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Today and Tomorrow - Special Edition of Ford's 1926 Classic

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Winner of the 2003 Shingo Prize! Henry Ford is the man who doubled wages, cut the price of a car in half, and produced over 2 million units a year. Time has not diminished the progressiveness of his business philosophy, or his profound influence on worldwide industry. The modern printing of Today and Tomorrow features an introduction by James J. Padilla, Group Vice President, Ford North America. It also includes an enhanced selection of photos illustrating the processes and facilities Ford covers in the text. Taiichi Ohno acknowledged that a key stimulus to JIT was his close reading of this book. Today, these same ideas are re-emerging to revitalize American industry in new ways. "I, for one, am in awe of Ford's greatness. I believe Ford was a born rationalist -- and I feel more so every time I read his writings. He had a deliberate and scientific way of thinking about industry in America. For example, on the issues of standardization and the nature of waste in business, Ford's perception of things was orthodox and universal." ― Taiichi Ohno

286 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1926

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About the author

Henry Ford

243 books321 followers
Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was an American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. Although Ford did not invent the automobile or the assembly line, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans could afford. In doing so, Ford converted the automobile from an expensive curiosity into a practical conveyance that would profoundly impact the landscape of the twentieth century. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. As owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with "Fordism": mass production of inexpensive goods coupled with high wages for workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace. His intense commitment to systematically lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put dealerships throughout most of North America and in major cities on six continents. Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation and arranged for his family to control the company permanently.

Ford was also widely known for his pacifism during the first years of World War I, and also for being the publisher of anti semitic texts such as the book The International Jew.

His father gave him a pocket watch in his early teens. At 15, Ford dismantled and reassembled the timepieces of friends and neighbors dozens of times, gaining the reputation of a watch repairman.

Ford was devastated when his mother died in 1876. His father expected him to eventually take over the family farm, but he despised farm work. He later wrote, "I never had any particular love for the farm—it was the mother on the farm I loved."

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), society is organized on "Fordist" lines, the years are dated A.F. or Anno Ford ("In the Year of our Ford"), and the expression "My Ford" is used instead of "My Lord".

Upton Sinclair created a fictional description of Ford in the 1937 novel The Flivver King.

Symphonic composer Ferde Grofe composed a tone poem in Henry Ford's honor (1938).
Ford is treated as a character in several historical novels, notably E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime (1975), and Richard Powers' novel Three Farmers on the Way to a Dance (1985).

Ford, his family, and his company were the subjects of a 1986 biography by Robert Lacey entitled Ford: The Men and the Machine. The book was adapted in 1987 into a film starring Cliff Robertson and Michael Ironside.

In the 2005 alternative history novel The Plot Against America, Philip Roth features Ford as Secretary of Interior in a fictional Charles Lindbergh presidential administration.

The British author Douglas Galbraith uses the event of the Ford Peace Ship as the center of his novel King Henry (2007).

Ford appears as a Great Builder in the 2008 strategy video game Civilization Revolution.

In December 1999, Ford was among 18 included in Gallup's List of Widely Admired People of the 20th Century, from a poll conducted of the American people.

In 1928, Ford was awarded the Franklin Institute's Elliott Cresson Medal.

In 1938, Ford was awarded Nazi Germany's Grand Cross of the German Eagle, a medal given to foreigners sympathetic to Nazism.

The United States Postal Service honored Ford with a Prominent Americans series (1965–1978) 12¢ postage stamp.

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Profile Image for Alex.
238 reviews48 followers
October 27, 2019
Henry Ford was a big thinker. That seems obvious given his business legacy but this book paints a much deeper portrait of the man. Here he lays out a comprehensive philosophy of work and its purposes in both bettering the individual and advancing civilization.
82 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2022
A glimpse inside the mind of Henry Ford, who was a trailblazer and a genius ahead of his time.
He understood that he was at a pivotal point in history.
Ford showed that he had a passion for improving the quality of life of people, making things more affordable, and offering a service to humanity.
I’d recommend over just about any business book written today.
A few of my favorite quotes:

“The world shackles itself, blinds its eyes, and then wonders why it cannot run.”

“Nothing can be made except by makers, nothing can be managed except by managers. Money cannot make anything and money cannot manage anything.”

“It has always been said that the caste system in India is an absolute bar to development, but in our schools we have Indians of all castes, and they work side by side, apparently forgetting that they ever heard of caste.”

“We have never put in a plant anywhere without raising the purchasing power and standard of living in the community, nor without increasing our own scales in that community.”

“If you think of ‘standardization’ as the best that you know today, but which is to be improved tomorrow - you get somewhere. But if you think of standards as confining, then progress stops.”
Profile Image for Bob Wallner.
365 reviews34 followers
November 28, 2018
I loved this book.

I often teach that Lean is not implicitly a “Japanese” concept but an American concept that was transferred (and subsequently perfected by) many Japanese companies after WWII. This 1926 version has solidified this if nowhere else, than at least in my mind.

Ford’s Assembly Line is often used as an example of one of his most obvious contributions to Lean. Having parts and tools at point of use he was able to increase production while reducing costs.
However after reading this book, there was so much more that have lead to the roadmap of today’s Lean Thinking. Respect for People Jidoka (Toyota’s Pillars) are prominently called out in this book, even though Ford doesn’t title them this.

In a time where there was no middle class - he showed respect for people. Paying a much higher minimum wage ($5/day) and enacting a 8 hour day he stressed a good work/life balance. Also by paying his employees at such a wage, he created a class of consumers. Ford stresses repeatedly through “Today Tomorrow” that it is possible to pay high wages and reduce cost of product as his people are workers and problem solvers.
He definitely was influential thinker who coveted TPM 5s – both major elements to Jidoka. Several points throughout the book He makes reference that: Machines are “seldom down as they are serviced regularly and constantly cleaned”. When taking ownership of a railroad he applied the same methods – neat and orderly and serviced equipment.

He took the time to identify several types of WASTE and explained many steps his teams have taken to remove those wastes. Motions, transportation, proper inventory levels, and scrap/rework were all addressed as adding to costs and should be eliminated where possible.
There are parts of this book that I didn’t enjoy as much. He talks at points about “educating his employees to spend”. Having read his biography I know Ford actually had set up some “Ford Social Services” where expected and sometimes even enforced his employees to live to a certain standard. Couple other minor sections I didn’t care for but the chapters are short and I muddled through those sections fairly quickly.

All in all a very good book that I would recommend to anyone in Continuous Improvement roles also anyone interested in business history.
Profile Image for Sergei_kalinin.
451 reviews169 followers
June 29, 2013
Книга произвела очень сильное впечатление... До этого были в голове какие-то отрывочные и противоречивые знания о Форде, причем в духе советской политэкономии :) Но, как и всегда сам говорю - читайте первоисточники! Прочитал...


1) Размеры и сложность корпорации Форда. Думаю, что сегодня таких вертикально интегрированных компаний уже просто не существует. Изготовление автомобилей в его корпорации начиналось даже не с добычи железной руды и выплавки стали, а со строительства городов для людей, которые на этих самых шахтах будут работать.

Генри Форд - не просто "владелец заводов, домов, пароходов" - он создавал всё это, непосредственно управляя процессом.

Читая книгу, представляешь, насколько гигантской была эта корпорация - настоящее государство в государстве. В которой делается ВСЁ - от мельчайших винтиков для автомобилей, до железных дорог, школ и больниц, передовых сельхозферм и т.д. У Форда был даже собственный океанский флот!

2) В этой книге Форда очень много дельных советов по управлению. Думаю, и на сегодняшний день это одна из лучших книга про стартапы :) Эту книгу в обязательном порядке следовало бы читать чтудентам-манагерам в ВУЗах и в школах MBA.

Относительно недавно я писал рецензию на "Карьеру менеджера" Ли Якокки, которого Форд в свое время уволил. Якокка пишет про Форда много гадостей, но... полезность двух книг просто несопоставима! У Якокки сплошная демагогия и самовосхваление, у Форда - 95% полезной информации, управленческой конкретики.

Порой, конечно, Форд увлекается подробным описанием технологических процессов (например, как они изготавливали стекла для автомобилей). Сейчас читать всё это крайне забавно, это музейные технологии. Но невольно проникаешься уважением: я знаю хороших производственников - каждый уважающий себя директор разбирается в основных технологических процессах своего производства. Он не просто разбирается, но и гордится всякими "фишечками", и готов часами про них с увлечением рассказывать :) Вот по книге Форда понимаешь, что он именно из этой породы людей.

3) Отчетливо начинаешь понимать, откуда "растут ноги" у всяких современных тайм-менеджментов, лин продакшенов и проч. оптимизаторских систем. Да всё оттуда - от Генри Форда!

Наиболее сильно впечатлила глава про чистоту и отходы. Когда всё красится белой краской, а каждая промасленная тряпочка бережно подбирается и отправляется в переработку. Кода потери времени / материалов / инструментов сведены практически к нулю.

А главный принцип Форда - нет потерь более тяжких, чем потери человеческого труда. И что должны быть созданы все условия и придуманы такие способы управления, чтобы потерь этих не возникало совсем. И тут же вспоминается последний визит на одно из предприятий-клиентов, с которым мы работаем: беззаботно играющие в карты работнички во главе со своим бригадиром :(

Мда... И кто там сказал, что Форд не актуален?! М.б. в какой-то другой стране?

Что не понравилось:

1) Неуклюжие философские пассажи Форда про "дружбу" работников и работодателей при капитализме. Плюс наивный оптимизм, что хороший промышленник так же хорошо сможет решить и все социальные проблемы и противоречия. Ну-ну...

2) Негативизм по отношениям к двум бизнес-сферам: финансам и маркетингу. Форд считал финансовые институты лишними, а торговлю приравнивал к производству (не признавая её специфики). И ставил производство на первое место, а рынок (и прочие макроэкономические факторы) на второе. Что, собственно, его империю и развалило...

Резюме: Читая Форда, понимаешь, почему и как Америка стала одной из самых великих стран мира. Понимаешь, почему тов.Ленин отправлял первых строителей коммунизма учиться не куда-нибудь, а именно к Форду.
И, кстати, вдвойне обидно, когда видишь, что понимание базовых принципов экономической эффективности (к которым пришли ещё в 30-х годах!) напрочь отсутствует в головах современных руководителей :(

PS Книга, кстати, очень жизненная - читается легко. И ещё у меня перед глазами периодически вставали реальные люди - руководители производств, которые говорили мне очень похожие (на мысли Форда) вещи почти слово в слово :)
123 reviews
April 27, 2021
Incredible read!
Fantastic opportunity to explore the thoughts & mind of a practical genius.
In this title, Henry Ford outlines his point of view as to the true nature of economic activity & human progress, a view point that he seemingly formulated over a lifetime of personal investment into truths that he held, maintained & evolved throughout his lifetime.
In my humble opinion this is the most practical & available depiction of economic activity, providing an applied explanation - extending principles that may be found in the likes of 'The Wealth of Nations'.
Ford's outline & emphasis of the 'service model' I believe is truly timeless & provides a format to not just understand, but also achieve progress in the form of collective growth - in conjunction with the 'wage motive' provides an ingenious practical approach to economic activity as a whole.
Furthermore, Ford also outlines his approach to exploring & applying human potential in a productive manner & the cost of not doing so - a fascinating look into the thinking of a man that revolutionised the known world.

I recommend this book to be read in succession to Ford's 'My life and Work' - as it is often referenced & provides further insight to the evolution of his thinking, providing for a more enriching reading experience.
Profile Image for Oleksandra Ovcharenko.
110 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2020
Добралась, наконец-то, до книги от Генри Форда. И решила начать с работы «Сегодня и завтра». Книга рассказывает о развитии фордовских заводов и изменении их производственных процессов после 1922 года.

В основе всех изменений - автоматизация производства, именно Форд впервые стал использовать промышленный конвейер для поточного производства автомобилей
Хотя, я не увлекаюсь машинами, данная книга мне понравилась! Потому что Генри Форд пишет не просто о создании автомобилей, а подробно описывает как работает вся корпорация, впечатляет её размер и сложность. Предприятия занимались всем, начиная от добычи железной руды и выплавки стали, льняного производства и выработки стекла и заканчивая производством кокса, мелких деталей, гаек и и шурупов, типографии.
Форд непосредственно управлял этими процессами, он даёт много хороших советов по руководству.

Также, основной целью своих предприятий, да и своей жизни в общем, автор называет «служение» обществу.

«Начать дело только для того, чтобы обогатиться, – это значит зря тратить силы»
Генри Форд всегда беспокоился об условиях труда своих сотрудников – абсолютная чистота на рабочих местах, предоставление жилья, высокая заработная плата.

«Прежде всего, мы расчистили все шахты и их окрестности. Дома, которые не стоило красить, мы разрушили и заменили хорошими зданиями с ваннами; и вообще постарались превратить поселки шахтеров в первоклассные маленькие городки, удобные для жизни.

Приведите все машины в наилучшее состояние, поддерживайте их в порядке и настаивайте на абсолютной чистоте, чтобы приучить людей уважать свои орудия, окружающую обстановку и самих себя.

Предприятие, которое не вводит для своих рабочих постоянной и выгодной шкалы заработной платы, не есть производительное предприятие. Предприятие, в котором дивиденды находятся вне всякого соответствия с заработной платой, построено на чрезвычайно зыбком основании.»

Автор убеждён, что рабочие это и есть клиенты и, что промышленность поставляет нужные товары по разумной цене и платит рабочим настолько высокую заработную плату, что они оказываются в состоянии покупать.

Что и показывает Форд своим примером, практически у каждого сотрудника корпорации имелся автомоб��ль.

Крутая книга! Порой, автор совсем углубляется в подробности ( например, 10 страниц посвящено теме обработки льна, позже – обработки дерева и так далее ). Но, это единственный минус. Для тех, кто особенно интересуется автомобилями, это будет ещё один плюс
Profile Image for Niels Philbert.
137 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2019
The book is part technical description of actual processes and improvemements carried out in Ford Industries under Ford's leadership and part philisophical reflections around what a business ought to strive for; being an asset for society and the public as a whole.

Mostly the thinking from Henry Ford is impressive and innovative. Both for it's time and in general. And yes, there might be plenty of survivorship bias, so we do not hear a lot about failures. But that's to be expected given the author is the founder.

The technical chapters are less than 1/4 of the book and though maybe a bit hard to follow for the non-technical reader, they serve to make the thinking concrete.

Read it for the broadness of thinking around a big business and for the historical era and rather care-free (in regards to ressources) state of mind of the time.
Profile Image for Tom Hunter.
135 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2020
Taiichi Ohno of Toyota said that he learned everything he knew about Assembly Line production--what is today known as Lean Manufacturing--from Henry Ford's books.

Mr Ohno is referring to this book, Henry Ford's second. It gives in excellent and vivid detail why and how he evolved into the intensely refined process for building the Model T, which was what Mr. Ford was building when he wrote this book in 1926. This presents a fascinating narrative of the evolution of his assembly line. Like in all appearances in print, Mr. Ford is full of his corn-pone advice and philosophy. In this book, he is effective and generally convincing.

In short, this was a wonderfully enjoyable read, full of fascinating details. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Okswd.
73 reviews1 follower
December 7, 2022
Якщо в попередній книзі Генрі описував як влаштована компанія і які в неї правила і чому так краще для працівників, то в цій більше описується саме виробництво. Книга буде цікавою власникам великих компаній виробників, з неї можна дізнатися як краще керувати компанією, що можна виробляти власним виробництвом, а не закуповувати. І як маштабуватись.
Profile Image for Sue_D.
1 review
November 1, 2018
I like most of the chapters from the book. I got especially taken in by the chapter about the nation's wealth, and the idea behind charities. I do recommend to others to read, review and keep it accessible in their bookshelves. For me, this is a must-read.
Profile Image for Mike Thelen.
88 reviews5 followers
November 6, 2017
Amazing what Ford was doing at the front of the twentieth century...and we still aren't doing today. Wage Motive...
Profile Image for Crystal Johnston.
239 reviews11 followers
June 12, 2018
great for falling asleep. Don't read if you can help it. it was required reading for my lean certification but I'm actually less smart due to it
Profile Image for Lewis Jones.
21 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2024
Ford's Ideas:
1. The business is built to serve the public.
2. High wages and low prices build economies by increasing consumer buying power.
3. Relentless optimization and cost saving while increasing quality is key to achieving 2.
4. Charity kills the spirit of growth. The people in power must help the weak help themselves.
5. Industrialization resolves the needs of humanity, and overproducing will only be possible once everyone has everything they need.

Ford built his empire with a simple but incredible understanding of the economy based on the free market principles developed by Adam Smith. He even goes as far to name the second to last chapter after Smith, and explains that the purpose of business is to produce goods for the public. Profits must be reinvested to make the production more efficient, and the business must serve the public; or it has no purpose to exist. To this end Ford built a business that excelled in efficiency. The start of the modern world where cutting costs and increasing volume of production to share the benefits of power to as many people as possible.
The book is of course a little self-serving - I’m sure he felt great that he could justify his ruthless management style with logic from the founder of economics but we can’t deny him the effectiveness of his business or the economic impact he had.
Profile Image for Aaron Bolin.
Author 1 book9 followers
July 27, 2012
Brilliant, though somewhat utopian in outlook. I was somewhat surprised to see that Henry Ford outlined a complete and modern continuous process improvement program back in 1926 -- long before quality circles, total quality management, and lean six sigma.

The basic message of the book is that good business management can save the world. Ford cites multiple examples from Ford Motors where better management improved the bottom line and also improved the lives of his workers.

The book reads somewhat like an Ayn Rand novel - the producers of the world carry the load for the moochers. Ford does offer ample advice and has a very quotable writing style. The only thing that kept me from giving it five stars was the constant droning about how Ford Motors is the best thing since sliced bread. Otherwise, this is a very good book, maybe a must read, for those interested in continuous process improvement.
Profile Image for George Miller.
49 reviews1 follower
October 3, 2016
This book is the second of 3 books written by Henry Ford. It is written in a similar style to My Life and Work. in Today and Tomorrow, Henry details the measures taken and innovations developed to reduce labor hours in building the Model T. Henry believed that companies exist to provide a service to their customers; in Ford's case, that service was an automobile at the lowest possible cost. It is ironic that in 1926, the year this book was written, the public was rejecting the Model T for more expensive cars with more features. This book is essential for anyone interested in Henry Ford, the Model T, or automotive history. It has a large amount technical description of various manufacturing processes. Highly recommended for those interested in automotive manufacturing, Henry Ford, the Model T, and attitudes toward work and compensation in the mid 1020s.
Profile Image for Preston Malone.
Author 1 book3 followers
June 19, 2013
Brilliant. This book marks Ford as a genius.

Taiichi Ohno was the inventor of the Toyota Production System, which was copied during the 1980's by Sony and practically other Japanese and Asian Tiger industrial firm. Henry Ford was Ohno's hero. Taiichi Ohno read and reread Today and Tomorrow (published 1926), for Ford's book was a remarkable blueprint of how Henry Ford was achieving what we call today "Total Quality Management". It was also a road map detailing almost every major feature that showed up in Ohno's "Toyota Production System". Read Ohno's own book "Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production" and you will see how much credit Ohno gives to Ford.
Profile Image for Paul Mamani.
138 reviews75 followers
December 28, 2019
Henry Ford is the man who doubled wages, cut the price of a car in half, and produced over 2 million units a year. Time has not diminished the progressiveness of his business philosophy, or his profound influence on worldwide industry. The modern printing of Today and Tomorrow features an introduction by James J. Padilla, Group Vice President, Ford North America. It also includes an enhanced selection of photos illustrating the processes and facilities Ford covers in the text. Taiichi Ohno acknowledged that a key stimulus to JIT was his close reading of this book. Today, these same ideas are re-emerging to revitalize American industry in new ways.

Profile Image for Mike.
106 reviews
November 25, 2013
This book was written back in the 1920's but it still relevant today. Ford revolutionized manufacturing and many of his ideas inspired Ohno and Shingo in their development of the Toyota Production System and Lean.
Profile Image for Richard.
8 reviews
February 10, 2020
An absolute classic

This book is an absolute classic that goes right through so many generations and societies and still rings so true because it speaks to the true and universal spirit of humanity. Beautiful and inspiring!
Profile Image for Bronson Reed.
36 reviews
June 21, 2020
Amazing how this company got started on the path Toyota now leads. It is a shame Ford failed to continue on this path. If they had, we may be talking about how Ford excels at quality and people management.
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