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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

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This book first teaches learners how to do quantum mechanics, and then provides them with a more insightful discussion of what it means. Fundamental principles are covered, quantum theory presented, and special techniques developed for attacking realistic problems. The book¿s two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications. For physicists and engineers.

468 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1994

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David J. Griffiths

16 books213 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 reviews
Profile Image for Sanjay Gautam.
244 reviews474 followers
October 4, 2015
In my university it was the prescribed textbook. And, to be honest, it failed to make any impact. Although it was good in some aspects, it was insanely bad in many.

1. It does not require the mastery of advanced mathematics which makes this book suitable for beginners.
2. Its tone is informal and makes it readable.

Insanely bad:
1. Puts out the bra-ket algebra in the beginning but never uses beyond it.
2. He has given most of the necessary derivations as exercises, which makes it unsuitable for beginners.
3. Seems very erratic, irrational, and sometimes illogical in its approach. I never found it to be trustworthy.

Though I've read it from cover to cover, I consider it as 'abandoned'! This book seems to be pretty good to many people but I found it otherwise. It never added anything but very little to my understanding. I would rather recommend QUANTUM MECHANICS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS and Priciples of Quantum Mechanics, if someone wants to learn QM from scratch.
Profile Image for Tom.
10 reviews12 followers
February 8, 2017
Update (05/15/16): tl;dr: I would give this book more stars if it is titled "Introduction to Wave Mechanics."

First, the good: this book doesn't require mastery of "advanced" classical physics and math such as Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, electromagnetism, partial differential equations, linear algebra, or statistics. For example, Griffiths takes his time to explain standard deviations, separation of variables, and phase and group velocity in the beginning. This makes the book very accessible.

The bad: While a step by step calculation makes it easy to follow, one often gets lost in details and misses the big picture. This is not helped by the fact that the book shies away from the math of QM: linear algebra and the concise Dirac notation, which is introduced but quickly discarded.

The author takes the shut-up-and-calculate approach to the extreme (like how standard freshman physics textbooks present QM). The formalism is not developed logically, and, overall, the book is very weak in formalism. For example, the Schrödinger equation specialized to the position space is given from the get-go with the motivation that it is the quantum equivalence of Newton's equation of motion, which is true, but not really helpful; a child may be familiar with the notion of forces, but not Hamiltonians and complex amplitudes. The many subtleties of postulates are never spelled out. (Compare this to e.g. chapter 4 of Shankar's Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Hardcover))

An important fact that quantum states (and not wave functions) and operators in Hilbert space are geometric objects that do not depend on a particular representation is not emphasized enough; when discussing finite-dimensional systems, Griffiths never demonstrates a change of (orthonormal) basis. Symmetry and change-of-basis transformations only make a brief appearance as 2 and 3-star end-chapter problems (which, according to the author's rating scheme, are difficult or peripheral problems) and even there he still doesn't tell you that they are unitary matrices!

The use of the word spinors interchangeably with two-element column matrices does not help in the slightest. Two-element column matrices are two-element column matrices. Spinors are related to representations of rotation groups, to which Griffiths makes no connection.

He also makes degenerate perturbation theory looks complicate, whereas in fact it is just diagonalizing the degenerated submatrix.

In conclusion, it seems that everything involving matrices is so badly treated that this book should be called Introduction to Wave Mechanics.

I used this book for an undergraduate course taught by an excellent professor. (He made up all the problem sets. So I can't judge the quality of problems in Griffiths.) And I had learned Dirac notation by myself beforehand (from Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics). I can recommend it to an absolute beginner, but with the caveat that this cannot be your last QM book if you want to understand QM. Griffiths prepares you in wave mechanics for e.g. spectroscopy and scattering calculations, but for the foundations of QM, look elsewhere. (A very nice second book explicitly aiming to clear up the conceptual understanding of those who just finish this kind of "wave mechanics" course is Isham's Lectures on Quantum Theory: Mathematical and Structural Foundations.)

For alternatives, I recommend Schumacher and Westmoreland's Quantum Processes, Systems, and Information for modern concepts and Zettili's Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications for worked problems. Shankar and Sakurai mentioned in this review are also excellent.
Profile Image for Hossein.
251 reviews116 followers
June 28, 2020
بهترین کتاب کوانتوم!
حداقل از بین آنهایی که تا به حال دیده م.
Profile Image for Laurel.
67 reviews12 followers
March 30, 2008
Yeah, that's right. Five stars for the physics text book. That's how big a dork I am.
Profile Image for Petter Gran.
127 reviews
November 19, 2023
Many complicated plots. Full of paradoxes. Cat involved. Sure this isn’t a Murakami book?
November 7, 2014
I used this textbook when I was taking quantum mechanics classes years ago, and it is the best textbook I have ever read. This book differs from most other quantum mechanics textbooks in that it ignores the historical development of quantum mechanics, and jumps straight into the mathematical formalism (the reader is faced with the time-dependent Schrodinger equation on the very first page!). In the first five chapters of the book, Griffiths explains the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Chapter 2 was particularly interesting to me because it explains how to use the time-independent Schrodinger equation (in one dimension) for various potentials - e.g. "infinite square well" and "harmonic oscillator" (introducing ladder operators which are used in quantum field theory). The treatment of quantum tunnelling (using the Delta-function potential) is beautiful. Chapters 4 and 5 apply the Schrodinger equation to three dimensions and in spherical coordinates, and then introduces the hydrogen atom, angular momentum, spin, two-particle systems, and quantum statistical mechanics.

The second part of the book (chapters 6 to 12) deals with the applications of quantum mechanics. I particularly loved the sections on perturbation theory (time dependent and time independent), and the Variational Principle.

Although there is a lot of mathematics in this book (quantum mechanics is a mathematical subject), Griffiths does not give complete derivations for everything. For example: he simply presents the Laplacian in spherical coordinates and refers the reader to (Boas 1983) for a complete derivation. Similarly, Griffiths simply introduces, without explanation, the associated Legendre polynomial when deriving the solution to the angular equation in chapter 4.1. But I didn't find this to be a problem; quantum mechanics is complicated enough without the burden of having to derive every detail.

However, to get the most out of this book, it is essential that the reader works through as many problems as possible (a solutions manual is freely available on the internet). You might think that you have understood a particular concept but, without consolidation through practice in problem-solving, this understanding can slip away. Working through the problems requires a lot of work and time, and this is the only way to learn difficult concepts.

I still use this textbook as a reference in my professional life.

In summary: an excellent book that requires a lot of work.

Profile Image for Ryan Pennell.
58 reviews
February 20, 2021
This book is incomplete….but that is the point. The title promises exactly what the book is in every way. If you have a good understanding of Quantum Mechanics, then this book is not for you. If you have an understanding of ordinary differential equations, a willingness to learn some partial differential equations (similar to Griffiths E&M), working knowledge of E&M, and an interest in quantum mechanics beyond a pop-sci book then this book might be perfect for you.

Griffiths is able to take those prereqs and guide you along enough where you will be able to not only see the incompleteness of classical mechanics and E&M but of his own book in only four chapters (which is all I suggest from this book, is the first four). Now that is what I call a good teacher. He is able to derive ¾ of what describes a particle, {n,l,m}, in this style. In this derivation, we find out ourselves that it is incomplete and does not fully describe the particle and there is additional angular momentum that cannot be described through Diff. Eqs. With what acts like the rotation of the earth but not really because it can only take certain values, called Spin. It turns out that this, Spin, is the most intrinsic quantity in quantum itself. Which leaves the subject perfectly teed up for Sakurai to more fully explain.

Modern QM is written in terms of bra-ket formulation to more fully describe the subject. However, in my opinion, the average student is not ready for it and needs to be weaned of the classical world rather than pushed into the ocean and told to swim. Also, books that start with spin and use bra-kets often reference solutions to derivations in this book when describing wave mechanics without deriving it themselves. This is really an argument of education and not QM because the bra-ket method wins for actual physics. I am just not sure it is the best place to start when you first learn the subject. However, I would argue that this book is perfect for a post-E&M year with the same author.
Profile Image for Jonathan.
208 reviews62 followers
May 30, 2015
This book was our set book for Quantum mechanics. Although the descriptions were good and the calculations were admittedly useful the main point against it was that a lot of the topic was relegated to the questions. But you were left entirely on your own at this point as there were no solutions to the questions (these were supplied in a separate book for academic staff only). With the result that if you couldn't answer the question you were left with a gaping hole in your knowledge and probably couldn't progress any further unless you had a fully supporting lecturer who had a lot of time for their students.

In the end I had to forget this book and look elsewhere. I tried many books with little luck until it was virtually too late, when I found the book by Zettili (ISBN 0471489441) - a brilliant book that should have been the set text.
Profile Image for Baran Arslan.
18 reviews
February 11, 2024
Erişilebilir ve anlaşılabilir bir dili var, Griffiths'i bu denli okunabilir ve anlaşılabilir olduğu için kutlamak lazım. Ayrıca içinde çok fazla soru olması da bir artı bence. Ama kitap boyunca "Shut up and calculate" deniliyormuş gibi ama buna rağmen o kadar "rigorous" hesaplamalar da yapmıyor. Fizik kısmı "Afterwords" isimli son chapter'a sıkıştırılmış bence çok büyük bir eksiklik.
3 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2019
If you want to really learn quantum mechanics, never pick this book up.
5 reviews
July 29, 2020
Made quantum mechanics easy, which also made it easy for my quantum mechanics professor to make quantum mechanics hard.
Profile Image for Anoop Dixith.
81 reviews6 followers
August 15, 2020
After the last book I read - 'The Universe in you Hand' re-kindled my inner craving to get fascinated by the marvels of Quantum Dynamics, I couldn't not pick a "text book" kind of book loaded with equations, linear algebra, partial differentials, and of course integrals of all kind that would let me understand the mathematical basis of the fascinating concepts of Quantum Theory. I know a lot of purists don't necessarily think Griffiths's Introduction to Quantum Mechanics is the best of the text books out there, and I agree with them, in that this is probably not as comprehensive and formal, not as mathematically heavy as R.Sankar. BUT, after reading this completely, I was glad I chose this because for someone doing self-study, R.Sankar or JJ Sakurai tend to be very heavy, sometimes even intimidating. So, for someone like me, who was going from something like 'The Universe in your Hand' that was very generic/basic, to get to the basics of the derivation of time independent Schrodinger's equation, I needed an intermediary. And this book was the perfect fit there.

The first two pages of the book that mention all the relevant equations and constants was the first impressive thing in the book for me, as I don't know how many times I have hovered over that page by now! Other than that however, the book tends to become informal in a lot of places, maybe that's intentional, and sometimes reads like a novel (and I'm not a huge fan of that). It doesn't have any chapters dedicated to getting you up to speed with linear algebra, vectors, tensors etc, so I believe that's a prerequisite. The flow and organization of the book is impressive, easy to follow, and is coherent. Unfortunately, it doesn't use Bra-Ket notation everywhere so it gets frustrating sometimes. Chapter 12, simply titled Afterword, turned out to be my favorite chapter, despite having minimal number of equations, as it spoke about the most captivating topics of Quantum theory like EPR paradox, Bell's inequality etc.

I didn't do any of the exercise problems, which unfortunately, made me miss out on a lot of interesting problems. Other than that, I'd say I now have a decent idea of the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics (although not to the extent of using that on a Quantum processor to write Shore's algorithm). I think I'm ready to pick-up something advanced, either R.Shankar or Pauling.
However much I try to distract myself away from them, problems like the collapse of the waveform, Bell's inequality and its sheer simplicity, light's wave-particle duality, entanglement and that spooky action at a distance, hidden local variables, quantum eraser etc never cease to amaze me. And I guess the next book on this should let me brew my own concoction of ideas on these.  
Profile Image for Ryan.
20 reviews
May 15, 2019
Very accessible for undergraduates, the line by line working is a bit clunky at times but great at others. I thought the introduction of the bra-ket notation was justified by the clarity it provides.
April 26, 2020
Great book! The theory is explained really well and is integrated with the math in a great manner. I recommend getting a solution manual for the problems though
Profile Image for Martina.
417 reviews34 followers
May 24, 2016
I was leisurely browsing through Griffiths the other day, only to realize that I've never reviewed it. Ah well. That's not entirely my fault, as my first quantum mechanical textbook was Sakurai, who was joined by others afterwards. Interestingly, Griffiths never got among my go-to books. That has nothing to do with the quality of the book. Introduction to quantum mechanics is a fine textbook for budding physicists, but then again, if someone has the spark in him/herself, then it doesn't matter which book serves as an introduction to quantum physics.
Profile Image for Bookreadingnarcissist.
127 reviews7 followers
February 14, 2020
A difficult topic, made more difficult with poor detail, convoluted writing, and vague explanations. The questions are really what made me grasp the concepts, not Griffiths' explanation of things.
Profile Image for DJ.
317 reviews246 followers
May 10, 2011
Using this for a class. Reads like a novel.
Profile Image for Brett Williams.
Author 2 books63 followers
May 4, 2019
Praise to the heavenly vault! There's no better quantum text than this. David Griffiths' book will mark his place in this world as a Master of Explaining Impossible Topics. With humor, intrigue, and adventure through the dark and creepy paths of quantum queerness, Griffiths has a rare talent (but for Atkins, I've never seen it before) for being able to match the incomprehensible microworld with neural weirdness of the macro that makes the topic comprehensible. He wonderfully prepares the student, most of whom greet quantum like a taser or a train. On page 1 he puts the student at ease with quotes from the masters. "If you are not confused by quantum physics then you haven't really understood it," said Niels Bohr. "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics," said Richard Feynman. "This book is to teach you how to do quantum mechanics," writes Griffiths. So relax, kid. Nobody gets it. You won't either. Just learn how to turn the crank and steer the wheel. This old jalopy will take you where you want to go without knowing what's under the hood. Nobody knows what's under the hood. Once you get to where you're going, Griffiths tells you what quantum means in the last chapter. Yikes! If you read this chapter in public, hold your shorts up, it might scare the pants off you.
390 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2023
My final class in mathematics was a one-semester class in Solid Geometry, taken when I was a senior in high school. I successfully wriggled through college without taking even one class in the subject area. (I'm an English Lit major.)

But ever since a viewed a PBS special about "Einstein's Quantum Problem", I have been consumed with curiosity to learn more about Quantum Mechanics (QM).

[BTW: I highly recommend watching the above-mentioned PBS special which is still available on YouTube.]

I did not grasp any of the myriad of formulae expressed in this textbook but I do now understand that if one knew the basics of advanced math AND understood the vocabulary signified by each symbol presented, one might be able to learn a lot about guts of QM.

I have learned enough to place myself in the Niels Bohr camp of QM interpretation rather than in the Einstein camp. I can also see that upcoming discoveries at CERN and from the JWST will further add to the stew of ideas surrounding QM. (How's that for a brace of undefined acronyms?)
24 reviews
August 12, 2023
Everything I know about QM, I know from this book. This is a perfect way to learn QM -- you need some foundation in physics and calculus to "get it" but Griffiths does an amazing job at explaining what QM is, where it came from, and why it's fundamentally different from the Newtonian physics we all learn in high school.

A lot of the criticism for this book comes from the fact that it is indeed a very incomplete treatment of the subject. That is the point of this book. I will admit that the Formalism chapter (Chapter 3) is difficult and seems out of place the first time you see it. Thinking in Hilbert space and digesting the concepts covered here is challenging if all you've seen is classical physics and its mathematical foundations: statistics, basic calculus, algebra, and geometry. Griffiths E&M book flows a little better in this regard, building up the mathematical basics early on and then applying it throughout the book. The formalism is important, no doubt, but was definitely my least favorite part of the book.
11 reviews
June 4, 2021
It's decent. The book is pretty self contained, which is nice. I agree with some of the other reviewers saying the overly detailed problem solving process bogs it down. In what it claims to do, however, that is - an introduction, it's satisfactory. It's easy to follow and has solved examples throughout all the chapters, as well as a multitude of real life examples like the various experiments done throughout history that left quantum mechanics where it was up to around the 60s (simplified, of course). The problems are like the examples - overly process heavy. There's the usual physicist hand waving away of rigorous mathematics but I suppose that can't be helped; bra ket math is introduced but not explored beyond some simple arithmetic. No group theory here. It is more simplistic than most other textbooks as a result but that's easily supplemented (would recommend Modern QM by Sakurai or QM by Landau/Lifshitz).
Profile Image for Burak.
44 reviews29 followers
November 19, 2017
I understand the criticism of some readers towards the book, but I have looked at the alternatives offered and they did not do it for me at this stage. This book is a "sweet spot" for me on the entire spectrum of books on the field. It is a great (sweet) first reading for many people like me, who have good technical and mathematical background (say, due to having an advanced degree in a different field), and are curious about Quantum Mechanics. Then a "layman" introduction doesn't do it (been there and done that), and a deeper encounter with the field is possible. Yet, a more technically-oriented introduction can be too mind-bending. So, there is your (my) sweet spot. I believe this makes it a good introduction at the technical UG level as well. Great textbook [but note that I haven't finished it yet :)].
Profile Image for Desmond.
2 reviews
February 19, 2020
A good introductory book. If u read a lot of sci-fi stuff you shall find the wave mechanics interesting. Make sure u carry ur integral table before embarking on this journey, or you shall spend considerable time solving integrals 🤣. A well written book, but could have been better with the formalism. Even with the new chapter added it can be a little confusing after u have understood the wave mechnical picture. I would have preferred a longer discussion on spin and angular momentum. It was introduced and got over before I could finish my coffee.

If u think this book is on par with the Electrodynamics book. You are wrong. 🥴. however there are some similar tools like the separable solutions Griffiths uses to solve the Hydrogen atom and other problems.

With this book done. Its time for Shankar. Give me some of that linear algebra goodness. 😵
Profile Image for Alice.
5 reviews2 followers
December 18, 2021
I love this textbook. David Griffiths writes in a conversational tone which is never dry. (But how could physics ever be dry?!) It explains quantum mechanics in a (mostly) accessible way. There is some crucial information that is buried within exercises rather than written in the meat of the chapter. My main complaint is that there are not enough examples. There are multiple pages dedicated to example 4.1, when I would rather see something like the expectation value of hydrogen and don't care about spherical Bessel functions. In my opinion, there was not enough generalized information on spin (for spins other than 1/2), and I wished for a more in depth description of how to construct spin matrices. Despite these specific complaints, the textbook did a very good job at making a difficult subject manageable by providing in depth, clear explanations.
3 reviews
December 3, 2018
As advertised, this is a decent Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. The progression of ideas in the book felt straightforward and linear and as a result it was easy to follow along and comprehend.

The answers to all the questions in the book can be found readily online, which is a huge plus for anyone who is interested in working the problems in the book and making sure they are actually solving the problems correctly.

The book could have benefited from having a section in the beginning devoted to mechanics of waves as a generic medium. The simplicity of the book is a boon but also a limitation and people looking for a more rigorous approach to the subject will need to find a more advanced textbook than this one.
Profile Image for Mario Schlosser.
10 reviews31 followers
February 28, 2022
Start with Schroedinger

Great book, including for self study. Unlike other quantum mechanics textbooks that start with matrix mechanics, this book starts with the Schroedinger equation, but then ends up really nicely deriving everything else step by step. First part is theory, second part has lots of approximations and techniques like perturbation theory. The only aspect I would have loved to see more discussion of is quantum entanglement. The electron spin singlet state falls out of some nice derivation but doesn't even get called entangled until much later; the EPR paradox and the Bohm inequality are in the afterword. Other than that, great content, and really fun and engaging writing style.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 reviews

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