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It's Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance

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From the author of the acclaimed Outrageous Openness, a witty and spirited guide to radically releasing the burden of financial fears

It's natural to crave prosperity. Some seek to manifest it in myriad ways--using anything from vision boards to writing a pretend check for a million dollars from the Bank of Divinity. Yet whatever comes, or doesn't, the mind always seems to want more.

But what if there was a whole other way? Instead of grasping and chasing, what if we offered everything--our money (or lack of it), our triumphs, our problems, our desires--fully back to Love? What if this offering itself was actually the secret to abundance?

Tosha Silver, internationally beloved spiritual guide, has created a practical and powerful financial book unlike any other. Leading you through a deeply transformative eight-week process, she shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual steps that anyone can take to learn to fully receive and prosper. Her step-by-step guidance is filled with prayers, meditations, and stories to help you find and heal the source of these fears and unworthiness. As you come to know you are part of something larger--something that you serve and that longs to serve you--you begin to feel a new sense of freedom and abundance.

184 pages, Hardcover

Published February 5, 2019

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Tosha Silver

24 books154 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 108 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Joyce Bryant.
69 reviews12 followers
March 18, 2019
I have loved everything Tosha Silver has written, and this book is no exception. I love the simplicity of the weekly lessons, and her suggestions don't take a lot of time to implement, and yet, they are so very powerful. I have tried, with some success, to implement the law of attraction into my life, but something was always missing: enter Tosha Silver. She teaches that it is better to let go, and let things unfold as the Divine would have it, because life is SO much better than we could have imagined when we learn to let go and surrender the outcomes. It is truth. I have watched releasing and letting go of desires work miracles in my life, and that is the same for money. Thank you, Tosha, for writing a book on a topic that is so relevant to so many right now.
Profile Image for AURORA RU.
414 reviews29 followers
August 24, 2020
I was very sceptical about this book and not really interested in this kind of self-manifesting. But as it was on a list where I really liked all the other books, I just started to read it. After reading the first chapter/first prayer my life suddenly took a total turnover, but not neccesserely positive. Now, with some retro-perspective, I can see why that chaos and destruction was needed - probably to remove my old frustrated mental structures in order to open/crack me up to that joyful Divine Flow and Love. But I am still frightened, still managing to surf on those wild winds of changes. I might come back to rewrite my review later. By now I can only say that the concept of this one is different from all other similar books on the market. It will not bring you positive thinking, comfy living and expensive stuff from your moodboard collages, it could be also just the opposite. When I first saw the title I read it: "It's not YOUR money". Now I see it as "It's not your MONEY", but after all it is something else, not "money", not "your", not "it's".

"Over the years I’ve become filled with fear and procrastination. But during this Abundance process, I’ve prayed to face them both. I had mercury fillings professionally removed from my mouth after saying, “I offer you, Divine, my 1970s dentistry.” I cleaned my home: “Okay, God, here are a few hundred books I no longer need. Please share with others as You wish.” (..) Part of the goal is to return you to your own inner knowing, your innate Divine courage and curiosity. You give your intuition full rein to take over. You break free from the stultifying myth that your ego has manifested every dang problem and that you must perfect yourself in order to wrangle free. (Do you feel the utter exhaustion of all that? Oh my god, I sure did.)

Instead, you become an ally to the inner kid who learned all that toxic perfectionism. You soothe the fevered mind that fears if it makes a mistake, bad will come. Little by little, Love takes over."
Profile Image for MK.
835 reviews14 followers
August 15, 2023
I love Tosha's work and this did not disappoint. The front half of the book will feel familiar to fans of her earlier books but I found the back half full of a lot of new information. Some of it I've learned from other teachers but never laid out like this. The book has come to me at a time I desperately need to turn my money (correction - THE money) situation around and it's been incredibly helpful!
Profile Image for Vani Kaushal.
Author 3 books272 followers
May 18, 2020
I wish I could give this book infinite stars!! This is a fab book. I wish I could recommend it to everybody on the planet. I finished this and bought another one of Tosha Silver's book. Can't wait to read it. Strongly recommend this one to my GR family.
April 20, 2024
Loved this book so much. I listed to it as an audiobook and enjoyed it so much I'm gonna buy the hardcopy. Tosha is so good at highlighting the layers of issues that affect our relationship with money and how that affects the flow of it in and out of our lives. I highly recommend this read!
Profile Image for Kandice.
Author 1 book
August 10, 2019
I have read several of Tosha’s other books and really like them and her philosophy. This book takes her belief in surrendering everything to the Divine and applies it to money specifically. It covers her process of how to do this. And while I appreciated the book and it’s guidance, I found it somewhat off-putting that she said almost from the beginning this doesn’t work for everyone immediately. I guess through her classes and other work she may have received criticism that people didn’t see immediate results and money flowing into their lives. And that criticism would fly in the face of what she’s trying to get across, so I understand her desire to clarify everything. But when every idea she presents is followed with “this may not work immediately for you,” it serves to undermine the power of what she’s trying to get across. Either way, it’s worth the read and application if you like Tosha. But that’s why I could only give it 3 stars.
Profile Image for Paul LaFontaine.
641 reviews4 followers
September 16, 2019
The premise is that by seeing things as owned, or being self-focused, we choke down our ability to bring abundance to and through the areas of life we touch. If we hand over our money, our challenges and our sense of commitment to the Universe (or "God") then we are an agent of abundance rather than a self-possessed owner of things.

Every one of these books has something positive to be gleaned. The idea that the separate self ("I") or ego is responsible for everything and takes on the stress of ownership can be limiting. This is a positive concept. However, this interesting message is buried in a mishmash of Vedic lingo and "The Secret" styled Oprah approved abundance prayers. Its is formulated as an eight-week program and that always rings an alarm bell. Another book that implies at the end of the day if I do my Yoga, chant my prayers and drink only chai latte's while mumbling Sanskrit in eight weeks I'll walk out there there will be a shiny new Tesla in my Marin County driveway.

The central idea that any being sitting in an ego-free attitude of service that consecrates all situations and actions, be they positive or negative, to a Deus Vult type of reverence, is powerful. Descending into the contraction of the embattled "I" can be momentarily useful when true danger is present but is a restricting long term habit. Managing this balance is our challenge. This book does not align itself with this challenge and was a disappointment.

Can't recommend
7 reviews
December 23, 2019
One sentence summary: Everything will be fine; God has the plan for you.
Profile Image for Britta.
240 reviews13 followers
April 24, 2024
Meh. There are useful nuggets in It's Not Your Money, and I found value in some of Silver's teachings. Yet, oh man, the language of this book was not for me. Using the phrase, "giving it back to God", as well as much of the other language, prayers, and meditations Silver recommends to her readers felt inauthentic for me to use.

At one point, Silver mentions how, as a Capricorn sun, she values practicality and goes on to say how practical the messages in the book are. I can't help but wonder, "girlfriend...what's your rising sign?" As a Cap rising with tons of Cap energy, the language of this book doesn't feel practical at all. While I do see the practicality in many of Silver's teachings, the language itself feels very up in the clouds to me.

I have a couple friends who swear by this book, yet, personally...meehhhh. It's Not Your Money was a wonderful reminder for me that not every teacher is for me. I took what resonated and left (much) of the rest.
Profile Image for Sandra.
184 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2023
I love Tosha Silver’s work. Her writing helps me remember to hold life with an open hand and trust what’s possible through surrender and belief. The deeply spiritual writing and style is inclusive, kind, and untethered to any particular religion or belief system. I highly recommend all of her books, which were all highly recommended to me by other friends.
Profile Image for Julissa.
163 reviews35 followers
February 21, 2024
This book got me praying again.

I’ll be back with my findings after the practice.
Profile Image for Kristin Green.
303 reviews4 followers
April 14, 2024
This was exactly what I needed the last couple of months. She gets it. It takes time if you’re willing to do all the activities and prayers.
Profile Image for Kelly.
142 reviews
October 30, 2023
This was a good book but I feel it would have been much more useful and impactful as an audible book listen for me. The meditations would have been easier to do instead of reading them and then trying to do. It’s a good book all the same and love the concept and it’s a positive approach to money.
Profile Image for Avril Martin.
234 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2019
I can't wait to go back through the book with the accompanying workbook. Tosha's work is love driven and so simple to follow.
Profile Image for Kelly.
99 reviews
May 6, 2022
I really needed this book and it really resonated with me.

There's something about all the other law of attraction books out there that keeps setting me into a place of complete self-will and allowing my ego to run the show. I do see some spiritual concepts hidden behind those books, but ultimately all they're doing is telling you you're supposed want, want, want.

I really love Tosha's concept of remembering that God is our source and if we really want to see some magic in our lives, we should start giving everything over to the divine.

This just feels so much less hurried and desperate compared to other books, and I really needed that. It does help if a reader has a concept of a higher power.

Thank you, Tosha, for this breath of fresh air around law of attraction principles. I really feel like this book is helping me to continue releasing things that in the long run are of no importance.
Profile Image for Mattia.
301 reviews22 followers
May 10, 2022
This review is from my second read in March 2021. In 2019, I didn’t really realize I had trouble receiving, so a lot of what I got from the book was getting that process started. On my second read, after more trauma work on myself, I’m invigorated by the inner child work.

This book has one of my favorite approaches to inner child work and I recommend that portion to anyone with c-PTSD.

What I love about the book is that it addresses the toxic parts of manifestation culture and offers an alternative. Personally I don’t believe in any god, even a nebulous “universe” one, and yet it’s psychologically useful for me to accept what is. Believing that things are happening as they’re supposed to has gotten me through some really tough shit, even though I don’t believe there’s anything real behind that.
Profile Image for Traci.
108 reviews6 followers
May 31, 2023
A Yearly Read

This book is being added to my yearly read list. It's something that I constantly learn from even though I've read it previously.

I have been that person that manifestation didn't seem to work for, but I can say that offering, surrender and detaching have never failed. Tosha has shown how to do that and she gives wonderful examples and steps to let the Divine take the lead. Love all of her books and as I said, this one will be going on my yearly read list.
10 reviews
January 22, 2020

I started off really into the book but lost interest.
Some of the information was useful while the rest of it I just didnt get.
Profile Image for Melinda’s Crackpot Comments.
551 reviews19 followers
September 20, 2020
It doesn’t matter what your religion is. This is just wonderful, uplifting advice on how to welcome prosperity (if not wealth) into your life. I highly recommend this.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
118 reviews
July 2, 2023
Book Club - this book is about so much more than money.

From the author of the acclaimed Outrageous Openness, a witty and spirited guide to radically releasing the burden of financial fears

It's natural to crave prosperity. Some seek to manifest it in myriad ways--using anything from vision boards to writing a pretend check for a million dollars from the Bank of Divinity. Yet whatever comes, or doesn't, the mind always seems to want more.

But what if there was a whole other way? Instead of grasping and chasing, what if we offered everything--our money (or lack of it), our triumphs, our problems, our desires--fully back to Love? What if this offering itself was actually the secret to abundance?

Tosha Silver, internationally beloved spiritual guide, has created a practical and powerful financial book unlike any other. Leading you through a deeply transformative eight-week process, she shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual steps that anyone can take to learn to fully receive and prosper. Her step-by-step guidance is filled with prayers, meditations, and stories to help you find and heal the source of these fears and unworthiness. As you come to know you are part of something larger--something that you serve and that longs to serve you--you begin to feel a new sense of freedom and abundance.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
164 reviews3 followers
November 1, 2019
I’d probably have gone this 3.5 stars but that wasn’t an option. I liked that she felt relatable. I liked the meditations that she offers. I respect that she’s turned a course into a book and I hope it makes her money.

I didn’t particularly like that I felt like I needed to learn another language to keep up in certain parts like when she brought in the “Crown Jewels” it would have been easier and more coherent for an English based audience to then use the translated version of these words. I listed to this on audible and when they came back up I kind of had to guess. Also I didn’t like that each level of offering was labeled in such a way and I also didn’t like when they were referenced again they were just labeled as a level since I was listening and couldn’t thumb back. I understand this is how she operates but I did want to see and understand her process.

As for giving it all up to the divine, this isn’t a new concept to me, although I do respect what she’s offered up and will take the reminders.
Profile Image for Fifi_Pugdame.
2 reviews
March 4, 2022
It's been awhile since I read this book, but I found it entertaining and interesting, and possibly even useful. The author is a sort of "religious polygamist" but much of what she suggests about giving control of one's finances to "the Divine" is applicable to Christian principles. It appears that however one wants to think of/call the Divine is fine with her, and the principles apply in any case. Now that I'm more serious about Christianity, I should go back and read it again, with an eye to whether this book is an appropriate tool for me to use to improve my financial life. The author has a very engaging and positive style, yet she doesn't beat around the bush to make her points. She uses storytelling as a major teaching tool and is really good at it. I generally had a positive feeling about this book, but I'd have to read it again before I'd recommend it unreservedly to, say, evangelical Christians who might be offended by the author's embrace of many spiritual beings from different traditions.
Profile Image for Robert Alvarez.
189 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2022
"It's Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance" is yet another wonderful and helpful and fantastic book by Tosha Silver.

The information and guidance in this book is simple, practical and quite simply, WORKS!

Ms. Silver's signature writing style, accompanied by the Essence of the Divine (Goddess, God, Love, etc.) is truly abundant in this book.

I especially enjoyed the reminder regarding the Hindu Goddess Laxmi, the Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Opulence. She does, indeed, give more to those who are THANKFUL.

Also, the section on the "Three Jewels" is most invaluable.

I have now read all of the books that Ms. Silver has written, except for one, "Make Me Your Own: Poems to the Divine Beloved," but I look forward to buying that book, as soon as I can.

If you have been struggling with money issues for far too long, consider buying "It's Not Your Money: How to Live Full from Divine Abundance," by Tosha Silver. Really, just buy the book; you'll be glad you did.
Profile Image for Joslyn Ramirez.
63 reviews4 followers
August 31, 2021
This book has honestly been life changing for me, and having the support and community of a book club to share this experience with made it even more special.
I’ve learned how to truly surrender by offering up my worries & control, come to understand the “manifestation” I thought I knew of was actually spiritually bypassing emotional wounds, released attachment to “my” outcomes, opened my heart up for abundance to flow through in a variety of ways (not just money), and come back around to welcoming “god” (what I call Divine Spirit or Love) back into my heart through prayer & surrender.
I love the little testimonials and stories and humor and realness that Tosha Silver brings to this story. She gets right to the point, has tangible things to do and say to make changes in your life and thought patterns, and there’s so much depth in not that many words & pages. This has been my favorite book around money and one of my favorite personal development spirituality books I’ve read so far.
Profile Image for Calantirniel.
Author 9 books29 followers
November 13, 2019
A wonderful reminder, with practical application!

The title of this book prompted me to grab it, because I already knew deeply that everyone and everything is the All That Is, the Source. But life happens when you need a reminder, and that's exactly what this book did for me, simple enough to read it quickly, and deep enough to go back and really soak it all in. As a Capricorn myself, with a different background, but understanding many common themes of feeling the perpetual false need of "doing" which has been in my awareness for two decades, learning "being" can take a bit longer even if you mentally understand the idea. It's about gentle and consistent practice. Thank you for the excellent reminders!
Profile Image for Joanna.
113 reviews
June 17, 2020
Bravo Tosha for another amazing guide on the steps/guidance to unload all the burdens of survival and offer it to God.
I'm a hard nut to crack and the shell has gotten so much softer and have no doubt will dissolve as I continue the offering process and enjoy the abundant natural 'flow'.
I can honestly vouch as if I was Dorothy herself "There's no place, like home."
I'll end with the following statement in the last chapter under Gloriously Guided By Love that I so resonate with: 'I remember God every moment now, the One I knew as a child. I remember sitting with this Love, being certain of my safety and my place. Now that feeling is back, and it’s amazing, familiar, and too moving for words.'

Profile Image for Olivia .
40 reviews
June 27, 2020
This book is brilliant. It's simple yet profound, which was the best part about it. Also, it's all encompassing (I loved the parts that involved clearing energetic ties and old hangups...right on target!) I turned to it when I was intentionally asking and "working" for a certain outcome that was just.not.happening despite my very best efforts. In applying the techniques in this book, over a mere two weeks time I manifested a massive amount of money (seriously, I belly laughed out loud), and my life (which really wasn't all that bad) got changed for the massive better, and I was unshaken by all the changes because, well I was following the steps. So, this book WORKS. Read it when you're serious about making actual change. Truly phenomenal book unlike others of it's kind.
Profile Image for Mai.
556 reviews142 followers
November 14, 2021
A Great Read and Very Transforming spiritual experience .this book is life-changing, it will change your perspective about everything you want in life and especially Money. If you see God , as the ultimate provider for all your needs , you Start to offer all your Money troubles to God and then you let go and detach and that's when you start the process of offering as the author puts it "offering back to love" .
I get all these concepts because I really had transformed my life using this method of praying and offering all my money troubles to God but to see things change , we really need to be patient and trust the process which might take time .it's all about Asking and trusting God to take the lead .

Displaying 1 - 30 of 108 reviews

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