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Behind the Berkshire Hathaway Curtain: Lessons from Warren Buffett's Top Business Leaders

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Warren Buffett is a legend primarily for his investment philosophy. He isn’t concerned about the intricacies of the market, but instead focuses on the quality of the companies Berkshire Hathaway stands behind. Yet we know little about the leaders of the companies that Buffett handpicks. In Behind the Berkshire Hathaway Lessons from Warren Buffett’s Top Business Leaders , author Ronald W. Chan — founder and CEO of Chartwell Capital — offers a behind-the-scenes look into the careers of Berkshire Hathaway executives who have both directly and indirectly contributed to the conglomerate’s success. Drawing on exclusive interviews from Berkshire leaders, Chan vividly describes how an exceptional group of managers has built a culture of achievement. With a keen eye for detail, he shows how their lessons can be applied for career success and personal fulfillment. Brimming with practical advice, the book will appeal to both executives and employees wanting to improve their leadership skills and work performance. Covering the career and life decisions of David Sokol of MidAmerican Energy, Cathy Baron-Tamraz of Business Wire, Dennis Knautz of Acme Brick, Randy Watson of Justin Brands, Stan Lipsey of Buffalo News, and many more, the book offers a wide range of business insights, philosophies, and strategies directly from leaders at the top of their fields.

192 pages, Hardcover

First published April 7, 2010

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Profile Image for Daniel Taylor.
Author 4 books87 followers
March 24, 2011
Most books that approach the subjects of Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway take the approach of giving you insight into how to invest like the master investor. Author Ronald W Chan breaks fresh territory by instead learning success tips from managers within Berkshire Hathaway.

Over 9 chapters Chan introduces each manager and, after giving the typical biographical information, launches into the lessons each person has learned that affect how they manage.

If you're hoping for something revolutionary, then you won't find it here. It seems the principles of success are the same no matter what level you're playing at. Those things including focused effort, working at what you love, measuring success by your achievements — basically that to succeed you need to combine character with competence.

For fans of Buffett or Berkshire Hathaway, this book will give you insight into what he looks for in his managers and you can choose traits to develop in your own life. For other people, you'd be better off picking up something like "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield or "The New Psyco-Cybernetics" by Dr Maxwell Maltz and Dan S Kennedy or "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R Covey.
Profile Image for Nicholas Shaw.
40 reviews
July 17, 2016
A very simple book without much of interest or note contained within, I think I made one note which was a quote from Stanford Lipsey which applies directly to me. The book is essentially the result of Ronald's interviews with a number of Berkshire CEOs. Each section revolves around an interview with one of the CEOs and tries to distill what set each individual apart in terms of their career.

As you'd expect each interview tried to focus on one virtue i.e. communication and used a few examples to show where the CEO showed this in their career and why they think its important.

Personally, wasn't worth the read for me.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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