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The Art of Bouncing Back: Find Your Flow to Thrive at Work and in Life ― Any Time You're Off Your Game

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Find out how world-class athletes and leaders survive defeat and come back even stronger―and how you can, too―with the blueprint from the coach who helps set them up for success With apologies to Benjamin Franklin, there are actually three things in life that are certain: Death, taxes, and the fact that sometimes, life will throw you a gut punch. Coach Dar has seen a fair share of calamitous situations in her 25+-year career, from major league players suffering slumps and season-ending injuries to executives floundering professionally and experiencing financial devastation―plus her own setbacks like three strokes before the age of 45 and the loss of both of her parents. As a mental skills coach whose clients have included professional athletes, top CEOs, and world leaders, Coach Dar specializes in helping the best of the best get up and get going again after suffering serious setbacks. In The Art of Bouncing Back , she shares these proven strategies and techniques for the first time ever so you can ensure the obstacles and setbacks you face quickly morph into setups for your next success.  You'll discover how to pour a strong emotional foundation, accept feedback (the right way), connect with your "Why-Power," and create your own bounce-back environment. Every chapter provides a blueprint that helps you learn more about yourself, so you can identify the exact pivot you need to push forward, start reframing your setbacks, and cultivate the strength you need to handle future adversity better. Packed with tons of strategies that have proven successful time and time again and exercises to help you achieve the life-changing results her clients see, Coach Dar's The Art of Bouncing Back is exactly what you need to see that the adversity in your life can create opportunities from any setback. Apply the lessons in The Art of Bouncing Back to increase your confidence, emotional intelligence, agility, and resiliency―and build the business, career, and life that’s within you.  Or that you’ve envisioned.


Published February 28, 2023

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13 reviews
June 11, 2023
While Santore is definitely successful in her field, some of the material she uses to support her claims are outdated or straight-up wrong. Her grasp on cognitive science is shaky at best, and her research is anything but thorough. As a result, the "tips and tricks" may be useful, but for different reasons. For example, she talks about chewing gum to help memory but gives the wrong evidence. The real reason why it WOULD work in recollection is through the concept of internal states, heavily researched by cognitive sciences. If you study while chewing gum, you'll perform better if you're chewing gum on a test. Similarly, if you chew gum while confident, you will be confident if you chew it again. But sadly, "chewing gum boosts blood flow to your brain" is bullshit. While this came from a study, the results were not strong enough for this claim to be made.

Note to the author: Please make sure other studies corroborate the same idea before you use a singular finding as a "fact."

Note to readers: Give it a try if you find this book at half-price (or better, for free at your local library).
6 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2023
Enjoyed the exercises and the steps throughout the book.
1 review
May 17, 2024
Loved the guidance this book had to offer! It was easy to follow her steps to get in a positive mindset and follow your mission in life!
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