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Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The instant classic about why some ideas thrive, why others die, and how to improve your idea's chances--essential reading in the "fake news" era.

Mark Twain once observed, "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on." His observation rings true: Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus news stories circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas--entrepreneurs, teachers, politicians, and journalists--struggle to make them "stick."

In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the human scale principle, using the Velcro Theory of Memory, and creating curiosity gaps. Along the way, we discover that sticky messages of all kinds--from the infamous "kidney theft ring" hoax to a coach's lessons on sportsmanship to a vision for a new product at Sony--draw their power from the same six traits.

Made to Stick will transform the way you communicate. It's a fast-paced tour of success stories (and failures): the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who drank a glass of bacteria to prove a point about stomach ulcers; the charities who make use of the Mother Teresa Effect; the elementary-school teacher whose simulation actually prevented racial prejudice.

Provocative, eye-opening, and often surprisingly funny, Made to Stick shows us the vital principles of winning ideas--and tells us how we can apply these rules to making our own messages stick.

291 pages, Hardcover

First published December 18, 2006

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About the author

Chip Heath

45 books1,352 followers
Chip Heath is the professor of Organizational Behavior in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
He received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford.

He co-wrote a book titled Switch How to Change Things When Change Is Hard with his brother Dan Heath.

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Profile Image for Sundeep.
Author 1 book269 followers
February 3, 2008
from my blog, thesunrising.com

Summary: When marketing anything, keep these six concepts in mind if you want your message to shtick: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Stories; yes, my friends, that spells SUCCESs. If it sounds like too much work, these two concepts also work: Free, Sex (noooo, that’s not in the book…but it works I tell you!).

Recommended? Si. It’s a quick, fun read full of interesting anecdotes and examples that make the book’s message more *concrete* (a-hem). If you’re never going to pick it up, at least read a breakdown of the six principles on the book’s website.

One(ish)-liners for each of the six principles:

* Simplicity - boil it all down to the core message you want people to walk away with….the one thing they should know/do…the key takeaway….the essence of your point…the singular (okay, I’ll stop).
* Unexpectedness - generate interest and curiosity by being counter-intuitive or using surprise/some other technique. Oh, and you should send me money (see? that’s called “surprise”).
* Concreteness - explain ideas “in terms of human actions, in terms of sensory information”; people think in pictures, so paint a picture. For example, I’m sitting at my desk in my room typing this on my Dell laptop, sipping water and eating green curry chicken over rice. If you make it to the end of this post, I bet you’ll remember what I ate, but you won’t remember all six principles.
* Credibility - it’s only what is said because of who says it; make sense? If you can’t get a spokesperson (Oprah), be vividly detailed; “sticky ideas have to carry their own credentials”.
* Emotions - get people to care about your idea by evoking a feeling around your idea, and keep in mind that “we are wired to feel things for people, not for abstraction.” You make me happy by reading this blog post. (Don’t you feel happier knowing that, mom?)
* Stories - wrap the idea with context and it’ll be remembered as associated with that context; sometimes, analogies work great here as they ground the idea in a story or context folks are familiar with (analogies also allow you to check off “simple” and “concrete”; for example, “my blog is the Pinto of the blogosphere” says a lot about my blog. And me, unfortunately.)

Key takeaways:

* Think about what YOU would respond to if YOU were your target audience (make sense?). First this means understanding the frame of mind/perspective of your target audience (note: this is HARD). Then, it’s asking questions like “what would make me take notice?” Throw off what the authors affectionately refer to as the “Curse of Knowledge” (corny, but true) and go from there. How does your target audience views the world? What’s important to them? (Which raises some good questions…who are you people? And what’s important to you?)
* Make ideas interesting in some way/shape/form. Sounds incredibly obvious but it’s in fact hard to do (think of all the crap advertising you see these days…clearly, if it were interesting it wouldn’t be crap…I’ll bet you had a hard time remembering explicit crap ads precisely because they were crap). Playing into people’s curiosity can be a powerful way to make things interesting (guess what color boxers I’m wearing).
* When pitching something, emphasize benefits, not features; people want to know what’s in it for them (self-interest), or how what you’re offering supports something they believe in (identity). If you can nail both, you’ve got a winner (this whole “organic” craze, for example).
* Final excerpt from the book. “For an idea to stick, for it to be useful and lasting, it’s got to make the audience:

1. Pay attention
2. Understand and remember it
3. Agree/Believe
4. Care
5. Be able to act on it”
6. Think free. Or sex. Or both.

Okay, without looking, what are the six principles? And what did I eat? And how much money are you sending me?
Profile Image for Mohamed Al.
Author 2 books5,196 followers
August 29, 2016
دعوني أبدأ بالقول بأنني أكره كتب التنمية وتطوير الذات وكل ما دار في فلكها، وأنني أفضل قراءة كتاب طبخ حول طريقة إعداد "المحشي" على قراءة كتاب لأولئك المحتالين الذين يبيعون وهمًا للمغفلين. كما أن أسوأ كوابيسي هو أن أستيقظ يومًا في جزيرة معزولة وليس في حوزتي سوى كتاب من هذا النوع على شاكلة "كيف تصبح مليونيرًا في ٣ أيام" "كيف تغير العالم بضغطة زر" (في الواقع إذا كنت في جزيرة معزلة فعلاً سأتمنى أن يكون معي كتالوج من "إيكيا" لتركيب قارب خشبي أستطيع أن أستقله لأهرب من الجزيرة).

لكن هذا الكتاب مختلف فعلاً، ليس لأنه مكتوب بطريقة بسيطة ومسلية فقط، ولكن لأنني استفدت منه كثيرًا على الصعيدين الشخصي والمهني.

بدأت بقراءة الكتاب قبل ٦ سنوات عندما كنت طالبًا في أستراليا، وتركته بالخطأ خلفي، مع ما تركته من كتب الجامعة والمحاضرات، بعد عودتي إلى الإمارات. ولكن كان يكفيني الجزء البسيط الذي قرأته لأكون قادًرا على

1. خلق أفكار مبتكرة
2. إيصالها للآخرين
3. ترسيخها في عقولهم
4. دفعهم للإهتمام بها والعمل بها

وهذه هي المحاور التي يرقص حولها الكتاب بكل اختصار.

قمت خلال ال٣ سنوات الأخيرة بتأسيس ناديين للقراءة أصبحا في ما بعد أهم وأشهر نوادي القراءة الافتراضية في الإمارات، ومن ثم شاركت في تأسيس مبادرة ثقافية تجمع تحت مظلتها هذين الناديين ومشاريع أخرى. وفي كل مرة يسألني شخص ما كيف راودتني هذه الأفكار المبتكرة كنت أبتسم وأدعو في قلبي لمؤلفي الكتاب اللذين غيرا طريقتي في توليد الأفكار.

لذلك كدت أطير فرحًا عندما وجدت الكتاب مترجمًا في إحدى المكتبات في أبوظبي، وسارعت لاقتنائه وقراءته من جديد.. ولكن بشكلٍ كامل هذه المرة!

أيًا كنتم أعزائي القراء: موظفين حكوميين، أصحاب مشاريع، صحفيين، كُتّاب .. إلخ ستجدون هذا الكتاب مفيدًا وملهمًا لكم.
Profile Image for Trevor.
1,337 reviews22.7k followers
January 22, 2009
I came upon this book in a convoluted fashion. It was nearly recommended to me in a round about sort of way by Richard, a GoodReads friend, when he pointed to a review of Blink by someone else on GoodReads who is some sort of expert in the field (although, I have to admit I’m still not totally sure which field that is). The expert felt Gladwell was a little too simplistic. I enjoyed Gladwell’s books very much and so was keen to see what made them seem too simplistic to someone ‘in the field’ and what a book they would recommend as not being too simplistic would be like. I was surprised, then, when this one started by praising Gladwell’s The Tipping Point.

This is a very interesting book. There is no question that this book would be very useful if you are a teacher or a journalist – it shows how stories are better than lists of facts and statistics and shows how structuring your message around concrete examples that are directly relevant to the needs of your audience is going to make your audience much more interested in what you have to say. This all sounds far too familiar and far too simple – but actually, the book is remarkably good at breathing new life into these near clichés. The problem is that everyone knows things like KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) but no one ever bothers following this advice, mostly because it is given as abstract advice (some idiot talking about the KISS Principle) rather than in good, clear examples in ways that are designed to make the lesson stick.

Many of the stories in this book I had heard before, in fact, many more of the stories in this book than in any of Gladwell’s books, but they are told not so much to get you to drop your jaw in surprise, which does seem to be Gladwell’s gift even when I don’t agree with him, but rather to instruct,

The clever thing they do in the book is to use lots of stories from not-for-profit organisations that are seeking to get their message across – stories not just about people making money – and how these organisations have been ‘creative’ in attracting the attention of their potential audience. The point that is made over and again is that it really has nothing to do with being creative, it is about knowing what the rules are that make a good story – a story that is directed at illuminating your key message.

That is another thing that I learned in this book – that there should be one message, not three, that if you have three main messages no one will remember any of your ‘messages’.

At the start of this book I was worried that it might turn out to be a ‘standard American Self-help book’ as it did have that kind of smell about it. But it redeemed itself nicely. The advice is the kind of advice one can never hear too frequently about the benefits of keeping a message simple and direct. It is not about dumbing down the message, it is about making the message clear. And there is a hell of a difference between those two.

Like a good self-help book there is even a crappy acronym, which in this case is SUCCES:

• Simple — find the core of any idea
• Unexpected — grab people's attention by surprising them
• Concrete — make sure an idea can be grasped and remembered later
• Credibility — give an idea believability
• Emotion — help people see the importance of an idea
• Stories — empower people to use an idea through narrative

But crappy acronyms can be sadly underrated and this one worked well at structuring the book and in summarising the message. (I’ve stolen the dotpoints from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Made_to_...)

This is, in fact, a very good book and the sort of book that anyone who tends towards corporate speak should be forced to read – well, forced to read after they have been sent to a re-education camp for due punishment for six months. I’m thinking along the lines of bamboo under fingernails or perhaps waterboarding before Obama bans it. If you are afraid that you might make PowerPoint presentations that are just like everyone else’s – and that idea sends a shiver down your spine – this book is for you.

I’ve been rather lucky lately, I’ve found a string of fascinatingly interesting books.

Profile Image for Mark Dickson.
68 reviews13 followers
February 23, 2011
Perhaps it was because this book came highly recommended from a reliable source, but I was greatly disappointed. This book was a redundant snooze. The ultimate test, I suppose, is whether the ideas from this book do, in fact, stick. It suffices to say that "enjoyability" is NOT on the list of what makes an idea stick.

It's quite clear that the authors are doing their utmost to follow their own advice. That this makes the book almost unreadably repetitive is possibly an argument against the book's worth. On the other hand, if the ideas in the book stay with you, then their premise that beating you over the skull with a blunt object is the best way to make ideas stick may be both accurate and demonstrable.

Don't get me wrong. I wanted to like this book. It just read so much like a boring textbook for college freshmen that it was often hard to stomach.

Of course, this could just be a mismatched audience gripe. If you're a clueless corporate advertising wannabe, this book will probably be right up your alley. Or if you're teaching a course on advertising or communication, your students might get something out of it.

If you're actually into what makes ideas stick, why not pick something a little more rigorous, perhaps on memetics. I recommend Susan Blackmore's "Meme Machines" or Richard Brodie's "Virus of the Mind". For the more philosophically inclined, Dan Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" might also be a lot of fun.
Profile Image for SeyedMahdi Hosseini.
141 reviews76 followers
May 15, 2020
اگر به دنبال انتقال پیام، طرح و ایده به دیگران یا تبلیغ کالا و خدمات هستید، اگر دولتمرد و سیاستمدار هستید، اگر فرهنگ‌سازی، تدریس و سخنرانی در شغل‌تان جایگاهی دارد، اگر موفقیت در مذاکره برایتان اهمیت دارد، … برای تاثیرگذاری بیشتر پیشنهاد می‌کنم این کتاب را مطالعه کنید.
به یاد می‌آورم زمانی که در کلاس داستان‌نویسی شرکت می‌کردم، مدرس‌مان می‌گفت: «بعد از اتمام این دوره دیگر از هر داستان یا فیلمی لذت نخواهید برد؛ نقاط قوت و ضعف آنها را خواهید دید و گاهی اتفاقات را می‌توانید پیش‌بینی کنید. انتظاراتی از داستان (رمان یا فیلم) خواهید داشت و نقاط عطف داستان (��مان یا فیلم) را به وضوح می‌بینید.» آن زمان معنی صحبتش را درک نکردم ولی به مرور هرگاه فیلم یا رمانی را مطالعه می‌کردم ذهنم به صورت ناخودآگاه معیارهای یک داستان خوب را می‌کاوید. حالا حتی گاهی اذیت می‌شوم و نمی‌توانم مانند سابق از هر رمان یا فیلم لذت ببرم و البته رمان یا فیلم خوب نیز لذتی دوچندان برایم ایجاد می‌کند.
به نظرم مطالعه‌ی عمیق این کتاب نیز می‌تواند چنین تاثیری داشته باشد تا نوع نگاهمان به آگهی‌ها، پیامها، طرح‌ها، خبرها و سخنرانی‌ها تغییر یابد و نقاط قوت و ضعف و تاثیرگذاری آنها را به راحتی ببینیم. اگر بر مباحث این کتاب تسلط پیدا کنید، پیامی که خوب بیان شود منجر به لذت دوچندان می‌شود و پیامی که بد بیان شود حالتان را خراب می‌کند.
نظراتم را درباره این کتاب می‌توانید در آدرس ذیل مطالعه کنید:

Profile Image for Keyo Çalî.
66 reviews104 followers
November 5, 2020
I needed a book for marketing, I just googled 'Top 10 marketing books' and opened the first link. I searched all the books here in Goodreads, read the reviews, and chose this book.
I downloaded it on my Kindle, opened the book and on the first page I saw

"To Dad, for driving an old tan Chevette
while putting us through college.

To Mom, for making us breakfast
every day for eighteen years. Each."

a must-read book
everything about the book just sticks!!!
all you need and more can be found in the book.
Author 3 books933 followers
January 1, 2018
Great book on how to make the core message you want to deliver remembered. How to formulate it so that it 'sticks' in the minds of the listeners.

The core idea is that: in order for a message to be 'sticky' it has to combine these 6 characteristics: 1) Simple 2) Unexpected 3)Credible 4) Concrete 5)emotional 6)Story

SUCCES(without the extra 'S' spelling success)

The authors tell very engaging stories on each of their success factors.I think this is a great book for consultants. One of their main jobs is to communicate ideas, so this is integral.
Profile Image for Shaimaa شيماء.
374 reviews280 followers
November 7, 2023
كتاب لذيذ ومفيد للغاية، أسلوب رشيق، طريف، يعتمد على القصص والأمثلة، بعيد كل البعد عن الملل.

هل تريد ان تصل فكرتك وتصبح راسخة في الأذهان؟ اتبع وصفة هذا الكتاب:
قصة بسيطة، غير متوقعة، ملموسة، ذات مصداقية، ومثيرة للمشاعر.

كيف ترسخ الأفكار في الأذهان؟ وكلمة ترسخ المقصود بها فهم الأفكار وتذكرها، وأن يكون لها وقع مستدام؛ أي أنها تبدل آراء الناس وتصرفاتهم.

يتحدث الكتاب عن ستة مبادئ هي:
البساطة، عدم التوقع، الملموس، المصداقية، العاطفي، القصة.
وهي مجموعة في كلمة succes

من الأمثلة الشهيرة على الأفكار الراسخة عبارة الرئيس كنيدي
"ضعوا إنسانا على سطح القمر وأعيدوه آمنا في نهاية العقد".
هل هي بسيطة؟ نعم
غير متوقعة؟ نعم
ملموسة؟ بشكل مدهش.
ذات مصداقية؟ نعم
مثيرة للمشاعر؟ نعم
قصة؟ قصة مختصرة.

المبدأ الاول البساطة:

كيف نجد الأساس لأفكارنا؟
يعني العثور على الأساس التعمق في المعنى الأساسي لفكرة ما.

في الجيش هناك ما يسمى بنية القائد، فعندما يحدث الالتحام وتتغير الخطط يبقى امام الجنود فكرة واحدة.. عليهم تنفيذ نية القائد مهما اختلفت الوسائل.
إن العثور على الأساس يشبه نية القائد، فالهدف هو إبراز الفكرة الأكثر أهمية.
في الصحافة تكون الجملة الأولى هي جملة القيادة، ثم تقدم المعلومات بشكل متناقص.

الأمثال هي الكأس المقدسة للبساطة، عصفور في اليد خير من مئة على الشجرة. فكرة راسخة عاشت اكثر من 2500 عام وانتشرت عبر القارات.
للأفكار البسيطة رشاقة وفائدة تجعلانها تعمل إلى حد بعيد على غرار الأمثال.

المبدا الثاني: عدم التوقع (المفاجأة وتوليد الاهتمام)

كيف نلفت انتباه الجمهور إلى أفكارنا، المفاجأة...ولكن المفاجأة لاتدوم، علينا توليد الاهتمام والفضول، فتح ثغرات بشكل منظم في معرفتهم، ومن ثم ملء هذه الثغرات.
الثغرات تسبب الألم، فعندما نرغب في معرفة شيء ولا نستطيع، يصبح الأمر كمكمن ألم يقتضي حكه، ولإبعاد الألم علينا ملء ثغرة المعرفة.

المبدا الثالث: إضفاء الطابع الملموس

تكون الأفكار الراسخة عادة مليئة بالصور الملموسة لأن دماغنا مبرمج لتذكر البيانات الملموسة.

لماذا يصدق الناس القصص الخرافية لأنها تعج بالصور الملموسة، قصة الثعلب والعنب مثلا.

المبدا الرابع: المصداقية

مصادر المصداقية الأكثر وضوحا - القيم الخارجية الاحصاءات - ليست الأفضل دائما، فالقليل من التفاصيل الحية قد يكون أكثر إقناعا.
في أغنية سيناترا " نيويورك نيويورك" يغني عن بدء حياة جديدة في مدينة نيويورك ويرد الكورس " إذا استطعنا ذلك هناك، فأتمكن من ذلك في أي مكان".
اختبار سيناترا ينجح عندما يكون مثلا واحدا كافيا لإرساء المصداقية في مكان معين.

المبدا الخامس: المشاعر

تظهر الأبحاث أن الناس يميلون أكثر إلى تقديم هدية خيرية لشخص محتاج أكثر من ميلهم لتقديمها لمنطقة فقيرة، فنحن مبرمجون على أحاسيس نشعر بها، وليس حيال الأمور المجردة.

المبدأ السادس: القصص

من أهم العقبات التي تقف في طريقنا ما يسمى بلعنة المعرفة، فما إن نعرف شيئا، حتى نجد أنه من الصعب تصور ماقد تكون عليه الحال إن كنا لا نعرفه. إن معرفتنا لعتنا. ويصبح من الصعب تبادل معرفتنا مع الآخرين.

إن القصص وحدها هي التي يمكنها أن تهزم لعنة المعرفة. في الواقع، إن معظم القصص ملموسة وحسية وتمس العواطف والحواس، إنها أكثر ما يعبر عن جوهر ما نقول، وهي تملك القدرة الرائعة على إثارة المشاعر والحث على الفعل.

في النهاية كيف تجعل فكرتك راسخة في أذهان الحضور.
١- تلفت انتباههم.
٢- تدفعهم إلى فهمها جيدا فيتمكنون من تصديقها.
٣- تجعلهم يتفقون معها او يصدقونها.
٤- تجعلهم يهتمون ويتعاطفون.
٥- تكون قابلة ليعملوا على أساسها.
Profile Image for Kevan.
173 reviews37 followers
August 10, 2016
Update #2: Yep. Still recommending it. I

Update #1, at the halfway point: five stars already.

I want to read this book twice, at least. This will directly change how I write, present, think, create and make things. I know I need to keep experimenting to make my communication more memorable, more meaningful, and I'll be playing with many of the techniques described here.

A few key points that I want to experiment with in my own work:

"If you've asked somebody to remember three things, you've asked them to remember nothing." I need to simplify messages to ONE key element. (I will use this when writing Voice & Tone guidelines for clients)

Use mystery to open a knowledge gap for people. It keeps people glued to the end if you've activated their curiosity - it's why people stick around to finish even bad movies; they need to know how it ends. So, can you open a piece by asking a question? Can you start a presentation by asking how somebody would approach a certain problem? Can you pace content with clues and reveals?

Make examples concrete. Use physical objects and demonstrations. Heck, create a physical installation art piece instead of a powerpoint presentation. Help people to experience, touch and see your idea, make it UNabstract, to make it memorable. There's an an amazing story of HP pitching Disney by creating a walkthrough pop-up museum that showcased HP technology in-use at a Disney park -- INSTEAD of creating a powerpoint presentation.

Boil down goals to simple, concrete statements. Sony wanted to make a "pocketable radio" long before radios were pocket sized, and they said so in those words. It motivates legions of engineers. JFK's "put a man on the moon by the end of the decade" statement (instead of "prove our superiority in long-distance transportation technology over the blah-blah-blah"). To kill corporate blah, you need to mention specific objects, nouns, locations, timespans.

Think Aesop's Fables: simple stories, simple messages, starring animals performing tasks. They've endured for millennia because there is nothing remotely abstract about them.

What I'm learning so far: Kill the abstract. Get concrete. Choose ONE message, not several.
I'm really excited to keep pushing myself to write/present/think better using these techniques. There is especially a lot here for when you want to motivate internal teams, launch projects, influence a company culture, all of which are skills I want to be better at.

I'm halfway through the book; expect another update soon.
Profile Image for Anusha Iyer.
80 reviews20 followers
February 17, 2017
I don’t know why I’m surprised at my 5star rating. I was recommended this book by multiple people, including the professionals of Goodreads. The final nail on the coffin was when my Dad just handed me this book saying, “You know for a Doctor, you should really read this book!”
Way to go Dad! That’s what did it. He throws in that ‘doctor’-word in there and I’m eating from the palm of his hand.
But on a serious note, this book was enlightening to me on so many levels. Not only did I resonate with it from the perspective of a new healthcare professional but also as an individual who loves to learn new things. Furthermore, the authors of the book have made the premise very appealing to anyone.
As a doctor, I face the challenge of selling harder yet healthy ways of life to my patients everyday. With the advent of the internet, it has making my job harder and harder. It is much easier now for people to have preconceived notions about their health and treatment plan before I ever see them. Something as simple as vaccinations now has become this hazy and controversial topic. I completely see now [after reading this book] how an idea can infiltrate a nation of individuals seamlessly.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to broaden their horizons. It will make you question a lot of things you hear and see. It will definitely make you reconsider how you present your thoughts and ideas to someone else. I hope you like it as much as I did!
3 reviews2 followers
April 8, 2013
The book "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath Chow, is about how to make your ideas memorable; be it promoting a product / project, being a professional, forwarding a company's strategy or lessons to students. Everything revolves around the SUCCESS methodology. For an idea to stick, for it to be useful and lasting, it's got to make the audience:

Pay attention - Unexpected
Understand and remember it - Concrete
Agree/Believe - Credible
Care - Emotional
Be able to act on it - Story.

"Made to Stick" is a book that stands as proof of how to apply the suggestions in it, if you get as it is written: with many stories as examples, with simple language, and without long and pompous paragraphs. And with occasion, I will tell you a lesson taken from the book: it's written in the inverted pyramid style.

This is a type of book I would recommend to anybody!
Profile Image for James.
135 reviews
April 18, 2009
Some business books are written to promote consulting gigs. This is one such book. You can usually tell when the summary chapter just takes the table of contents and re-arranges it a little. I picked this up because one of the authors is the founder of an innovative website used extensively by my kids---Thinkwell.com.

There is nothing inherently wrong with this book. The ideas are coherent, presented well, and made relatively easy to digest (following the their own enunciated principle of the "pomelo scheme"). The examples are good if outdated (the wood block Palm Pilot example is a little dated. Do people even know what a Palm Pilot is anymore?). The ideas are even useful. And the mnemonic SUCCESs to describe their central idea is cute.

But there is no practical way to translate these ideas into the real world. For example, the Sinatra Test (one successful outcome means that every outcome will be successful) is a little dubious and the example of Safexpress tells about the outcome, but not how it was achieved. I suspect that here is where you would need consultants.

Again, it's not a bad book. It's not meant to be a how to manual. But I suggest that you borrow, not buy, your copy.
Profile Image for Moh. Nasiri.
307 reviews99 followers
February 25, 2021
ایده‌های چسبنده (Sticky ideas)
هرکس در هر جایگاهی حرف‌هایی برای گفتن و ایده‌هایی در ذهن دارد؛ اما بسیاری از اوقات این ایده‌ها شنیده و دیده نمی‌شوند و خیلی زود به‌دست فراموشی سپرده می‌شوند.
چرا اصولا ایده‌ها موفق نمی‌شوند و حتی بسیاری از ایده‌های ارزشمند فراموش می‌شوند؟ 
بنظرم این کتاب برای ریویونویسی هم خوب هست چون میتونی ایده کتاب را به شکل موثر و جذابی ارایه کنی.

شش اصل ایده‌های ماندگار و موفق از نظر نویسنده:

اصل اول: سادگی (Simple)، به این معنا که اضافه‌های ایده باید حذف شوند و ایده به مفهوم اصلی برسد. ایده‌ها باید علاوه‌بر سادگی، عمیق و بامفهوم باشند؛ بنابراین، سادگی الزاما به‌معنای بسیار کوتاه‌بودن جمله نیست. هرچند قانون طلایی عبارتی تک‌جمله‌ای را تأیید می‌کند که دیگران به‌دلیل سادگی و عمقش تا ابد به‌خاطر بسپارند.
اصل دوم: غیرمنتظره‌بودن (Unexpected)، یعنی علاوه‌بر ایجاد غافل‌گیری برای افراد که هوشیاری و تمرکز را زیاد می‌کند، اشتیاق و حس کنجکاوی را باید همواره در افراد ایجاد و حفظ کنیم.
اصل سوم: ملموس‌بودن (Concrete)، برای اینکه ایده واضح و روشن باشد، باید با استفاده از اطلاعات ملموس و فعالیت‌های مشهود توضیح داده شود. این باعث می‌شود ایده برای همه‌ی مخاطبان معنایی واحد ایجاد کند.

صل چهارم: معتبربودن (Credible)، آنچه هر ایده نیازمند داشتن آن است، باورپذیربودن است. به راه‌هایی نیاز داریم که افراد ایده را بیازمایند و اطمینان پیدا کنند تا بتوانند آن را باور کنند.
اصل پنجم: احساسی‌بودن (Emotional)، یعنی چه کار کنیم دیگران به ایده‌های ما توجه کنند و درگیرش شوند. برای این‌ امر لازم است کاری کنیم حس خاصی در مخاطبان ایجاد شود. مسئله‌ی مهم این است که بدانیم کدام احساس را باید برانگیزانیم و کنترل کنیم.
اصل ششم: داستانی‌بودن (Story)، برای اینکه دیگران را متقاعد کنیم براساس ایده‌ی ما رفتار کنند، به داستان‌گویی نیاز داریم. این کار موجب افزایش تجربیات افراد می‌شود و درنتیجه، عملکرد بهتری خواهند داشت.
لینک کست باکس:،
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,870 reviews460 followers
March 19, 2020
Useful communications' theory book, especially if you're interested in exploring getting thoughts across whether in teaching, work presentations, advertising or just chatting with friends.

If you want a deeper review then I recommend you check out Trevor's review; he's my go-to for sociology recommendations. The Curse of Knowledge is a big problem, when you know too much that you can no longer explain it simply--I actually think it's the stage just before assimilating a concept because once it is woven into your knowledge base then you can zoom in and out--or as Einstein says, 'If you can't explain it to a five year old then you don't understand it.'

There's a lot of good things here, but I like this quote referencing McKee: "Curiosity is the intellectual need to answer questions and close open patterns. Story plays to this universal desire by doing the opposite, posing questions and opening situations."
Profile Image for Laura Noggle.
691 reviews498 followers
February 14, 2019
*Stickiness Level: Average*

Not sure on the lasting impact of this book on me, it seemed like a lot of common sense and natural intuition.

Maybe I’ve read too much Godin and Gary Vee, or maybe this 12 year old book is a little dated. Either way it’s hard to pinpoint why memes, trends, and some things become popular over others.

This book is a perfectly acceptable attempt to understand why some things stick more than others, but hindsight is always 20/20.

If Chip had followed more of his own advice, maybe this book would have been a little more interesting.

“The most basic way to get someone's attention is this: Break a pattern. Humans adapt incredibly quickly to consistent patterns."


If you’re interested in the topic, I recommend Derek Thompson’s Hit Makers.
Profile Image for Mehrsa.
2,235 reviews3,633 followers
January 20, 2018
This is gonna sound weird, but for all their talk about making ideas interesting and unforgettable, this book was so uninteresting and forgettable. I mean, some of the stories were interesting and I did learn a few tidbits, but I don't think the book passes their own metric of stickiness.
Profile Image for Anya Weber.
101 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2009
When I have enough money to buy books again, I'm planning to build a marketing and communications library. It will consist of three books: "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell, "Influence" by Robert Cialdini, and this book, which is maybe the one of the three that knocked me on my butt most often as I was reading it.

The (adorable!) Heath brothers (check out their nerdy-preppy hottitude on the back cover!) are Chip, a Stanford business professor, and Dan, an education and new media consultant in NC. This book examines why certain stories, marketing ploys, teaching methods, lesson plans, public-service announcements, and other forms of communication succeed and others fail. For example, why is a lurid but absurd urban legend so much easier to remember than the highly worthy and well-supported mission statement of a nonprofit?

The book breaks down into six components the qualities an idea needs to have in order to "stick"--to be remembered by people and influence their behavior. The Heath Bros do a great job practicing what they preach; the book is clear, engaging, and packed with wonderful (and memorable) anecdotes and examples. The Shark Attack clinic is an instant classic; I also loved their discussions of effective (and ineffective) anti-smoking and anti-littering ads.

This book will be highly useful to any entrepreneur, parent, pastor/rabbi, teacher, advertiser, CEO, or other communicator who needs to get his or her point across.
Profile Image for WhatIReallyRead.
781 reviews536 followers
June 23, 2019
This was pretty good. Made to Stick was concrete, useful, understandable and to the point.

The authors did a good job of structuring their material by setting up their formula for "sticky ideas" and then dedicating a chapter to each ingredient. They finished by having a chapter dedicated to symptoms/problems and antidotes/ways to solve them. And these were very close to real life, the troubles/questions that a lot of their readers surely have, so it's definitely helpful.

I appreciated that Chip & Dan Heath included lots of real-world examples in the chapters - ideas, slogans, quotes, advertisements, proverbs etc. - and analyzed their success or failure. This brought the ideas down to earth, made it easy to see what the authors mean.

It wasn't mind-blowing or anything, but I do highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Sajad Behjati.
1 review11 followers
June 11, 2015
کتاب های زیادی در زمینه اثربخشی محتوا خوندم و اینکه چطور محتوایی ارایه کنیم که ماندگار و تاثیر گذار باشد، اما برای من ایده عالی مستدام کتابی متفاوت و خاص بود که با مثال های متعدد و شیوه ای آسان این موضوع را شرح داده است...

محتواهایی که کار زیادی برده است، اما به درستی ارایه نمی شوند، اساتید دانشگاهی که سرشار از دانش هستند، اما نمیتوانند ارایه کنند و خیلی مثال های دیگه ای که لزوم مطالعه این کتاب و استفاده از تکنیک های آنرا نشان میدهد .
Profile Image for Alireza Aghamohammadi.
49 reviews46 followers
March 17, 2022

دو قورت و نیمش باقیه!

یک روز حضرت سلیمان مهمانی برگزار کرد و از آنجا که زبان جانوران را نیز بلد بود، حیوانات را هم به مهمانی دعوت کرد. مهمانی در ساحل برگزار می‌شد. زمان وعده ناهار یک نهنگ به حضرت سلیمان گفت که گرسنه است. دستور دادند که یک گوسفند را برای نهنگ بیاورند. نهنگ گوسفند را خورد اما گفت که هنوز گرسنه است. این بار برای او شتر آورند. باز هم نهنگ گرسنه بود. هر چقدر به او غدا می‌دادند انگار کافی نبود. حضرت سلیمان از کوره در رفت و خطاب به نهنگ گفت: << چقدر غذا میخوری؟ چرا سیر نمی‌شوی؟>>. نهنگ در جواب گفت: << روزانه سه قورت غذا می‌خورم. تا به اینجا نیم قورت را خورده ام و هنوز دو قورت و نیمش باقی مانده>>.

چه می‌شود که بعضی پیام‌ها و ایده‌ها در تاریخ ماندگار می‌شوند و برخی از بین می‌روند. این کتاب با بررسی صدها پیام به این نتیجه می‌رسند که ایده‌های ماندگار شامل شش عنصر زیر است:
۱. سادگی
۲. غیر منتظره
۳. ملموس
۴. معتبر
۵. احساسی
۶. داستانی

اگر در کسب و کار خود می‌خواهید پیغامتان را ماندگار کنید، خواندن این کتاب واجب است.

Profile Image for د.أمجد الجنباز.
Author 3 books784 followers
September 26, 2012
من أروع الكتب التي قرأتها والتي تتحدث بطريقة مفصلة ومبسطة عن كيفية تبسيط أفكارك لتؤثر بها في الأخرين وتجعلهم يحفظونها.
ستتة إستراتيجيات بسيطة تساعدك في هذه العملية
Profile Image for Mahdi Nasseri.
73 reviews26 followers
October 8, 2014
این کتاب عالی است. به نظرم به تمام معنا مطالعه آن برای همه نیاز است. نه تنها شما را در جایگاه شغلی و اجتماعی قدرتمند می کنه بلکه بهتون کمک می کنه تا بسیاری از باورها، رویدادها و ایده هایی رو که در محیط اطرافمون باهاش مواجه می شیم رو بتونیم به درستی تحلیل کنیم و بشناسیم.
خوندن این کتاب رو به همه توصیه می کنم.
ترجمه عالی این کتاب در کنار چاپ بسیار با کیفیت خوندن این کتاب رو لذت بخش تر کرده.
Profile Image for Silvana.
1,186 reviews1,195 followers
February 23, 2020
It's useful but too repetitive and thus could be shorter. Some examples just made went over my head, like the sport ones or outdated tech like Palm Pilot. What's that anyway?

Having said that, I can't wait to start practicing some of the learning. So glad I don't have to rely on statistics so much. I hate memorizing them! Storytelling sounds much better.
Profile Image for C.
1,134 reviews1,034 followers
September 10, 2021
An informative and entertaining guide to making ideas “sticky” (interesting and memorable). It presents six principles and explains them with plenty of specific examples and comparisons of “sticky” and “non-sticky” ideas. Its lessons are applicable whether your ideas will be used in marketing and advertising a business or in spreading the mission of a nonprofit.

One of the themes of the book is overcoming the “curse of knowledge,” which is when you’re so familiar with your mission/product/service that you can’t see things from the perspective of those who aren’t familiar, and can’t express yourself to “outsiders.”

I had heard about this book from several sources, and finally decided to read it when Daniel Pink recommended it in To Sell is Human. The audiobook narrated by Charles Kahlenberg is of excellent quality.


“The test of our success as idea creators isn’t whether people mimic our exact words, it’s whether we achieve our goals.”

Step 1: Find the core of the idea.
Step 2: Translate the core using the SUCCES checklist.

6 Principles of Successful Ideas (SUCCES checklist)
• Simple
• Unexpected
• Concrete
• Credentialed
• Emotional
• Story

• The core should have profound compactness, like a proverb.
• Use analogies and metaphors.
• “A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

• Break a pattern.
• Present a mystery to pique curiosity.

To solve problems, you need a common “language.” It needs to be concrete, not abstract.

• Concrete details add credibility.
• Use endorsements from authorities and non-authorities (average people).
• Stats add credibility. Use them to show relationships, not for absolute numbers.
• Use the “Sinatra test”: “if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.” Give one notable, concrete example to prove your credibility.
• Use testable credentials: ask the audience, “see for yourself.”

“If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” Mother Theresa

How can we make people care about our ideas?
• Get them to take off their analytical hats.
• Create empathy for specific individuals.
• Show how our ideas are associated with things people already care about.
• Appeal to self-interest. Example: John Caples’ headline, “They laughed when I sat down at the piano...”
• Appeal to identity (example: “Don’t Mess with Texas”).
- • Group interest is often a better predictor of political opinion than self-interest.
- • People don't ask “what's in it for me?” but, “what's in it for my group?”
- • Appeal to who people already are, and also who they would like to be.
• Stay out of “Maslow’s basement.” People aren’t necessarily motivated by the lowest levels of Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs.” It isn't actually a hierarchy; people pursue the various levels simultaneously; there's overlap.

• Stories provide simulation; they cause the listener to mentally play along.
• Mental practice is more effective for mental activity than physical activity. Metal practice yields two thirds the benefit of physical practice.
• Stories provide inspiration, which drive action.

Inspirational story plots
• Challenge: underdog story, such as David and Goliath.
• Connection: overcoming barriers, such as in The Good Samaritan and Romeo and Juliet.
• Creativity: mental breakthrough, such as the apple falling on Newton’s head.

Example: Jared’s Subway Diet
• Simple: Eat subs and lose weight.
• Unexpected: A guy lost a ton of weight by eating fast food.
• Concrete: Oversized pants, loss of girth, particular sandwiches.
• Credible: Has anti-authority truthfulness: the guy who wore 60-inch pants is giving diet advice.
• Emotional: We care more about an individual (Jared) than about a mass. It taps into profound areas of Maslow’s hierarchy: It’s about a guy who reached his potential with the help of a sub shop.
• Story: Our protagonist overcomes big odds to triumph. It inspires the rest of us to do the same.
Profile Image for Loy Machedo.
233 reviews208 followers
January 21, 2012
Remember the subway advertisement? The guy who lost over 200 pounds eating only the vegetarian sub?

What about proverbs like “A bird in hand is worth two in a bush” or what comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “Sour Grapes”?

What about John F. Kennedy’s Man on the Moon vision?

Why is it we remember Urban legends like the Kentucky Fried Rat, Coco Cola dissolving tooth, Kidney thieves or the fact that you can see the Great Wall of China from space?

Welcome to a book that is the cross breed between great communication, excellent marketing concepts, successful ideas and yes, common sense. A book that demystifies the magic of what we remember and yes, the ideas that stick.

Made to Stick by Chip Heath & Dan Heath is an absolutely must buy business / communication book for anyone of any age group. I can describe this book as a mind blowing thriller that will not be put down till you have completed reading it from end to end.

I loved it and I am sure so will you.

Ideas related to Oral Rehydration, Disney Employment Metaphor, Successful Newspapers, Accounting, Description on Nuclear War, Evangelism, Seat Belts Adverts, Space Dust, Dancing, Litter, Football, AIDS, Shipping, Ill effects of Popcorn and Better Hamburgers – all have been compiled in this one amazing book.

Without a doubt – this is among my favorite books and I highly recommend it to anyone.

Overall rating – 10 out of 10.
Profile Image for Jane.
Author 29 books86 followers
April 5, 2012
Let's assume that since I get invited back to keynote at the same conferences, I'm a more-than-decent speaker. And, that since a couple of the books I've written are bestsellers, I must make them interesting to readers. Why mention this? Because my copy of Made to Stick is filled with sticky notes that are covered with ideas for upcoming speeches and writings. This book motivates application of the ideas it contains.

Yes, I've used several of the core techniques described in the book for years--using stories, making ideas concrete, keeping the core message central, tapping into why the audience should care, using surprise, and ensuring credibility. And, I've continually worked on trying to limit what I want to convey. However, this book ORGANIZED my thoughts about these techniques and gave me a great description of my own trap--the Curse of Knowledge, the fact that once we're experts on something, we tend to talk more abstractedly. It's tough to step into the shoes of someone who is new to Jungian type or a student who doesn't grasp what algebra is and understand what they need. Made to Stick isn't about propaganda techniques, but about a language that helps people understand what you're communicating.

Ample examples for both the world of education and the world of business, this is a reference I will return to many times.
Profile Image for Romie.
1,131 reviews1,363 followers
January 24, 2018
My dad read this book a few years ago, and because it's in English he thought I'd like it … so he gave it to me for my birthday. It's not a book I would have picked up on my own.

I don't regret reading it, it was interesting, though a bit long. I think that's my main problem with this book: it's about sticky ideas being simple and yet this book was long for what it was. I don't necessarily think we needed to read about so many examples, just a few would have been enough.

Like I said, it was good, but it could have been a lot better.
Profile Image for Ahmad.
26 reviews11 followers
September 24, 2017
This might end up the best book I’ll read in 2017.
قد يكون هذا أفضل كتاب عندي في ٢٠١٧.
2 reviews
March 30, 2008
MADE TO STICK – Chip and Dan Heath
Simple – Unexpected – Concrete – Contextual – Emotional – Stories

Step-by-directions, how to achieve stickiness

“Those are the six principles of successful ideas. To summarize, here’s our checklist for creating a successful idea: a Simple Unexpected Concrete Credentialed Emotional Story. A clever observer will note that this sentence can be compacted into the acronym SUCCESs. This is sheer coincidence, of course. (Okay, we admit, SUCCESs is a little corny. We could have changed ‘Simple’ to ‘Core’ and reordered a few letters. But, you have to admit, CCUCES is less memorable.)” (pg. 18)

Understanding how connections can be wired between ideas and people – between your ideas and the people you hope will be struck by them. The expert "wants to talk about chess strategies, not about bishops moving diagonally." It's the showing, not the telling. The stickest most important lesson: They know that with ideas it's not the telling but the showing that counts, so they've filled their book with stories that illustrate their theories.

“Stickiness means that a message makes an impact. You can't get it out of your head. It sticks in your memory."

What makes some ideas famous? They came up with 6 common themes that super hit ideas share. These 6 themes allow anyone to reverse engineer their ideas and make them more sticky. More pass-able.

1. SIMPLE = CORE + COMPACT - Like a proverb. Short, but meaningful. Simplicity: the idea must be stripped to its core idea, the touchstone, and the most important benefits of the touchstone should jump out. “A writer knows they have achieved perfection not when they can think of nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away without losing the essence of the idea. The CORE! “It’s hard to make ideas stick in a noisy, unpredictable, chaotic environment. If we’re to succeed, the first step is this: Be simple. Not simple in terms of ‘dumbing down’ or ‘sound bites.’ What we mean by ‘simple’ is finding the core of the idea. ‘Finding the core’ means stripping an idea down to its most critical essence.” (pgs. 27, 28)
2. UNEXPECTED - The twist in the story makes it memorable. Break peoples usual patterns of perception , feelings and the actions that result from those perceptions and feelings based in past, present, future. Unexpectedness: the idea must destroy preconceived notions about something. This forces people to stop, think, and remember. “If we are to motivate people to pay attention, we should seize the power of big suprises, curiosity” Capture and Hold Attention – We have 3 seconds to capture attention. Create mystery by pointing out a knowledge gap, tease with information. “The gap theory" of curiosity. This is the notion that a gap in knowledge is painful – it's like having an itch that needs to be scratched. It's also the reason that murder mysteries, crossword puzzles, sport contests, and even Pokémon succeed in grabbing attention: An audience is challenged to predict an outcome and then left wondering, "What will happen?" and "Was I right?" We need to first open gaps before we close them. Most often, the communicator's tendency is "to tell people the facts. First, though, the recipient of the message must realize that they need these facts." “The most basic way to get someone’s attention is this: Break a pattern. Humans adapt incredibly quickly to consistent patterns. Figure out what is counterintuitive about the message—i.e., What are the unexpected implications of your core message? Communicate your message in a way that breaks your audiences’ guessing machines.” (pgs. 64, 72)
3. CONCRETE - As opposed to abstract. Visible in real life experiences. Concreteness: avoid statistics, use real-world analogies to help people understand complex ideas. Help people understand and remember from the their past and present experience. Use the Velco Theory of memory. The more memory hooks you give them to attach your ideas to their past and present experience. Make them experience your ideas in the past present and the possibilities of the future. Help them bring their knowledge to the idea. “Abstraction makes it harder to understand an idea and to remember it. It also makes it harder to coordinate our activities with others, who may interpret the abstraction in very different ways. Concreteness helps us avoid these problems.” (pg. 100) Use analogies. Parallels. Metaphors. Pictures. Tangible ideas makes it easy for people to understand remember your blog posts.
4. CREDIBLE - Must be believable. Credibility: if people don't trust you, they'll ignore you. In some cases, they will be openly hostile, which means they'll actively try to dispute your message! Help people believe by using authority and anti-authority figures, institutions, ideas. Honesty and trustworthiness matter!!! Internal Credibility: What they know from their own past and present experiences. Thoughts and Emotions, Results, Actions. External Credibility – Statistics. “How do we get people to believe our ideas? We’ve got to find a source of credibility to draw on. A person’s knowledge of details is often a good proxy for her expertise. Think of how a history buff can quickly establish her credibility by telling an interesting Civil War anecdote. But concrete details don’t just lend credibility to the authorities who provide them; they lend credibility to the idea itself.” (pgs. 138, 163) Give specific details and quote experts to make your post credible. Add testimonials and show the number of people who comment on your blog to make your blog seem credible. Improve your crediblity and people will believe in you - and agree with you more often.
5. EMOTIONS - Emotions: information makes people think, but emotion makes them act. Appeal to emotional needs, sometimes even way up on Maslow's hierarchy. Internal Emotions: What they know from their own past and present experiences. What kind of Emotions do they draw from this. What kind emotions do they want for the Future? Take the benefits and apply them to their Self Interest. What do they want to avoid and what do they want to gain? Engage what they want to feel, visualize, experience. Thoughts and Emotions, Results, Actions. “How can we make people care about our ideas? We get them to take off their Analytical Hats. We create empathy for specific individuals. We show how our ideas are associated with things that people already care about. We appeal to their self-interest, but we also appeal to their identities—not only to the people they are right now but also to the people they would like to be.” (pg. 203) One easy trick to touch people’s hearts is writing for one single person. Use a lot of “You” in your blog posts. Use powerful words and phrases instead of weaker overused cliches.
6. STORIES - Providing inspiration to towards ideas or away from ideas and simulation of how a person can see themselves doing the same thing. Stories: telling a story [gets] people into paying closer attention, and feeling more connected. Remember the Jared Subway commercials? Get people to ACT. Take ACTION. Stories are a Simulation, a plan which they can see, feel themselves in doing the same thing. Stories about the future and the possibilities. “A story is powerful because it provides the context missing from abstract prose. This is the role that stories play—putting knowledge into a framework that is more lifelike, more true to our day-to-day existence. Stories are almost always CONCRETE. Most of them have EMOTIONAL and UNEXPECTED elements. The hardest part of using stories effectively is make sure they’re SIMPLE—that they reflect your core message. It’s not enough to tell a great story; the story has to reflect your agenda.” (pgs. 214, 237) Tell stories and anecdotes to make your point. People will forget theory. But they won’t forget stories that convey the same message as those theories. Stories are a powerful means to make people take action.

create a mystery, curiosity, make us aware of a gap in our knowledge


The mind is contaminated by emotions, moods, desires, goals, and simple self-interest....
Profile Image for Mahdiye HajiHosseini.
441 reviews31 followers
April 3, 2023
درسته که فعلا وقت هست تا اثرشو ببینم اما احساس میکنم چیزهای مفیدی ازش یاد گرفتم، داستان‌های جالبی خوندم و دید بهتری از اینکه چطور ایده‌هام رو منتقل کنم پیدا کردم.
یکی از جنبه‌های جذابش برای من این بود که وقتی کتاب رو تموم کردم دیدم تمام روش‌هایی که توضیح میده، در خودش پیاده شده و یه جورایی خود کتاب نمونه زنده‌ای از این که جواب میده این روش‌هاست.
از این به بعد چک لیست ساده، غیرمنتظره، ملموس، معتبر، احساسی، داستانی همیشه یه گوشه ذهنم میمونه.
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