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Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life Those You Love

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Transform your life or the life of someone you love with Life Force—the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease, and extend your health span—from Tony Robbins, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Money: Master the Game.

What if there were scientific solutions that could wipe out your deepest fears of falling ill, receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, or feeling the effects of aging? What if you had access to the same cutting-edge tools and technology used by peak performers and the world’s greatest athletes?

In a world full of fear and uncertainty about our health, it can be difficult to know where to turn for actionable advice you can trust. Today, leading scientists and doctors in the field of regenerative medicine are developing diagnostic tools and safe and effective therapies that can free you from fear.

In this book, Tony Robbins, the world’s #1 life and business strategist who has coached more than fifty million people, brings you more than 100 of the world’s top medical minds and the latest research, inspiring comeback stories, and amazing advancements in precision medicine that you can apply today to help extend the length and quality of your life.

This book is the result of Robbins going on his own life-changing journey. After being told that his health challenges were irreversible, he experienced firsthand how new regenerative technology not only helped him heal but made him stronger than ever before.

Life Force will show you how you can wake up every day with increased energy, a more bulletproof immune system, and the know-how to help turn back your biological clock. This is a book for everyone, from peak performance athletes, to the average person who wants to increase their energy and strength, to those looking for healing. Life Force provides answers that can transform and even save your life, or that of someone you love.

720 pages, ebook

First published February 8, 2022

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Tony Robbins

100 books940 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews
Profile Image for Stefan Bruun.
279 reviews59 followers
April 4, 2022
I'm a big fan of Tony's and have read all of his previous books. The book's topics are highly relevant and something every person should educate themselves on. That said, the book does come across as highly biased.

I've given the book just three stars as I simply don't find it trustworthy when the vast majority of the supposedly largest breakthrough technologies in healthcare all happen to be companies that the authors have invested in.

The majority of the remaining technologies that the authors did not invest in are such big and well-known breakthroughs that a book of this type ignored them without losing credibility (CRISPR etc).

This means that either 1) the selection of technologies is not completely merit-based, or 2) that Tony is an even better investor than he is a coach. The more likely scenario is that his selection of technologies reflect his portfolio, which is a shame because the idea of a book to share the largest healthcare breakthroughs in layman terms is very admirable.

The biases aside, the book does cover many important topics, and it brings home the most important point: you're the CEO of your own health! Don't neglect the education in this essential field.
Profile Image for John Dennehy.
23 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2022
What I liked:
Good intro to wide range of tech/science esp in relation to genetics and ageing
Inspiration in last two chapters that you’d expect

What I didn’t like:
Large tracts of bold text on almost every page
Sometimes felt like reading a list of Wikipedia entries stitched together
Way too much promotion of self serving business interests
36 reviews
March 24, 2022
When a motivational speaker writes a book about medicine without having a clue, the result is embarrassing. For example:

"In aggressive brain tumors, for example, surgeries are often out of the question. Why? Because, as scientists explain, conventional chemotherapies are pretty much useless since they’re blocked by the blood-brain barrier, a border wall of specialized cells designed to contain infections."

"Have you heard of peptides, those bioactive molecules that build lean muscle mass and revitalize sexual desire and function in both men and women ? Surprisingly, they’re modeled after mini-proteins found in common foods—and their safety profile is outstanding."

Lasers "work by delivering energy to the body through light photons, which encourages self-repair... laser therapy has the unique ability to ignite and regenerate the body, just as plants absorb the UV rays of the sun and convert photon energy into chemical energy."

"There are many different varieties of cancer immunotherapy. But they’re all built on the same earth-shaking idea: The immune system can eliminate cancer . It’s hard to overstate how jaw-dropping this is."

"The proteins your genome codes for at birth are the very same they code for when you are 80 years old!"

"He told Dr. Gusella that he was going after the Alzheimer’s disease gene, beta-amyloid."

Grammar error abound too, e.g. "... claims that HBOT may have regenerative anti-aging effects and effects on longevity is understandable."
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,485 reviews82 followers
March 22, 2022
Ok folks! This one is a game changer in personal health management. I highlighted notes in each chapter with new technologies and new treatments for everything from Coronary Heart Disease to Type Two Diabetes and Osteoarthritis. Robbins takes us through a pile of data giving us ideas on achieving better health today.
I went in as a skeptic and came out a hopeful believer with a game plan to heal and improve my strength, my back flexibility, the method I use to work out, my nutrition and limit my risks for disease. Whew!
Highly Recommended!
2 reviews
March 11, 2022
I had been looking forward to this book but was disappointed. I really enjoyed Tony Robbins’s Money book, but this one is inflated with emerging biotech and half-truths, non-proven methods, and some confusing anecdotes of situations I find hard to believe as ever happening. I would consult your doctor before this book 100% of the time.
Profile Image for Dean Harrington.
237 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2022
I'm a big fan of Tony Robbins and have been since the late 80's. This work however, is a major disappointment. Let me explain why:

1. If you stay well informed on functional medicine with podcasts like MHS, Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman etc then you know lots of the stuff in this book.

2. The overwhelming majority of advise in these chapters point at solutions products and services that the author owns or invests in. He admits it but that doesn't dismiss it IMO. The book is an infomercial.

3. The cost of the treatments and protocols offered in this book must exceed affordability for nearly every person reading the book. If summed up, I'm guessing we're talking well over six figures to approach these 'cures'.

4. Robbins himself ironically seems to have had many of these terrible afflictions in his own life (or the life of his wife or close friends). By the sounds of it, he's heard more dire news from doctors than any man alive. Not sure I can believe it.

5. Trust in FDA approval, VACCINES, traditional doctors and mRNA shots poison the legitimacy of some suggested solutions. We've seen enough failure of these sources since 2020 that the authors reliance on them as credentialed particpants gives me huge pause.

Much as I have gained from Tony Robbins in the past this is a book I wish I got my time back for, just not worth it.
Profile Image for Kathy.
52 reviews
February 23, 2022
Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, MD, and Robert Harris, PH.D did a phenomenal job at putting together a comprehensive medical book outlining new approved, or nearly approved treatments using sometimes simple and sometimes complicated cutting edge technology to treat all sorts of ailments. This is a book of 700 pages and is more easily used as a reference guide. There is a comprehensive index in the back of the book allowing us to easily find almost any disease, it seems, as well as new treatments.

This is a great book to have at home, and hopefully there will come a time we can cure anything using some of these technologies.
Profile Image for Adam.
521 reviews10 followers
March 3, 2022
This book is on the cutting edge.

What my 👂 heard ⤵️

a healthy person has a thousand wishes but a sick person only one
he failed charm school
the same chorus of negativity
proximity Is power something rubs off when you're around people this brilliant
cellularity stock stem cells
stem cell spray gun feels like a skin graft for a burn
im walking a knifes edge
fountin os app
cancer is declining
aging is a loss of information
vitamin D vitamin K2
the early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese
peptoids are good for building muscle and rejuvenation check them out
when you restore hope after it's been gone for so long you can open doors for people to do anything
I was struck by a blinding force of the obvious
you must fund today with today's money you must not use tomorrow's money
wealth status segregates
Sarah mainline's sugar
if your bank statement would show the real value it would be phenomenal
eat foods not too much...mostly plants
whoop strap device tracks data and helps you excercise
when you talk about something it's a dream when you envision it it's possible when you schedule it it's real
to lose confidence in one's body is to lose confidence in one's self
I'm always looking for asymmetrical bets where the upside is huge and the downside is small
sounds like hyperbole
it's like putting out a fire that's already destroyed the whole Forest
this book is like mental floss
true aliveness
record sum
an undirected mind tends to turn to fear
the quality of your life is the quality of your habitual emotions where you live emotionally each day determines what your life is really like. your emotional pattern follows you like a shadow
we where fighting saying the kinds of things you can never take back
focus on the best case scenario youll feel confident
what's wrong is always available but so
is whats right
is this person insulting me coaching me or loving
in the end our life is controlled by what we focus on and the meaning we give it
its not the experience thay changes your life its your perception of it
you could hear the cry in his voice
shift the meaning to bring people together
do you tend to focus more on what you have or what is missing from your life?
our quote problems result from anything different than what we expect
it's your perception of the fact that's creating your suffering
stress is the achievers word for fear
we miss so much of Life by reacting to what happens in front of us
someday often leads to a town called nowhere
expectations destroy happiness
trade your expectations for appreciation
i could hear the truth in my voice
never miss a party if you can help it
refuse to let the pain define your story
let your learning lead to knowledge
the knowledge isn't power it's potential power
Profile Image for bitter.
137 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2022
This book has information about a lot of very interesting medical advancements, and is the go-to resource for curated modern (expensive) bio-hacking information, for sure.
I've read many Tony Robbin's books, been to a UPW event, and love his message. Here's the thing though...

The era of the aggressive upsell is over. Do none of TR's people ever tell him that the relentless selling is gross? This book is much like a UPW, with great energy, lots of useful info, then wham - step right up with your checkbook folks.

The book wasn't bad, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed learning about the new and exciting medical technologies and practices. I found myself wanting more - and that's after reading a 700 page book, which is strange.

By wanting more, I mean wanting more nuts and bolts actionable items. It felt like a lot of the chapters were "hey look at this cool thing; should be coming out in the next 5 years; end of chapter" OR "hey look at this cool thing; .... end of chapter".

I also felt like the pushing of his company was a little heavy in this one... "Here is a cool thing... come to the FountainofLife to get it done." It was a 700 page advertisement in that regard.

I love his books on investing, this one was a step down from those in my opinion.
Profile Image for Scott Wozniak.
Author 4 books87 followers
May 22, 2022
I almost didn’t read this book—it looked like a fluffy hype book from Tony Robbins, encouraging me to tap into my inner life force power or something. But a friend I respect told me to read it and I’m so glad. This wasn’t fluff at all. This was full of real science with real changes to my life.

30 years ago the fastest growing area of technology and science was in computing. We went from big slow machines to faster and more powerful machines create a crazy exponential curve. The current area that is experiencing a wild growth curve like this is biology. Most especially, biology that is helping us live healthier for longer.

There are treatments happening right now that can deal with the most problematic of our illnesses. So if you or your loved ones or struggling with any major health issues, this book could change your life. The stuff that is happening in here is so new and happening so quickly the doctors who graduated from medical school even five years ago would not know this exists. So, asking your doctor would not help most of us actually find these answers.

But the most exciting part of the book for me was not just life-changing treatments for common problems, it was all the treatments and tools for putting energy back into our life and extending the years that we can feel young and vibrant. It is a real possibility for us to live past 120 while I am feeling energetic and having adventures. It is in the edge of possible that we could make it to 150 or beyond. And if that sounds crazy to you, then you need to read this book and learn the real science that is happening right now that makes this a conservative estimate. Don’t miss out just because your doctor went to medical school 20 years ago and doesn’t know the stuff. This is a book everyone should read.

One practical note: it’s a very long book and that can be intimidating, but you don’t have to read each section in full. You can pick the portions that are relevant to you and just read them.
15 reviews
February 2, 2023
I usually love Tony Robbins but this book was terrible. I had to make myself finish it. If you want to learn more about how to live a "longer more extraordinary life" by hearing about all of the companies that the author's have invested in, and the website for the company that they promote throughout the book, then this book is for you. Same some precious time and just read the 2 pages at the back of the book that list the 7 things you should implement in your life and you'll get the gist of the book.
Profile Image for Diego Lucero.
55 reviews4 followers
June 2, 2022
This weighty tome is mostly a general information health book with a touch of transhumanism, written in the motivational and conversational style characteristic of Tony Robbins. A mishmash of information about new medical developments and technology that sums up publicly available information from MDs and scientists with little original information or advice. The book does not flow easily and it is also full of references to the many products and devices being marketed by the author.

The power of diagnostics: Knowledge is power when it comes to our health. When we detect medical problems at their earliest stages, they are easier to address and the problem can often be eliminated altogether.

1. Hormones: One of the most overlooked aspects of a traditional physical health checkup is a person’s hormonal profile. Tests to measure hormone levels are essential to maintain optimal levels of mental and physical performance. Sex hormones are the messengers that not only govern sexual health, but also play a critical role in many physiological functions, including blood sugar regulation, inflammation, neurological status, cardiovascular health, muscle health and bone metabolism. Optimal hormonal balance is critical to a healthy lifespan. Hormones can be supplemented to optimal levels with life changing outcomes.

2. Heavy metals toxicity: our environment, including the food we eat, is brimming with toxic metals like lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Most people don’t even consider that a dangerously high concentration of metals might be causing their lack of energy, gastrointestinal problems and brain fog. Nearly 1/3 of the people that get tested have some form of toxic metal accumulation. A lot of people are misdiagnosed with dementia, when really it’s mercury poisoning. Exhaustion is another symptom of mercury poisoning, which disrupts the mitochondria in our cells and leaves us utterly depleted.

3. Complete DNA analysis: sequencing your genome can provide insights into your genetic risks for many health conditions. You can know in advance what reactions you’ll have to certain medications and also gain insight into your physical traits and things such as food intolerance, that can help guide lifestyle decisions.

4. Galleri test: it is a blood test that has the potential of detecting multiple types of cancer. It does this by looking for DNA found in the blood, that's shed by both tumour cells and healthy cells into the bloodstream. Together with a full body MRI, can detect a complete spectrum of cancer at very early stages. A study has determined that there is an 89% chance of survival for early stage cancer compared to a 21% chance of survival with the late stage detection.

5. Other important tests worth considering: DEXA scan (bone density), microbiome analysis, biological age test.


Ageing is simply loss of information. Most chronic or degenerative diseases are not hardwired into our genes. In reality, they are the result of a bad information that makes our genes turn “on” or “off” at the wrong times, in the wrong places in the body. It’s like corrupted code on a computer hard drive, only on a molecular level. When it comes to lifespan, our genes and DNA are not our destiny. It is the epigenome (which controls gene expression) the main mechanism that decides our destiny. As we get older, errors in our epigenome accumulate over our lifetime. Several lifestyle factors have been identified that are believed to powerfully modify epigenetic patterns such as diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants, psychological stress and working on night-shifts. As we age, the need for DNA repair increases because of accumulated damage. Sirtuins are a set of seven regulatory genes that direct DNA repair. Our sirtuins cannot properly work - including fixing our DNA- without NAD+, which is a molecule that is critical to power the entire sirtuin system. Supplementing NMN, which is a precursor of NAD+, helps sirtuins.

New experimental therapies

Stem cells have tremendous promise to help us understand and treat a range of diseases, injuries and other health-related conditions. Stem cells are the body’s repair kit. They have the power to reduce inflammation, heal tissues, restore organs and bring back youthful functionality. From the moment we are born our stem cell reservoir starts drying up, in a process called "stem cell exhaustion" which is believed to be one of the main causes of ageing. As we get older, most of our stem cells also lose the ability to repair or replace our damaged tissues. The best source of stem cells is the placenta after a healthy birth. Those stem cells (pluripotent) can develop into almost any tissue or organ in the body. The second best source would be the umbilical cord. By contrast, stem cells extracted from the umbilical cord can differentiate only into different types of blood cells. Imported stem cells don’t stay in the body very long; they clear out within a few days leaving behind a small reserve for a few months at most. They make their biggest impact by secreting squads of signaling molecules to energise our existing cells. Those stem cell secretions restore our old cells to younger higher functioning state.

Cancer immunotherapy: CAR T-cell therapy is a hybrid of gene therapy (where scientists edit a cells DNA to remove a defect or insert a helpful gene) and immunotherapy which heals by boosting the patient’s own natural defenses. CAR T-cells are the ultimate in personalised medicine. They are a “living drug” crafted from the patient’s own tissues and arguably the most complex cancer treatment yet invented. It has been proven to be effective for leukemia.

Focused ultrasound to treat Parkinson’s: non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that induces a distinct thermal lesion deep in the brain without injuring surrounding structures. Parkinson’s disease is progressive and degenerative and focused ultrasound cannot cure it.

Gene therapy: engineering tool that allows us to target precise locations in the gene code and then edit that DNA. Viruses thrive by attaching themselves to cells. Once there, they inject their own genetic material into the nucleus, causing the host to replicate the virus’ DNA. Gene therapy piggybacks on this process, stripping out the disease-causing portion of a virus’s code and replacing it with good DNA. Once the virus injects the good DNA into the host cell, first the symptoms of the disease disappear, then the disease itself is cured. Gene therapy replaces defective or missing DNA inside a cell.

Therapeutics: vitality enhancing and health span extending medications and supplements on the market.

Peptides. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that help regulate cell division and gene expression. They’re also a big part of our repair kit for every tissue and organ in our body. We absorb peptides to a point from proteins in our diet. But, as our body's peptide stockpile diminishes with age, it can lead to a loss of function and a weakened vulnerable immune system.

Metformin. Like intermittent fasting and intensive exercise, Metformin stresses the mitochondria. It throws the body repair mode. It lowers blood sugar, a critical factor for anti-ageing. Studies suggest that Metformin may reduce cancer risk and mortality by up to 40%, particularly for tumors of the lung, colon, pancreas and breast. Metformin has been correlated with vitamin B12 and B6 deficiencies which can lead to anemia, so be sure to monitor your vitamin levels and supplement as needed.

Hormone Optimisation Therapy (HOT). The importance of hormones can’t be overstated. As people get older, a common occurrence is that hormone levels go off-balance. This can lead to fatigue, insomnia and depression. Our skin loses its youthful appearance, we lose muscle mass and accumulate body fat. HOT can craft a unique and customised program to restore the individual to their best self.

NAD+ is a coenzyme found in every cell in our body that helps process nutrients into ATP. By middle age we lose half or more of our NAD+ reserve. Poor sleep, unhealthy eating, too much alcohol and prolonged inflammation deplete us of NAD+. Our cells absorb small amounts of NAD+ precursors from certain foods, but not enough to make up for our age driven shortfall. Supplementing NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), which is a NAD+ precursor, can help restore NAD+ levels. Tips for boosting NAD+ levels naturally: exercise, limiting sun exposure, high amounts of B vitamins, saunas, fasting.


Vitamin D3: emerging research suggests that vitamin D3 supplements (cholecalciferol) may slow down our epigenetic/biological ageing.

Omega-3: the typical Western diet has added more and more pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, versus the anti-inflammatory omega-3. Restoring a healthier ratio especially helps our brain and heart. In an observational study omega-3 supplementation was associated with a lower biological clock. Flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, soybeans, hemp seeds, pastured eggs.

Magnesium: helps us maintain brain and cardiovascular health, normal blood pressure and healthy blood sugar metabolism. It may also reduce inflammation and help activate our vitamin D. Deficiency affects more than 45% of the US population. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, edamame.

Vitamin K1/K2: supports blood clotting, heart and blood vessel health, and bone health. K1: cruciferous, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, sauerkraut, pine nuts, blueberries. K2: cheese, butter, egg yolk.

Choline: choline is needed to produce acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for memory, mood, muscle control, and other brain and nervous system functions. Eggs, cruciferous vegetables, quinoa, kidney beans, shiitake mushrooms.

Creatine: creatine not only enhances recovery muscle mass and strength in connection with exercise but also protects against age related muscle loss and various forms of brain injury. There is even some evidence that creatine may boost our immune function. Vegetarians can get it only from supplements.


Each year paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose is responsible for 2,600 hospitalisations and 458 deaths due to liver failure. In fact, just taking one or two pills above the recommended dosage for two weeks can be deadly. The leading cause for calls to poison control centres is accidental paracetamol overdose. Close to 50% of cases of acute liver failure in the US as well as 20% of liver transplant cases can be traced to acetaminophen poisoning. Even the commonplace practice of taking aspirin to lower cardiovascular risk is not recommended anymore as recent evidence suggests that the risks outweighed the benefits and could actually cause harm including bleeding in the stomach, intestines and brain. People have been programmed to believe that there’s always a magic pill to cure whatever is ailing us. And most people believe that OTC drugs are harmless cure-alls. The unavoidable truth is that to get out of pain you have to get to the source of it.

Treatments that may help with pain management

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy): effective in terms of pain relief and healing. This therapy boosts our energy and concentration levels and improves our sleep. Studies have shown that PEMF decreases pain swelling and inflammation and improves cellular metabolism and energy.

Counterstrain: a manual therapy technique, meaning clinicians use only their hands for treatment of muscle and joint pain. Practitioners palpate the body for tender points then decompress the involved tissues using only their hands releasing trapped inflammation back into the bloodstream disrupting the chronic pain cycle.

The longevity lifestyle and diet

Smart dietary decisions can reduce your risk of death from any cause by 36%, while poor dietary choices can increase your risk of death by 67%. The vast majority of chronic diseases are the same disease, just manifesting in different forms. They all share the same underlying biological mechanisms things like chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Each of those mechanisms is directly influenced by what we eat, how we respond to stress, how much exercise we get and the psychosocial support we get.

As we age our telomeres tend to shorten causing ourselves to malfunction and die. We are not powerless in the face of this decline; it turns out that our lifestyle including how we eat, exercise and handle stress has a huge impact on our telomeres. We can increase the length of our telomeres by making the right life choices. It’s like reversing ageing at a cellular level. A research team has shown that adults who exercise consistently have significantly longer telomeres that those who lead sedentary lifestyles: highly active adults have a biologic advantage of 9 years over sedentary adults.

Saunas have been shown to stimulate the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular function. Frequent sauna use radically reduces the risk of cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Frequent sauna users are 40% less likely to die from all causes of premature death.

Cold plunge: The benefits include improved metabolic health, improved mood and cognition, increased mitochondrial biogenesis, altered microbiome activity, activation of antioxidant enzymes and decreased inflammation.

Shift your diet to high quality foods. Don’t consume processed foods, limit red meat, moderate intake of alcohol, avoid sugar. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, such as beans, chickpeas and lentils and soy products, like tofu, contain thousands of protective substances that have anti-cancer and anti-ageing properties, including bioflavonoids, polyphenols, lycopene, carotenoids and isoflavones. Studies have shown a stunning range of health benefits from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and brussel sprouts. They have been linked to lower rates of cardiovascular disease to and prostate cancer. One factor is that these vegetables contain sulforaphane, a compound that reduces inflammation in can even slow the growth of tumours. Broccoli sprout is a superfood that contains sky high levels of glucoraphanin, a precursor to that busting phytochemical sulforaphane, one of the most powerful food-derived molecules. In fact, broccoli sprouts are up to 50 times more potent than broccoli alone. Research has identified sulforaphane as cancer protective because it revs up antioxidants and detoxification enzymes that guard against the disease. The sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts can slam the brakes in tumor growth and play an important role in the regulation of hundreds of genes.

Strengh Training: It is now widely understood that the immune system provides protection against cancer. It is when our immune system fails that cancer takes hold. Muscle is the largest endocrine organ in the body and people with enough muscle mass have a significantly lower incidence of cancer and other illnesses. The higher the muscle mass, the higher the immune function, the longer you live. There is almost a direct correlation with longevity. Strength training can also entail cognitive decline. So, muscle mass should be considered a new vital sign. An effective way to boost muscle growth faster than anything science has previously identified is static contraction: holding the maximum weight you can handle in a static position. It seems effective to gain bone density and prevent or reverse osteoporosis. The strength of your bones determines how big your muscles can become.

Autoimmune disease: It’s now widely accepted that the root cause of autoimmune disease is chronic inflammation. One especially powerful tool to contain or prevent autoimmunity is an anti-inflammatory diet. Foods that cause inflammation are: refined carbohydrates, processed meats and fried foods. Foods that fight inflammation are: olive oil, green leafy vegetables, brightly coloured vegetables, fatty fish, most fruits, nuts and seeds and green tea.

Diabetes and obesity (“Diabisity”): Obesity raises the risk of multiple diseases: stroke, cancer, asthma and Alzheimer’s disease. The real culprit of the obesity and diabetes epidemic is our food environment. The food environment is a powerful predictor of how we eat. Refined carbohydrates cause spikes in blood sugar that raise insulin levels and high levels of insulin push the body to store calories as fat. Highly processed carbohydrates are among the lowest quality components of the food supply. Enough evidence exists for us to consider sugar very likely to be a toxic substance.

Alzheimer’s disease: When trying to understand what goes wrong in Alzheimer’s it’s helpful to think of this disease as a plumbing problem. The brain contains amyloid and tau. But it only becomes a problem when the pipes get stopped up. Most of the body's waste materials get swept away by our lymphatic system. But in the brain, buffered by the blood brain barrier, it's the cerebrospinal fluid. When the ageing brain is unable to drain the way the protein sludge that accumulates over time, billions of neurons die. The cerebral cortex, home to awareness, memory, language and consciousness, wastes away.

Some lifestyle choices can help improve your brain health and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s:

- Getting enough sleep is of a vital importance. Sleep is like a mental floss because sleep clears amyloid out naturally.
- Reducing stress is key because stress causes release of cortisol in the body, which causes neuroinflammation and kills neurons.
- Exercising regularly is one of the most important ways to improve brain health. Recent studies have shown that exercise actually induces neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons.
- Learning new things (a language, an instrument) stimulates neuron growth.
- A low sugar diet is important, for sugar causes inflammation.
- Social interaction, especially in the elderly, lowers Alzheimer’s risk by twofold.

"The biggest threats to our health are largely preventable"
Profile Image for Daniel Olshansky.
91 reviews7 followers
August 8, 2022
tl;dr, in 2022:
1. 10% is a must-read that people will look back on as the recipes of modern life (first two chapters)
2. 10% is a timeless reference that I can see myself listening back to periodically every few years (last two chapters)
3. 80% is a good reference but will likely be outdated or superseded by better text in the next 1-2 decades (everything else)



The fact that Tony Robbins fixed his rotator cuff with stem cells in 3 days without surgery and rehab is hard to believe, but I guess it's where things are going and we'll see with time.

As someone who is dealing with a herniated disc, I have asked several surgeons about this who have all been telling me that it works great for joins & tendons, but there isn't enough evidence for herniations yet.

Anecdotely, I have a friend who has a microdiscectomy that re-herniated and was planning on getting a second one. He decided to try out stem cells, and though he had no results for 3 months, he later woke up one day and was completely healed.


The last couple of chapters, narrated by Tony himself, are timeless. Everything related to attitude, gratitude and mindfulness is timeless, and I think I will grow to appreciate it more and more every time I listen to it. At the time of writing this, I plan to listen back to those last two chapters every couple of years.


Most of the center of the book is more a reference than anything that's SUPER captivating or exciting. I've heard a lot of the concepts in various podcasts, but still managed to learn a lot of new things. I think it's worth listening to but wouldn't call it a must. Knowing the chapter names and using it as a reference is worth it.


The only thing that bothers me a bit, which was raised to me by a friend, is that Tony does have a vested financial interest in a lot of the companies and products he touted. He discloses all of his investments but sometimes says, "This product is unlike any other, and that is why I decided to invest." There was a product (whose name now escapes me) related to using ultrasound to help with pain. Upon searching for a clinic that supports this, I learned it's extremely proprietary technology only available in one clinic in the US. He made it sound like a commonplace medical procedure, which felt misleading.
Profile Image for Tyler Panko.
9 reviews
April 15, 2024
What I like: it gives ideas of what you could be possible with technology and science for treating diseases and improving our health very soon. Exciting and if you or a family member/friend has a chronic condition/disease (take Parkinson’s for example) it’s worth reading this to see if some of the outlined are possible. Mainstream local healthcare will not have these or even know about them more than likely. The book is 1000% right that you have to be the CEO of your own health. You have to plan and invest in it yourself.

What I don’t: you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. Most of the studies outlined are not very well done. If it seems iffy, you have to dig deeper on how quality of a study it is. Some of this can be more on the side of pseudoscience as well. I get there’s so much to cover in a book like this but in some cases more info on the full story or downsides, needs to be presented.
54 reviews
February 5, 2023
It’s interesting that we have all the tools available to live longer, healthier lives thanks to so many scientific advances. Yet, at the same time, the food that’s readily accessible is what’s exposing us us to what afflicts us.

Also a little concerning that Tony has used and invested in so many of the companies mentioned, but he hasn’t been “cured.” He seems to deal with more nagging illness and pain than I do, and I just live a normal life.

Anyway, as always, we’re our own worst enemies. We all know what we should eat and not eat, but we continue to make bad choices.
Profile Image for Sherrie Lockwood.
476 reviews13 followers
March 9, 2022
I have always enjoyed Tony Robbins books. Life force is a different then his other books. His books are normally about financial topics. This book was about health and break though medical technology. It focused on alternative medicine other than surgery or medication. I personally have taken up some of his suggestions and took many notes. This is truly an excellent book! It is long but so worth it.
Profile Image for Tabitha  G.
50 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2022
Once you get past the internal marketing, Tony provides a lot of insight to current and potential health breakthroughs. We create the future. If you are not interested in the science progress, the book does provide some extra tips (if you were not already aware of them) of lifestyle habits and choices that does drastically enhance, and for some - change, your health for the better. He's not fibbing about cutting out the sugars. Just that one step brings invaluable results!

Thank you for all the information you provided Tony. May you continue to share your energy, passion, and be a guiding light within our world.
Profile Image for Cindy.
469 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2022
In a lot of ways this book reads like a commercial for all the companies the authors are invested in but there is a lot of valuable information on new technologies and treatments. The last two chapters are classically awesome Tony Robbins motivation strategies.
Profile Image for Harry Harman.
726 reviews14 followers
April 27, 2022
What if the reason I’d been successful so quickly was that I was destined to die young? Once I allowed myself to dwell on those irrational fears, my mind kept creating more of them.

we’ve been given all of this amazing equipment for free—which might explain why many people don’t take such good care of it!

to operate on the outer edge of what’s humanly possible.

I’m not telling you this to impress you. My point is to impress upon you just how critical it is for me to keep my body in absolute peak condition.

He refused to recommend another expert. As I’d learned from Ginny’s triumph over cancer, nobody has a monopoly on medical wisdom.

And I said, “The other doctor said I have to have surgery and now you’re telling me I have to have drugs.”
And this beautiful man said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes, “Tony, you’re right. The butcher wants to butcher. The baker wants to bake. The surgeon wants to cut.
And I’m an endocrinologist, so I want to give you a drug. But here’s the thing: We’ll just have more certainty if you take the drug.” And I responded, “But we can’t be certain about all the side eects of this drug, either. There’s no sign of any current issues with my heart, and I’ve obviously had this condition since I was a teenager. What if I just did nothing?”
And the doctor said, “Well, if you get yourself tested regularly, I guess that’s an option.”

the doctor told me. “I know bodybuilders who’d have to spend $1,200 a month to get what you’re getting for free!”

Doctors can be sincere and sincerely wrong.

In 2017, Harvard Medical School reported that the half-life of medical knowledge was 18 to 24 months—and predicted it was headed for 73 days by the time you’re reading this!

pulse electronicmagnetic frequency (PEMF) technology. Numerous studies have conrmed that it can speed the healing of bones by up to 50 percent.

I was existing, but I wasn’t living.

Peter Diamandis. Growing up, Peter dreamed of becoming an astronaut. But his parents wanted him to be a doctor. So, after graduating from MIT with a dual degree in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering, he earned his MD from Harvard Medical School.

We’re excited to play a part in accelerating their efforts to save millions of lives.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” —LAO TZU

some people are longevity-seekers, but they don’t just want to live longer. They want an extraordinary quality of life.

FDA’s intensive approval process, from Phase 1 (is it safe?) to Phase 2 (is it effective?) and Phase 3 (is it effective at scale and better than what’s already out there?).

basic building blocks for a person’s well-being: nutrition, fasting, sleep, and exercise.

1. Heart Disease
2. Stroke
3. Cancer
4. The chronic pain that comes with inammation and autoimmune disease
5. Obesity and diabetes
6. Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

achieve more, and share more

All told, well over a million people have seen their lives transformed— or even rescued—by stem cells. This chapter is special to me because I am one of them.

U.S. mass market—to transform reactive sick care into proactive, precision healthcare.

stem cells are the body’s repair kit. They can repair or replace more specialized tissues in our skin, bone, muscle, blood, retinas, liver, heart, and brain.

out of a patient’s own adipose (fat) tissue or bone marrow. In a perfect world, Bob said, we’d be calling in the cavalry from the most abundant source of fresh stem cells: the placenta, after a healthy birth.

He knew of a clinic in Panama that had permission to treat patients with the next best thing to placental cells: high-quality stem cells from umbilical cords.

$10,000 up to $25,000. Knees or ankles or elbows could often be treated for as little as $5,000, but my rotator cuff was a lot more involved. Though I trusted Bob explicitly, I had a moment of sticker shock: “Up to twenty-ve thousand dollars, are you kidding me?”

Then I did what I do in these situations. I evaluate the risk-reward proposition.

Bob left Cornell and founded Lifebank USA, which used patented technology to harvest and test and preserve cord blood and placental stem cells in nitrogen-cooled freezers. The service was oered to new parents who wanted to “deposit” the stem cells of their newborn. Those stem cells may be used in the future to regrow organs or repair damage. Talk about a rainy-day account!

pluripotent stem cells. What does pluripotent mean? These are cells that can develop into almost any tissue or organ: skin or brain, heart or bones, lungs or pancreas or bladder. By contrast, cord blood stem cells— extracted from umbilical cord blood—can dierentiate only into dierent types of blood cells.

Bob took this information and built a startup called Anthrogenesis. Then he merged it with Celgene, the world’s largest biotechnology company. Over the next seven years, as Bob ran Celgene’s cellular therapeutics division, he uncovered more about cellular medicine’s potential to treat diabetes, Crohn’s disease, skin wounds and burns

After the second day’s treatment, I had what’s often called a “cytokine response.” I felt chills and shaking, but I wasn’t scared.

Besides, I’ve got a passion for hanging out with geniuses. In my experience, something rubs o when you’re around people this brilliant. Proximity is power!

The FDA is hamstrung by outmoded tools and guidelines. They’re also walking a knife’s edge between protecting the public and fostering innovation.

The treatment is not some magical one-o that lasts a lifetime. I’ve given myself the benet of regular tune-ups, a simple stem cell infusion once or twice a year.

Fountain Life, has set out to create an unassailable standard for healthspan optimization—from scratch. Our mission rests on three pillars:
• The first is diagnostics. By leveraging the latest technology, you’ll see what’s happening inside your body while any problem is still manageable, before it becomes a major challenge. (More on this in our next chapter.)
• The second pillar is all about performance. Whether you’re a professional athlete, an everyday workout end, or a weekend warrior, Fountain Life can guide you toward a practical plan to become your best self in body and mind, with maximum vitality!
• The third pillar is the latest in regenerative treatments, personalized to your diagnostics and performance goals and how they fit together. These include accessing stem cell therapies, NAD+ precursor supplementation, hormone treatments, placental exosomes, 11 and more.


In fact, according to Dr. Bob, experts say that it pays to begin stem cell treatments before a crisis strikes—say, by age 45 or 50. You want to kill the monster when it’s small, not wait until it grows into Godzilla.

These diagnostics can help you understand what’s going on inside your body with precision and alert you to any issues early enough so you can take quick and decisive action while the problem is small and easy to solve. You can think of these diagnostic tools as your check-engine light.

a 2003 report from the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., estimated that the time between discovery to adoption in clinical care can average seventeen years!

Consider that optimal testosterone levels for a male can range widely from 250 to around 1,000 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter). Here’s the problem: No one will tell you to seek out hormone replacement if you’re slightly above the base level of 250, but some men feel tired, listless, and lose their drive unless their levels are between 700 and 900 or higher

But there are two kinds of people in this world: those who want to arm themselves with information and those who nd knowledge scary. I have to admit, I used to fall into the second category. What if they nd something small and overreact, making a mountain out of a medical molehill? Sticking your head in the sand isn’t the answer.

Ignoring a problem, or not even being aware of it in the first place, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Ask yourself: Would you rather know about an issue early on, when treatment is effective, easy, and cheap? Or much later on when you have few options for effective treatments?

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

If there’s a heart attack looming in your future three, five, ten years down the road, this new AI-guided approach to CCTA—coronary CT angiography—called Cleerly can detect the warning signs so that you can take action to prevent it.

You get more than 150 gigabytes of medical data analyzed by AI and interpreted by a doctor.

a real estate investor in his late fifties who appeared to be the picture of health.

Cleerly’s unequivocal results gave him a new lease on life.

While GRAIL can search for more than 50 different types of cancer with a simple blood test, like any test it isn’t perfect. It can’t detect every cancer type, especially brain or kidney cancer. But that’s where the use of full-body MRI comes in.

routine full-body MRI to detect cancer or other problems, such as aneurysms

That study has determined that there’s an 89 percent chance of survival for early stage detection compared to a 21 percent chance of survival with late-stage detection. Basically, the chances of a full recovery at Stage 1 are much, much better than they are at Stage 4.

Quest Diagnostics and Labcorp. These companies have developed low-cost and accurate means to analyze and report on over 50 different blood biomarkers to help you and your physician evaluate whether or not your body is operating within normal parameters. What are these blood tests analyzing? Everything from your vitamin nutrient levels, your insulin and glucose markers, and your cholesterol, to inammatory markers, hormone levels, and whether you have heavy metals in your system.

Dr. Hector Lopez, calls hormone optimization therapy (HOT)

The doctor told me, “A lot of people are misdiagnosed with dementia when really it’s mercury poisoning.”

it’s really important for you to get a toxic metals test. It’s no big deal—just a simple blood test. The company that detected my mercury poisoning is called Quicksilver Scientic.

One in two women today over 50 will fracture a bone due to osteoporosis.

dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) bone density + metabolic scan and is the most advanced test for measuring osteoporosis.

The newest breakthrough in mapping your microbiome, called GI-map microbial assay plus

When a mouse’s klotho gene was “knocked out,” its lifespan was shortened by 80 percent.

it’s where the rubber meets the road.

more than two of three deaths come from one or more of the Big Six: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

the 85-and-up demographic was 630 times more likely to die of COVID than people in their 20s

the 85-and-up demographic was 630 times more likely to die of COVID than people in their 20s. The older people had lethal underlying conditions like heart disease or diabetes, or what doctors call “comorbidities”

“What we’ve got here… is failure to communicate.” —CAPTAIN, the warden in Cool Hand Luke

The epigenetic joystick that controls how the genome functions is more powerful than the genetic code itself.

humanity will be liberated from age-related disease.

As blood flow diminishes, tissues and organs get less oxygen. Waste products build up. Wounds heal more slowly. We lose bone (osteoporosis) and most of all muscle mass. This helps to explain why physical performance peaks in most people in our twenties

MIB-626 is a proprietary, synthetically manufactured molecule that is similar to, but not identical to NMN. It’s being developed and tested by a company called Metrobiotech

Sinclair reports, mice given NMN (that NAD+ precursor) “don’t get heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, until sometimes 20 percent later in their life. When super-old mice finally do get struck down by chronic disease, they don’t linger on in misery. In a study of 700 people past their 100th birthday, he found an unexpected phenomenon: “At the end of their life, they are sick for a very short time.” A “longevity dividend” translates to fewer and shorter hospital stays and far smaller medical bills. If we could push back the typical onset of chronic disease—say from people’s 60s to their 90s—the U.S. alone would save billions of dollars a year.

the three stages of all truths? Here’s how it goes:
1. First they are ridiculed.
2. Then they are ferociously opposed.
3. And then finally they are accepted as self-evident.

“a perfect track record” in turning her visions into reality.

“The person who makes no mistakes is making the biggest mistake,” she says, “because they’re just standing still and doing nothing.”

50,000 people are managing the condition, the vast majority enjoying normal lives. If they can’t afford the price of the drug, United Therapeutics provides it for free.

XENOTRANSPLANTATION: OFF-THE-SHELF ORGANS the organs of an adult pig are close to the size and shape of their human equivalents. (Chimpanzees might be even closer, but they’re a protected species.) Americans eat about 130 million pigs a year. Just 1 percent of that total would more than meet the country’s entire demand for replacement organs. Why couldn’t genetic engineering delete the pig proteins that trigger rejection? Why not humanize the pig? She teamed up with Craig Venter, the master of genomic sequencing, and invested in research on editing pig genomes with CRISPR

“What most people thought was impossible, they’re now realizing is inevitable.”

“If you’re a maker, you’ve got to make it until you break it, and then you’ve got to make it till it’s better than that, until it’s flawless. And then you’re making millions of them.” —MARTINE ROTHBLATT

The human body contains around 600 lymph nodes, aka lymph glands. What is a lymph node? It’s a small organ that our immune system uses to manufacture T cells and fight o infections by trapping bacteria or viruses. That’s why your lymph nodes may swell when you have a cold. They need to get larger to manufacture more immune cells.

Ludwig nearly died post-procedure when his souped-up T cells broke down seven pounds of tumor in a matter of weeks! When dead cancer cells pile up faster than the kidneys can clear them, the result can be a life-threatening stew of potassium, phosphorus, and uric acid

Parkinson’s in the U.S. alone, and 60,000 more are diagnosed each year. It’s a brutal brain disease that primarily attacks the motor system. uncontrollable shakes and tremors. Parkinson’s is caused by the loss of neurons that manufacture dopamine, a natural chemical messenger that controls our muscles’ movements. Dopamine also helps to regulate our sleep patterns, our recall, our appetite, and our mood and self-control.

Peter Sisco, the bodybuilding pioneer behind static contraction. You see, the fastest and most efficient way to increase strength is to hold the maximum weight you can handle in a static position.

What most people don’t realize is that the strength of your bones determines how big your muscles can become. The bones are usually the limiting factor. What’s most addicting with OsteoStrong is that you only work out once every week or ten days, and you get to see the improvements continuously, if you don’t improve, you actually take more rest.

“If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” —EUBIE BLAKE

I have 40 percent more volume of hair, and it’s thicker than it was! And all it takes is rubbing a few natural ingredients onto my scalp before bed each night and using Lars’s customized shampoo whenever I shower.

even though women live statistically longer than men, they spend more of their lives in poor health (thirty-four years on average) compared to men (twenty-six years).

Freenome will launch its test in 2022. It’s administered every three years and is expected to cost $500. If Freenome can provide an easy, aordable, laxative-free test for colorectal cancer, sign me up!

has even been shown to reduce breast cancer cells by up to 80 percent? 10 The lowly broccoli sprout is a superfood that contains sky-high levels of glucoraphanin, a precursor to the cancer-busting phytochemical sulforaphane. In fact, broccoli sprouts are up to fty times more potent than broccoli alone.


I got tested by an audiologist, Stacy O’Brien, who conrmed the issue. “It’s not the hearing loss alone that drives the link to developing dementia,” she told me. “It’s if the hearing loss is NOT treated.” It was easy to put my vanity aside when I found some hearing devices that are literally invisible and built with AI technology.

Data suggests that crossword puzzles and Sudoku don’t do much to ward off mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s, but learning a new language or practicing the piano, on the other hand, seems to confer real benefits.

longevity and regenerative medicine, venturing to Vatican City, piggybacking on a preexisting event called United to Cure, organized by Robin Smith, MD, and hosted by the Pope.

Humans evolved 300,000 years ago on the savannas of Africa in a world that was local and linear.

Take thirty linear steps, one… two… three… four… ve, etc., and you end up about thirty meters (just over ninety-eight feet) down the road. But if I ask you to take thirty exponential steps—where an exponential is a simple doubling… one, two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and so on— you’ll end up a billion meters away (about 621,000 miles)—put dierently, you’ll circumnavigate Earth twenty-six times! Predicting exponential growth is not intuitive.

• Double something ten times, you get a 1,000-fold increase
• Double something twenty times, you get a million-fold increase
• Double something thirty times, you get a billion-fold increase

when 4G mobile service rolled out its 2009 offering, it offered 100 Mbps speeds. A decade later in 2019, 5G began deployment offering speeds of 10 Gpbs (one hundred times faster).

Go has a game tree complexity of 10^360—it’s chess for superheroes.

AlphaFold got twenty-five of the potential forty-three protein-folding problems right. The second-place team managed a meagre three! How accurate was AlphaFold’s prediction? Incredibly accurate, within the width of an atom (or 0.1 of a nanometer)! it would open the door to an entire new avenue of low-cost and accurate drug development.

They’re also in the early stages of using AI to predict the outcomes of clinical trials in advance of the trial. If successful, this technique will enable researchers to strip a bundle of time and money out of the traditional testing process.

Dr. Sinclair answers, “I hope we’ll have proof of concept done in the next two to three years. And if that works, we’ll go as fast as the FDA allows.”

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” —VIKTOR FRANKL

she was so intense that spit was flying out of her mouth as she shouted about what had happened. After a few minutes, I interrupted and said, “Ma’am, I see you’re angry, and I understand. But can I ask you this question?”
She said, “What is it?”
I said, “I’m just curious, I want to ask you, how often do you get angry?”
“What do you mean?”
I said, “Well, do you get angry once a month, once a week, or multiple times a day?”
And she glared at me and said, “What kind of question is that?”
I said, “The way you’re responding tells me you get angry more often than you might realize.”
And she said, “Well, I do get angry a lot. I can’t help myself.” I asked her what anger meant to her. And she looked at me and started speaking with intensity, and then a small smile crept in at the corner of her mouth
Profile Image for Mike Lawrence.
26 reviews3 followers
June 5, 2022
Tony and the authors give great insights into the delivery of health care in the future using new biotech and stem and gene therapy, to name a few. The cutting edge technology could revolutionise and transform the way we access medical support, and by the looks of things, we aren't too far away. Living in the UK poses a few questions. Will this technology be available on the NHS, or will people be forced to go private to access this technology that enables you to monitor your health in real-time and flag up potential abnormalities before they happen?
Profile Image for Lynn Lok-Payne.
Author 3 books198 followers
February 27, 2022
Packed full of information from everything from heart, brain, cancer, beauty, gene therapy, and so much more. It is not a deep dive into the subjects, but enough to give you a starting point to explore. And some can be done in the comfort of your own home. Just the chapter on how to live pain-free is worth the price of the book.

The amazing medical breakthroughs that are in the pipeline and can be available within the next 1-5 years is incredible. And some sound like they are from a sci-fi novel. Imagine being cured without surgery? Yes, several procedures are in the trial phases and are showing promising results. The future of well-being is bright!
1 review
February 17, 2022
Great book. Awesome material.

Looking forward to all the new
technologies. So many things to start living a better life now! Time to take action.

Profile Image for Gabe.
646 reviews36 followers
July 7, 2022
A lot of cool things in this book. IMO there was simply too much that was: "almost ready for market" or "should be ready by the time this book is out!" "Should be available for widespread use in the next 3-5 years" all the way down to the nonsense of "given this person's track record, you should count on this being a reality in no time!" All that, and maybe I'm just too early of an adopter, but he also promoted his website "lifeforce.com or fountainlife.com" as having all the answers in one place and a place to stay up to date on everything talked about in this book. As of right now, they are nearly empty websites that feel like a sophomore IS major put together and never followed up on. They are just not informative, or useful, and most of the links take you to a survey that asks for your information and a promise that you will be contacted as soon as things are up and running. I hope that they actually become useful tools, but as of right now, they are almost worthless.
Profile Image for Emma.
1 review
May 18, 2022
There isn't a recommendation in this book that won't cost you an arm and a leg to try. I agree with others that it reads as an infomercial and the bold text every four lines drove me to distraction, but my main issue is this is clearly a book for the very privileged few. I'm glad I only borrowed it from the library rather than forking out any of my hard-earned.
1 review
February 23, 2022
It's amazing how a you make a best seller nowadays. Put a good looking man's photo on the cover with dramatic buzzwords, rehash common sense habits and behavior and copy from Wikipedia. Easy peasy.
65 reviews
April 16, 2022
So disappointing. It's a collection of for-profit interventions, many pseudo-science, some legitimate candidates but none proven by RCTs, other than walk 30min/day.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews

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