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Barefoot in the Forest of You : A Guide to Reclaiming Your Muchness, Permanently Upgrading Yourself, and Finally Mastering Personal Development

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Barefoot in the Forest of You is a guide to reclaiming your authentic sense of self. It is rooted in time-honored methods of self-inquiry, mindfulness, and self-mastery, presented in an unexpected form. This book is unique because it harnesses the power of imagination to energize your personal transformation.

Through 24 innovative techniques and insights, you will be inspired to master your self-speak, revolutionize your inner world, and reframe how you engage with life. Instead of presenting an elusive end goal to achieve, this book is designed to unlock the dynamic wisdom and energy that is already present within you. Rediscover your essence.

If you struggle with self-sabotage, inner division, and negativity, this book can help you heal and integrate and ultimately embody and live the life you know you want.

168 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 23, 2022

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About the author

Nic Obi

1 book
Nic Obi doesn't believe in formulaic rules for biographies. He prefers spontaneity. Custom dictates that an author's bio should look and sound a certain way, but if it were up to him, there would only be one line: "Growing up barefoot in the forest made my imagination come alive."

Obi grew up in nature. Immersed in the waters of the Indian Ocean, he loves nothing more than the flow of nature's rhythm. These days he is an award-winning Creative Director living in Abu Dhabi. It's a long way and many years from that natural home, but these influences have helped unlock his dynamic wisdom and energy. An intrepid searcher, he uses travel, research, mindful living, and his own flavor of meditation to motivate his mind. He wants to see things differently from the herd and chase the light within.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Gracella.
230 reviews183 followers
January 19, 2023
"Outwardly we are maturing. Outwardly, we are confident, taking charge, and make a living, but inwardly we still feel like helpless, confused children in some ways."


Who here feels lost at times in this crowded busy adult life? I mean, we believed we were invincible back when we were kids. We believed we could fly. And now that we are an ‘adult’, where did that belief and bravery gone?

Well, this book helps us to find our true self. The author made a great point about children that were born pure, original, and hold timeless energy when they were still innocent. Then they grew up and ‘have to’ fit into a ‘damaged’ society full with ghastly opinions and hate. We all do snd still have that children side somewhere within ourself. In fact, that children is our true self. This book is a good reminder of the abundant energy and joy that we felt when we were little kids.

There were many practical theories, insights, and cutting-edge techniques to guide the readers in rediscovering themselves. It dealt with current problems that people often encounter in their lives, such as procrastination, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, among others things that affect every human-being. Very relatable, right? I learned so much about myself in a short time.

Written in such detailed and innovative yet straightforward way, it was easy to understand and follow most of the techniques written in this book. Not to mention it also filled with beautiful wisdom to contemplate on and apply to.

Such a food for thought!
Profile Image for Tia Ayu Sulistyana (tiareadsbooks).
244 reviews64 followers
March 8, 2024

Barefoot in the Forest of You by Nic Obi, buku panduan untuk menemukan kembali jati diri kita yang sebenar-benarnya. Setiap anak terlahir murni, polos, dan memiliki energi positif. Seiring berjalannya waktu, 'anak kecil' dalam diri kita terpaksa tumbuh dengan ekspektasi masyarakat yang penuh negativity. Hingga kita tak menyadari, jati diri dan kebahagiaan 'anak kecil' itu terpendam jauh di dalam diri.🥹

Dengan tebalnya 166 halaman, buku ini sangat padat dan praktikal. Tiap topik bahasan dilengkapi dengan teknik dan latihan yang mudah untuk diterapkan. Topik yang dibahas begitu dekat dan relatable karena membahas tentang identifikasi diri, procrastination, self-sabotage, self-blame, low self-esteem, negativity, dll.

Pendekatan yang digunakan penulis pun begitu menyenangkan karena ditulis dengan detail, inovatif, straight to the points, dan ngalir banget! Meski menggunakan bahasa Inggris, buku ini tergolong mudah dipahami kok! Jadi cocok deh buat temen-temen yang belum terbiasa baca English book~😉

Jujur, baca Barefoot in the Forest of You bikin aku merenungi dan belajar banyak. Tak hanya itu, buku ini juga membuatku memikirkan kembali tentang kehidupan, mengenali berbagai hal tentang diriku sendiri, dan alasan mengapa aku melakukan hal-hal tertentu.🥹

All in all, it's such an inspiring and insightful book! I highly recommend everyone to read this!🤩🙌🏼 Terutama untuk temen-temen yang ingin mendapatkan kembali kebenaran dan jati diri kita yang sebenar-benarnya, meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, mengatasi rasa takut, dan menguasai self-development.🥰

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Profile Image for Wardah.
861 reviews165 followers
May 29, 2023
3,5/5 stars

Pernah gak sih sengaja menghindari tugas penting? Atau merasa diri gak layak mendapatkan sesuatu? Atau takut buat mengambil keputusan?

Semua hal ini bisa disebut 'self-sabotage' alias sabotase diri. Yep, sadar gak sadar, kita bisa jadi melakukan hal yang menghalangi diri kita buat mencapai tujuan atau mendapat kebahagiaan.

Dalam buku "Barefoot in the Forest of You" ini, Nic Obi menceritakan sedikit perjalanannya untuk mengatasi self-sabotage. Selain itu, dia juga menuliskan teknik dan latihan yang bisa langsung dilakukan pembaca. Thumbs up banget karena buku ini jadi ✨super practical!✨

Menurut penulis, semua hal positif yang bisa mengatasi self-sabotage kita itu emang udah ada di diri kita. Khususnya di diri kita masa kecil yang penuh imajinasi. Jadi, buku ini cocok banget jadi panduan buat menemukan kembali dirimu yang itu.

Buku ini memadukan berbagai teknik berdasarkan pengalaman penulis yang bisa membantumu buat membangun kepercayaan diri, mengatasi rasa takut, dan menemukan dirimu di masa kecil yang penuh kepercayaan diri! Yeah, the imaginative child within you seperti dalam halaman dedikasinya.

Swipe buat lihat halaman-halaman yang aku suka dan sedikit mengintip isi buku ini!

Overall, buku ini bagus sebagai panduan self-discovery. Bahasa Inggrisnya juga tergolong mudah dipahami jadi cocok buat pembaca pemula, ya.

Untuk temen-temen yang mau baca buku ini juga, bukunya tersedia di sini:
1,371 reviews17 followers
March 1, 2023
When you were a child, life was all about fun and play (and exploring). Where did that joy go? What happened? Adulthood happened. Life happened. This book presents some ways to recapture that child's joy as an adult.

Imagine all negativity leaving your body, while you are sitting on the toilet. To combat procrastination, imagine that an invisible film crew is with you all the time, turning your life into a movie. Perhaps it is a romantic comedy, or an action film. The human body consists of trillions of micro-organisms; billions are born and die every day. Imagine that those "new" micro-organisms are smiley-face emojis, filled with joy at getting the chance to serve you. Maybe, one day, all that joy will pour out of you, like an aura, and you will spread it to others. You are looking at yourself in a mirror, and a 90-year-old you looks back at you. Future You regrets that they never did "it," whatever it is. Snapping back to the present, you suddenly have the chance to change the future, and remove that bit of regret from Future You.

This is a very eye-opening book. Some of the suggestions may seem a little weird, but give them a chance. They may be just what you need. More than one reading might be necessary to "get" this book, but it is time very well spent.
Profile Image for D.G. Farnsworth.
Author 17 books6 followers
February 27, 2023
Do you feel like you’ve lost your true sense of self? Author Nic Obi provides the methods to recover who you really are by using your imagination for a dramatic and thorough change in your life. The book directs the reader on how to capture your essence, the core value many people experienced in childhood but got lost in adulthood. He tells us that youthful feeling isn’t lost: it remains. The book’s foremost lesson is that going barefoot in the forest inspires the imagination to come alive. This is an author who grew up by the Indian Ocean surrounded by nature, who transfers the lessons of the rhythm of nature’s flow to unlatch spirited wisdom and energy for you to harness to reclaim who you are.

I enjoyed most the way he effectively uses research, travel, a unique style of meditation, and living with awareness in the current moment to motivate the reader. To master personal development, Nic Obi asks you to forget about much of what you’ve been taught: the way you’ve been instructed to view the world – to be an individual, instead – and seek the divine presence within you, perhaps forgotten since childhood, to enlighten and guide your soul.
Profile Image for Alyssa Cissell.
12 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2023
This read was defying the odds of the third eye. It had you thinking at the speed of light with all the information I was given. The techniques target our habits of self speaking. They can help de-condition your perception. The ego is sly. When it senses a threat to its existence , it reacts in all kinds of subtle ways. It will convince you, you are unworthy, you can’t let it. Breathing is the number one method to enjoy a stress free life. Be in tune with your breathing. Obi enlightens us with these grateful methods to ensure we are all taking care of ourselves. His wording gets you hooked on learning more and more about our bodies and minds and how well connected they both are to each other. Your body's intelligence knows how to balance things better than any book or rhetorical exercise. We can’t let ourselves get disconnected, because we are special creatures of habit and we need to be able to break away those patterns. I would highly suggest reading this book, I will definitely begin reading this again. His words speak so much volume, listen and repeat living a truly blessed life.
Profile Image for Mariana.
301 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2023
It's a really good book that would help you to deep down on your feelings and thoughts; it will make you come closer to get the wonders of living and be aware of how we should always keep loving and being amazed by life as we did when we were kids so we could find ourselves truthy. It's a book that would make you understand that everything you’re feeling and living is okay and really valuable, that all this is keeping you closer to accomplishing what your soul wants and needs.

The author gives some techniques and tips for us to get to know us better and to accept us the way we are, with all our flaws, living the life we lived when we were younger, all our core feelings that made us the person that we are now. These tips would help us in the process of inner growth and it would make us reflect on every aspect.

It's not a guide of what you should do or how you should live, it would just help you to find the ways that work in your case to get who you are and get through all the different moments in life, even more in the hard ones. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for CarlitasFox.
981 reviews18 followers
January 2, 2023
Food for thought!
“Barefoot in the Forest of You” is a helpful guide published by Nic Obi. I found it really interesting and open-minded, I learned different techniques that I'm applying in my life.
Along these pages, the author puts forward a variety of ideas, techniques and insights that will let readers discover their potential in life. In order to achieve this, people must be ready to face their fears, negativity and their inner self.
This is definitely a food for thought book since the one who reads it will transform his or her life from scratch. In every chapter, there are well-explained methods and points that facilitate the understanding of the core of the book. It deals with current problems that people encounter in their lives, such as procrastination, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, among others things that affect every human-being. In fact, it happened to me, that's why I decided to read it. So, all in all, I believe that it's a simple guide highly recommended.
March 3, 2023
Mental Reset and Development

I would characterize Barefoot in the Forest of You as a self development book. Nic Obi gives the reader 24 methods of changing the way they think about a situation and about themselves. He gives an introduction to each segment then dives into how to use the technique and what situations the technique works best.
Obi wrote, “The more we use and strengthen a particular mental pathway, the more difficult it becomes to create a new pathway.” This is great insight. If you always look at issues the same way, your mind will always come to the same conclusion. The techniques discussed in this book will help you make new pathways and rediscover the happier, less stressed you.
For the most part, the book is well written. Some parts felt wordy. I understand the book is about ways to change thought process, but some parts were very philosophical and seemed to veer off track.
Profile Image for Taylor Kirk.
181 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2023
This book takes the reader on a journey of self discovery through a series of techniques intended to help the reader overcome self-sabotage and rediscover their true nature and become a better version of themselves. The author explores different philosophies and how they all point to a deep longing inside of all of us to find and reconnect without inner child and true nature. The techniques focus on the habits of self-speak and how they can be used to recondition our perception of ourselves and reality. These techniques include identifying your false self, honoring and paying attention to your body, the power of breath, physical reality vs consciousness, simulation theory and quantum physics, getting in touch with nature, and how life can teach us valuable lessons. This is an excellent book for personal development and self exploration and challenges the reader’s preconceived notions on how they can improve themselves.
Profile Image for Celeste.
935 reviews19 followers
January 3, 2023
Barefoot in the Forest of You is an inspirational and life-changing book written by Nic Obi. I really enjoyed this reading. It is clever, concise and very well explained. It doesn’t beat around the bush as many self-help books do and it transmits in a simple and straightforward way the principles we need to take into account when embarking on our journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
The author explains different methods and theories to achieve our objectives regarding our health and wellbeing, and provides cutting-edge techniques to guide readers towards rediscovering themselves. This book is a wonderful guide full of personal experiences and detailed explanations to achieve this goal. The way in which it is written makes it very easy to understand and follow. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Celine.
346 reviews3 followers
March 31, 2023
When I first started this book, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or if I’d be interested in it. But after reading the first chapter, I did get interested in it. I especially enjoyed reading about the authors life, I also enjoy it, it makes me understand the authors better. I loved the writing and how this book is a way for you to heal and think differently about yourself. I enjoyed how the author would add quotes in sections of the book. I did find it fun how she wrote about a section and then later she would write about the technique to do it. I loved how detailed she was about this, most authors sometimes aren’t as detailed. I always enjoy when there is detailed involved, it makes me understand it better. All in all, I did love this book and enjoyed this book as well as the authors writing style. How there weren’t any typos and everything was clear so you understood.
Profile Image for Sachi Ito.
364 reviews7 followers
December 30, 2022
Great reminders!

This book is all about reminding us of who we truly are. It’s a reminder of the abundant energy and joy that we felt when we were little kids. We get less of a lesson in self-help and more of a lesson of coming home to ourselves. Starting with the technique of identifying our false selves, I learned so much about myself in a short time. This primary ego persona is difficult to overcome, though. It has had years and years of basically controlling who we think we are. The next technique helps with honoring our bodies. I think many of us put our physical health on the back burner, so this one is also very helpful. I’m looking forward to working with all of the techniques for years to come.
871 reviews25 followers
December 30, 2022
Barefoot in the Forest of You by author Nic Obi is a book that, based on different methodologies and areas, develops the true sense of oneself. I think that its contribution is very valuable since it is comprehensive, nourished by various disciplines and focused on improving personal development and life as a whole. The final goal is to upgrade oneself.
This is also a practical guide that provides information on how to use and apply the different techniques and methods. The writing is kind and clear, so the application becomes easy, simple and usable in any context.
As a consequence of both points above, I think this reading can be useful and help to different kind of readers. I will surely recommend it in the future.
Profile Image for Sol Tyty.
929 reviews19 followers
January 2, 2023
I was looking for a book like this one, and I found the perfect one for me. When feeling stressed out, the idea of learning how to re-engage with life seduced me and
Barefoot in the Forest of You is a narrative that teaches us that through 24 innovative techniques and insights.
The author uses simple language to pass on his message to us and he suggests that imagination is everything. The techniques he proposes are easy to follow and they are explained with the view of the reader in mind. The author does not take anything for granted at any time.
The main idea of this book is mastering mindfulness, something I thought was difficult but thanks to this book, I could learn how to explore it.
Profile Image for Ashley Mitchell.
441 reviews9 followers
January 2, 2023
Barefoot in the Forest of You: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Muchness, Permanently Upgrading Yourself, and Finally Mastering Personal Development by Nic Obi is a mindfulness guide for people who need to overcome self-sabotage and make life improvements. Through 24 methods, Obi teaches us how we can reconnect to the idea of being part of nature, and use the visualizations of nature to improve your mental and physical well-being. I found imagining energy moving around me while working out made the elliptical a more positive experience. Also, practicing associating numbers and letters around you with your own code is an ingenious way to give yourself picker uppers throughout the day and can have a more positive impact than you think.
Profile Image for Evelyn.
886 reviews15 followers
January 3, 2023
I loved this book so much and I enjoyed every single page of it. It’s a complete masterpiece that helped me to discover my inner truth, something that is often not so easy.
The techniques included by this experienced author are pretty easy to follow and absolutely innovative.
Each paragraph is filled with beautiful wisdom to contemplate on and apply to any life challenge whether big or small.
I think that any reader will appreciate the actual practices that Nic Obi teaches which I can take and use on a daily basis! I have incorporated so many things from his amazing title and observed significant shifts; I can’t recommend this book highly enough.
“Barefoot in the Forest of you” is a deep and excellent resource to dive into; it was a real guide in my life.
Profile Image for Liz.
983 reviews19 followers
January 3, 2023
"Barefoot in the Forest of You" is an inspirational book written by Nic Obi, in which the author explores self-discovery. For each topic, the author proposes a different technique to follow. Transforming ourselves is undoubtedly the target of this book.

I found this reading very interesting because, from the beginning, the author exposes what he intends with this book and with the techniques he proposes. Transforming the energies, taking advantage of the imagination and revolutionizing our interior are undoubtedly 3 of the things that I achieved during the reading.

Being able to self-rediscover and self-enquire are aspects that need to be worked on in order to achieve them, but author Nic Obi does an excellent job guiding the reader on this path. I certainly recommend it!
Profile Image for Lely Reads.
104 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2023
Nic Obi provides readers with a beautiful template for connecting or reconnecting with themselves. Whether you have never taken the time to truly explore your inner workings or if you are in a place where you have lost touch with the most important pieces of yourself, Barefoot in the Forest of You is a wonderful place to jump in. Each chapter touches on a different key used to unlock another layer of yourself and includes a useful technique to using that key as well as thorough, relatable examples of how the author or others have explored these layers. Short chapters with applicable information make this a great read for those who can power through in a single sitting as well as busy individuals who only have a few minutes to sit down and read.
5 reviews
March 28, 2023
Nic Obi creates a guide to finding your inner child in "Barefoot in the Forest of You." Grounded in the author's own struggles with self-sabotage and ego, readers will find a set of techniques that walk them step-by-step through the process of regaining the core feeling of their childhood. Although each technique is different, they all share the common focus of imagination and mindfulness as tools to "de-condition your perception" of who you are as an adult. The focus here is on self-mastery, not improvement. Obi uses evocative prose to create scenes of nostalgia and create a friendly relationship with their readers rather than the role of a mentor. While the book has done fairly well, do be advised that the techniques offered may only be applicable in certain personal journeys.
336 reviews5 followers
December 31, 2022
Growing up, being mature is not as easy thing to do.

This was such a wonderfully deep and thought provoking book to read. The authors intentions are for the reader to recall that certain homey, comfortable, freeing feeling we were just preoccupied with as kids. We need to find that again, as we seem to lose it when we ‘grow up’ and become responsible members of society. He reminds us that it doesn’t have to be that way, and offers techniques such as visualization and certain actions that lead us back into that feeling and perspective that we once had. I recommend this book for that old and euphoric feeling, it was such a great read.
Profile Image for Aneley Sánchez.
713 reviews20 followers
January 3, 2023
Highly recommended.

Barefoot in the Forest of You is a self-help book written by Nic Obi that uses concepts of self-inquiry, mindfulness, and self-mastery to manage reclaiming your authentic sense of self.
As the author says, it is aimed at people who struggle with self-sabotage, inner division, and negativity. I think it is a great way to regain happiness, find new perspectives on life, and gain tools to face problems.
I liked it because the writer sincerely shares his own experiences and communicates his ideas in a simple and easy way. It was really helpful for me. Although it is aimed at young adults, I highly recommend it for everyone, regardless of age.
Profile Image for Brenda.
913 reviews15 followers
January 4, 2023
This is a perfect book to a fresh start or to simply start working on yourselves. It is a book that is going to enlighten the reader in different aspects: the good, the bad, and the ugly is also in there. The book is divided in different themes and at the end of each, it explains a way to apply and work on that particular thing.

I think the book is very captivating and it gives the reader the will to work on themselves in a more interesting way, page by page.

I was really fascinante by the title, "Barefoot in the Forest of You" is a great analogy of what the book is. Great read, I really recommend this one.
March 5, 2023
Have you ever felt like you are just going through the motions of life? Have you tried mindfulness techniques to feel more present without success? Then this might be the book for you. Barefoot in the forest of you is Nic Obi’s personal methods for feeling more present and intentional in your everyday life. Through 24 different techniques that readers are encouraged to personalize, Obi walks you through steps to looking at the world in a more positive way. The hope is that by applying these techniques in a regular basis, readers will be able to achieve a higher level on mindfulness and live their lives more intentionally, resulting in an overall more positive life.
Profile Image for Grace Bazile.
135 reviews4 followers
March 28, 2023
Remembering your inner child

Through a series of easy-to-read, heartfelt poems and essays, Barefoot in the Forrest of You takes readers on a journey through the complexities of love, loss, and self-discovery. Nic Obi gives you 24 strategies that help you regain the confidence you had as a child and reminds you it's easy to lose sight of what really brings joy to life. The book tackles everything from self-doubt to sabotage to anxiety. With insight, readers can manage these emotions in ways that don't compromise their well-being. If you struggle with self-destruction and negativity, this book can help you heal, integrate, and ultimately embody and live the life you desire.
Profile Image for Adriana.
125 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2022
This is a very good reading which opened my mind and made me think a lot. Barefoot in the Forest of You : A Guide to Reclaiming Your Muchness, Permanently Upgrading Yourself, and Finally Mastering Personal Development, written by Nic Obi, is a book with a lot of knowledge and interesting ideas. The book is not difficult to follow and the author hasn't used complicated vocabulary. He created a useful and well written book that immerses the reader and once I noticed it, I was about to finish reading the book. Totally recommended one!
132 reviews3 followers
January 1, 2023
Ready to Roll!

If there's anything in this world that I'll never be short of, it's definitely imagination and the ability to put 'mind over matter's  which makes this the best self help / self discovery book for me, almost as if it was tailor made, just waiting to be found. I already know what I want, I was simply struggling with the how to get there. So I'm ready to crack this book open and absorb all of these techniques. I'm ready to go find the me that's on the other side of the wall.
Profile Image for Saya Jacaranda.
526 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2022
The guide towards your inner self

This is a guide that helps the reader to find themselves. It changed something in the way I think - for the better. I am more open and this book has a lot to do with it. The book is not very long and totally useful.
I totally recommend reading "Barefoot in the Forest of You" because this guide is well written, with a language and style that make the pages go by in no time.
Profile Image for Mar.
340 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2023
Barefoot in the Forest of You : A Guide to Reclaiming Your Muchness, Permanently Upgrading Yourself, and Finally Mastering Personal Development written by Nic Obi is a book that can be read quite fast because of its length and because the narrative is inviting and has easy to follow vocabulary.
The author did a great job with this book and provided me with very good information that will be really helpful for my life. I recommend reading it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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