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101 Things I Learned

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

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Concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation, from the basics of "How to Draw a Line" to the complexities of color theory.

This is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the studio and in their backpacks. It is also a book they may want to keep out of view of their professors, for it expresses in clear and simple language things that tend to be murky and abstruse in the classroom. These 101 concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation--from the basics of "How to Draw a Line" to the complexities of color theory--provide a much-needed primer in architectural literacy, making concrete what too often is left nebulous or open-ended in the architecture curriculum. Each lesson utilizes a two-page format, with a brief explanation and an illustration that can range from diagrammatic to whimsical. The lesson on "How to Draw a Line" is illustrated by examples of good and bad lines; a lesson on the dangers of awkward floor level changes shows the television actor Dick Van Dyke in the midst of a pratfall; a discussion of the proportional differences between traditional and modern buildings features a drawing of a building split neatly in half between the two. Written by an architect and instructor who remembers well the fog of his own student days, 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School provides valuable guideposts for navigating the design studio and other classes in the architecture curriculum. Architecture graduates--from young designers to experienced practitioners--will turn to the book as well, for inspiration and a guide back to basics when solving a complex design problem.

212 pages, Hardcover

First published December 31, 2006

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Matthew Frederick

41 books56 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews
Profile Image for Nada Elfeituri.
200 reviews45 followers
September 2, 2013
I read this book before I started architecture school, and re-read it in the break between each semester. Each time I find something new that I had learned, and it helps encourage me when I'm in a design funk.
It's a relatively quick read, but for those like me who are sometimes overwhelmed by the stress of the design process, it's invaluable. One of the must-read architecture books for any student.
Profile Image for Nate.
18 reviews15 followers
November 12, 2009
We've all heard that we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover--but as with wine bottles, the cover may not be the whole story, but it's not irrelevant either. In this case, the unfinished cardboard front cover, embossed type juxtaposed with pen drawing, classic red/black/white color scheme, and chunky horizontal layout all suggest, rightly, that Mr. Frederick has an aesthetic voice worth listening to. The structure of the book's content--illustrative sketch on the left, general principle with brief explanation below--provides perfect meaty tidbits with no unnecessary fat.

The reason this book should be on every creative person's shelf is that the 101 lessons, while derived from architecture and thought-provoking in their own right, generally can be applied to other art forms, industries, and so forth. I'm an writer working in advertising, and statements such as "A static composition appears to be at rest" could help re-evaluate a print ad--or a photographer framing an image or a painter planning a canvas. Similarly, "design with models" suggests a tactile involvement with one's materials as well as considering ideas from a fresh perspective. These are just two of the 101 examples; I'll keep this book close at hand for creative inspiration along with The Writer's Block, my juggling balls, and my sketchpad.
March 16, 2019
جميل وبسيط ومُلهم ♡. ولا يُقرأ مرة واحدة بل يجب الرجوع له على طول الخط في أثناء عملية تخليق التصميم وهكذا سأفعل هذا ال(ترم) إن شاء الله.

من أجمل نصائح الكتاب:
▪عن فكرة الحل التصميمية:

▪عن تعقيد الفكرة وعلاقته بعمق الفكرة:


▪عن البريزينتشين :"D


في النهاية العمارة لغز، أو بتعبير علي عزت بيجوفيتش وتعريفه الجميل.
العمارة: فن النحت المفيد.
"ونقيض فن العمارة هو مجرد التسقيف؛ أي بناء (آلة للسكن). (مهجع للسكن كما تم وصف مدينة لوكوربوزيه الخيالية المعقمة)."
"والمبنى للكاتب؛ هو دراما معقدة تتشابك فيها الرغبات والحاجات الإنسانية مع الحلم الإنساني بالجمال في نسيج لا ينفصل. وإلا فلن يكون نموذجا لفن العمارة وإنما بناء قبيح،" وهذا ما تسعى العمارة لتفاديه.

ونختم الكتاب بتلك الفقرة:

.| 101يبلغ المعماريون أوج عطائهم ونضجهم في سن متأخرة، يصل معظم المعماريون إلى ذروة مستواهم المهني في عمر 50 سنة تقريبا!

قد لا توجد حرفة أو مهنة أخرى تتطلب من ممارسها أن يدمج هذا الكم الواسع من المعرفة ويجعله شيء محددا واقعيا ومتماسكا كالعمارة. على المعماري أن يكون مطلع على التاريخ، الفن، علم الاجتماع، الفيزياء، علم النفس، مواد البناء، الرمزية، السياسة، واختصاصات أخرى لا تعد ولا تحصى. كما ويجب على المعماري أن ينتج بناية تخضع لأحكام البناء، تقاوم المناخ والهزات الأرضية مع احتوائها على مصاعد وأنظمة ميكانيكية تعمل بشكل ممتاز وتلبي متطلبات مستخدميها من الناحية الوظيفية
إن تعلم دمج هذه المتطلبات العديدة في منتج متماسك يأخذ وقتا طويلا تتخلله العديد من المحاولات والأخطاء.
إذا كنت تنوي أن تكون في مجال العمارة، فتمسك بها على طول طريقك المهني،، لأنها تستحق ذلك.

على الهامش: يُنصح به لكل طلاب العمارة وفضوليو المجال سيجدونه جميلا أيضًا بغض النظر عن بعض المصطلحات الخاصة بالمعماريين المتخصصين.
Profile Image for Brent.
358 reviews171 followers
November 29, 2019
Another book designed for architects but containing useful ideas for designers of every discipline.

It contains 101 concise concepts you can absorb and bring to your own work. Ideas like how being able to improve your creative process can be more valuable that the actual output of a specific project, or how that the beauty of a composition is more about the harmony of the elements than the specific elements themselves.
Profile Image for Diz.
1,706 reviews112 followers
August 8, 2022
This is a light and breezy introduction to concepts in the field of architecture. Each entry is only a page or two, so it's an easy book to pick up and put down for those times when you only have a few minutes to read. There are a lot of ideas here that will help you appreciate the architecture around you after you read this.
Profile Image for Yasmine Ahmed.
103 reviews46 followers
June 26, 2012
يااهلا وسهلا بقسم عماره جامعه الفيوم :D
الحمد لله ع كل حااال

الكتاب لذيذ اووي وبسيط اعتقد يعني بس عشان كان بالانجلش مكنش سهل اوي بالنسبالي بس مع ذلك استمتعت بيه واكتشفت اد ااااايه احنا مابنتعلمش ولاااا اي حاجه ولله الحمد
Profile Image for Dimitris Hall.
383 reviews57 followers
February 8, 2017
Useful tips, even if you're not an architect. "Draw lines with bold beginnings and ends", "windows appear dark during the day", "beauty has more to do with the harmonious connection between parts of a composition rather than with the parts themselves", "a good building reveals different aspects of itself when viewed from different distances", "less is more // less is boring", "in winter, people have a width of 61cm. In summer, it's 56cm".

I find Thing 101 especially encouraging for I feel it describes the same holistic stance towards life I'm taking, again even if I'm not an architect:

"Architects are late bloomers.

Most architects do not hit their professional stride until around age 50! There is perhaps no other profession that requires one to integrate such a broad range of knowledge into something so specifi c and concrete. An architect must be knowledgeable in history, art, sociology, physics, psychology, materiality, symbology, political process, and innumerable other fields, and must create a building that meets regulatory codes, keeps out the weather, withstands earthquakes, has functioning elevators and mechanical systems, and meets the complex functional and emotional needs of its users. Learning to integrate so many concerns into a cohesive product takes a long time, with lots of trial and error along the way. If you’re going to be in the field of architecture, be in it for the long haul. It’s worth it."

Found in Giorgis's bookshelves, Patras.
Profile Image for Mohammed Rasheen.
67 reviews135 followers
June 29, 2020
This book was introduced to me by a senior professor on his facebook wall during my second year of college,i ignored it then but later after couple of years i got to go through it, and at once i was impressed by the total idea of this book. This is indeed 101 most fundamental things one is supposed to learn from an architectural school, but sadly i feel the priority set in university syllabuses in my country failed to promote such fundamentals, so i would recommend this book to every budding architect as well as proved architects to brush-up some basics in the theory of architectural design.

This books is not something with lots of word counts,but believe me,every words count in it. Precise points with graphical illustrations for best understanding. Totally loved the layout of the book.
worth a keep.
Profile Image for Brad VanAuken.
Author 7 books17 followers
February 20, 2013
I have to preface this by saying that I am not an architect nor did I study architecture in school. However, architecture is one of my more passionate avocations. I am pretty sure I want to be an architect in my next life. Now to the book. I really loved it. Each chapter (a two-page spread with an illustration on the left page and one-to-three paragraphs of text on the right page) focuses on a given concept that is important in architecture. Some of the chapters feature appropriate quotes. There are 101 of these chapters in total as the book's title implies. While this is a very quick read, I couldn't put the book down and enjoyed every single concept presented. I feel as though I learned more about the process of architecture by reading this book than I have by reading any of the other 100+ architecture books in my library. I highly recommend this book, whether you are an architecture student, a practicing architect or an architectural spectator as I am.
Profile Image for Wei Cho.
212 reviews30 followers
January 26, 2012
Dear Reader,

As a future Architecture student who has taken some design classes in my nearest community classes, I find this book honest, insightful, and slightly comedic about what really happens to student in Architecture school. I find myself nodding and giggling at every "thing". It was just hilarious. It was very helpful too. It made me realize that I'm not alone in my thoughts and feelings about this area of study. I was actually beaming when I turn page after page. This is a very clever idea of a book, I enjoyed it so much!

Every page holds so much truth behind it. Totally recommended for everybody who wants to venture into Architecture. It should be a must read (more of a forewarn) for future students interested in the field. I am interested all the way.

The last "thing" the author learned, is very true. I've seen it, it's a hypothesis on its way to becoming a fact. However, I hope to fare better and accomplish most of my luxuries after five years in the field!

I am very fond of that book. It clearly expresses all that I felt while taking those design and drafting classes in college. After all, I'm not alone in this world. And definitely not alone in my pursuit for Architecture school. I am going to make it! And you (future or current Architecture student) too!

Happy reading.

My fondest valedictory,

Profile Image for Mustafa Nuwaidri.
382 reviews166 followers
September 17, 2018
عدت مع هذا الكتاب الى مقاعد الجامعة، واخذت بي الذكرى الى تفاصيل كثيرة يعيشها طلبة العمارة في مختلف الجامعات

هذا الكتاب يستحق عنوانه تماما .. فهو خلاصة مميزة لما يجب ان يتعلمه طالب الهندسة المعمارية
مع هذا الكتاب انت امام 101 معلومة معمارية مفيدة حقا
وتتبع كل معلومة مكتوبة .. رسمة (سكج) تبين المراد

حسنا .. اذا لم تكن معماريا فقد تكون هناك صعوب�� في فهم كل النقاط
إن المفارقة في العمارة هي انها تتعامل مع ابنية ومواد ملموسة بطريقة غير ملموسة
فهي تتحدث عن خلق روح للمكان والتجربة الذي يحس بها الزائر ..
كل هذه اشياء لابد ان يفكر فيها المعماري ويضعها في ذهنه وهو يعمل على تصميمه

ولكن الجيد في الكتاب أنه لم يتحدث كثيرا بطريقة هلامية .. بل كانت الكثير من النصائح محددة وواضحة وملموسة
على الرغم من صعوبة المواضيع المعمارية الا انها ذكرت في الكتاب سهلة وخفيفة على القلب

وعلى كل حال فالكتاب مفيد جدا للمعماريين خاصة الطلبة لأن الكتاب ينم فعلا عن خبرة وتفهم لكل مصاعب وهموم المعماريين خاصة الطلبة
فهو يضع يده على اخطاء الطالب المتكررة ويقول لاتفعل هذا ويرشده الى حلول عملية مهمة
.. وجدت في الكتاب ايجابية ما واعتدادا بالعمارة ..

انهى الكاتب كتابه بالنصيحة ال101:
"يصل معظم المعماريون الى ذروة مستواهم المهني في عمر 50 سنة"

مايؤشر الى ان درب النجاح المعماري يحتاج قطع مسافات اكبر بكثير من التخصصات الاخرى،،
Profile Image for Hadeer Jawad.
47 reviews11 followers
September 12, 2017
كتاب مفيد ومهم جدا لكل طلاب العمارة لغته سهلة وواضحة وحتى الغير معماريين يستطيعون قراءته ممتع جدا وكل نقطة عليها شرح ورسم مبسط .
انصح كل طلاب العمارة بقراءته
Profile Image for Sofie.
54 reviews2 followers
May 7, 2024
akkurat det jeg trengte å lese nå!
Profile Image for Ben.
218 reviews41 followers
December 27, 2017
This book was recommended as professional reading for game design. It was an enjoyable read and touched on some closely related subjects, but I would place it, personally, in my second order of game design reading, and not in the first order with books like The Design of Everyday Things. I think that for anyone practicing level or environmental design, this book would be more fundamentally useful as a quick line into architecture itself. For game design in general, I found the lessons to be interesting, but oblique and not deeply illuminating.

While reading, I found myself most often thinking about the ways in which architecture must plan out all of its work, and therefore be leagues more rigorous (and plodding) than game design. Even if we never abandon our (relatively) cowboy, shoot-from-the-hip ways, I think there is real benefit from understanding what mature, thorough, practiced design processes look like. This includes some analogous practices, such ways of previsualizing and evolving designs, and fun takeaway terms, such as "parti"--the core and underlying concept for a design.

As a bit of a footnote, I must regretfully deduct points from 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School for including the chestnut that (paraphrased) the Chinese character for crisis is danger plus opportunity, which about 3 seconds of Googling proves wrong. (Seriously, MIT Press, how did you not fact check this in 2007?) If nothing else, it suggests this book may have been as lightly thought through as its listicle format implies.
Profile Image for H M.
183 reviews91 followers
October 3, 2018
I took so many screen-shots for my students. A simple yet informative book.
67 reviews107 followers
December 18, 2015
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School It's not long, or an extensive textbook. It's really an interesting helpful book full of amazing tips! a quick read and quite literal. It isn't as "in-depth" as other architecture books.What's a "parti?" What is "postmodernism"? What do positive and negative space have to do with anything? Those and a lot more and more, plus some well chosen quotes give you a lot to think about and build upon! I loved every page! <3I am an architecture student, and this book is a reference to keep my mind in check. Highly recommended purchase for beginning students and maybe architects too. But REALLY This book should be in every architecture students hands!
Profile Image for Lucius.
80 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2011
This one is more for architecture students than anyone else. The main problem is that if you haven't gone through architecture school, the often contradictory and terse advice in this book won't make much sense. It ends up being a series of motivational posters of a boat if you don't have the background in some kind of design field. But for those who are designers, this is a great thing to flip open and remind ourselves of the years of training we have.
Profile Image for ثروت.
106 reviews153 followers
October 17, 2019
"العمارة تمرين في السرد. عجلة لإخبار القصص، حلبة لإذاعة أساطير
حضرية اجتماعية، منصة لمسرح الحياة اليومية"

"إن المباني المكونة للنسيج هي المباني المستعملة للسكن والتجارة. في جميع المدن الناجحة المباني المكونة للنسيج تشكل مادة متماسكة الملمس وهو دليل علي نسيج اجتماعي كامن فيها.
أما المباني البارزة فهي كنائس، جوامع، مبان حكومية، إسكانات بارزة، معالم مدنية، وما شابها من الإنشاءات حيث تميل لأن تكون بارزة بطريقة دراماتيكية من السياق الذي يحتويها"
Profile Image for Münevver.
341 reviews87 followers
October 21, 2018
Böyle bir kitabı puanlamak doğru değil bence.
Mimari proje dersi alan öğrencilere ve körpe mimarlara yol gösterecek nitelikteydi.
Beğendim 👌🏼
Profile Image for Connor Wilson.
9 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2019
My Dad: "I'm AIA, LEED certified and I've been practicing for 30 years."
Me: "But have you read this??"
Profile Image for irfan.
69 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2011
I thought this book was going to be one of those atypical 101 lists of things that one can common sense-sically come out with even with a basic understanding of architecture. But boy was I wrong. Even though the lists were sometimes short and cryptic in nature, it is indeed insightful and interesting to note some of the aspects that have been deemed important enough to in the list. What is interesting too is the idea that a significant majority of those in the lists are also conceptually applicable in other similar or related fields, and for me it would probably be in the areas of industrial design and digital media. It is interesting to note how some aspects of it are contradictory to one another, but the caveat in the introductory page does put this across aptly as perhaps something that we should live with...this notion of contradicting but yet balancing view on things, especially where architecture is concerned.
Profile Image for Fadwa.
5 reviews12 followers
February 5, 2017
طُلب منا في إحدى المساقات الدراسية تلخيص كتاب، ومع ضيق وقتي حاولت أن أبحث عن كتاب بسيط سهل ولن يأخذ مني الوقت والجهد الكثير، وخلال بحثي السريع وجدتُ هذا الكتاب الرائع بداية شدني لقلة كلامه، وأنه يتناول بعض السكتشات السريعة، ولأنه موجه لطلاب كلية العمارة على وجه الخصوص، ورغم شعوري بالندم لاختياره في أول اللحظات كون لغته انجليزية، ولكن بعد إتمامي لقراءته شعرت بسعادة غامرة أن وضع الله هذا الكتاب في طريقي، وأن صبّرني حتى النهاية، فقد وجدت الكثير من المتعة خلال قراءته، وشعرت أنه يلامس حياتنا كطلاب عمارة حقاً، وبذلك يعتبر أول تجربة ناجحة ممتعة مفيدة لقراءة كتاب باللغة الانجليزية ولن تكون الأخيرة.
230 reviews172 followers
June 24, 2012
Great read for all Architecture students.

I related to the things mentioned and I agree with most of it. I can reread this over and over again and enjoy it; quite simple and written in a lighthearted way... Makes me love my major even more.
Profile Image for Mohammed Alsoufi.
Author 3 books121 followers
June 7, 2011
I wish I have read this book after the 1st or 2nd year in Architecture, but it's never too late to read it or re read it
Profile Image for Rodrigo Medina.
82 reviews6 followers
July 23, 2017
Es arquitectura al modo americano. Muchas cosas de la carrera de arquitectura (con el programa de formación español) te las encuentras en "101 cosas que aprendí en la escuela de ingeniería "
Profile Image for Şervan.
156 reviews4 followers
May 6, 2021
خیلی مختصر و مفید اطلاعات ابتدایی و لازم رو به خواننده ارائه میده.
پیشنهادم میدم آهسته بخونید ،هضم کنید و یادداشت برداری هم کنارش داشته باشید.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 335 reviews

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