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Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude... and You Change Your Life!

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This is a "success manual" that gives readers a step by step plan for taking control of their lives and unleashing their incredible potential. The book consists of 12 Your Attitude is Your Window to the World; You're A Human Magnet; Picture Your Way to Success; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains; Turn Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail; How Are You?; Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow; Get Out There and Fail; Networking That Gets Results. The book shows how author Jeff Keller used these principles to make a career transition from lawyer to motivational speaker -- and shows readers how they, too, can make positive changes in every area of their lives. This is a book that is easy to read and fun to read. It's a timeless classic in the self-help field.

130 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1999

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Jeff Keller

39 books121 followers

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Profile Image for Aakanksha Jain.
Author 6 books717 followers
July 21, 2021
Attitude is Everything is a book based on Jeff Keller's journey of being a motivational speaker. Being a lawyer, he was doing well, but something is amiss. He decides to make a gradual transition and start working as a full-time motivational orator in 1992.

This novel is divided into three parts, Success Begins in the Mind, Watch Your Words, and Heaven Helps Those Who Act. The foremost objective of the book is to make you believe that you can achieve anything you desire. Positive thinking and sound visualization ability shift things in our favor, but if we continuously welcome negativity in our life, it will absorb all the great stuff.

Jeff Keller also talks about how one can succeed in his/her job or business. Of course, leaving a sustainable job will never be gonna an easy task, but once you show the courage and stick to it no matter what happened; the Universe will come to your rescue. Many people commence a new thing, but with an incorrect mindset. They stop working after a few difficulties or failures. It will lead them nowhere. The author used real-life examples to supplement his viewpoints.

This book helps me a lot because I am currently working on my new venture, and I need all the support and positivity in my life. I am very much confident about it, but after reading this book, I know for sure that no matter how long it takes to become successful, I will not sit back and never stop trying.

The book is fast-paced and engaging. It will help you to see new possibilities. Also, the author tells how one can bypass negative people in their personal and professional life. It is for every reader, and I can't recommend it enough.

Read more here - https://www.bookscharming.com/
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
4,879 reviews3,001 followers
March 30, 2024
When books actually makes you focus and choose better things for better days for the upcoming unknown days ... Yes, this is one of the rare ones!
Profile Image for DivyaRani.
34 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2019
Awesome !!!

I started using positive words. That's why I used awesome word first. :P

Short and sweet . If anyone wants to change your attitude to the way of positive side than this book will be the good choice.

Some lines from the book:
1. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
--- Shakespear

2. We become what we think about.

3. Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others.
--- Jonathan Swift

4. The things which hurt, instruct.

5. Choose words that will point you in the direction of your goals.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
298 reviews713 followers
October 4, 2020
"Whether you think you can - or think you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford

When it comes to reading self-help (or self-development) books, the way the readers see the world gets affected considerably: despite the principles, we share author's perspective while we are immersed in a particular book and ends up with at least something gained. When reading Jeff Keller's Attitude is Everything, I felt it to be a very nicely put summary of some of the well-known self-help books of all time.

"Your attitude is your window to the world"

In fact, the author openly gives credit for the well known personalities from whom he has extracted opinions - such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Napoleon Hill, Winston Churchill and many more - while sharing his own principles.

"success, to a large extent, is a matter of persistence."

For me, this was a brief guide - or kind of a map of self-development books out there - instead of a detailed manual. I'm not saying it's too simple - for certainly the underlying idea is of utmost importance - it is very brief and exactly to the point. Given how quickly one is able to read the entire book, this is a great read for self-development lovers.

"In words are seen the state of mind, character and disposition of the speaker." - Plutarch
Profile Image for Monika.
19 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2020
Book title"ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" says everything..Three keywords i.e Think,Act and Speak..This book taught so much in an easy way..Person attitude is much more important than anything..It mentions that Attitude is like a window,how u see world,how u perceive things..When ur way to perceive things changes, everything in ur life starts changing..This book has divided into three parts:
1.Success Begins in the Mind
2.Watch your words
3.Heaven Helps those who act

Jeff Keller teaches everything in a beautiful. way..In this book,he describes his own life...How he converted his negative attitude into positive attitude..He also says if he can change his attitude,you can too..Every thing describes in this book and how u tackle it..This book is life changing for everyone..Thanks to Jeff Keller for such a good work...
Profile Image for Sanjay Gautam.
243 reviews473 followers
August 5, 2021

Overall it's is nothing but folk wisdom. However, it's better to be reminded of it than not. At least for me.
Profile Image for Close Enough.
304 reviews80 followers
August 11, 2018
This is a motivational book packed with brief and easy tips to change your wrong habits, to take control of your life and to chose the right path, to reach the upper success. The writer of "Attitude Is Everything" had an inspiring experience that led him to share his useful thoughts; he went from being a lawyer to a motivational speaker, he could change his career and all of his life because he believed in himself and in his potentials and mainly he changed his attitudes.

I usually take some good notes during my reading of self help books as reminders and to share them with readers :

📒Your attitude is the window of the world.

📒Pay attention to your dominant thoughts .

📒Believe in your self and take action and persist; you will achieve your goals and overcome obstacltes in your way to to success.

📒Positive dominant thoughts grant you positive results.

📒Draw a vivid image in your mind to your achievments in the future.

📒Commitment is the secret of success.

📒Adversity brings out your hidden strength and builds up your self-esteem.

📒Your words have a termendous impact on your life , they might be a powerful support or a huge obstacle , don't underestimate the power of words; choose them wisely to rise your energy and your self confidence to accomplish more goals.

"your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn" ...Unknown

📒Complaints solve nothing but it reinforces your suffering and increase the level of your pain.

📒Your friends, your family, your good health, your children, your safe home ..... don't take them for granted, but count them as blessing you may lose them in a trace. stop complaining about trifles and trivial matters in your life .

📒Your satisfaction and happiness is related directly to your monitor thoughts.

📒If you surround yourself with positive and nourishing people you will lift up the ladder of success!

📒 Confront your fears.

This book is easy to read, simple and helpful for those who have not read self help books yet, but I did many times and if they could change anything in me except raising my level of happiness and energy for few hours, and that sounds  enough for me .
Profile Image for Denisa.
113 reviews2 followers
August 4, 2018
Recunosc ca am citit cartea doar pentru ca am nevoie de o noua transformare in viata mea. Vreau sa schimb ceva la mine, pentru ca sunt indecisa, pentru ca ma chinui uneori sa vad partile bune ale lucrurilor in ciuda faptului ca sunt optimista...cred. Atitudinea este totul, e genul de carte pe care as da-o tuturor persoanelor care ma cunosc sa o citeasca pentru ca sunt o gramada de situatii in care mi se pare ca ei m-ar regasi si m-ar intelege. Este o carte care te ambitioneaza si iti da energie
Profile Image for Jane.
339 reviews48 followers
June 24, 2021
Attitude is everything is a great and an inspirational book!

The book is narrated by the author itself. I love the first point of view because I think it is an intimate view in terms of what the author feels.

The beginning of the book narrates about the story of the author. How he feels unsatisfied with his life until he decided to change his attitude and change his life. The story is heart warming since the author talks about how satisfied and happy he is about his decision which is to change his attitude and learn more about it.

The next few pages are explanations on how to change the readers life. One is to change attitude and then others like not complaining, choosing your friends, confronting fears, and never giving up. I like how Jeff added stories of individuals who have done something to completely change their lives.

The most inspiring part for me is the one about failures and not giving up. I know I always hear this but it just feels different when you read how others made their lives successful by persisting on what they do. I just love it. I inspire to also do the same and change my life!

Do I recommend this book? Definitely! If you are a person who is sometimes negative about self, then read this and ponder about it! It is such a good book! It will make you think deeply about your actions in the future. 😊
Profile Image for Deepu George.
246 reviews26 followers
November 27, 2018
The problem with self help books are they are all self help ... nothing new to talk about... when a new one comes out it will always be the old words told in a a new way. So if you have read one or two of them , then you have read all of them. But another aspect of self help is that when you wind a person to a new way of life through self help ,there is a high possibility that he may go back to the old self if he is not as much enthusiastic. So such person needs a rewinding once in a while and this one helps you to rewind. If you are a first timer also then you can go through this book because Attitude is almost everything. And if you have to rewind you find this one helpful
Profile Image for Kate Millin.
1,679 reviews26 followers
April 13, 2013
A book at is easy to read with inspiration in each chapter. I have made a major change in my life and, while I am excited about the opportunities I am making for myself I also need to have something to keep reminding me about the ups and downs that happen while moving towards a brilliant future. I will keep coming back to this reading a chapter most days to re confirm my belief in what I am doing. I recommend it to everyone as attitude really is everything.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
Author 1 book13 followers
December 18, 2019
DNF ~70

mai mult mă enervez citind, pentru că mi se pare că abordează o atitudine idiot de simplistă + că nu mi se pare că învăț ceva nou/interesant și nici nu mă motivează deloc.
Profile Image for Adriana Merry .
207 reviews68 followers
June 17, 2022
✦ Am această carte în bibliotecă de un an și ceva și numai nu am ajuns la ea. Dar când aveam abonament pe Voxa nu știam ce să mai ascult și am zis să îi dau o șansă, și nu regret!

✦ Cartea a fost chiar interesantă, plină de sfaturi care m-au ajutat, sau sfaturi pe care le aplicam deja în viața de zi cu zi. Pe la final am început să mă plictisesc și să nu mai am foarte multă răbdare cu ea, mi s-a părut că se repetă aceleași chestii, dar per total a fost ok și mi-a plăcut.

✦ În format fizic are până în 200 de pagini (cred), iar pe Voxa erau și puține ore de ascultat, deci dacă vreți o carte de non-ficțiune lejeră, scurtă și care să aibă multe sfaturi și idei interesante atunci 0 recomand pe aceasta.

✦ Am văzut că mai sunt cărți în această coleție, tot de non-ficțiune și scurte, mă gândesc să le dau o șansă și acelor cărți. Bine, nu o să citesc des, fiindca nu aș putea. :)) Dar odată la ceva timp e ok.

✦ 4/5 și o recomand.
Profile Image for Asad Gondal.
3 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2019
It is an Amazing Piece of Work. I Highly Recommend everyone to read this. No matter if You think You are the most Positive guy or Not much positive one, Go through it. Books like these can do wonders. All the Appreciation for the Author. It is Rightly said; A person who does not read books lives one life, but the person who does read, live many! Extra punch, it can encourage to You ask Someone Out ;)
Profile Image for Michael Ryan.
102 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2013
If I give this book a critical review, does that prove the point of the book and become a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Well, I love anything positive. This, however, was kinda New Agey in a 'you can manifest your own destiny, create your own reality, be happy damn you, what matter that a crocodile has just bitten off your left leg?'- kind of way.

Also American and Zig Zigler-ish, success is too often equated with money or sales for my taste.

Having said all of this, I did get something out of it and must practice modeling some new behaviours. :-)
Profile Image for Sem.
40 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2019
La pomul lăudat să nu mergi...
Pentru mine subiectul a fost prezentat ca pentru clasa a V-a.
Profile Image for Ms. Smartarse.
630 reviews314 followers
May 22, 2021
Originally published as Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude... and You Change Your Life!.

Self-help books are just not my thing. Heck, I am embarrassed enough by the term that I chose to shelve the book under "self improvement" to make it sound somewhat better. Add to this the fact that I was more or less blackmailed into reading the book, so I didn't exactly start it with particular enthusiasm.

The gist of this book's advice is to basically hypnotize yourself into having a positive attitude. And that just doesn't sit right with me. At one point the author suggests that the reader start listening to self-help audio books every night, for at least thirty minutes. Guess what imagery that conjured in my mind:
Dexter attempting to learn French while asleep
Omellete du fromage, anyone?

Another aspect that didn't particularly resonate with me, was the number of examples focused on earning tonnes of money. As incredible as it may sound, I don't particularly care about that. I do of course want to have the money to go on a trip abroad, or to buy a certain type of food, movie tickets etc. But I'm perfectly fine, with not owning a 2-storey mansion and a pool. A regular condo will do just fine.

That said, on average I wouldn't necessarily say that this was a bad book. I managed to go through it in roughly 2 hours, mostly due to the engaging writing style. Plus I have to give the author credit, going from a stressful job as a lawyer to that of a motivational speaker, AND becoming successful at it; quite an achievement.

Score 3/5 stars

Aside from this genre not being my cup of tea, I can't really find anything particularly terrible with the book. The most I can object to is that I don't really get why people would pay money for motivational tie pins. As for my attitude, I guess I'll just have to fake it. Who knows? Perhaps I'll even make it some day.
Profile Image for Elyas.
42 reviews28 followers
November 8, 2016
به من بگویید با چ کسانی وقت میگذرانید تا من بشما بگویم چ کسی هسی

کتابش ترجمه شده بنام نگرش همه چیز است
جف کلر

وکیلی ک یهو زد ب فاز موفقیت فهمید با این کار ارامش خودشو پیدا میکنه لذت میبره
خیلی خوبه واقعا ازین کتابا و مجله ها موفقیت نمیشه بدی و وقت تلفی بخوای ارزیابی کنی
دست بکار شوید و خودتان رو باور کنین
برای دنبال کردن ارزوهاتون شجاعت
پپشتکار و بالاتر
از همه

نبیاد فراموش کنیم
نگرش همه چیز است

اتفاقی از طریق یکی از اینستاگرام اشنا شدم خداروشکر ب چشمم اومد دنبالش رفتم
چقد خوبه بعضی وقتا ب حس فضولیت افتخار کنی
باشد ک رستگار شویم
تو عالی هسی من عالی
منم بس جووو گیر
ای ام دوس جو گیر :))
Profile Image for Rohini Sudhakaran.
11 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2019
Attitude is everything.
Are you often influenced by negative people? Do you spread negativity? Have you ever felt negative before starting anything new?

Then this book is predominantly meant for you. Even I'm the kind of girl, who feels negative and scared to start something new.
This book showed me a positive perspective of the world.
The three main keywords from this book are: THINK, SPEAK, ACT.
The best motivational book i could say.
Now I strongly believe in the saying "change your attitude, you can change your life".
Profile Image for Godwin.
36 reviews7 followers
December 17, 2020
One of the important books in self help genre. Throughout reading I was able to recall most of the basics we were taught during our youthhood days. This book contains a lot more practical ideas which can be very much relevant even today. It's not a magic wand for all your real life problems. But if you are able approach these concepts with optimistic attitude and open mind, then this book can do wonders for you.
Profile Image for Socrate.
6,700 reviews213 followers
April 7, 2022
Am absolvit facultatea de drept în 1980 şi mă gândeam că voi fi avocat pentru tot restul vieţii mele. în definitiv, era ceea îmi doream să fac încă din adolescenţă. La început, lucrurile s-au desfăşurat conform planului. După ce am învăţat intens o vară întreagă, am reuşit la examenul de admitere în Barou şi am devenit avocat stagiar în New York. Viaţa mea personală era de asemenea în ascensiune. La începutul anului 1981, m-am căsătorit cu Dolores, o colegă de facultate. Viaţa mea urma să fie plină de succes şi de fericire. Sau cel puţin aşa credeam eu. Dar după câţiva ani în care am practicat avocatura, mi-am dat seama că nu eram deloc fericit. Desigur că erau unele aspecte ale vieţii de avocat care îmi plăceau. Mă bucuram că reuşeam să ajut oamenii să îşi rezolve litigiile, în special atunci când puteam să scurtez agonia cauzată de procedurile legale îndelungate. Totuşi, îmi displăceau nenumărate aspecte ale profesiei mele — şi acest lucru părea să îmi diminueze vitalitatea. Teancuri întregi de acte plictisitoare şi moţiuni de înregistrat. întârzieri constante şi amânări. Nu era un fapt neobişnuit ca un proces să fie amânat şi de zece ori. (...)La începutul anului 1985, la puţină vreme după ce împlinisem 30 de ani, eram complet epuizat. într-o seară, în timp ce stăteam singur în sufrageria mea, mi-am dat seama că ceva trebuia să se schimbe. Neştiind ce anume trebuia să fac, mi-am spus pur şi simplu cu voce tare: „Trebuie ca viaţa mea să reprezinte mai mult decât atât... trebuie să existe mai mult decât suferinţă şi nefericire."
Profile Image for Prince Naresh Nayak.
73 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2020
We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes of mind...
Your attitude is your window to the world ......
Picture your way to success........
I'm very happy to say that
I bought a tab and this is the first ebook that I've completed reading in it ....
And I liked it a lot
This book is very helpful know how important our attitude is and how it differentiate from one another ,,,
Best thing about the book is there is one best quote in each and every page by famous personalities,,
Which are eye openers
And the real thing is if you don't implement it it is useless
And the best thing is one can learn attitude..
All the info gives based on the given quote only
It would be more helpful if it would have provided more pratical ways to change attitude
Finally it's really nice book 👌👌
If you feel low yourself
I strongly recommend
Profile Image for Deea.
23 reviews
July 26, 2023
You need to read this book!!!It was amazing and so beatiful and i loved it 💕💕
Profile Image for Ummul Bashar.
5 reviews
January 19, 2020
CATEGORY : Self-help.
Let's take a look at your life for a moment.Are there any areas where you've been using phrases like,"I can't,"...,"I'm no good at...!

Are you feeling stressed?low down in mind?
scared not to capable of doing anything?
Does your mind always pull you back if you want to try something new?
I'm good for nothing.I can't do anything perfectly. Oh god!why all the baddass thing happen with me?why am I like this?
always crying in the dark..
confidence level in the bottom line?
so,you need to do a small favour to your broken soul.
For a better self help you can try the best selling book of JEFF KELLER,

HERE,in this book our writter share his personal experience. how he overcame his obstacles & find a new way of life via positive attitude.
This book isn't a regular basis advisory self help book,rather we can find a great number of experience which is shared by the author & these can be a great lesson for us...
so don't you want to help a little, yours frustrated, negative soul?
why will you deprive yourself from self improvement, from becoming a better, positive human being.?

"keep your attitude window clean & bright so that the positive thoughts can come shinning through."
_Jeff keller.
SO, Take a deep breath, get started to read this awesome book & welcome your positive perspective of life...

I didn't write any book review before...
So,"what do you think? Doesn't it help me to make a little step towards positive attitude? " ;)
Profile Image for Noah Johnson Raj K.
12 reviews2 followers
March 22, 2018
This Book 'ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING: CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE... CHANGE YOUR LIFE' written by Jeff Keller is an excellent book on Self Help genre. The author has written this book in a very simple language- user friendly to the reader with practically applicable solutions to achieve your goals. This Book goes around the major principle of development of one's personality - the congruence of Thoughts, Words, Actions which are actually very crucial for any successful person. It comprises of beautiful motivational quotes taken from varied sources, seems the author has done a wide research before writing. In short, this is a collective encyclopedia of all Self Help books that you can read but in a short and sweet form of its own.
Everyone should keep this book in their shelves for ever and read it every time when they feel they are not in a right track of their life or to take control over their lives. You will not take much time to read this book. The Book is to the point in nature and you will not at all get bored while reading. Worth buying and spending your valuable time in reading this.
Profile Image for Nata.
461 reviews137 followers
October 24, 2022
O carte scurtă, dar care inspiră și îți aduce aminte, cu ușurință, că tu poți(face) orice, dar cu efort și muncă deopotrivă. Înconjoară-te de oamenii potriviți, alege să te afli în medii care te motivează și propulsează spre ceea ce tinzi. Nu da mâinele în jos la primul eșec, eșecurile sunt valoroase și pline de învățăminte.

Atitudinea ta e mai importantă decât ce va zice lumea despre tine, nimeni nu se află în papucii tăi. Concentrează-te pe aptitudinile tale, dezvoltă și mai mult punctele tale forte și asta îți va aduce rezultate pe care nici nu le visezi.

O carte mică, dar tare drăguță, o termini de citit și ai impresia că în zilele următoare urmează să se întâmple ceva important. Să o citiți și voi.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,177 reviews

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