narrative, wherein the transdimensional telepathic reptilian villains of Mr. Icke's musings have coordinated on Earth from the time of ancient Egypt to the present, working through various covert mechanisms. Marxism, for instance, was a tool of the aliens, if I recall correctly.

It's plenty clever, with tidy interpretations of religion, drawn from free thinker writings, and slick readings of corporate logos: Texaco's "T" is really a T-square, which refers to masonry, which refers to the Illuminati, which refers to Egypt, which refers to the Babylonian Brotherhood, which gets us to aliens. Similarly, the Chevron logo, a pair of chevrons, is to be seen as a three dimensional image of a cornerstone. Ergo: masonry, Egypt, aliens. It's kinda cool, to be honest.

But, yaknow: aliens. Not just regular old transdimensional telepathic reptilians, but satanic, hemophagic, pedophiliac. We can regard these fantasies as an update for the postmodern world of the similarly asinine arguments of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, just swapping out one fictional villain for different one.

Anyway, it's all good fun until someone loses their mind. The basic evidence for the central allegation is that the author personally knows a decent number of actual telepaths who have detected the aliens. All that's left is piecing together the clues that the aliens have left for us to find in our public monuments, writings, and history--whether stupidly or ironically is not manifest.

Recommended for bored crypto-fascists, non-telepaths who want to believe, people who take the X-Files too seriously--as well as self-dealing Trumpist deadenders, teabagger qanonists who dreamed up a 'plandemic,' and overt nazi fucks who think the 2020 election was stolen.
Profile Image for Iona  Stewart.
834 reviews261 followers
October 25, 2017
This is my third Icke book. It is perhaps the one containing the most unpleasant i.e. horrendous material - revelations of satanism, child sacrifices, other child abuse and even more horrible things, if you can imagine this. Not that these matters weren't discussed in the other books, but the revelations in the present book felt the most horrific. (Key words: horrendous, horrible and horrific).

My further complaint is that practically every famous and powerful person either contemporary or living in previous times is claimed to be or have been shape-shifting reptilians. Even my own ancestors, Robert the Bruce and the Stewarts. But my genes must have been watered down, since I'm definitely not a conscious reptilian.

Now I'm not saying it's not all true, one has to have an open mind. But since David goes on and on about genes, surely modern-day geneticists could examine, map and reveal these genes, should they exist? And how can reptilians mate and breed with humans in the first place? Not to mention extra-terrestrial ones?

By the way, I feel it strange that the Bush family and the British royals haven't reacted to all this vituperation (a mild word under the circumstances). The fact that they haven't (as far as I know) is perhaps indication of the veracity of the accusations.

As regards the author's statement that Jesus Christ is a mythical figure, I can't prove he's wrong, but whether or not he is correct, the New Testament at least, and probably some of the Old Testament (I haven't actually read it), contains so many valuable spiritual truths, that in no way can it have been manufactured by Reptilians or the like.

One chapter I found particularly convincing was the one exposing the details of Diana's accident/murder. Especially the fact that she was killed on the sacrifical site for the Goddess Diana. But many decisive details are unearthed indicating that it was in fact a carefully planned murder. The mind boggles.

I also appreciated the final chapter "Breaking the spell" indicating the solution for us humans trapped in this age-long reptilian control. I look forward to reading Icke's book "I am me, I am free".

I highly recommend this book to all those open to learning more truths about the reality of this world and our own lives. On the other hand, isn't the truth subjective? Perhaps this is just David Icke's truth? It's a complicated matter.
Profile Image for Bowie V..
Author 21 books37 followers
January 9, 2009
For me, this book was the single most influential book I've ever read. It shattered my reality tunnel and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces. With topics beyond the typical conspiracy fare aligned with the standard conspiracy fare, at its heart is a truth I have come to find is true. Yet I have not come close to building up the courage to get past my own mind prison to truly embrace it: "You create your own reality."
Profile Image for Ruba AlTurki.
271 reviews149 followers
January 23, 2014

طيب، أولاً وقبل كل شيء هذا الكتاب نظرية أخرى عن المؤامرة الكبرى (هذا هو السر في حال كنت تتساءل) إن كنت تقرأ هذه المراجعة ولا تعرفني شخصياً أو لم تتابع مراجعاتي فأعلم أن صاحبة هذه المراجعة شخصية تتقبل جميع الافكار والاراء مهما كانت مجنونة ومنافية لكل منطق... وبعد، فإن هذه النظرية مضحكة.
بكل أمانة حاولت تصديق مايقوله الكاتب لكن هذا كثير جدا.. تستطيع تسمية هذا الكتاب بالاسفنجة..حيث تجده يتبنى العديد من الاعتقادات والنظريات المتعددة والمتضاربة أحياناً. إمتص الكاتب كم كبير من المعلومات التي أجزم أنه لقي وقتا عصيبا في صياغتها وكتابتها ومحاولة تدعيمها بأدلة واثباتات حتى يخرج بهذا الشكل. الإشكال هنا ليس في نظرية المؤامرة بحد ذاتها فهي صحيحة نسبيا لكن بمن هم وراء هذه المؤامرة وهو إدعاء متطرف لأقصى حد.
هل تصدق ما لا يصدق فقط لانك في وضع هو الآخر لا يصدق؟
بدءاً من المقدمة التي يفترض أن تمهدالطريق للمحتوى تتلقى صدمات عديدة.. نعلم جميعاً أن شيئاً ما يحدث في الخفاء -وربما لم يعد في الخفاء الآن- لكن هل أنت مستعد لتصديق أي شيء؟ هل تقدر حتى؟
مخلوقات فضائية؟ و زواحف تتخفى كبشر؟ وماذا بعد..اوه صحيح عمالقةالتيتان!
كل ذلك كان مثيراً لحد ما ومسلياً حتى..حتى وصلنا لجزء لم يعد الأمر فيه ممتعاً أبداً..
يجد الكاتب أصولاً ودلائل تزعم مايشتهي ولكن تفشل في دعم الاديان ووجود الأنبياء؟ ترى لماذا؟
العديد من الإثباتات التي كانت ترضي الكاتب كانت مجرد تأويل للكلمات من لغة لأخرى بلا منطق حتى.. بدأت الأخطاء والفوضى وتخبط الكاتب كثيراً..ووصلت الأمور حد الإستماتة لتبرئة اليهود من كل أخطائهم لأنهم مساكين وتم الإيقاع بهم..ولا وجود لشيء إسمه خطر الماسونية! هل أنتم مجانين؟
في جزء من الكتاب يذكر الكاتب قصص من نُسبت لهم قصة المسيح عليه السلام يذكر فيه أسماء عدة لآلهة وشخصيات تاريخية كان لها ذات الخصائص والاحداث حيث ولدوا من أم عذراء وقتلوا من أجل خطايا البشر ثم قاموا من بين الأموات ويذكر ضمنهم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ بل ويحدد من المملكة العربية السعودية ههههه حقا؟ يبدو أن هذا هو مصدر ذاك المطرب الشهير.
إعتراضي هنا وبكل حياد أن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لا ينطبق عليه النموذ��، فلم يولد من أم عذراء ولم يقتل ولم يعبد ولم يقم بعد الموت.
مالذي يحاول إثباته؟
يذكر أن هذه المخلوقات الفضائية التي تسيطر على زواحف تتخفى كبشر (يذكرر أسماء مهمة جداً كالملكة اليزابيث وبوش،طوني بلير..والعديد غيرهم) تسيطر على العالم بأسره بأدوات من ضمنها الدين -على اختلافه- بقصص ملفقة عن انبياء ورسل لم يوجدوا يوماً وان هذه الديانات هي في الاساس تورية للحقيقة التي هي ديانة هذه المخلوقات وهي عبادة الشمس ؟
هذه المخلوقات الذكية التي استطاعت السيطرة على البشر تعبد الشمس؟ ديفيد هل انت جاد؟
المؤامرة موجودة ونظريته ��نطقية جداً وذكية حتى، لكن الفضائيات المسكينة -إن كانت موجودة حقا- ليس لها يد في الأمر.. من بكامل قواه العقلية يود أن يسيطر على هذه الأرض الخربة؟
الامور التي أشار اليها الكاتب مهمة ومذهلة إن تغاضينا عن الفضائيات التي إن كانت تورية لشيء اخر فساغير رايي حتما..
البحث الجانبي لما ذكر في الكتاب كان ممتع ومثير للاهتمام بل وحتى صادم (واكو \تكساس) الجزء الاخير المتعلق بالاميرة ديانا كان بالفعل مثري ومميز.. وماخلا ذلك كان هممم لاباس به
9 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2008
I have read several of Icke's books. (I recommend "I Am Me, I Am Free") I saw him lecture in 2003. Dynamic speaker and researcher. His books are packed with information on who really runs the world. There's alot to digest in this particular book. Parts of it are hard to digest, but for the most part it tells it like it is.
418 reviews166 followers
March 6, 2016
I can't, in good conscience, rate this more than one star. But the book was, honestly, a joy. As a guy who loves The X-Files, who has a fascination with esoterica and general weirdness, I found this book thoroughly enjoyable; it is an encyclopedic amalgam of ancient mythology, esoterica, new age babble, pop psychology, and every conspiracy theory known to human and reptile.

Some people contend that David Icke does not believe in his reptilian thesis. That David Icke is just a guy who figured out how fucked up the world is and how fucked up power can be and is trying to find ways to get people to think through these issues. As in, he's catering to an obviously massive number of people who are not willing to consider the evils of, say, late capitalism and corporate influence, unless also told that reptilians are in charge of capitalist machinations. That this is satire along the lines of Swift or (more reasonably and probably) just a form of esoteric teaching that's not really about its surface meaning at all.

I prefer to think that David Icke really believes in the reptilians. It's much more fun that way.

I'm also not sure if believing Icke's nonsense is a path to a better world. I've started taking more seriously the idea that, for the hoi polloi, dumb crap that challenges the power structures that perpetuate the worst impulses of humanity might be suitable, might be the only way to reach the idiotic brains of the great unwashed. Or, to put that more nicely, it might be a good thing for impressionable morons to fall for new agey crap vs. sticking with fascist religious organizations that actively support and cover up for child rapists, or fascist religious leaders who actively support patriarchal violence against women, or utterly vile war-mongers of both religious and political stripes, etc.

Given how vile the mainstream messages we receive are, and how unquestioning the beliefs of most people are in such crap, what harm can fooling the masses into believing in reptilian conspiracies best fought with LOVE and crystals or whatever the fuck do?

Then there's the part of me that responds with the less cynical viewpoint and probably the more mature one: we really ought to not perpetuate the idea that people are that stupid. That maybe it's better to, uh, actually try to get at the truth, or at political and social arrangements that maximize quality of life and prevent horrific abuses. Sans reptiles.

Then again, there's plenty of legitimation for the point of view that holds that people are just weird and kooky apes and really just want you to tell them some story about magic reptiles (or magic fire-beings and light-beings and magic sky fairies and magic zombie carpenters). But let's take Hinduism for an example. The philosophical Hinduism of the Upanishads and of subsequent philosophical schools in India is an extremely sophisticated, intellectually rigorous philosophical system or approach. The standard-issue Hinduism of the uneducated is the kind of thing that perpetuates the worst kind of tribal nonsense, superstition, and cultural exclusion. It has virtually nothing in common with the Upanishads except common names for the gods. So let's say Icke's work becomes the template for a proper cult and spreads to the truly moronic and intellectually uninspired. Do you see where that takes us? Icke's already talking to Christian Patriot militias in the States.

But, on the other hand, atheistic/irreligious ideologies that include no magic beings of any kind contributed to the murder of over 100 million people in the 20th century. Hello, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pot, et al. By comparison, the lunatics in [unnamed organization please don't kill me] are positively cuddly.

So. Where does that leave us? Is Icke a messenger of peace to be respected and admired for his esoteric teachings? Or is he a lunatic spreading pure lies and leading us down a dark path?

Also, re: charges of anti-semitism vs. Icke, I present the following dialogue:

Thoughtful reader: "So, David, by 'reptilians' you obviously mean 'Jews,' right? Like, you're a racist weirdo conspiracy theorist who wants to convince non-racists of the same stuff Stormfront-dwellers already believe, right?"


I dunno. Icke's adopted some of the Jews-control-the-world rhetoric, but without, you know, actual reference to Jewish people. Which is sort of the main thing that's bad about said rhetoric. Icke probably really believes in the reptilians. If an allegory, I think the reptilians represent something broader than the standard-issue Stormfront-type "dem Jews" stuff. As in, they represent the elite with all the power, regardless of which loony Abrahamic thing they follow.
Profile Image for Owlseyes .
1,715 reviews274 followers
October 9, 2020

He's been spreading his message for a considerable number of nations, for around 30 years now. And the message is the same: we, humans, are not alone. In fact, we've been under the control of a race of extraterrestrials (also intraterrestrials) who have infiltrated the terrestrial powers that be (certain bloodlines) everywhere and for a long time.

The book is an amalgamation of historical research and evidence to prove his point. That race can be found in old records (texts, symbols, illustrations...) in Mesapotamia, as well as in China and other places; even in old Britannia. They are, for some, called the Annunaki, for others, the Reptilians. According to David Icke, Religion serves their agenda; a lot.

Icke hints at how humanity can break free from that evil race.

Oh, by the way, and for the skeptical minds, Alice Walker*, Pulitzer prize winner, just praised Icke. She said about his prolific work as containing "the whole of existence, on this planet and several others, to think about".

Profile Image for Cwn_annwn_13.
495 reviews72 followers
December 14, 2008
In the past I have always been much more of a meat and potatoes man when it comes to researching the new world order. You know, easily verified political and economic exposes of the globalist conspiracy. Researchers like Eustace Mullins and Gary Allen always were (and still are) at the top of my list. Lately I am becoming much more open to thinking outside the box with this stuff, so while at one time I went out of my way to discount what somebody like Icke would say, now I'm almost doing the opposite. That being said I still have problems trusting Icke or buying into at least some of what he says.

One problem I have is he pulls from sources that are out and out contradictory. In fact he pulls stuff from just about branch of the "conspiracy" tree. One example is he comes from a very new agey viewpoint and also has whole chapters debunking Christianity but he also uses some of the most dogmatic right Christian spins on the world situation when it suits him too. You have chapters that remind me of a hokey Geraldo Satanism special from the 1980's with Pat Robertson as an editor.

Also there really isn't much here thats not been written elsewhere. Another problem I have is that instead of using what I would consider to be the better parts of various researchers and discarding the nonsense Icke has a habit of using the wackiest hardest to believe unverifiable information he can get his hands on. For example when he goes into the perversion and pedophilia that seems to be rampant with the economic and political elite he uses books by and interviews with the over the top "I was a mind controlled satanic ritual sex slave for world elites" types but little if anything from sources like John DeCamps Franklin Coverup.

Then there's the whole "reptilian" angle that Icke is so well known for. If you get beyond the wild reports of Bush, Kissinger and the Rothschilds shapeshifting into lizard people there is obvious symbology going on with that which Icke of course won't come out and say, and he does his best to cover his ass so he doesn't get labeled with a certain term, (even though it doesn't necessarily work because he does get hassles by the ADL and anti-racist groups causing book signings and radio appearances to be cancelled on occasion, look for the documentary David Icke, the Lizards and the Jews on google video) but its still there never the less.

But overall this book is something that I would hate to see somebody just getting started researching the globalist conspiracy to pick up. If you have been at this for a while and have a discerning eye there is a lot of good information in it. You just have to be able to weave out what the good and bad information is. As critical as I may sound in this review I even think at least SOME of the stuff in The Biggest Secret that the average conspiracy researcher would consider to be just too "out there" is at least feasable. Also for what its worth a David Icke book, for all its faults will never leave you bored.
Profile Image for Heidi The Reader.
1,395 reviews1,534 followers
April 18, 2014
Icke starts with the information that is presented at the beginning of Zeitgeist and then descends into paranoid/delusional ramblings- similar to the film, in my opinion. The initial information about the basis of world religions is fascinating really. The astrological basis for religious figures/events and the similarities of religions from all over the globe is startling and deserves investigation. I don't know if Icke nailed that with his alien origins explanation, but it is an interesting point of inquiry. It is the very next chapter (2) where he began, and eventually, lost me.

Enter his theory on reptilian beings/hybrids. Repeating something over and over again does not make it fact. Providing zero evidence besides hearsay and wild speculation while at the same time accusing major political figures and world leaders of being both world controlling aliens and pedophiles isn't brave or earth shattering, it's libel. I'm surprised that these "all powerful" figures haven't sued the pants off of this guy. Maybe they have. I guess I'll have to do some research. Claiming that Elizabeth means "El-lizard-birth" is bonkers. And he didn't do it once. He kept putting it in the text right after the name Elizabeth so that, the first time that he didn't do it, I mentally added it in there for him. Talk about mind control or brain washing...

After debunking every major religion in the very first chapter, he proceeds to label people and societies "Satanist". Isn't that just playing into the heaven/hell mentality that he set aside in, literally, the first chapter? He talks repeatedly about how knowledge isn't good or bad, it's how you use it. He's using it to demonize living and dead members of society.

This book gave me a headache. Read it at your own risk.
Author 2 books12 followers
February 18, 2020
If you have always been looking for answers as to what led some of the events in the world to occur this book will tell you all about it and more. Be warned that some of the info is so terrifying that you have to be prepared to handle it with an open mind. I have been following David Icke's videos on youtube and believe me this man truly connects the dots and this is probably his greatest book. It was released way back in 1999 but if you read it today you would see for yourself how the events unfolded and have been unfolding for a long time. A must read for those who are strong enough to be not be influenced by the "system" and who are ready to change their reality for good.
25 reviews2 followers
November 4, 2007
What a challenge this book is! No matter what you think of the questions Icke raises or the sacred cows he sacrifices at his altar, it's compelling as hell. I especially love his humor.

Question authority. Become the solution.
11 reviews3 followers
June 25, 2007
first icke i read, and a road set for approaching data with a mind to each our own info. processing...
Profile Image for Lisa.
334 reviews12 followers
November 2, 2016
this book is totally the most ridiculous and somehow still amazing conspiracy book that i have read so far. he claims -- and somewhat "proves" through amazing circumstantial evidence -- the following: hitler wasa rothschild jew, princess diana was murdered by the royal family, and all the presidents and people of power are actually reptilian shape-shifters from another dimension that are controlling our thoughts through radio waves and other mind control techniques. brilliant!
it's totally worth a read, but must be taken with a grain of salt.
Profile Image for Jim Grammond.
9 reviews2 followers
January 7, 2008
Again, it's an entertaining book if you read it as a work of fiction. Icke's claims go far, far further than many of his contemporaries in the conspiracy theory world. The usual suspects are all covered (scret socteties, royal family, etc.), but with a scaly spin.
57 reviews6 followers
Shelved as 'so-bad-ill-never-read-it'
July 18, 2012
To anyone who is wondering why I even bothered to post a review here, I shall say merely this: I have never, ever let a month go by without thinking that there is no secret, open or not, more embarrassing and threatening to the entirety of the Western world than that people like David Icke, the sports-commentator-turned-professional-nutcase, can, during the most enlightened period in the history of mankind, command a large enough following to fill lecture halls wherever they go.

To anyone who believes any of the crap this guy spews, from reptilians to the cancer-candida connection to chemtrails: I cannot in any way imagine what role and what form your reason holds in your mind--it is certainly different from that which occurs in mine, and it certainly is not one that can be dignified with the term "functional". The vast followings of modern conspiracy theorists are, more than anything else in the world, the ultimate manifestation of popular ignorance, gullibility, and latent insanity--all of which have been increasingly greater threats to our existence on earth. Your fervent adoration of individuals like Icke are a waking nightmare more terrifying than anything else the imagination could conjure up.

To anyone who writes that I should "keep my mind open": being open-minded has nothing to do with accepting the truth of everything. Some beliefs are inevitably going to be wrong--and reason is the best tool man has at his command to sort the worthy grain from the chaff of unbridled silliness.

To anyone who uses the term "sheep" or "sheeple": You--the conspiracy theorists--are the true sheeple, and I implore you to wake up.
Profile Image for Cat.
210 reviews
June 11, 2009
This was my first taste of David Icke, I have to say that some of the stuff is a bit out there, but then some of it is very plausible. Always good to keep an open mind and this book will make you think, which is always a good thing.
Profile Image for Coleccionista de finales tristes.
588 reviews44 followers
August 8, 2020
Seré breve este autor hace lo siguiente en cada uno de sus libros nos vuelve a decir los mismo e incluso con las mismas palabras. Les recomiendo que solo lean un par de libros de él y a otra cosa. Por ser repetitivo le daré dos estrellas.
Profile Image for Guus van der Peet.
259 reviews24 followers
November 22, 2021
Waarom besloot ik ook alweer om het hele boek te lezen? De eerste dertig pagina’s waren nog wel interessant om een beter inzicht te krijgen in de gedachtepatronen van samenzweringstheoretici, en toen kon ik nog wel lachen om de absurditeit van een bloeddrinkende elite van reptielmensen en de overduidelijke onwaarheden die Icke verspreidt (de Wereldorde bleek toch niet omver geworpen te worden in 2012). De overige 720 pagina’s bleven alleen maar opsommen welke historische wereldleiders allemaal pedofiele satanisten waren (spoilers: allemaal), zonder enige chronologische of thematische structuur. Op zinsniveau begreep ik meestal nog wel wat Icke probeerde te zeggen, maar al snel werden er zo veel namen en gebeurtenissen op elkaar gegooid dat ik je niet kan vertellen hoe de zinnen zich tot elkaar verhielden. Ik denk ook niet dat zijn gemiddelde volgeling dat wel kan. Enerzijds doen de reptielmensen, die al snel een weinig verhuld metafoor voor Joden blijken, er alles aan om hun bestaan geheim te houden; anderzijds kunnen ze het niet laten om overal met slechte reptiel-woordgrappen te strooien. Iedereen die ook maar een detail over hun samenzweringen ontdekt wordt vermoord, behalve David Icke die om onduidelijk redenen al hun plannen uiteen kan zetten in zijn oeuvre.

Nu ik dit opschrijf vraag ik me alsmaar meer af waarom ik zoveel treinreizen met mijn e-reader in mijn handen heb gezeten (uiteraard heb ik Icke niet financieel ondersteund door het boek te kopen). Ik moest lachen om Queen Elizardbeth. Dat is iets denk ik.
Profile Image for Steve Cann.
194 reviews7 followers
November 4, 2018
I had a passing interest in David Icke when he emerged with his 'spiritual awakening' in 1990, & tried to keep an open mind as his views expanded on various topics afterwards - many of which I found fascinating, always delighting in going 'against the grain' of popular thought and perception.
However, this fascination was to end (for me) with his rather bizarre & ludicrous revelations of human 'reptiles' (masquerading as shape-shifting public figures) during one of his TV documentaries...

But, years later, something made me pick up this book. I then immersed myself once again into the world of David Icke, & the startling & brave revelations contained within.

The book claims to chart an alternative history of humanity from the dawn of civilization & beyond, citing the alledged (unseen) controlling forces of 'bloodline' families which David believes disempower us as humans today in the form of 'mind prisons'.
These highly improbable ideas may not be everyone's cup of tea (& David often seems to plough a lonely furrow with his unorthodox views), but are a fascinating & entertaining read if approached with an open mind.

Sadly for me, many of his theories fall down though as they fail to stand up to any real scrutiny & examination - he rarely presents any provable scientific or recorded evidence for his claims (despite his enthusiasm for them), too-often relying on anecdotal evidence & his own confirmation-bias.
He does however include an entire chapter here devoted to why he believes the Princess of Wales was ritually murdered, and how this event was covered up to look like an accident (a popular conspiracy story that now even the mainstream press seem to be claiming to be true). The truth will out, as they say - there certainly is something very strange about this whole tragic event.

Despite all his wild assertions & mind-bending claims, I did go on to read four more of his books, although they tend to be updated versions of what he's already written previously, augmented with any new 'information' he's unearthed.

The one big thing hindering him is his name... David Icke, & the public perception of him as the self-proclaimed 'son of god' (David isn't religious & successfully exposes religions for the mind-controlling scams he really believes they are).
As a stranger who saw me reading this book glibly commented: "Isn't he a nutter?!". He has been built up as such by the media he so detests, & I think this sadly prevents more people benefiting from picking up his books & seeing what he's really about. I'm sure he passionately believes in what he writes & just wants a better, more peaceful, world.

I have to say I admire him for his stand, and urge anyone who hasn't read his books to start here - it's as good a place as any. Have a read, suspend your disbelief, and (in David's words), 'strap yourself in' and see what YOU think...!
2 reviews1 follower
June 6, 2008
Icke takes you on a trip back to the time Australopithecus afarensis right on through these modern times. Did you know
"A race of interbreeding bloodlines, a race within a race in fact, were centered in the Middle and Near East in the ancient world and, over the thousands of years since, have expanded their powers across the globe. A crucial aspect of this has been to create a network of mystery schools and secret societies to covertly introduce their agenda while, at the same time, creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and set them at war with each other. The hierarchy of this tribe of bloodlines is not exclusively male and some of its key positions are held by women." Though this book lacks any 100% solid proof to support such claims like the King and Queen of England, Madeleine Albright and hundreds of other leaders are all shape-shifting reptiles, Icke does provide enough evidence throughout the book to make you think that it's not impossible. Don't be afraid to read this book. It is highly entertaining and you may just find your self looking at the world with a different set of eyes; Lizard eyes! Find out the Biggest Secret: who really controls the world? Is it you?
Profile Image for M.
1,023 reviews131 followers
January 18, 2012
This is seriously the best science-fiction (fantasy?) comedy book I've ever read. No, really. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy can go suck it. Terry Pratchett? Psh. This book is sidesplittingly hilarious, a tour-de-force of imagination. Reptilian overlords! Rothschilds! The Bushes! LSD! It reads almost like the insane ramblings of a fucking crazy person. A person I would actually be a bit scared to be in the same room as. A person who should be on large, large doses of clozapine. The author's ability to channel lunacy into his fiction is remarkable. Oh, David Icke, you so funny. Keep it up, guy.
Profile Image for Indah Threez Lestari.
13.3k reviews256 followers
June 7, 2009
The Thruth is Out There.

As a Fox Mulder follower, I opened this book with an open mind, but Icke's "truths" shattered my mind.

For conspiracy theories, it's far far beyond Dan Brown level.

Hillarious, outrageous, and mind boggling, but I'm not sure about the truth... somewhere between believable and very-very unbelievable.

Well, I can't decide to put this book in fiction or nonfiction category, so I put it in mystery category.
23 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2012
This book is not for the feinthearted. None of his are. Most people would either not know what he is talking about or diregard his research and just cast him aside as a conspiracy theorists. Persevere and keep reading this man is intelligent and not a sci fi writer. He is a wake up world writer.
But if you want to know what is really going on and not the story we are fed by the media then David Icke is certainly an interesting perspective on what is going on.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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