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The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding: How to Build a Product or Service Into a World-Class Brand

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A best-selling business expert presents a comprehensive guide to building a product into a recognized and respected brand and offers quick and readable insights into a major business concern. Tour.

192 pages, Hardcover

First published July 30, 1998

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Laura Ries

19 books15 followers

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Profile Image for Loy Machedo.
233 reviews209 followers
March 8, 2012
I remember reading The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing as a young man. And boy! was in absolute awe, aplomb and amazement for these two writers!
Their wisdom, their wit and their wonderful research was something I never ever forgot.
It was a book worthy of my respect for a life time to come.

Fast forward to the here and now.....

I spot this book at a leading book store.
I grab the book.
After all those childhood memories, I am prepared to devour this book as I know it will bless my soul that yearns for wisdom, knowledge and new found information.

After reading a few pages, I got chocked.
I couldn’t breath.
And then I puked my guts out.
Could it ever be possible that the same legends whom I once adored wrote such an atrocious & unforgivable book?

Let me break it down for you.

The book is divided into 2 sections.
1) The 22 immutable Laws of Branding
2) The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding

Some of the examples cited in the 22 Immutable Laws of Branding are:
Kodak Video Cassettes
Intel 4004 – The world’s first microprocessor
Malboro as a Lady’s Cigarette
Pschitt! – The French Lemonade
KMX – The ‘recently’ introduced energy drink by Coca-cola

Er…..do you by any chance remember any of these?
Or are these people from the pre-historic dinosaur era?

And then can you believe there is no mention of Apple? Google? Or the Ultimate Fighting Championships?

And then if you cautiously move to the next section, the 11 immutable Laws of Internet Branding, it will baffle you even more.
MP3 are predicted to become ‘outdated’
The Internet is predicted never to be a replacement for entertainment.
Yahoo! is mentioned as a success story and the world’s biggest search engine
The prediction that a phone, music player, internet provider & video player will be doomed to failure!!!

Yes, folks!
These were the writers I used to once admire!
This was the great wisdom of my once upon a time heroes.
This was the what I thought would be the ‘wow’ factor for the year.
(I presume I have grown a lot since being so gullible)

While there are some tiny morsels of wisdom left gasping for air in a few pages, the reminder of this book is obnoxiously outdated, horrible disfigured and pathetically out-of-order.
Reading this book will leave you with the foul stench up your nostrils and a bad….very bad taste in your mouth.

Honestly, this book should be removed from the shelves of every book store if Ries & Ries want to save their legacy.

Overall, for a book that hasn’t been updated and does not respect the intellect of its readers, given all the errors and outdated information, I would sincerely and sadly give this book a 2 out of 10.
August 4, 2009
Truth to tell, there isn’t really 22 laws but just 2 laws. The first law is to maintain uniqueness, remain focus with your message by being consistent, and don’t muddle your message by trying to become “everything” to everyone. The second law is that a 100% domination of the market is impossible because not everybody has the same need and thus wouldn’t equally appeal to your brand message and purchase your product. If you get 50% + 1 market share, be happy and move on and create another brand. The remaining 20 laws are just rewording of the 2 basic laws. If you have too much time to kill, be my guess and read the book. It ain’t a boring read anyway just repetitive.
Profile Image for David Boctor.
2 reviews5 followers
October 21, 2014
11 chapters of genius followed by 11 chapters of not genius

the first part of the book gives great insight into human psychology. if you're launching a new product or struggling with growth it's worth a read.
The following 11 chapters, however, reveal that the authors are not prescient. in my opinion, the authors fail to recognize the inevitable consequence of their prescribed strategy. namely, the inevitable fatigue that will occur from an excessive choice of brands. years have passed this book was first printed and we can now begin to see that consumers show an affinity for some brands that offer fully integrated solutions (ie Amazon.com.)

still the book is an excellent crash course on branding. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for C.
1,134 reviews1,034 followers
September 16, 2021
Powerful branding advice. It's easy to see why this is a branding classic. It's more applicable to big (national or international) businesses than small ones. The examples are of Fortune 500 companies. But, most of the branding laws apply even to small businesses. Some of the laws overlap and repeat. I questioned some of the examples, because the authors seem to overemphasize the importance of branding in the success or failure of the companies, and they overlook the many other factors that contributed to their success or failure.

The laws go against a company's natural desire to expand its brand into a wide range of products and even other categories. The authors point out that doing so dilutes the brand. According to the authors, a brand is a singular idea that you own in the prospect's mind. Even better is if that idea can be represented by a single word, such as how Volvo owns "safety." The authors say that limiting your brand is the essence of branding; a brand must stand for something simple and narrow.

The authors say that the most useful aspect of branding is creating a new category, not increasing market share. They advise narrowing your focus dramatically, and creating a new category. They say, "Ask not what percentage of an existing market your brand can achieve, ask how large a market your brand can create by narrowing its focus and owning a word in the mind."

I googled for the best branding books, and this one bubbled to the surface.

1. The Law of Expansion: The power of a brand is inversely proportional to its scope.
Limit the number of products you sell under a brand. Chevy should have stuck with fewer models.

2. The Law of Contraction: A brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus.
Starbucks narrowed to coffee, Subway to sub sandwiches. A narrow focus makes it easier to dominate a category.

Once companies become successful, they expand their brands, but they had narrow brands to become successful.

3. The Law of Publicity: The birth of a brand is achieved with publicity, not advertising.
The birth of a brand is achieved with publicity, not advertising. Advertising can maintain a high-flying brand, but generally won't launch one.

A new brand must be capable of generating favorable publicity in the media. Best way is by being first brand in a new category.

What others say about your brand is more powerful than what you say about yourself, which is why publicity is more powerful than advertising.

High-tech companies especially are launched through publicity, not advertising.

4. The Law of Advertising: Once born, a brand needs advertising to stay healthy.
Phase 1: intro of new category (requires publicity)
Phase 2: rise of company that pioneered new category (requires advertising)

Advertise your brand leadership (that you are number one in your category); it's the most motivating factor in customer behavior.

People don't believe the claim that "Our product is better." But if you say, "Our product is the leader," people think it must be better than competition.

Advertising may not pay for itself, but it raises the price of admission, making it harder for competitors to steal your market share.

5. The Law of the Word: A brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer.
Mercedes owns "prestige." Volvo owns "safety."

Once you own a word, it becomes nearly impossible for a competitor to steal it, even if they become a better match for the word.

You can't become the generic (e.g., Kleenex for facial tissue) by overtaking the leader. You can only do it by being first and establishing the category.

If you weren't first in category, create a new category by narrowing focus. Prego focused on thick spaghetti sauce to win market share from Ragu, leader in spaghetti sauce.

To brand a prestige product, you need to make your product/service more expensive than competition, and find a code word for prestige (e.g., "engineered like no other car in the world.").

The most successful brands kept a narrow focus and expanded the category, rather than expanding their name into other categories.

"Ask not what percentage of an existing market your brand can achieve, ask how large a market your brand can create by narrowing its focus and owning a word in the mind."

6. The Law of Credentials: The crucial ingredient to the success of any brand is its claim to authenticity.
Customers disbelieve most product claims, but they believe claim to authenticity ("it's the real thing").

Customers tend to believe product claims only when they're closely related to the brand's credentials (what the brand "knows" or is known for).

No matter how small the category, focus on becoming leader. Don't simply sell benefits of category.

7. The Law of Quality: Quality is important to have, but brands are not built by quality alone.
"There is almost no correlation between success in the marketplace and success in comparative testing of brands."

Perception of quality is more important than actual quality. Best way to build perception of quality is building your brand.

Having better name (reputation) than competition builds perception of quality. Specialists have stronger names than generalists.

High price also builds perception of quality.

8. The Law of the Category: A leading brand should promote the category, not the brand.
Most efficient, productive, useful aspect of branding is creating a new category, not increasing market share. Narrow the focus to nothing, and create a new category.

To build brand in non-existent category, launch brand in way that creates perception that brand was first, leader, pioneer, or original. Use one of these words to describe brand. Promote new category.

9. The Law of the Name: In the long run a brand is nothing more than a name.
Narrow focus to a slice of market. Then make your brand name stand for the category (the generic effect) and expand category by promoting benefits of category, not brand. Domino's promoted home pizza delivery, not its own name.

10. The Law of Extensions: The easiest way to destroy a brand is to put its name on everything.
Before launch, ask yourself what customers will think of current brand. E.g., Diet Pepsi means Pepsi isn't healthy.

If market is moving out from under you, stay where you are and launch a second brand. Otherwise, just continue building your brand.

11. The Law of Fellowship: In order to build the category, a branch should welcome other brands.
Dominant brand should welcome competitors. Choice stimulates demand, because customers become more aware of category. Customers feel better about a category that contains choices.

Similar businesses benefit from each other (e.g., car dealerships, fast food). They attract more customers, customers like comparison shopping, and businesses can learn from each other.

12. The Law of the Generic: One of the fastest routes to failure is giving a brand a generic name.
Generic names disappear into the ether. Only brand names register in the mind. "Microsoft" is better than "Security Software Systems."

You don't need to invent a word. You can find a regular word taken out of context and used to connote primary attribute of brand. E.g., Blockbuster Video.

Lexus is made from word "luxury." Staples used name of specific office product, which also means "essentials." Intel cut generic "intelligent" in half.

13. The Law of the Company: Brands are brands. Companies are companies. There is a difference.
Brand name should always take precedence over company name. Consumers by brands, not companies.

Use the company name as the brand name, unless there are compelling reasons not to.

If you must include company name on product or package, make it less noticeable than brand name.

14. The Law of Subbrands: What branding builds, subbranding can destroy.
A brand can be marketed in more than one model as long as they don't detract from the essence of the brand (singular idea that sets it apart from other brands in the consumer's mind).

15. The Law of Siblings: There is a time and place to launch a second brand.
Make each brand unique, with his own identity. Don't give them a family look or identity. Time Inc. has Time, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, etc.

Launch a subbrand only when you can create a new category.

16. The Law of Shape: A brand’s logotype should be designed to fit the eyes. Both eyes.
"A logotype should have the same shape as a windshield, roughly 2 1/4 units wide and 1 unit high."

Typeface of logotype barely matters; the words, and legibility, do. Logotype, trademark, or visual symbol also overrated; meaning is in words.

17. The Law of Color: A brand should use a color that is the opposite of its major competitor's.
It's more important to create a separate brand identity than to use the right symbolic color.

18. The Law of Borders: There are no barriers to global branding. A brand should know no borders.

19. The Law of Consistency: A brand is not built overnight. Success is measured in decades, not years.
Markets may change, but brands shouldn't, ever. They may be bent slightly or given a new slant, but their essential characteristics (once firmly in the consumer's mind) should never change. Coca-Cola shouldn't market beer. A French restaurant shouldn't serve fajitas. Little Caesars should have stuck with two-for-price-of-one takeout. KFC should stick with fried chicken.

Beware question, "Why should we limit ourselves?" Limiting your brand is the essence of branding. Brand must stand for something simple and narrow.

20. The Law of Change: Brands can be changed, but only infrequently and only very carefully.
When changing brand is feasible:
Brand is weak or non-existent in customers' minds.
To move brand down food chain (lower price).
Brand is in slow-moving field and change will take long time.

21. The Law of Mortality: No brand will live forever. Euthanasia is often the best solution.
When it's time for a brand to die (due to market shifts), don't resist it. Put money into new brand, not into prolonging dying one.

22. The Law of Singularity: The most important aspect of a brand is its single-mindedness.
A brand is a singular idea that you own in the prospect's mind. It's a proper noun that can be used in place of a common word.
Profile Image for Katie.
462 reviews5 followers
July 10, 2018
I'm guessing a summary of this book probably would've been sufficient. The second half is laughable, the first half was very helpful.

Biggest takeaways:
- Create a new category for your brand and promote the category. It's novelty that makes headlines, not quality. Being first in a category means you will likely be the "leader" of it, which makes customers think you are the expert (and therefore have the best quality).
- Stay laser-focused on a specific thing so that you can own a word in the mind of your customer and they know what to expect from you. (Create new brands for new things.)
- The more you expand or extend your brand, the weaker it will become.
4 reviews
February 28, 2011
It's fun reading in the sense that People magazine can be fun reading. If you're wondering how companies view their brands, it gives a good overview in an easily digestible style. Some of the conclusions can range from eye-rolling to simply laugh-out-loud in the sense that if all you have is a branding hammer, then everything looks like a branding nail. Similarly, some of the predictions in here were proven to be totally off, but that's the nature of predictions in general. I guess it'd be more tolerable if not for the annoyingly certain tone of the reasoning, but I suppose that's what sells these types of books.
Profile Image for Alejandro Sanoja.
313 reviews15 followers
September 5, 2020
This is an excellent book for anyone that wants to learn about branding.

Quick and easy read, which makes it a must for any professionals working in any areas that are closely related to branding or marketing.

A great complement to the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing.

Flow: 5/5, can be read in a few days.

Actionability: 4/5, not many step by step instructions but there is still a lot of actionable advice.

Mindset: 4/5, will change the way you think about branding.

Some Of My Highlights:

"Marketing is building a brand in the mind of the prospect."

"Today most products and services are bought, not sold. And branding greatly facilitates this process."

"Branding is simply a more efficient way to sell things."

"Aim high. You can never achieve more than you aspire to."

"If you want to have a successful company, you have to do what successful companies did before they were successful. As it happens, they all did the same thing. They narrowed their focus."

"While a hefty advertising budget might be needed to maintain high-flying brands like McDonald's and Coca-Cola, advertising generally won't get a new brand off the ground."

"When your brand can make news, it has a chance to generate publicity. And the best way to make news is to announce a new category, not a new product."

"If you want to build a brand, you must focus your branding efforts on owning a word in the prospect's mind."

"To get into the consumer's mind you have to sacrifice. You have to reduce the essence of your brand to a single thought or attribute. An attribute that nobody else already owns in your category."

"Quality, or rather the perception of quality, resides n the mind of the buyer."

"There is almost no correlation between success in the marketplace and success in comparative testing of brands - whether it be taste tests, accuracy tests, reliability tests, durability tests, or any other independent, objective third-party testing of brands."

"To build a quality brand you need to narrow the focus and combine that narrow focus with a better name and a higher price."

"The most efficient, most productive, most useful aspect of branding is creating a new category."

"Leaders should continue to promote the category, to increase the size of the pie rather than their slice of the pie."

"Leading brands should promote the category, not the brand."

Profile Image for Nikola.
14 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2021
Like it! A good option is to learn some of the marketing fundamentals. That book is helpful for creative marketing experts thinking out of the box.
December 9, 2021
What this book is about?
This book is about branding and if you wish that your company name or own name becomes a brand like coca cola or nike, you better know about this book. If you hired a brand manager who doesn’t know about this book, fire him right now. This is how important this book is.

On what branding is:
According to the father-daughter team of Al and Laura Ries, a brand name is a name (a Proper Noun in fact) in the mind of the consumer that conveys a single proposition about a particular product or service. The power in a brand name lies in its ability to positively influence purchasing behavior.

Mercedes = luxury car
Maruti = budget car

Conversely millions who need a car to move from point A to B and are cash tight, the Proper Noun, Maruti will come in their minds.

Now we all can name a few brand names like this but this book is teaching us how to build our own brands. It offers the understanding of 22 laws based on which we should design ‘A successful branding program’ consisting of the traditional tools like the 4 P’s (Packaging, Pricing, Promotion, Placing), Porter’s 4 strategic mix of cost advantages and differentiation, Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean strategies, the 5th P (Purple cow) and so on.

So lets see the 22 laws and see what they tell us to do and not do in terms of branding objective:
1. The Law of Expansion: the power of a brand is inversely proportional to its
Don’t : dilute your brand. No body will send their children to Playboy School!
2. The Law of Contraction: a brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus
Do : stay focused like Starbucks. There is no confusion. It is a place to have coffee in a great cosy environment
3. The Law of Publicity: the birth of a brand is usually accomplished with publicity, not advertising.
Do: Apple’s Steve Job was the master of using this law. He made spectacular media events covered in articles, interviews, coverages, keeping secrets till the end, throwing jabs at competitors, and the media loved it because it sold their papers, TV time, airwaves and now websites.
4. The Law of Advertising: once born, a brand will die unless kept alive with advertising
Don’t: squeeze on the advertizing dollar and make sure you position yourself as “no.1” , “the best”, just spill the message all over the media. If you cannot be no.1 in then invent a sub-category like if you are new shampoo manufacturer, and you can’t say , you are no.1 shampoo, invent a category like shampoo of people with white hair (just an example), then say , you are the no.1 shampoo for white hair.
5. The Law of the Word: a brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer
Do: like FedEx has “overnight it” , Google has “google it”, have your own word
6. The Law of Credentials: the crucial ingredient to the success of any brand is its claim to authenticity.
Do: find a proof that your brand is great like no. of years of operation, customer’s reviews, sales figure
7. The Law of Quality: quality is important to have, but brands are not built by quality alone
Do: focus on matching name, size, weight, logo to suit the perception of the brand as quality. Rolex watch that is bigger, flashier and heavier appears to have more quality than a casio watch that is smaller, modest and light.
8. The Law of the Category: a leading brand should promote the category not the brand.
Don’t : be narcissistic and promote your brand name. Instead..
Do: promote your category or sub-category like Google promoted search engine category and Apple’s ill fated PDA promoted “Newton”. Because customers don’t care about the new brand, they care about the new category, say the writer.
9. The Law of the Name: in the long run a brand is nothing more than a name.
Do: have a catchy, sticky name and protect it with all your might especially by not violating the law of expansion. Good examples are Facebook, youTube, and Xerox of old times.
10. The Law of Extensions: the easiest way to destroy a brand is to put its name on everything.
Don’t: confuse your brand name to be adjective. It is a proper noun! Hulas Steel and Hulas Basmati Rice? They think Hulas means “great”. No!
11. The Law of the Fellowship: in order to build a category of product, a brand should accept the presence of other brands
Don’t: kill competitors. Coca Cola is hot because there is Pepsi.
12. The Law of the Generic: one of the fastest routes to failure is giving a brand a generic name.
Don’t: give any name to your product. Do some research. Car companies don’t come up with great names for their cars out of the blue. They invest millions in teams to work on these names.
13. The Law of the Company: brands are brands. Companies are companies. There is a difference
Do: follow the strategy of P&G with hundreds of products and consumers don’t know they are made by P&G because they don’t care because they are not employees of P&G
14. The Law of Subbrands: what branding builds, subbranding can destroy
Don’t: try to use have a cheaper ‘Mercedes’. If you want to sell a cheaper Mercedes and you are the CEO of that company, use a different brand name.
15. The Law of Sibling: there is a time and place to launch a second brand
Don’t: try to use the same brand with a “plus” or “junior” to cater to a different market segment.
Do: like MTV came up with sibling VH1 to cater to viewers who grew up and needed a music channel
16. The Law of Shape: a brand’s logotype should be designed to fit the eyes. Both eyes.
Don’t: just make any logo
Do: Think NIKE and the swoosh logo. The logo should be rectangular and impressionable to the prospects mind.
17. The Law of Color: a brand should use a color that is the opposite of its major competitor.
Don’t: just choose your favorite color and change it
Do: some research and stick to it once you have chosen it. Be very peculiar wherever you brand color appears. Even shades make a difference.
White is the color of purity
Black of luxury
Purple of royalty
Blue of leadership
Green of environment friendliness
18. The Law of Borders: there are no barriers to global branding. A brand should know no borders
Do: follow 2nd law of contraction at the home country (stay narrowly focused in a category and segment) then go global but remember your product must fit the perception of your home country
Automobiles from Germany is good
Automobiles from Nepal not so good

Handicrafts from Nepal is good
Handicrafts from Germany is not so good

19. The Law of Consistency: a brand is not built overnight. Success is measured in decades, not years
Don’t : be crazy enough to sell coca cola beer
20. The Law of Change: brands can be changed, but only infrequently and only very carefully.
Do: when change is inevitable handle the shift in brand with care like Intel moving from Intel D-RAM to Intel Microprocessors
Allow enough time so that natural process of forgetting the old brand position can take place in prospects.
21. The Law of Mortality: no brand will live forever. Euthanasia is often the best solution.
Don’t: hang on when time is up. Just kill it.
22. The Law of Singularity: the most important aspect of a brand is its singlemindedness.
Don’t try to be two things forget three: What’s a brand? A proper noun that can be used in place of common work like:
Instead of an expensive swiss watch, you can ask for a Rolex
Instead of a cold soft drink, you can ask for a coke/pepsi
Instead of instant noodles, you can ask for wai wai

That were the 22 laws in the simplest possible way I could explain.

How is it useful to you in your :


The 22 laws of branding are indispensable if you want to make your product or service a success.

Not only for businesses, the 22 laws are equally applicable in our personal branding.

Profile Image for Revisach.
156 reviews24 followers
February 7, 2021
Review sách: 22 QUY LUẬT BẤT BIẾN TRONG XÂY DỰNG THƯƠNG HIỆU - nền móng cho một thương hiệu mạnh và bền vững

Cuốn sách 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu của Al Ries và Laura Ries là cuốn sách hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực marketing quản trị. Sách sẽ dạy cho bạn luật chơi trong cuộc chiến thương hiệu. Bạn sẽ cần tuân theo nếu không muốn bị đá văng ra khỏi thị trường. 

Muốn biết thương hiệu là gì, chúng ta cần nhận biết những thứ gì không phải là thương hiệu. Thương hiệu không dừng lại ở tên công ty, tên sản phẩm hay đơn thuần là chiếc logo đại diện cho sản phẩm. Theo cuốn 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu, thương hiệu là tổng hợp tất cả những thứ đó cộng với những tính cách đặc trưng cốt lõi giúp cho sản phẩm có một hình ảnh rõ nét trong tâm trí khách hàng.

Muốn xây dựng thương hiệu tốt, ngoài việc hiểu sản phẩm, chúng ta cần nắm được những quy tắc, đó được coi là những quy luật trong cuôc chiến thương hiệu mà những người làm marketing cần nắm được.

Tác giả cuốn 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu

Al Ries và con gái Laura Ries là hai trong số các nhà tư vấn marketing hàng đầu thế giới. Họ đã từng hợp tác và viết ra những cuốn sách marketing vô cùng nổi tiếng. 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu, Nguồn gốc nhãn hiệu,.. đều là những tựa sách được các marketer săn đón. Hai cha con đã có những nghiên cứu rất sâu về việc xây dựng thương hiệu. Trong cuốn sách Nguồn gốc nhãn hiệu, họ đã áp dụng cả thuyết tiến hóa của Darwin vào việc phát triển thương hiệu.

Nội dung cuốn 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu

Cuốn 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu cho rằng có một ý tưởng đơn giản nhưng không nhiều công ty nhận thức được trong việc tạo cho mình thương hiệu riêng, đó là sự đơn nhất. Marketing ngày càng phát triển với nhiều xu hướng, nhiều khái niệm nên đôi khi chúng ta bị cuốn vào, bị chạy theo nó mà quên mất những yếu tố căn bản và cốt lõi nhất.

Tác phẩm 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu sẽ đưa chúng ta trở lại mặt đất với những gì gọi là nền tảng nhất của thương hiệu, giúp chúng ta không bị lạc lối trong ma trận marketing rối rắm và khó hiểu.

Đúng như tên gọi, sách trình bày 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu:


Sức mạnh của một thương hiệu tỷ lệ nghịch với quy mô của nó


Hầu hết các công ty sẽ thất bại khi mở rộng dòng sản phẩm. Café Starbucks với các món gà là một thảm họa của Starbuck


Thương hiệu ra đời nhờ sự quảng bá, chứ không phải quảng cáo


Một khi đ�� chào đời, thương hiệu cần được quảng cáo để thêm vững mạnh


Một thương hiệu phải nỗ lực làm chủ một cụm từ nào đó trong tâm thức người tiêu dùng


Yếu tố then chốt quyết định sự thành công của một thương hiệu là lời tuyên bố về sự đáng tin cậy và “xịn” của nó


Chất lượng rất quan trọng, nhưng các thương hiệu không phải được tạo dựng chỉ bằng mỗi chất lượng


Một thương hiệu hàng đầu nên đề cao dòng sản phẩm chứ không phải thương hiệu


Về lâu dài một thương hiệu không là gì khác hơn ngoài một cái tên



Cách dễ nhất để hủy diệt một thương hiệu là gắn tên nó lên mọi thứ


Để xây dựng một dòng sản phẩm, một thương hiệu nên biết hoan nghênh các thương hiệu khác


Một trong những con đường nhanh nhất dẫn đến thất bại là đặt cho thương hiệu một cái tên khái quát chung chung


Thương hiệu là thương hiệu. Công ty là công ty. Có sự khác nhau đấy


Những thành quả do việc xây dựng thương hiệu tạo ra có thể bị các thương hiệu phụ phá hủy


Tung ra thị trường một thương hiệu thứ hai đúng lúc và đúng nơi


Logo của một thương hiệu nên được thiết kế cho vừa mắt, vừa cả hai mắt


Một thương hiệu nên dùng màu sắc trái ngược với màu sắc của thương hiệu cạnh tranh


Đối với một thương hiệu tầm cỡ quốc tế, không có biên giới nào cả. Một thương hiệu không nên biết đến biên giới


Xây dựng một thương hiệu không chỉ trong ngày một ngày hai. Thành công được đánh giá sau mấy chục năm chứ không chỉ vài năm


Các thương hiệu có thể thay đổi, nhưng không thường xuyên và việc này phải được thực hiện thật cẩn thận


Không có thương hiệu nào sống mãi. Một cái chết êm ái thường là giải pháp tốt nhất


Khía cạnh quan trọng nhất của một thương hiệu là tính chất đặc thù của nó

Có thể thấy, sách 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu chia sẻ đa vấn đề xung quanh một thương hiệu, kể từ những yếu tố bên trong thương hiệu như quy luật hướng tâm, quy luật tên chung, quy luật màu sắc cho đến những yếu tố bên ngoài như quy luật phường hội, quy luật mở rộng thương hiệu.

Sách hay ở chỗ đã tổng hợp câu chuyện thành công thất bại của hàng trăm thương hiệu khác nhau, trong suốt hàng chục năm làm thương hiệu để đúc kết nên những quy luật chung giá trị nhất.

Anh muốn hạ giá thương hiệu

Nếu anh quyết định giảm giá thương hiệu của mình, anh có thể chuyển nó xuống bậc thấp hơn của thang giá mà không làm ảnh hưởng xấu đến thương hiệu. Khách hàng s��� tin rằng họ nhận được nhiều giá trị qua việc mua sản phẩm với thương hiệu của anh. Đó không phải lúc nào cũng là một nước cờ dở.

Marlboro đã hạ giá thuốc lá và đã giành được thị phần.

Xe Rolls-Royce rất có tiếng, nhưng việc sản xuất xe này không đem lại nhiều lợi nhuận. Đôi khi giá cả vượt khỏi ranh giới và cần được điều chỉnh.

Đi sang một hướng khác, tức là lên cao hơn trong thang giá, thì khó hơn nhiều, nếu không muốn nói là bất khả thi. Nhưng Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza mãi đến khi đổi tên là Crowne Plaza mới hoạt động kinh doanh có hiệu quả đấy thôi.

Thương hiệu của anh đang trong một lĩnh vực kinh doanh chậm chạp. Sự thay đổi sẽ diễn ra từ từ trong một thời gian dài.

Ai nên đọc 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu

Thời gian đã minh chứng cho sức mạnh bền vững của những tri thức trong cuốn 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu. Cuốn sách đã được đón đọc bởi biết bao thế hệ những nhà quản trị kinh doanh, marketing và branding. Giới sinh viên, những người có khuynh hướng theo đuổi marketing cũng rất cần đọc cuốn sách này, bởi nó sẽ cho bạn những định hướng vững vàng để bước chân vào con đường làm nghề trong tương lai.

Lời kết

Xây dựng thương hiệu là một quá trình gian nan, nhiều biến động, có những thời điểm đòi hỏi sự sáng tạo và khác biệt nhưng chung quy lại vẫn cần bám sát những quy luật để thành công. 22 quy luật bất biến trong xây dựng thương hiệu sẽ là sự lựa chọn thông minh cho những người nghiêm túc với công việc làm thương hiệu đầy thách thức này.
Profile Image for Puja.
52 reviews29 followers
January 16, 2014
I was introduced to this invaluable and concise book by Bill Anderson, professor at my alma mater (Emerson College, Boston), as a requisite for the Brand Management course I took. Long after I graduated, I found myself coming back to these pages to remind myself of the simple but effective laws prescribed in the book. I'm no longer working in marketing and business development, and the book is sitting in some cupboard, untouched for a long time. But I believe that understanding branding is important and helpful for many professions, not just marketing and sales. So I'm sure I'll end up referring to it again at some point.

Whether or not you agree to labeling the guidelines as 'laws', you will definitely find this work of the Ries duo useful. The learning is transferable to most businesses or careers. Ofcourse, there are umpteen free resources on the Internet today, but there's something comforting about picking up this book with rules - it sticks with you.
Profile Image for Claire Ragin.
7 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2011
I am very skeptical about calling these concepts "laws" rather than "ideas that are important to consider but are far from immutable". For instance, saying that Bud Light is not a brand, and that it weakens the Bud brand...without looking at the potential loss of market share if they didn't have a dog in a competitive new race. They would probably say that Apple's iPod and iTunes were bad ideas. They don't seem to consider aspects of business *other* than branding. And the internet section is so off-base that it's a hoot to read.
Profile Image for Alberto Lopez.
367 reviews14 followers
February 22, 2017
Short and sweet! If you sell anything, you must read this book. Are you a brand manager of any sort? Then you must read this book. Are you a company's executive? You must read this book. And while you are at it, keep in mind that despite the fact that the references used by the authors are now dated, the power of its content is made even more evident thanks to the fact that the reader has the benefit of hindsight.
13 reviews
March 9, 2009
As we are starting a new business I found this book to be very valuable to insure we defined our new company in the marketplace.
Profile Image for Michelle Falk.
15 reviews5 followers
December 10, 2016
Changed everything. I learned so much from this. Lots of what is said, you will have heard before but it's very well laid out and explained here.
May 20, 2019
این کتاب در راستای برنامه کلی من در مورد بازرایابی و برند است. اطل��عات کتاب:

22 قانون تغییرناپذیر برند / نویسندگان ال ریس و لورا ریس؛مترجم منیژه شیخ‌جوادی (بهزاد)؛ ویراستار ابوالفتح قهرمانی [ویراست2]، تهران، سیته، 1390

عنوان اصلی:

The 22 immutable laws of branding, 2002, how to build product or service into a woeld-class brand, Laura Ries


اگر شما قادر به خلق یک نام تجاری بانفوذ هستید، دراین صورت از جریان بازاریابی بانفوذ و موثری نیز بهره‌مند خواهید شد. اما اگر فاقد این توانایی هستید، تمامی تبلیغات، بسته‌بندی‌های چشمگیر، ارتقای کالا و روابط عمومی دنیا نیز نخواهد توانست در این زمینه به شما کمک کنند و شما را به هدف‌تان برساند.
بازاریابی، به مفهوم معرفی و تثبیت نام تجاری کالاست.
یک تحول زلزله مانند در دنیای تجارت در حال شکل‌کیری است.تحولی که شکل فروش را به خرید مبدل می‌سازد.
قدرتِ نام تجاری، با میزان نفوذ آن در عملِ خرید یک مخاطب، معین می‌شود.
امروزه، بخش اعظم کالاها و خدمات فروخته نمی‌شود، بلکه خریداری می‌شوند و تثبیت نام کالا، نقش عمده‌ای را در تسهیل این جریان ایفا می‌کند؛ یعنی تثبیت «قبل از فروش» کالا و یا خدمات در ذهن مصرف کننده. به یقین، این جریان موثرترین روش فروش کالاست.
تثبیت نام تجاری چیست؟
از نظر دادوُستد، تثبیت نام تجاری یک کالا در بازار، به مثابه داغ کردن چهارپایان مزرعه است.
طراحی این عمل باید با هدف جداسازی گاوهای سایر مزارع و چهارپایان‌تان از سایر چهار پایان باشد، حتی اگر همه این چهارپایان مشابه به نظر می‌رسند.
یک طراحی موفق بر محور مفهوم منحصر به فرد بودن شکل می‌گیرد.
خصوصیت تک بودن، دلیل عمده این نکته است که نمی‌تواند علاقه همه کس را به خود جلب کند.

1) قانون گسترش (توسعه)

قدرت یک نام تجاری، نسبت معکوس با گسترش آن دارد.

2) قانون اختصار ـ قهوه استارباکز

زمانی که دامنه تمرکز خود را محدود می‌سازید، بر قدرت نام تجاری خود می‌افزایید.

3) قانون معروفیت

تولد یک نام تجاری از طریق معروفیت و شهرت آن شکل می‌گیرد، نه از طریق تبلیغات

1) قانون تبلیغات

هر نام تجاری پس از تولد، به تبلیغات نیاز است تا سالم و ماندگار شود

2) قانون واژه

برای تملک ذهن مصرف‌کننده و تثبیت واژه‌ای در آن، یک نام تجاری باید به کوششی وصف‌ناپذیر بپردازد.

3) قانون اعتبار

رکن اصلی موفقیت یک نام تجاری، در ادعای اصالت آن است.

4) قانون کیفیت

کیفیت مهم است، اما نام تجاری، تنها با کیفیت ساخته نمی‌شود. کیفیت چیست؟

5) قانون طبقه‌بندی

یک نام تجاری پیشگام باید طبقه‌بندی کالای خود را ارتقا بخشد، نه نام تجاری ک��لا را.

6) قانون نام

در درازمدت، علامت تجاری چیزی جز یک نام نیست.

7) قانون افزایش خطوط ضمیمه

ساده‌ترین راه نابودی یک نام تجاری، عرضه انواع و اقسام کالاها و خدمات با آن نام تجاری است.

8) قانون تبعیت

برای خلق یک طبقه نو، یک نام تجاری باید از سایر نامه‌های تجاری نیز استقبال کند.

9) قانون اسم عام (ژنریک)

یکی از سریع‌ترین راه‌های عدم موفقیت، استفاده از نام‌های عام برای نام‌های تجاری است.

10) قانون شرکت

نام تجاری، نام تجاری است و شرکت یک شرکت است؛ این دو با یکدیگر تفاوت دارند.

11) قانون زیر زنجیره‌ها

آن‌چه را که یک نام تجاری می‌سازد، زیرزنجیره‌ها می‌توانند به راحتی نابود سازند.

12) قانون هم‌خانوادگی

زمان و مکان مناسبی نیز برای ارایه نام تجاری دوم وجود دارد.

13) قانون شکل

یک آرم تجاری باید به گونه‌ای طراحی شده باشد که هر دو چشم بیننده را به خود جلب کند.

14) قانون رنگ

یک نام تجاری، باید رنگ متضاد رقیب اصلی خود را انتخاب کند.

15) قانون حدوُمرز

هیچ مانعی بر سر راه یک نام تجاری جهانی وجود ندارد، یک نام تجاری نباید با هیچ حدوُمرزی روبه‌رو شود.

16) قانون ثبات

یک نام تجاری یک شبه ساخته نمی‌شود؛ موفقیت در چندین دهه ارزیابی می‌شود، نه در طی سال‌ها.

17) قانون تغییر

نام‌های تجاری قابل تغییرند، اما به ندرت و در کمال دقت.

18) قانون فناناپذیری

هیچ نام تجاری‌ای همیشگی نیست؛ اغلب اوقات قتل از روی ترحم، بهترین راه‌حل است.

19) قانون یکتایی

مهم‌ترین بُعد یک نام تجاری، ثابت قدم بودن آن است.

20) قانون تغییر

نام‌های تجاری قابل تغییرند، اما به ندرت و در کمال دقت.

21) قانون فناناپذیری

هیچ نام تجاری‌ای همیشگی نیست؛ اغلب اوقات قتل از روی ترحم، بهترین راه‌حل است.

22) قانون یکتایی

مهم‌ترین بُعد یک نام تجاری، ثابت قدم بودن آن است.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for fagocitiruyu.
50 reviews4 followers
August 4, 2023
Для тех, у кого нет никакого базового представления о брендинге за исключением своего потребительского опыта, книга могла бы стать отправной точкой. Примеры, в основном, касаются американского рынка и на сегодня слегка устарели, зато представленные там идеи легко можно верифицировать по отношению к тем брендам, которые мы знаем и любим сегодня.
Никаких откровений в ней нет, но есть несколько хороших и неочевидных правил, которые важно внести в чек-лист при создании бренда:
1) Фокус на товаре или услуге
Распыление и увеличение ассортимента товаров под сильным брендом приводит к потере прибыли и ослаблению бренда. Проктер и гэмбэл объединяет под собой десятки различных брендов (типа Тайд, Фэйри, Хэд-энд-Шолдерс отлично живут как самостоятельные линейки)
2) Название бренда должно иметь потенциал стать нарицательными, то есть это скорее удачный неологизм типа Интел, Гугл, Твиттер, Эксель, Ксерокс и так далее.
3) Конкуренция внезапно усиливает позиции бренда, потому что потребителям важно иметь возможность сравнить товары со схожими потребительскими свойствами и сделать свой выбор. Если сравнивать не с чем, то у потребителя нет возможности убедиться, что он сделал правильный выбор или что производитель просит разумную сумму денег.
4) Ниша бренда должна занимать в сознании потребителя конкретное слово, как Вольво - безопасность

В остальном, скорее, очевидное-невероятное, в качестве чек-листа вполне годится.
October 19, 2019
This book is outstanding and mostly everything written stays 100% relevant. However, the internet half of it is in need of a very serious update. For example, It's very bizarre to be reading in 2019, about the huge success Yahoo! is as a company, just to name one incredibly outdated case. In addition, the internet and smartphones since the advent of the iPhone in 2007 have changed life so dramatically that this sole fact renders not a few of the statements in the internet part of the book either inaccurate or plain wrong. Smartphones alone and the way we use them today proved most of "10- Law of divergence" wrong. Also the advent of streaming media services like Netflix has made some of the statements contained in these immutable laws, mutable in one way or another at least.

I would be fascinated to read an update to see how the authours feel today about those bits and pieces that they weren't able to foresee when they wrote this version of it.

That being said the book is exceptional and a must read.
111 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2023
- audiobook sum up
- a company’s brand grows stronger when it narrows its focus
- customers don’t want to know if your product is better than another, they want to know it is the best
- You should promote the category you’re in, don’t just promote your brand; competition usually creates more interest for a category and ends up being beneficial to all of them
- maintain absolute consistency over time; if you want to launch a new product usually is worth it to launch it over a different brand
- choosing a name is one of the most important decisions; it should be short, unique; And concise
- law of mortality: technologies evolve, products come and go; don’t start a battle to preserve dying brands; mitigate losses, create a new brand and compete in the new market
- Chose your colours depending on the industry your are in (e.g. purple in luxury, white in healthcare, green in food, etc)
6 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2018
A lightning quick glimpse at some simple, and profound concepts in the world of Branding. The book is clear and concise throughout, and written in plain English.

The author presents a new concept per chapter, and provides tons of real-world examples of companies carrying out various branding plans. Although written in 1998, the ideas are timeless, and can still be seen at play in modern businesses. The author is astute in his analysis of the branding strategies that he touches upon, and extremely trenchant in underlining the significance of those strategies. As a side note, it's interesting to see how some of the companies mentioned in this book have pivoted in the decades since.

In any event, this is definitely a solid read for those interested in the subject of Branding. Tons of knowledge in one, tiny book.
16 reviews
December 8, 2020
The book is divided into 2 parts: Branding and Internet Branding.

The 22 Laws related to branding are pretty informative. Now all of them might not hold in all the situations but they are good for a basic understanding.

I would rate 1/5 for the Internet branding part. They cite examples from the 2000s that are totally obsolete now. The predictions made in the book have been implemented far and beyond and in a much broader sense.
It's ironic how the book ends with the statement that times will change how we manage our business and brand, but there has been no further changes made to the book.

So if you wish to read this book, I would recommend reading the 22 laws of branding only.
Profile Image for Groot.
226 reviews13 followers
July 9, 2022
Loss of a star because it's clearly dated, but not as much as you'd expect for being over 20 years old. Their insights (father-daughter team) are excellent. I took a lot of notes.

They were too pessimistic, too often, but better than being cheerleaders for any passing fad. AOL, Yahoo, etc., were still unbeatable. They didn't think it wise for Amazon to expand beyond selling books. They thought that over-focus on convergence was misplaced -- then the smartphone revolution occurred.

Prediction is hard, though, and they specialize in marketing and branding insights, and there are plenty of them.
Profile Image for Omar M. Khateeb.
121 reviews17 followers
December 31, 2016
Al Ries is the father of brand positioning, so when he and his daughter came out with this book I had to get. I

It builds on some of the foundation found in the immutable laws of marketing, but it adds a new dynamic with pictures and cases studies.

I have used this book (and the case studies) to deploy strategies and also educate clients about why we take certain routes for their marketing. One example is that the birth of a brand happens through publicity/PR, and the rise of it and protection of position is accomplished through marketing.

Definitely a classic to have.
15 reviews
August 18, 2017
A good book, a bit old, it has some dated examples, but it's still good, very objective and to the point, I realize how many things influence a brands feel, being a designer of course I didn't like the part where it talks about logotypes being more effective if they are words and not images, it uses mobil as an example but being honest mobil is one of those logos that look really old but it's just there so you accept it, it's not because "it transcended the test of time". Still good book. Recommend it.
Profile Image for Dani Ta.
28 reviews
March 4, 2019
I read an older version but the laws aren't old. We can still apply in current situations. The laws were explained carefully and thoughtfully with lots of practical examples from big brands. The book showed both the negative and positive sides of strategies of some popular brands. It was not very hard to understand and imagine what was happening in the past and led to the present.

A useful book for me and the others who would love to learn and get basic knowledge about building brands.
Profile Image for Mauricio Chirino.
96 reviews7 followers
April 13, 2022
This is one of those books you can pick up in an afternoon from cover to cover and get a bunch of notes (soundbites) out it by the time you're done. It might be just me but I wouldn't quote much of its content as solid arguments but instead as general guidelines.

While the 22 original laws have survived the test of times, the 11 internet laws don't hold water that well. It's really a 2.5/5 stars but I'll round up since most of the examples from the first part were spot on.
74 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2017
Useful read. Offers a nuanced perspective as opposed to generic information.

1. The Law of Expansion - the power of a brand is inversely proportional to its scope

2. The Law of Contraction - a brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus. Limit line extensions

3. The Law of Publicity - the birth of a brand (startup phase) is achieved with publicity, NOT advertising

4. The Law of Advertising - once born, a brand needs advertising to stay healthy. Don't say you have a "better" product because consumers think "that's what they all say." Say that yours is the "leader" in the category

5. The Law of the Word - a brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer. Component of mindshare branding. Douglas Holt argues this form of branding is inferior to cultural branding.

6. The Law of Credentials - the crucial ingredient in the success of any brand is its claim to authenticity. Consumers of dubious of people claiming to be experts. Leadership is the most direct way to establish credentials, and best way to gain leadership as a new brand is to create a new category.

7. The Law of Quality - quality is important, but brands are not built by quality alone. They are built by the PERCEPTION of quality

8. The Law of the Category - a leading brand should promote the category, not the brand. Consumers don't think they need a particular brand, they think a certain type of product and service (the category) then make purchase accordingly. Don't expect to sustain more than 50% market share of a category

9. The Law of the Name - in the long run a brand is nothing more than a name. In the short term a brand needs a unique idea or concept to survive. This is weakness of conglomerate brands like Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Hyundai. They are stretched so thin and involved in so many industries using the same name that they are making everything except money.

10. The Law of Extensions - the easiest way to destroy a brand is to put its name on everything. Many times doing this will weaken your core product (example - Campbell's Healthy Request soup. So is Campbell's regular soup not healthy?)

11. The Law of Fellowship - in order to build the category, a brand should welcome other brands. Usually the best is for 2 major competitors to exist in each category, and the competition will drive publicity of the whole category. As an aside - best location for Burger King franchise is nearby a McDonald's restaurant because it attracts people with interest in fast food to the same location.

12. The Law of the Generic - one of the fastest routes to failure is giving a brand a generic name. Some companies (General Electric, General Motors) are still successful but this is in spite of their name. They were the first in their respective marketplace. At that time the market was full of commodities so big, generic names were used to differentiate against smaller competitors. Today in the long tail economy, things are very different.

13. The Law of the Company - Brands are brands, companies are companies. The brand itself should be focus of consumer's attention (like Tide by P&G). If company name must be used, make sure it is presented in a secondary position.

14. The Law of Sub-brands - what branding builds, sub-branding can destroy. Create a new name and brand instead of stretching your existing brand into a different market where it will be at a disadvantage and drag down perception of the original product.

15. The Law of Siblings - sometimes a second brand (in same category) can strengthen a company's market share. Make sure each sibling brand has unique name and identity, and caters to different target market within the same category. Best would be to choose a single attribute to segment (often this is price)

16. The Law of Shape - a brand's logo should be designed to fit the eyes. This means optimally it should be horizontal shape 1 unit tall and 2.25 units wide. Use legible font and make sure to show the brand name (as opposed to just a symbol or design)

17. The Law of Color - a brand should use a color that is the opposite of its major competitors

18. The Law of Borders - there are no barriers to global branding. Make sure the brand name works when read in English.

19. The Law of Consistency - a brand is not built overnight. Success is measured in decades, not years. Do not deviate from core identity because you're bored, or because you have the resources to, or even because the market is moving in a different direction. To follow the market, create a new brand if need be.

20. The Law of Change - brands should only be changed if it's weak or nonexistent in the mind, if you want to move your brand lower on value chain (this is still tricky but definitely better than trying to move up the value chain i.e. create a luxury extension of a bargain brand), and your brand is in a slow-moving field and change is going to be gradual.

21. The Law of Mortality - no brand will live forever. Just like life. If the market is moving in a new direction, often times you need a new brand to be a winner.

22. The Law of Singularity - the most important aspect of a brand is its single-mindedness.

*Caveat - keep in mind the authors were marketing consultants who mainly worked for large Fortune 500 clients. Their advice may not perfectly apply to start up, small brands. Also, this book was written back in 1998
Profile Image for Christian Jespersen.
Author 2 books9 followers
January 4, 2018
I listened to this book the day after I listenend to the 22 immutable laws of marketing for the second time. There are naturally a lot of overlapping between those those books. However, I do find the simplicity and the examples of the the books excellent. Together they are cementing are great understanding of marketing.

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