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COVID-19: The Great Reset

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"COVID-19: The Great Reset" is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of these crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset.Theirs is a worrying, yet hopeful analysis. COVID-19 has created a great disruptive reset of our global social, economic, and political systems. But the power of human beings lies in being foresighted and having the ingenuity, at least to a certain extent, to take their destiny into their hands and to plan for a better future. This is the purpose of this book: to shake up and to show the deficiencies which were manifest in our global system, even before COVID broke out."Erudite, thought-provoking and plausible" -- Hans van Leeuwen, Australian Financial Review (Australia)"The book looks ahead to what the post-coronavirus world could look like barely four months after the outbreak was first declared a pandemic" -- Sam Meredith, CNBC (USA) "The message that the pandemic is not only a crisis of enormous proportions, but that it also provides an opportunity for humanity to reflect on how it can do things differently, is important and merits reflection"-- Ricardo Avila, Portafolio (Colombia) "A call for political change in the post-pandemic world"-- Ivonne Martinez, La Razon (Mexico)"History has shown, the book argues, that pandemics are a force for radical and lasting change"-- Mustafa Alrawi, The National (UAE)

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 13, 2020

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About the author

Klaus Schwab

52 books222 followers
Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews
1 review15 followers
October 8, 2020
They planned the downfall of economies worldwide with a designer pneumonia. They got the Cartoon News Network and derivatives wrapped around their finger to do their bidding... and now they are appointing themselves as our global Gods. Ha!

Lies, lies, lies, lies. Why do we keep falling for these historical power grab schemes? It's not like we can afford to keep learning from the same mistake because technology, surveillance and bio terrorism is advancing exponentially. Eventually it won't matter by how much we outnumber these freaks due to their access to first-hand cutting edge tech.

There's a section called: "Reinventing humanness." That should tell you something. It's mind boggling how pathological this reads - stern and full of empty platitudes. I don't think they are very convincing, but all you need to do is say you're a marxist nowadays.

"Neo-liberal" capitalism didn't fail us. Federal Central banking did. It is the marriage of big gov and big corp and guaranteed banking bailouts that ate away our purchasing power and economy. Very convenient to say that the mess these freaks set up and ran with until it crashed somehow equated to a free market.

These old crooks are the same that benefitted from the system they are now erasing. I guess having all the money in the world isn't as great as having all the power with it. What? You think Zuck, Bezos and Gates are cheerleaders of socialism? Maybe for you.

It's unfortunate the masses don't believe in small government to be the solution to the problems these beaurocrat crooks create and hide away from. They have effectively scared us away from freedom in the name of safety from the terrorism they continually inflict. Ashamed of my generation for falling for this crap.

This is outline of our future, it doesn't matter how much we fight. It's coming.

The conspiracists were right all along - it isn't a theory anymore and it has Rothschild written all over it. See, all of the corporations partnered with the WEF are listed on their website. One of them is Gucci, which recently released a 'Build Back Better' propaganda ad with none other than a Rothschild and miss Jane Fonda, who was recently quoted saying: "COVID is God's gift to the left."
Even further out of the horses' mouth was miss Lynn Forester de Rothschild letting us know that "Covid will change capitalism forever."

Make no mistake, this is the scariest moment of your life-time and you should question whether or not it sounds like a good idea to adopt the solutions imposed by the rulers and destroyers. The Rothschild have funded both sides of historical conflicts for at least hundreds of years. Does it sound similar to the social unrest that has plagued the U.S. and the world?

This is a crime against humanity. Our world is ruled by pure evil.

As George Carlin put:
"It's one big club. And you AIN'T in it!"
Profile Image for Justin Tuijl.
Author 10 books36 followers
December 9, 2021
Klaus Schwab is a very sick puppy. "The Great Reset" the insane idea, has been around since 2016, but they have been trying to find a lever for it all much longer. It was first coined as "The New World Order". That didn't catch so well in the masses. Nether did "The Great Reset" until Covid, when they ADDED Covid to their book title, and ADDED covid to The Great Reset. PLEASE don't believe this madman, just because the elites, like Bill Gates and BONO are buddy buddy with the WEF, doesn't mean that we all want to live in Fascist Slavery, because people, that is what the "Great Reset" is. It is the loss, changing completely of humanity. Be scared of this book! Be scared of Klaus Schwab, be scared of the sick plans of WEF. Do not believe these lies. "The Great Reset" is a very bad thing and they are forcing upon us under the smokescreen of Covid.
Profile Image for Susan.
93 reviews
October 27, 2020
Having read this book I can honestly say that I think he is confusing Dystopia and Utopia.

All he keeps going on about is doing practically everything at home, i.e:

Why go shopping when you can shop online and have it delivered to your home.
Why go to the theatre, concert or cinema when you can stream all your entertainment at home.
Why go to a restaurant when you can order a take away to be delivered to your home.
Why go to social gatherings with family and friends when you can all meet up on WhatsApp from the comfort of your home.
Why go to a gym when you can use things like Peloton or Wii Fit, yes you guessed it, from the comfort of your home.
Why go to a university campus when you can do your course remotely online (yet again from home). How on earth can someone learn medicine or engineering remotely is beyond me to be honest.

Some of his claims are just ludicrous. Apparently we are now choosing to shop online more (only because we have been told to stay home and the shops are closed) and choosing to use electronic payments more (again only because we have been forced to). We are more aware of the environment now and are choosing to holiday at home due to fear for our health (nothing to do with the quarantine regulations going abroad and coming back then). But for me the icing on the cake is the statement he made towards the end of the book. If we have a Great Reset incidents like the murder of George Floyd would be totally avoidable. Um, where is he getting that idea from I wonder. Talk about nuts.

Basically, what the author really wants is everything online so we can be monitored to the hilt and as many jobs to be done by robots and technology as possible, including the work of doctors and nurses. I wonder if he has shares in any of the Tech Giant companies.

This man must be loads of fun to be around. He actually states in the book “Would a Dystopian society really be that bad?” (eyes rolling at this one).

The only reason he is getting one star is due to the fact that, having lost my mojo for reading over the last couple of months, I have a renewed spark for my love of books, so some good has come from reading this absolute drivel. If it wasn't for that reason alone and if the facility were available he would have had Zero from me.
Profile Image for Flutlicht.
48 reviews16 followers
February 28, 2021
A Techno-Totalitarian Lovestory

I bought this book to gain some knowledge about the mindset of globalists, who are the selfproclaimed "elite" of this world, while nobody has ever voted for them to govern our lives. This book is good evidence that these people are living in a bubble, having lost all connection to reality. I will now summarize the main problems I have figured out about the author's perception of reality depicted in this book:

1) The free market is responsible for all evil, what we need is stronger governments, preferably such a 'democratic' one as in China. Consequently, the book is full with praise for the Chinese way of life. An assumption which cannot be made by reasonable people who want to live in a free and sustainable world in which the individuum's rights are protected, and not exposed to constant surveillance, which we have in Chinese communism today. Here are some quotes from the book:

"[The situation might provoke changes such as] an augmented search for the common good as a policy objective, the notion of fairness acquiring political potency, radical welfare and taxation measures, [...]" (p.18)
"the Confucianism prevalent in so many Asian countries places a sense of duty and generational solidarity before individual rights; it also puts high value on measures and rules that benefit the community as a whole." (p.88)
"The Covid-19 pandemic has made government important again. Not just powerful again, but also vital again[...]" (p.89, the author quoting John Micklethwait)
"Acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state. It's always been the case and there is no reason why it should be different with the Covid-19 pandemic." (p.89)
"[...] the role of the state has shrunk considerably. This is a situation that is set to change because it is hard to imagine how an exogenous shock of such magnitute [...]could be addressed with purely market-based solutions." (p.91)
"On the dial that measures the continuum between the government and the markets, the needle has decisively moved towards the left." (p.92)
"For the first time [...] governments have the upper hand. [...] Rather than simply fixing market failures when they arise, they should, as suggested by the economist Mariana Mazzucato: 'move towards actively shaping and creating markets that deliver sustainable and inclusive growth.' " (p.92)
"A significant element of new "bigger" government is already in place with the vastly increased and quasi-immediate government control of the economy." (p.92)
"Looking to the future, governments will most likely [...] decide that it's in the best interest of society to rewrite some of the rules of the game and permanently increase their role." (p.93)
"the role of the state will increase and, in doing so, will materially affect the way business is conducted. [...] business executives in all industries and all countries will have to adapt to greater government intervention. [...] Taxation will increase, particularly for the most privileged" (p.94)
"While in the past the US was always the first to arrive with aid where assistance was needed, this role now belongs to China" (p. 123)

2) The author is also totally in love with the concept of mass surveillance. He writes:
"The containment of the coronavirus pandemic will necessitate a global surveillance network" (p.33)
"We will see how contact tracing has an unequalled capacity and a quasi.-essential place in the armoury needed to combat Covid-19, while at the same time being positioned to become an enabler of mass surveillance." (p.153)
"An important lesson can be learned from the countries that were more effective in dealing with the pandemic (in particular Asian nations): technology in general and digital in particular help. Successful contact tracing proved to be a key component of a successful strategy against Covid-19." (p.159)
"Contact tracing and tracking are therefore essential components of our public-health response to Covid-19" (p.160)
"China, Hong Kong SAR and South Korea implemented coercive and intrusive measures of digital tracing. They took the decision to track individuals without their consent, through their mobile and credit card data, and even employed video surveillance" (p.160)
"The digital tracing solution most lauded and talked about was the TraceTogether app run by Singapore's Ministry of Health. It seems to offer the "ideal" balance between efficiency and privacy concerns[...]" (p.160)
"No voluntary contact-tracing app will work if people are unwilling to provide their own personal data to the governmental agency that monitors the system" (p.164)
"[...]the corporate move will be towards greater surveillance; for better or for worse, companies will be watching and sometimes recording what their workforce does." (p.165)
"[...] any digital experience that we have can be turned into a "product" destined to monitor and anticipate our behaviour." (p.166f)
"Then, when the crisis is over, some may realize that their country has suddenly be transformed into a place where they no longer wish to live." (p.167)

Even after mentioning all the dangers of constant surveillance, the author concludes that "the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back into the bottle." (p.171)
He also really thinks that "Dystopian scenarios are not a fatality."(p.171)
How we can avoid this dystopia, he does not explain in the book. But that does not seem to be the aim of the book anyway - it is rather a praise of mass surveillance and privacy does not concern the author very much.
At the same time the author admits that "the consequences of Covid-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics. At the end of June 2020, Covid-19 has killed less than 0,006% of the world population." (p.247) And admitting that "the average age of those dying of Covid-19 is almost 80 years [in Italy]" (p.221) But that does not change his mind, he still propagates mass surveillance and the necessity of lockdowns.

4) While I understand that it is good to also see the advantages to this worldwide disaster, the author is using surprisingly positive language during his analysis of the situation:
"The possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound to our imagination" and "We should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world" (p.19)
Later he even uses phrases like "not letting the crisis go to waste" (p.145 or p.142f) and "making good use of the pandemic" (p.145). My personal impression is that the author is very happy about the coronavirus and its induced opportunities. He even says that this crisis is "accelerating progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (p.248f). He is certainly not concerned much about the whole situation.

5) Paradoxical are also the author's statements concerning unemployment, work and poverty. On one page he is praising the new jobs created by the crisis in the digital/online/robotic industry, but on other pages he also sees the danger of millions of people being put out of work. But his book does not sound like a warning, it sounds like an advertisement for the first group of industry which is profitting from the crisis. It sounds like this: "It is good that the ship is sinking, because we will create some jobs, when the shipwreck has to be lifted out of the water."
During the whole book the author keeps talking about "social safety nets" necessary to prevent uproars and riots, because of all the unemployment, which will be the result of the lockdowns. The idea sounds good, but who is going to pay the safety net when huge amounts of people rely on the state? The powerful state, propagated in this book needs massively high taxes anyway, which is putting even higher pressure on the working population. It does not look realistic to me. The book does not really give different answers to all the massive problems, except for "the state saving us". Which I personally find ridiculous, because the state never cares about individuals as we can clearly see in China.

6) The underlying message of the book is: We need a global governance to be better prepared for such situations. The virus, the C02 problem, climate change etc. could only be tackled with a global leadership. The idea sounds ridiculous to me - how would a world government have changed the spreading of a virus? By more surveillance and more lockdowns? How would it reduce C02 emission? By forbidding certain industries and putting 80% of the world's population into unemployment? How would this reduce climate change? By more laws and regulations? I think these are all just excuses to install a world leadership and many people can see that by now.

7) While writing about how the virus and the lockdown messed up the "whole world", he completely forgot to mention countries which did not have a lockdown at all. Many of his thesises can be debunked by simply looking at Sweden. This country has successfully avoided destroying its own economy while having no lockdown, no masks, no social distancing etc. at all. No need for surveillance, technology etc. It is no surprise that the author does not mention this country a single time in the whole book. On page 45 he is talking about two studies that "modelled what could have happened without lockdown", instead of simply looking at the real example of Sweden, I guess it did not fit the narrative.

8) The author often talks about "clean energy" (e.g. p.145) and he is obviously condemning fossile fuels, while wishing for a future full with (electric) sensors and "remoted devices", surveillance cameras etc. which all need energy. He nowhere explains where this energy should come from. Solar and wind power are long debunked. They are inefficient and not stable sources of energy. Nuclear and coal most propably are not appreciated by the author either, so what is left? (Maybe the author knows something, we do not know). I also like to remind the fans of electric devices how batteries are made, with huge environmental damage. Here is one more quote about the author's idea of energy supply: "A group of green activists could demonstrate in front of a coal-fired power plant" (p.149)

9) The author is so entangled in his vision of the future, economics, numbers and science, that he makes a lot of unreasonable assumptions in this book. Especially when it comes to human, social behaviour. Here are some of them, which are particularly entertaining:

"As consumers may prefer automated services to face-to-face interactions [...]" (p.55)
"changing course will require a shift in the mindset of world leaders to place greater focus and priority on the well-being of all citizens and the planet" (p.58)
"The idea [of helicopter money] is appealing and realizable" (p.68)
"[Central bankers] will have to define an upper limit at which inflation becomes disruptive and a real concern." (p.69)
"The post-pandemic era will usher in a period of massive wealth redistribution, from the rich to the poor [!!] and from capital to labour." (p.78)
"In America as in many other countries, African Americans are poorer, more likely to be unemployed or underemployed and victims of substandard housing and living conditions. As a result they suffer more from pre-existing health conditions like obesity, heart disease or diabetes" (p.80f) (Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are mostly caused by overeating, bad diets, or unhealthy livestyle and not by social inequality.)
"the three things that matter most to a great majority of us: housing, healthcare and education" (p.96)
How about family, friends, peace or a good job?
"calls for more spending (and therefore higher taxes) will get louder" (p.99)
"An increasing number of scientists have shown that it is in fact the destruction of biodiversity caused by humans that is the source of new viruses like Covid-19" (p.138) (of course it has nothing to do with the Wuhan lab...)
"bicycling and walking instead of driving to keep the air of our cities as clean as it was during the lockdowns, vacationing nearer to home[...]could lead to a sustained reduction in carbon emissions." (p.142) (I can already imagine the author on a bicycle... Well, I guess it is only the solution for the poor masses which cannot afford a car any longer due to taxes and green unemployment?! It is also ironic that the author mentions somewhere else in the book that most carbon emission comes from the industry and other sources anyway, not from cars or home applications - as long as you do not have a smart house full of sensors, I guess...)
"[Mobile devices] helping us on many different fronts, anticipating our needs, listening to us and locating us, even when not asked to do so..." (p.152) (Sounds like a great "help" to me...)
" [Instead of] driving to a distant family gathering for the weekend" using "the WhatsApp family group" which "is not as fun but, again, safer, cheaper and greener" (p.155)
"[Robots] saving nurses as much as three hours' work per day." (p.159) (Which leads to more unemployed nurses)
"just as the terrorist attacks of 9/11 triggered greater and permanent security in the name of public safety." (p.168) (So that's what it was good for, thanks for letting us know.)
"This won't happen, because it can't happen." (p.173) (Author talking about industry leaders which might want to go back to the old way of making business.)
"It is likely that the markets or the consumers, or both, will punish those companies that performed poorly on social issues (p.188) (Good example is the Amazon website on which I also published this review)
"Simple pleasures like smelling a melon or squeezing a fruit will be frowned upon and may even become a thing of the past." (p.198) (For the sake of hygiene...)

10) The author's ideological understanding of human beings is also very interesting:
"if, as human beings, we do not collaborate to confront our existential challenges, we are doomed. Thus, we have no choice but to summon up the better angels of our nature." (p.217) On other occasions the author is talking about man as "a social animal" showing a Darwinian mindset, but here it sounds quite religious. A typical contradiction of utopian thought. He further speculates: "if in the future we abandon the posture of self-interest that pollutes so many of our social interactions, [...]" (p.224) This has not happened for the last thousands of years and no ideology will change this. I therefore highly question the author's knowledge about the character of human beings and ask him to be more realistic, please.

11) Psychological effects of "The Great Reset" [.....]
(Please read the remaining two points on my amazon review, there is a character limit on goodreads, what a pity. Limits are so annoying.)
57 reviews3 followers
October 17, 2020
Wow... the comments.... have you all been beaten with a stupid stick? Do you really think that they just planned this all up in such a brief period as a result of the virus? Grow up. This existed years before Covid-19, and they were just waiting for the excuse.

Please watch this video if you want to know what this book is really about:
Profile Image for Peter van den Heuvel.
22 reviews1 follower
November 24, 2020
It's an elitist, European university schooled dreamworld of dystopia. Everything is there:

- A snobbist view on 'ordinary people' who are racist, nationalist and populist.
- 'They' know it better: the economy, how to distribute wealth and resources: for your own good.
- A view on the E.U. as it is: an elitist lobbying people hating institute.

All this is pimped with quotes from every notable European enlightenment thinker, to make your insane statement more credible.

If you're an public servant for an EU-institution, you'll love the book. Everyone else who fears he has to work in enslavement until you drop dead: this is your 1984.
91 reviews
November 16, 2020
CV 19

This is a terrible book! We are not in a pandemic. We will not accept the great reset of the wicked globalists trying to destroy our world! Read agenda 2030 to find out what they want to do to us. Do not take the vaccine! These people want to rule the world!
1 review
October 30, 2020
This person that wrote this book is absolutely mad!!! He deserves the needle for the horrible ideas he's trying force upon impressionable individuals.
Klaus Schwab- Go jump from a skyscraper!
Profile Image for grllopez ~ with freedom and books.
304 reviews93 followers
November 22, 2021
This essay is a warning and a wake up call, and all who love freedom and all who still use reason and can think for themselves must read this.

Granted, it is difficult to ingest, but not for the reason you may think. I would place it at a 7th grade reading level. Even the economic jargon is juvenile. It is difficult because if you have red blood running through your veins, it should boil. This is the future, and we may not have much recourse.

Here is my overview:

A small international elite group of wealthy globalists are preparing a utopian one world oligarch at the expense of human lives and livelihoods, and they do not want or need our input. They will be our new overlords, and we will comply or be cancelled. At present, they have control of all the international institutions that influence the nations' healthcare, banks, trade, money, economies, and governments, and they have the blueprint to unite one government over all the people. All they need now is complete compliance of all governments and corporations, as well as the technology to begin total surveillance of every human being.

The authors of this essay tell readers that Covid will hardly leave a dent, but it was and is the catalyst they wanted or needed to begin the Great Reset. In other words, Covid, or coronavirus, HAS NOT disrupted society as claimed by the media. The Great Reset has been in the works for years, and yet they wrote this essay as if they had a year or more to observe the destruction of the scamdemic and investigate its real outcomes; but one can see right through that.
The real driving force behind the GR was to be and still is the environment, or climate change, and they have convinced many governments and corporations that it is the most dire issue, though there are other issues: social issues, worker protection plans, and control of human consumption.

For example, if businesses, companies, industries, or corporations are not WOKE enough or cannot demonstrate that they are compliant with the sustainable development goals that the global cabal sets, then those businesses will struggle and eventually be ostracized and fail. The global government will also scrutinize individual personal behaviors. If you don't change your bad habits, you, too, can and will struggle and be cancelled from society.

They want to micromanage your life and your health; limit what goods you may purchase and foods you may eat; determine where you live and prevent you from traveling far from home. You probably won't own a car or a house, as that will be reserved for the elite. And with technology, they want to observe everything you do and where you go, as well as track how you feel, what you think, and how you react to social issues or behave in society.

That's mental illness right there.

The global elite want to institute their own religious utopia. They hate God, the Creator, but they want to be God and god-like, and it is why they desire to read your heart and mind and to legislate morality, which they label: fairness, kindness, and equity. Forget any future dreams for you or your children because personal interests are self-centered, and may not be in the best interest of the whole; they want all to consider a "common good" approach to life.

They may give the impression that they care about people, especially the downtrodden, but do not be fooled. They don't genuinely give a crap about George Floyd or society's so-called victims. It's all a facade. If anything, these are the most racist, prejudiced, heartless, godless individuals pushing the GR.

One thing about tyrannical commie/socialists/fascists (they are all these things) is that they really suck when it comes to economics. At some point, they will run out of resources and other people's money after utterly destroying billions of lives and mismanaging the world. No one will be able to work except in a few preserved sectors like technology, healthcare, and synthetic food development. Everything will fail because man cannot micromanage billions of people (although controlling population is also part of the scheme) and their local communities and economies. Yet the establishment is so far removed from reality because they live in a fantasy elite world apart from reason and common sense.

There is a timeline for a full completion of the GR: 2030, though sooner, they desire, which is why they want the COVID FEAR & COMPLIANCE EXERCISE to LINGER for YEARS. Never let a good crisis go to waste!

The Great Reset is a wicked, evil, selfish, self-centered, vile idea, and I hope God has immediate plans for those involved because it is going to be almost impossible for us to stop them. The world's corrupt governments and corporations and industries are so entangled with these global institutions. They are literally handing over the reins to these godless elite.

P.S. If you don't know Christ, He is not a tyrannical overlord, such as these men and women desire to be -- implementing their wicked science and technology on the people. God put Freedom on our hearts, which is why America was founded on liberty. The GR is the opposite of who God is, and it is why they desire to dissolve personal liberty and freedom forever. God gives us total freedom to be personally responsible with our own lives; we don't need man to legislate morality.
Profile Image for Einzige.
297 reviews11 followers
January 10, 2021
The conspiracy theorists catfished me here - I read this book in the expectation of it being the manifesto of the New World Order. Some of things outside of the reviews that were in favour of that:

-Ominous title
-Mainly authored by a wealthy academic who heads an influential NGO
-Said academic has a photo were he genuinely looks like a super villain[1]

However this is not the book which argues for a world where we all are forced to work from home, where UN officials will forcibly vaccinate us, where your every movement is tracked and you are sustained on a rich diet of meal worms and algae.

Instead it is a very moderate centre left piece. It argues that the pandemic amplified existing problems created under neoliberalism and over globalisation. The Great Rest is simply that as a result of this collective experience and new technology there will be an opportunity to push for an economy that is more green, sustainable/resilient, inclusive and less unequal and globalised (the last part which is a pretty out of place for a New World Order manifesto).


Turns out that this is just what academic/graduation garb looks like in Lithuania
37 reviews6 followers
January 5, 2021
So I wanted to read this as I expected it to be an instructive manual for what's coming on for us in the near future.
Klaus Swabb is the chairman of World Economic Forum, i.e. the billionaire's book club. I effin' hate globalists, and this boring, yet ominous book has confirmed all of my suspicions.
As I said, mostly it's a very boring book, but often there are passages full of their creepy ideas for the future. The book is full of those creepy quotes. On the first, introductory, page, here's one:

"At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen
globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The
short response is: never."

Whole book has that chill, non chalant, stupid tone, like: Yes, there's a pandemic, so what's our only choice? Bigger state, bigger control. It all boils down to the totalitarian notion of STRONG, NANNY STATE. Not the sovereign state, but the state as he said metaphorically, "states, like cabins on one boat", and by BOAT he means the world, one big state. So, you can't act like your state is a boat, no, the state you live in is a cabin on one, big boat and it's subjected to what the captains of that boat say. And the captains of those cabins have all the blessing to enforce control onto their citizens.

Throughout the book, he rambles about how the pandemic affected, and will affect further, various fields of our socio-economic life. And I'm wondering; well, who's f--- responsible for that? Stupid virus, or YOU, scumbags? And he proceeds to ramble, as it's like the virus will be here even after it's gone, and it's so dangerous we can't do nothing about it.

And then I start to wonder about how sad these globalists are. They are miserable, depraved beings who don't have the capacity to understand the human nature, and yet, that's all they're doing - trying to enforce changes in our everyday life in order to change human nature.

And yet, their proposals reflect how miserable, pathetic and non-human they are. For instance, here's the quote:

"We will be encouraged not to touch the products we buy.
Simple pleasures like smelling a melon or squeezing a fruit will be frowned
upon and may even become a thing of the past."

Klaus Schwabb and co. are so pathetic. Here's another quote:

"In addition, many will have realized that working from home is more climate-friendly
and less stressful than having to commute to an office."

That also goes for family meetings, birthday parties and so on. It's all going digital, and ain't that cool, you know, 'cause it's cheaper, safer, and more climate friendly? Yay!!

And then he tries to be sensible about individual freedom, privacy and so on. Like, he really knows the privacy is a thing for the ordinary man! So, what's the solution. Well, he says, Singapore's Ministry of Health has developed a cool mobile app that rings if you're near the person with registered symptoms. But don't worry. Only when it rings, the government will get the data about your location, otherwise it's perfectly anonymous, privacy assuring app! Something similar has to be implemented, he says, in order for us to move freely through the land. Of course, only when we're allowed to do so. You never know when the cases will spark. In that case, our only choice is to be home.

And then he talks about the future of medicine. Oh, medicine is obsolete, telemedicine is the thing now! Yes, certain operations have to be performed in person, but isn't it much safer to be treated via telephone and camera? So coool!!

There are more creepy ideas in this book, but I don't have the patience to write it down here. I really hope those globalists aren't that powerful. Otherwise, there's only one way to stop these sad, creepy, globalist, scumbag madmans. Massive disobedience.

Profile Image for AURORA RU.
414 reviews29 followers
January 12, 2024
Ok, it isn’t a “conspiracy theory” when they’re openly telling you what they want to do.

Nothing new here, all those ideas are stolen from social scientists and transhumanists (without mentioning the sources!!). Klaus Schwab just slightly reshaped their ideas for next discussion at next WEF, by using their slang ("sustainability", "4th technological revolution", "goals2030" etc.) Don't waste your time for this book, just read some reviews (here are some really good ones) to know what's on Their agenda.

If you are interested in technological revolutions, I suggest good-old Toffler's The Third Wave or never-old Netocracy: The New Power Elite and Life After Capitalism.

And by the way, check out this:
Profile Image for Michael || TheNeverendingTBR.
486 reviews260 followers
May 24, 2022
Klaus Schwab's world vision puts that of both Stalin and Adolf Hitler to shame.

Emerging from the pandemic will be the 'new-normal', a phrase which has been used by the global elite owned and controlled mainstream medias in narratives and as rhetoric since the outbreak.

The new-normal will be Global Governance and the collapse of democracy under the guise of Covid-19 via the UNs Agenda 2030, already signed up to by 193 governments.

The ordinary people of the world have been hoodwinked via smokescreens. The global elites have been funding, fuelling and fanning the flames of identities, genders, gender identities, left wing and right wing extremism, racism, facism, hate, anger, mass migration, transnational progressivism, reality TV, identity politics etc.

With the absolute control of mainstream media and the hijacking of social media, the global elites have created vast division among the ordinary public.

They have the masses exactly where they want them, spitting venom and hate at each other at every opportunity by using the tried and tested Constructive Ambiguity and Perception Management.

Meanwhile, behind the screen, they plot and plan.

WEF have a young leaders organisation, which basically puts puppets into power; such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Klaus Schwab also states that he wants to get rid of 5 billion "Useless Eaters" through wars, starvation and manufactured pandemics.

I could go on and on.

Just nasty, nasty evil people all of them.

We need another Nuremberg.
November 18, 2020
Not sure if I am so conspiratorial as to believe that Klaus and his cabal of internationalist banker types planned the release of the virus, but certainly he is using a virus-weakened condition of the world to launch an economy planned by him and his family members, such as Soros and the like. These plans have always been known by the name "Marxism" but now we are calling it "The Great Reset" and "Build Back Better." It's like when the "Marxist Party" became known as the "Green Party", it was merely a name change.
28 reviews
November 27, 2020
The writers connect George Floyd death and BLM riots with COVID 19 to suggest we need a "great reset". What is the great reset, you ask? The "new normal" AKA dystopian hell will consist of global control with constant serveillance. They applaud the lockdowns for saving lives but overlook any mention of massive increase in suicides. Lockdowns causing starvation due to supply line problems? These are acceptable losses for "the greater good." The writers actually quote Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger (that speaks volumes). They write about "enlightened leadership" but list the prince of wales (best friend was Jimy Savile a notorious pedophile) and Andrew Cuomo (sent COVID positive patients to nursing homes and spread COVID to vulnerable elderly killing 20K). Yes, of course, that is "enlightened leadership." Who knew? The writers bizarrely use the 40K ventilators that were projected as being necessary as an example to push glabalism when it was the private sector that filled the demand and crazily enough, most of those weren't even used. I have to quote a portion that really speaks volumes: "Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes. They will, in effect, make "good use" of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste." If that does not open your eyes to the agenda being pushed in this book, nothing will.
11 reviews
July 28, 2020
Great book summarizing the impact of the pandemic to date and giving high level overviews of where it might take us yet. It presents the hypothesis that Covid-19 has provided catalyst/shock that creates a unique opportunity to begin the 'great reset' needed to enact this positive, sustainable and lasting change. Enlightened leaders and society at large should try and use this opportunity to address the four existential risks that we collectively face:
1) nuclear threats;
2) climate change;
3) the unsustainable
use of essential resources like forests, seafood, topsoil and fresh water; and
4) the consequences of the enormous differences in standards of living between the world’s peoples
Profile Image for TheOldWoman&TheSea.
134 reviews7 followers
October 28, 2020
This is a very well (cleverly) written book.
And if I was a little less cynical (informed) I might actually think that both authors want 'what's best for us'.

But if you think about it : why would 2 economical hotshots (with heaps of money and power) promote a not-for-profit society ? Why would they want a redistribution of wealth, 'so everyone in that new society has the same amount of money' ? I somehow get the feeling that they do not include themselves (1%) when they talk about 'society' ...

I found this book very enlightening. It gave me some insight into what the WEF has been dreaming up all these yeaers, and how they plan to go about realizing it.
At first, the book made me feel depressed / scared because I realized how powerful these people are and how much they've already accomplished. But after finishing the book, I actually felt elated. It seems to me that many of their assumptions (based on the past) are wrong. I don't think they understand all that well what it means to be 'human'. And that's why I think that in the end, their plans will fail.
360 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2022
I honestly cant see why so many people are outraged by this book. First off, it's pretty obvious that this is analysis of current trends and not a manifesto as some "readers" are claiming in the reviews. All of the accusations of fascism are mind boggling. The guy's obviously a bit of a left wing technocrat with far too much optimism that capitalism is capable of reigning in its excesses. He raises some interesting points in regards to a possible shift from globalisation to regionalisation and also about how the social mindset might be strengthened in the pandemic to demand more equity in society. I fear it's nothing more than empty platitudes shouted into the wind. Certainly nothing to get your feathers ruffled over.
Profile Image for Tolan Dyer.
4 reviews
December 25, 2020
Typical view of how we can reshape the world from one of the Davos elite. Untouched by and changes society has truly felt or any they propose in this book. A prime example is their proposal we should all vacation closer to home so as to limit carbon emissions from air travel.. this coming from the men who fly private jets from Davos to NYC to Beijing planning a societal utopia they will view from the comfort and safety of their gated estates.
Profile Image for M.
38 reviews
June 2, 2021
Update June 2021: Man, fcuk these people and their meddling ways. Gates has shares in Serco (for profit prison group in the UK, oddly running the fraudulent PCR tests) and CEO Group (USA, most abusive prison system) Klaus obviously grew up with the olde Nazism vibe. I'm reading another book right now about Germany after the war. Turns out they didn't fire any National Socialists. Barely anyone got punished. As a result, your Professors who taught National Socialism in the 30's-40's then had to teach democracy in the 50's. Uh-huh. Merkel grew up in the GDR. I lived in East Berlin for a moment not too long after the wall came down. You could still feel the Communist Vibe and the fear and quietness of the people like they were being watched. I know that Europe was on the brink of a Stock Crash in 2019. What better way to save a country from financial ruin than to start a war, a war of a different kind. Yes, there's a virus. No, I'm not an anti-vaxxer. There are always viruses. I had that swine flu and it sucked. So? I wouldn't ask you to give up your job or put your kid in a mask so I may not catch something. The annoying, bored, powers that be are using a virus to control you lot who aren't paying attention. Dumb AF. Type C personalities (conformists, complacent, compliant) get Cancer... so you can put on your dumb mask and wait for things to get better (they won't) or you can maybe start speaking out. Either way I'll just sit back and watch all of you with some popcorn George Carlin style.

Written in July 2020: The stupidity of the masses is baffling to me.
People who I thought were intelligent, watch their televisions and spew out some dumb slogan.
"If only Florida would mask up." "Sweden got it wrong"
I've learned it pays to have friends in other countries. Any friend of mine with an ounce of European culture or mindset has never bought into this "pandemic" which would explain why Italy is open in the #ioapro movement. A friend just sent a photo form rush hour in Stockholm and not one mask despite what the news keeps telling you. Life there is 99% normal give or take the looney in the masks. They don't work. Masks simply send the air sideways and upwards. You have to have symptoms in order to be considered sick. I do have this book and it reads like a second Mein Kampf.
I'm done with the USA and hope to God I can leave. The political brainwashing and constant television has turned Americans into mindless drones who can't think for themselves at all. It's depressing and maddening. If I can't leave I'm moving to the country and sadly I will no long be able to talk to most people that I know because they are morons. UPDATE: JUNE 2021. A Canadian said to me the other day that they will be our socialist neighbors. Try fascism. Not being able to leave your house is fascism akin to North Korea. They are probably more free. Read the book Sovietstan, you'll see...
Profile Image for Dan.
136 reviews12 followers
July 27, 2021
This book reads as a middle manager pitching utopia that he could create if you would just give him a bit more power to handle with his massive brain.

Sadly for Klaus, this is his most popular book and clearly the people do not like him nor his technocratic socialism. Unfortunately for the people, Klaus has massive clout with know-nothing empty suit politicians and they accept his divinations without question.

Writing in June 2020 you can see the marked change after the summer in which the book made the runs and suddenly this playbook was adopted to "build back better, more diverse and feminist" and all the other buzzwords that excite lonely HR.

But with hindsight (or just not French kissing Xi from his behind) one would have very easily noticed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lied, covered up (with the help of WHO and US Health agencies and Lancet) the spread of covid because they were conducting illegal gain of function research. Right away this utterly destroys Klaus' "climate change led to covid". It also makes his praising of CCP (who jailed and killed or tortured journalists and doctors) and WHO (who was complicate) ridiculous.

Nearly all of his science is wrong about covid (pretending high numbers of asymptomatic spread, or that we could not have stopped it from coming into other countries when CCP closed domestic flights and kept international flights...)

He down plays the hysteria generated and onl towards the end does he admit the personal toll that this pandemic has had for a disease that has killed a small portion of the population. Sure death is bad but everyone eventually dies and the average age of death of covid is generally 80-82 (about the average life expectancy for most areas in first world countries....)

Instead of letting people make their own decisions Klaus wishes for you to hand over your power to other people (like him) who know less about your situation but feel morally superior and know they can bring about utopia if they are in charge.

Nearly every leader in charge during covid had embarressing sitation where they were caught breaking some covid rule. (Trudeau broke rules on Easter to travel outside of province, Doug Ford to travel to cottage, Jagmeet Singh (racist socialist) went hugging a friend and visiting his house, etc...) They did so because they made a risk assessment and decided the risk was not terribly high. Yet we as citizens are DENIED that same right to make a risk assessment and are faced with large fines or jail time while Singh can say "he reverted back to being human." and get off without a so much as a slap on the wrist.

On economics Klaus subscribes to modern economic theories that worked so well across the world neglecting what occurs to the products and persons if their currency is worth less. He expects people to be born anew (or reset) into something new and behave according to his wishes when that is simply not what humans do. Construct a crystal palace and humans will tear it down just for something new to happen.

The worst part of this entire screed, this manifesto of Klaus Schwab is that he starts from his premise that D.I.E (diversity, inclusion and equity) are the most important values and places them over freedom and rights. Everyone is equal when dead. Everyone is equal in slavery (except the master that Klaus aspires to be).

Diversity is divide and conquer tactics. Diversity is not a noble goal it should be nobodies goal. Why would anyone want chaos as a goal? Diversity to what point? Diversity so that we cant speak the same language? have different cultural customs? I want neither tyrannical chaos nor tyrannical order that is offered by this absolutist. Immutable characteristics are to be accepted but we need to have some shared connection that binds us together as a group.

Inclusion means exclusion for any woke person or politician. Does inclusion include people that don't wish to be included? What about Nazis? will you include them? How about socialist? I dont want revolutionary socialists or pedophiles (but I repeat myself) can we not include them? Inclusion means (to a woke person like Klaus) I'm for good people and not bad people. Surprise surprise, everyone he doesn't like is a bad person.

Equity means transfer of power to the 'collective' meaning the person in charge. Why is every communist/socialist country always run by a dictator that is so much more wealthy? Why is Bernie Sanders, Castro, Xi, Kim, Stalin, etc. always much richer than the rest of the collective? Why is Klaus so wealthy? If he wanted to fix equity he could take a big step but shocker he wont. Equity just means give me power over you and become my slave.

Funny how after a year of the 'great reset' big business got richer even though all of Klaus' recommendations were followed. Its almost as though it was by design.

Klaus pretends that the belt and road program from CCP is not imperialism (in the vain of Nazi Germany). Pretends that CCP is a continuation of Chinese culture and not a German/French import that destroyed most of Chinese culture during the great leap forward and the cultural revolution. One can either believe Klaus to be wholly ignorant or purposely lying on these points. I tend towards liar. I hope that CCP money helps you sleep at night Klaus.

So in terms of predictions Klaus was a failure in all grounds except the individual. Yes, Klaus actually actually describes the social/physical and mental problems of the lockdown. Too bad most world leaders could not get to the 3rd part of the book to read it. But what do they care of the little people.

Recommendations: Don't let people like Klaus write the history.

Covid should be a wake up call that there are dragons to be slayed. You must improve yourself, you know what you need to improve, and do not let others render you powerless.

Form connections with people.
Never trust socialists.
Improve yourself.
Improve your community.

"resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me." Solzhenitsyn

Not through me
1 review1 follower
July 19, 2020
“COVID-19: The Great Reset” is an exceptional work of incisive analysis and brilliant prognosis of all things related to human life and progress – the right book at the right time. It provides a welcome respite from an avalanche of conflicting news and commentaries, as it deftly separates facts from fiction, with a great sense of balance and equability. With apt references to history, the authors project with realism the possible future scenarios across the entire spectrum of geo-economics, geo-politics, and geo-technology, along with aggravating fault lines and their potential impact on the future of lives and livelihoods.

Schwab and Malleret leave no one in doubt that the human race is facing individually and collectively the most challenging times in over one hundred years. The worth of the book lies in their sincere endeavour to build a strong consensus that this indeed “is the time to re-invent the world.” They call for a “re-calibration of social priorities” to draw the contours of what is possible, while explicitly emphasizing the importance of business community to willingly make the transition to stakeholder capitalism.

The book makes a compelling case to pursue a “path that will take us to better world: more inclusive, more equitable, and more respectful of Mother Nature,” – but leaving no doubt that this would be possible only if we “summon up the better nature of our angels,” and make the right moral choices. This book is a work of great passion to create a new world, and deserves to be widely read.

Ravi Chaudhry
Author: Quest for Exceptional Leadership: Mirage to Reality
Profile Image for Eliade Weismann.
63 reviews22 followers
November 28, 2020
This book is an open conspiracy. Here it is before us, the plan to overwrite our society with the ideals of the rich and connected. I have to admire the audacity of these authors to reveal this plan so openly. How many more people will read this book than the relatively more obscure documentation on Agenda 21? The reviews tell me many us have the sense to see behind the flimsy veil that this book presents. But this is not a warning. This is mockery. Do you have the power to save your country? Do any of us? Even our cities or our communities? From history, we should have known that weakness was not a virtue, but a provocation for the strong to impose their will.
So, Coyote has come to ask you what you're made of. If you don't say bones and grit and steely resolve, he's perfectly willing to keep you safe behind his rows of teeth.
Profile Image for Gretchen Goel.
3 reviews
January 13, 2021
It's the Elite Billionaire globalists plan to change our democracy to technocracy, and it's all out in the open! Every year they meet in Davos, Switzerland and this book likely came out of it. Covid is a smokescreen and behind it they will be moving us to global governance, one world currency, a "smart" AI enhanced control grid that will be used to track, trace, test and vaccinate every human being on the planet. No thanks! I don't want it.
3 reviews
December 7, 2020
This is a great book to understand the mindset of the elite who rules the world and their vision for the future of humanity. Basically, Klaus Schwab claims that market economy and globalism failed (but forgets to mention the fact that he and his friends in Davos have been the ones who have been advocating those principles for the last 50 years and do not even attempt to apologize for their failure), therefore offers a planned economic model where governments and international organizations will be implementing policies in a top to bottom approach like in Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. He uses the success of lock down measures to justify his idea by claiming that without lock down measures there would be 3.1 million deaths in EU assuming a death rate between 0.4%-0.8%, which stands for 387.5 and 775 millions of infected people in EU where total population is only 450 millions. The book has many more similar claims based on assumptions that is not supported by data. I believe he tries to create fear among people to force a totalitarian feudal world which resembles George Orwell’s 1984, where a handful of elite will own everything and force their will through unelected bureaucrats. This is a very scary future we should avoid by any means and therefore I recommend everyone to read this book so that they prepare themselves for the coming totalitarian horror.
19 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2020
2 Stars. Why? Because there is SOME useful information, based on the fact that after all Schwab is one of the people who are pushing so hard the new agenda, which is hidden behind soft words like "green", "equality", "justice" and so on, but what the reader should know is that the purpose of the reset is not that. In fact the main idea is more surveillance, more dictatorship, of course...just like the authors said justified from the pandemic and the future pandemics that will come.
This book shouldn't be read without critical thinking and I would suggest, before reading it...please... inform yourself about who Klaus Schwab really is (I mean... one article in Wikipedia is definitely not enough).
If I haven't read it until the end, I would easily put 1 star, but all in all - it is not insanely long book, and it is more like informative literature on what THEY plan to come, not what it "might" come as the author states.

Happy reading :)
Profile Image for Amabilis.
114 reviews14 followers
April 15, 2021
Lista korporacija koje su profitirale za vrijeme 2.svjetskog rata i dokumentirano profitirale iz sudjelovanja u Holokaustu :
Barclays Bank, Krupp (sad ThyssenKrupp), Sulzer, Associated Press, Siemens, Opel, Bayer, Steyr-Daimler-Puch, BASF, Nestle, Deutsche bank, Standard Oil, AEG, Coca-Cola, Allianz, Junkers, Audi, IBM, BMW, Heinkel, Hugo Boss, Ford Germany, IG Farben, Porsche, Volkswagen Group, Swarovski ..

Travanj 2021. Glavni tajnik UN-a : "Najnovija izvješća signaliziraju da je bogatstvo najbogatijih ljudi na svijetu u proteklih godinu dana poskočilo za 5000 milijardi dolara"

Big tech kompanije koje su najviše profitirale 2020.godine: Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix, Alibaba, Tencent, Nvidia, Alphabet, Paypal, T-mobile, Shopify, Zoom video, Adobe, Audi, Abbvie etc...

Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews

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