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The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy

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An audio compilation of Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work and Keep Going.

Read by the author, it’s the bestselling and transformative series on how to unlock your creativity, find community and an audience in the digital age, and stay focused, creative and true to yourself—for life. Includes full text from:

Steal Like an Artist: The New York Times bestselling book on the ten things nobody ever told you about being creative. Including nothing is original, so embrace influence. School yourself through the work of others. Remix and reimagine to discover your own path. And forget the old cliché about writing what you know: Instead, write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.

Show Your Work: How to take that critical next step on a creative journey―getting known and finding your people. A user’s manual for embracing the communal nature of creativity, this inspiring manifesto is a blueprint for succeeding as any kind of artist or entrepreneur in the digital age.

Keep Going: Timeless, practical, and ethical principles for anyone trying to sustain a meaningful and productive life. Worry less about getting things done, and more about the worth of what you’re doing. Instead of focusing on making your mark, work to leave things better than you found them. Above all, keep working, keep playing, keep creating—keep going.

300 pages, Audiobook

First published November 24, 2020

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About the author

Austin Kleon

20 books6,025 followers
I’m a writer who draws. I make art with words and books with pictures. Author of Steal Like An Artist and other bestsellers. Visit my website: http://austinkleon.com/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 169 reviews
Profile Image for Soumya Tejam.
164 reviews33 followers
February 4, 2021
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative and the others are fun books. Some of Austin Kleon's suggestions will validate what you're already doing, some will challenge you to fundamentally change a creative practice, others will inspire you to grab a notebook and get to work immediately. These books are for anyone over the age of 10, anyone who loves to create but feels stifled in today's world, anyone who loves to think, and anyone doing anything at all creative. Ultimately though, these books are a lot like candy in that they make me feel good and motivated in the moment, but it gets harder to apply the big ideas every single day.
Profile Image for Inga Grencberga.
Author 3 books439 followers
February 20, 2022
Šī grāmata nav par “nozagt kā māksliniekam”, šī grāmata ir par IEVDESMOJIES kā mākslinieks, iedvesmojies no māksliniekiem, iedvesmojos no visa un visiem, kas ir tev apkārt! Klausies, skaties, sajūti - un paņem to savai dzīvei.
Ir ļoti vērtīgi, laiku pa laikam sev atgādināt to, ko jau nojaut vai zini - process ir pats svarīgākais! Rezultāts, ir procesa sastāvdaļa. Prokrastinēt, kļūdīties, sev neticēt, saņemt kritiku arī ir daļa no radošā procesa. Neko nedarīt, attīrīt savu galvu, iet garās pastaigās, gulēt, skatīties griestos arī ir daļa no radošā procesa. Nokrist un atkal piecelties ir daļa no radošā procesa. Praktizēt, praktizēt, praktizēt, līdz izdodas.
Grāmatas! Turi sev apkārt grāmatas. Lasi tās. Šķirsti tās. Skaties uz tām. Ej uz bibliotēkām un grāmatnīcām. Iedvesmojies. Raksti grāmatas. “RAKSTI TĀDU GRĀMATU, kādu tu pats gribētu izlasīt." Šis bija mans pirmās grāmatas vadmotīvs. Šis ir mans otrās grāmatas radošā procesa vadmotīvs.
Kvalitāte pāri kvantitātei.
Turi savā tuvumā TIKAI tādus cilvēkus, no kuriem iedvesmojies, kuri tavā dzīvē rada pievienotu POZITĪVU vērtību.
Radi, runā, zīmē, dziedi, dejo, raksti – dalies ar cilvēkiem tajā ko dari un cilvēki dalīsies ar tevi. Pieredze, stāsti, padomi, praktiskas lietas, laiks! Laiks ir vērtība.
Neiznieko SAVU un citu cilvēku laiku, dzīve ir pārāk neprognozējama un īsa.
If you want followers, be someone worth following. 
“Follow me back?” is the saddest question on the Internet.
Šai frāzei, šajā ārprātīgi dinamiskajā sociālo tīklu laikmetā esmu ticējusi un sekojusi no pašiem pirmsākumiem – visu pirms esi PERSONĪBA, veido savu personību un tad saturs, ar kuru tu dalies, veidosies no tavas personības – tajā cilvēki gribēs ieklausīties un tev cilvēki gribēs sekot. Un nekad otrādi.
BE SOMEONE! Un šīs grāmatas nosaukums – nekas nav jāizdomā no jauna (to nemaz nav iespējams izdarīt, jo viss jau pastāv) – tev atliek iedvesmoties un radīt savu unikālo sevi no tā, kas jau ir.
Profile Image for Niklas Heer.
87 reviews12 followers
April 16, 2021
This audiobook  contained some useful ideas for me, but overall, it felt like a giant list of thoughts loosely connected.
I think this audiobook is a lot more insightful if you are and an artist, and you haven't read a lot about productivity or philosophy before.
Since for me, neither is true it felt repetitive. 
The author also mentions that this collection of books evolved from Tweets and yes, that is exactly what it feels like. 
Thought bits thrown at you, bit by bit.

I can recommend this audiobook only if you are starting out to read about productivity or if you are an artist.
Profile Image for VT Dorchester.
228 reviews6 followers
July 4, 2022
Somewhere between a three and a four - this was an enjoyable short listen. I didn't agree with some of what was said (I think I probably have a slightly different worldview than Mr Kleon's) but I did agree with some other things that were said - I might pick up a hard copy of this work some time in the future, or listen to the audiobook again, to be reminded of some good points made.
Profile Image for Grace Brentano.
22 reviews38 followers
July 4, 2021
I really liked several concepts from this book, most notably the part on "stealing" for learning. But I wasn't totally blown away by anything in particular.
26 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2021
This trilogy was amazing. I feel like this is the ultimate artist's guide to creating.
Profile Image for julia jean.
308 reviews12 followers
February 20, 2023
this audio trilogy is Kleon’s 3 books read back to back. it essentially is an advice/self help book on creating. There was ofc an emphasis on art but I really appreciated the point at the beginning where he states it’s for everyone because we all are creating and changing. thought it was interesting that he called out awful people who make beautiful art, art monsters & that they’re not to be excused & pardoned as art impacts folks lives. I always enjoy peoples takes on art vs artist. while some points were a bit cheesy, I enjoyed the books & the lil takeaways until a super problematic moment in the final book titled keep going.

Kleon talks about the importance of routine to ground our days whether we feel we have no team or all the time in the world & goes as far to say that he wished he were in prison ??? because in prison (aka with a rigid routine) then you’re truly free?? he specified a rapper in particular (can’t remember) that he envied bc of their jail time & I was like ??? whY. the trilogy was going well lmaooo ugH i can get what he wants to say but it’s just really noT the way to do it. some other things he said weren’t my fav either but this was just nOT great. honestly each book after the first got progressively not as good — became harder to keep my attention.

Overall, would recommend for folks who are wanting to be inspired & create.

resonant points
- “It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us & makes us unique”

- Perfectly summed up why I’ve always been one to write on paper! - “the computer brings out the uptight perfectionist in us; we start editing ideas before we have them. once the computer is involved, things are on the inevitable path to being finished whereas in my sketchbook, possibilities are endless.”

- “Try it. Start reading the obituaries every morning. Take inspiration from the people who muddled through life before you. they all started out as amateurs & they got where they were going by making so with what they were given & having the guts to put themselves out there. Follow their example” …not too sure which inspirational icon I’ll find in Seattle obituaries but I’m drawn to this idea I think it’s cool

- “Your influences are all worth sharing because they clue people in to who you are & what you do. Sometimes even more than your own work.”

- on hobby v side hustle: “be careful when taking the thing that keeps you alive spiritually & turning into the thing that keeps you alive literally” // making gifts can show us our gifts

- !!! “Pay attention to what you pay attention to - it’ll become the stuff your life & work will be made of “

- ✨”re reading a journal can help us discover our own patters, identify what I really care about & know ourselves better”
Profile Image for Knight Of.
410 reviews8 followers
July 21, 2023
This was the book I needed. I've been going through a difficult time, and it's been hard to stay positive, especially about my writing. However, this book showed me how to build a bright future but also how one can ensure their artistic personality doesn't burn it. I will use this book's advice to cultivate my writing.
Profile Image for Lieke.
139 reviews
December 16, 2020
Interesting audio read by the author himself.
At first I had a copy that wasn't working correctly for all the chapters but before I could do anything I received a new download that was working.
The book gives advice to creatives, not all points are new to me. But you can benefit from hearing them again and see them in another light.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Laureena Mardini.
125 reviews5 followers
April 9, 2022
This is the Bible of creativity. It is a must read for every person who has explosive energy trapped within. It helps creative people orient their energy and keep going ⚡
"Show Your Work" specifically had a great impact on me. If you are a person with a lot of creative ideas and side projects on your mind, these books will push you forward and give you the courage you need to just begin. It is not the cheesy "You can do it! Start today!" kind of books, but a modern, realistic, smart and modest approach. Austin Kleon shared his good and bad days, his mistakes and lessons, and all the inspiring quotes that fed his artistic path.
Truly a marvelous, light, yet super deep read 🌟
Profile Image for Alistair.
74 reviews
September 19, 2021
A fantastic reset to my perspective of ‘originality’ - everything under the sun.
Profile Image for Jessica.
58 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2024
This is a nice little dose of encouragement. I recommend it if you are feeling a little stuck in your work.
Profile Image for Jude eduj.
2 reviews
January 16, 2024
Absolutley skibidi rizz, kai cenat in ohio
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nada Majdy.
240 reviews359 followers
March 28, 2021
An amazing trilogy about the creative journey that any human being could relate to and enjoy. I listened to the audiobook but I really would love to own the physical books now.
Profile Image for Victoria.
114 reviews10 followers
January 22, 2024
Really enjoyed reading this book, it gave me some great pointers about what to share of my creative process, networking with other creatives, and not being ashamed for getting inspiration from other work. In the end, everything under the sun is inspired by something else, that’s comforting to hear.
Profile Image for Jill.
1,294 reviews6 followers
December 18, 2020
Austin Kleon is known for three smart books about being an artist: Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work, and Keep Going. Now, all three of them are together in one audio book narrated by the author. If you or anyone you know is wanting to make art, make more art, make better art, or have more fun doing it, then these books are filled with helpful lists to inspire you and keep you on track.

Steal Like an Artist is up first, so that you can learn to make art by stealing from the artists who inspire you. You can use your hands and your hobbies, take al the different parts of you and put them together to help you find your voice. And as you learn to do good work and share it with the world, you find others who are like-minded (or at least like-spirited, curious and kind). Steal Like an Artist offers a roadmap to help you find your art and your voice while keeping your life in balance.

Show Your Work is about getting your work done and putting it out there. It’s about taking one small step every day until your progress is a complete project. Kleon talks about making quality work and then sharing it with the world. Whether you share what you know through teaching, by sharing it on the internet, by writing, or drawing, or taking photos, or by cooking or crafting or any way that you can, Kleon emphasizes how sharing your creative efforts can open up doors to new ideas, new friends, and new opportunities. And he gives you a whole new perspective on selling out.

And in Keep Going, he talks about finding ways to keep yourself inspired, no matter how hard it gets. He compares being an artist with being in the movie Groundhog Day, that every day starts to feel the same. You have to find ways to keep moving forward. You have to find your own happiness and pay attention to the right things. Make gifts for others, change your mind, tidy up (unless you need the inspiration that comes from making a mess), and go for a walk.

Austin Kleon writes the books he needs. When he needed to solidify what it takes to live a creative life, he started writing it down. When he was trying to figure out how to get discovered and what success means to him, he wrote it down. When he needed inspiration to keep plodding along, he wrote it down. And then he did the thing he encourages other authors to do—he shares his wisdom with others.

If you’re already a fan of his and know his books for their spirited designs, then you may be put off by the idea of an audio book. But with this audio book, you get the words in the voice of the author himself. There is a special value in hearing Kleon himself read his work that can’t be found in the printed books. To get the full experience of his wisdom and whimsy, I’d recommend getting both the audio and the print (or ebook) versions of these books.

If you know a young artist, or a struggling artist, this audio book might be the perfect gift to help them get started, or to find their groove again. Or maybe you want more creativity in your own life. It’s great for that too. This audio trilogy is a great way to add some more heart to your life and to share it with others. Read these, share these, and be creative every day.

A copy of the audiobook was provided by Workman Audio through NetGalley, with many thanks.
Profile Image for Tigran.
32 reviews
April 26, 2021
Very little new information for me. Sounded like a mix of other popular self-help books to me. I was mainly interested in the Show Your Work out of the three, and well, everything was kind of very obvious to me.
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Plant Based Bride).
486 reviews6,156 followers
February 6, 2021
As an artist and creative human on the internet, The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy felt like it was tailored directly to me and my life.

The audiobook was a quick listen, and I enjoyed Austin Kleon's narration. Full of short, pithy tips, this trilogy aims to inspire and motivate fellow creatives to get out of their own way. The last book in the trilogy, Keep Going, was by far the most impactful for me, and I found myself pausing to write notes to revisit them later!

I will say that there is an occurrence of the inappropriate use of the term schizophrenic outside of its medical context, which will likely be offensive to some readers and, I believe, should be removed as it is not accurate and contributes to the overall tendency to misuse terms related to mental illness. I was quite shocked to hear it, and it put me off continuing to listen for a few days.

Overall, this is a great reminder to creatives everywhere that the best tool they have is their own creativity and hard work. I would definitely recommend this to other creative people in my life!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ALC in exchange for an honest review.

VIDEO REVIEW: https://youtu.be/ERIVDkarlUY

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26 reviews
March 26, 2023
It was so generic trying to talk to too broad an audience. I don't think the difference in definition between emulate and imitate are big enough to have a whole chapter on. I think the advice stay out of debt is kinda naïeve to say. Get a calender? Really? Thanks pal. It started off okay and I was kind of on board. Stuff like take inspiration from everything u can. But once he gave the computer bad, paper good speech I gave up on it. Because I am a music producer so all my work is on the computer. He also gave a dont do drugs speech. It was all over the place and had no time to get into the details of anything. Also trying to hit too many topics that didn't feel related to the original point.
In the end I would compare this book to a inspiration Facebook post that ur aunt posted with a picture of a minion.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diana.
842 reviews104 followers
March 17, 2021
When I read the first book of this trilogy a few years ago I remember saying that it felt like it could be the first self-help book that might actually help, and that is true for the other two books as well. So many books over complicate things, especially when it comes to art or just simply doing, but these really keep it short and to the point. It's not overanalyzing the subjects or the readers and their habits when it comes to working (or showing their work), it just states the facts in a "this is what I think you should know" manner.
Profile Image for Shae.
39 reviews23 followers
August 13, 2021
So many quotable quotes in this collection! Much of these books consist of quotes from other impressive humans: film directors, media personalities, graphic designers, singer-songwriters, poets, essayists, philosophers, novelists, memoirists, and musicians. The list goes on. It's quite a varied mix. Austin Kleon is also very quotable. I noted several phrases or passages as I listened to the audiobook.

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative still reigns as my favorite of the three, followed by Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad, with Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered coming in last at a slow and leisurely crawl. My enjoyment of the first book may have been due mostly to its originality, as the novelty of the quotes and the author's style wore off by the middle of the second book. I think each book's subject likely resonated in different ways based on my own personal situation, as I'm sure they would with anyone else.

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative puts its focus on creativity and the creation of ideas, specifically the perspective that nothing is new and original. We've all stolen from other bright minds who've come before us and reworked their ideas to create our own "new" ones. Authenticity isn't based in originality but in how much your chosen stolen ideas "speak directly to your soul." Focus your interests, take notes on everything at all times, and don't wait until you're ready to begin to start creating something special.

Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered is all about sharing your work and finding ways to get discovered. The present and future is online - don't forget to share every stage of your process, daily if you can, even if it's something miniscule. Use every bit of time you can squeeze from each day. Say yes when something lights you up and no when it doesn't.

Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad is full of practical tips to help keep the creativity flowing during the drudgery of day-to-day life. Nestled in with these are passages of shining hope. It was a breath of fresh air, truly. This book isn't focused so much on the constant work and hustle of the first two books, but rather more about life as it is and as it could and should be. If your days are hard right now, or boring or tedious, they won't be this way forever. Young or old, what's most important is that we live.

I didn't love the "hustle culture" theme in the first two books. The idea that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and that we should all be taking advantage of every second to do the work just didn't sit well with me. It doesn't take into account individual circumstances or social inequity. My 24-hour day as a childfree person isn't the same as 24 hours in the life of a single parent, for example. One may not be better or worse than the other, but they are certainly different.

I would like to read the books in print at some point because I know there are certain aspects that can't be translated into an audiobook format. Looking at a digital preview, the author uses a lot of drawings and diagrams. Much of this information can be applied to everyday life. It's definitely worth a quick read, just be sure you have a notebook and pen ready to go.
Profile Image for Kristin Emily.
Author 1 book5 followers
January 7, 2022
Audiobook read by the author. Three books in one. Short, encouraging, easy to listen to, yet chocked full of jewels.

Quotes from Steal Like an Artist:

"Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again." - Andre Gide

"Take time to be bored. One time I heard a coworker say, 'When I get busy, I get stupid.' Ain't that the truth. Creative people need time to just sit around and do nothing. I get some of my best ideas when I'm bored, which is why I never take my shirts to the cleaners. I love ironing my shirts- it's so boring, I almost always good ideas."

"If you have two or three real passions, don't feel like you have to pick and choose between them. Don't discard. Keep all your passions in your life...the thing is, you can cut off a couple passions and only focus on one, but after a while, you'll start to to feel phantom limb pain.... Don't throw any of yourself away. Don't worry about a grand scheme or a unified vision for your work. Don't worry about unity - what unifies your work is the fact that you made it. One day, you'll look back and it will all make sense."

"Enjoy your obscurity while it lasts. Use it." "There's no pressure when you are unknown...there's nothing to distract you from getting better." "You'll never get that freedom back again once people pay you attention, and especially once they start paying you money."

"If you ask yourself, 'What's the best thing that happened today?' It actually forces a type of cheerful retrospection that pulls up from the recent past things to write about that you wouldn't otherwise think about. If you ask yourself, 'What happened today?' it's very likely that you're going to remember the worst thing..."

"Creativity is subtraction. Choose what to leave out. ... Nothing is more paralyzing than the idea of limitless possibilities. The idea that you can do anything is absolutely terrifying. ... Place some constraints on yourself... The right constraints can lead to your very best work."
Profile Image for Hazel.
Author 1 book6 followers
December 9, 2020
I received a copy of this audiobook from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I experienced multiple technical issues with the audiobook, where several chapters were unplayable. I was sent another copy, but there were still several unplayable chapters. I reported this and was told to wait for further instructions, but never heard back. Therefore, I was unable to listen to Chapter 2 in Steal Like An Artist, and everything from Chapter 5 onwards in Keep Going. Therefore, this review is based on an incomplete reading of the trilogy.

Overall, I really enjoyed this compilation of the three books. I think they did a great job of transforming what are very visual books into an audio version. The author offers some great, practical advice to many relatable struggles in creativity. I thought the author made interesting points about the metrics of creativity, and I appreciated the balanced approach to advocating getting offline, alongside acknowledging the benefits of using online methods to share your work.

I didn't like the little inserts of Christianity in the book, including a quote from the pastor of a megachurch. As a non-Christian, I felt that this alienated me from the core message of the section, and I don't feel that the religious elements added value to the book itself.

In summary, I think this trilogy is definitely worth a listen. I'm disappointed about the technical issues, but I got to listen to most of the chapters, so I feel confident recommending this audiobook.
Profile Image for Pamela Mukherjee.
66 reviews7 followers
August 15, 2021
Rating: 5 stars!

I enjoyed the first book, Steal Like an Artist before and read it every so often when I need some ideas to let the creative juices out. So when the opportunity to listen to the author read out all 3 books, I jumped at the chance and finished at a glance.

It's a decent tune in for inventive individuals and the individuals who need to infuse greater innovativeness in their life. What's more, to continue to go past that, however, I may not make craftsmanship my meat and potatoes. However, see, that is the creator's point. The craftsmanship can be made at any rate, anyplace, and ordinarily is a trace of another person's work. Furthermore, it's intended to be shared. Not stowed away in your cabinet or just discarded. It's brimming with little pearls and down to earth tips and goodies from different specialists that are truly fascinating.

The book, rather the books in the set of three are exceptionally visual and to me, engaging. So while this doesn't have a similar impact sound astute, I believe it's a decent correlation with the books. It's something you can keep on your telephone and return to, without any problem.

Do your art, share your work and simply continue onward, continue to do the stuff, the workmanship you make that takes care of your spirit. What's more, in the event that it develops or you need it to develop, here are some useful things to recall.

Verdict: A must-read or listen type of book set.
Profile Image for Mona Tong.
72 reviews7 followers
December 8, 2023
A quick and easy audiobook that was motivating, inspiring, and contained much of what I needed to hear during a period creative impasse... this desperation perhaps accounts for this (slightly) inflated review.

Some pointers that I particularly appreciated across the three books include:
* Stop obsessing with being original because no one is. "Steal" from anywhere that fuels YOUR creativity / soul... this makes your work authentic.
* Copy your heroes and internalize the ways they see the world. Our failure to perfectly copy our heroes is where we discover who we are and what we can uniquely bring to the world.
* Creativity is not a talent, it's a way of operating.
* Consistently share bits and pieces of what you're working on, thinking about, etc. Document everything you do-- this is your "stock" for bigger creative projects.
* Make lists (already addicted to doing this <3)
* Sketching is a habit of seeing: even if you suck at it, you can still get something from it because it allows you to experience a place or moment more deeply
* !!! Pay attention to what you pay attention to !!! I've read this in multiple places before, but fully understood and internalized it after listening to this trilogy. Reread your diaries to understand your patterns of thinking, pay attention to what you sketch, what you film or photograph... this will help you figure out what to do with your life.
Profile Image for Leslie.
624 reviews18 followers
December 3, 2020
Thanks to Libro.fm, Netgalley and Workman Audio for the ALC of this audiobook trilogy.

I have always been a fan of Kleon’s creative work, though I only read the first of these three in print. I love that all three have been collected into an audiobook, though, because it’s such a cool experience to listen to the result of something so visual as an audio medium.

Kleon is up front from the beginning. This audio adventure is way different than taking on these works in print, and that’s super cool. You can get almost an entirely different experience depending on the medium you choose, which makes these books highly re-readable and listenable as you can get different things out of each book and each audiobook.

As a creative, sometimes it’s great to just sit down and get advice from another artist. Its super easy to get too much inside of your head, to be so wrapped up in your own thing, you kind of forget to think outside the box and try different approaches to what you do, and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Kleon’s “advice to his younger self,” as he puts it. It was a lovely day listening to these.

This collection is out now, so keep an eye out for it in your favorite listening app or request it through your local library’s Libby/Overdrive.
Profile Image for Patricia Bello.
1,064 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2021

4.5 stars!

I enjoyed the first book, Steal Like an Artist before and read it every so often when I need some ideas to let the creative juices out. So when the opportunity to listen to the author read out all 3 books, I jumped at the chance - and thankfully was granted a copy.

It’s a good listen for creative people and those who want to inject more creativity in their life. And to keep going beyond that, though I may not make art my bread and butter. But see, that’s the author’s point. Art can be made anyhow, anywhere, and usually is a hint of someone else’s work. And it’s meant to be shared. Not hidden away in your drawer or simply thrown away. It’s full of little gems and practical tips and tidbits from other artists that are really interesting.

The book, rather the books in the trilogy are very visual and to me, appealing. So while this doesn’t have the same effect audio-wise, i think it’s a good comparison to the books. It’s something you can keep on your phone and return to, easily.

Do your art, share your work and just keep going, keep doing the stuff, the art you make that feeds your soul. And if it grows or you want it to grow, here’s some helpful things to remember.

Thank you NetGalley and Workman Audio for the copy of this audiobook. I enjoyed it a lot!
Profile Image for Asela Eloisa.
224 reviews3 followers
July 31, 2021
"Deja de preocuparte por la cosa que quieres ser (el sustantivo) y empieza a preocuparte por las cosas que tienes que hacer (el verbo)."
El autor comenta que para generar un trabajo creativo debes comenzar a copiar, copiar, copiar... al final te encontrarás a ti mismo. Le debes copiar a tus héroes, pero no hacer una copia de su trabajo sino de la idea que hay detrás; luego añádele algo que solo tú le puedas añadir.
Para obtener ideas también recomienda contruir una audiencia, ser abierto, tan abierto que te busquen para robar ideas; escuchar lo que dice esa audiencia y aprender de ello.
"Comparte lo que amas y las personas que aman lo mismo que tú te encontraran."
Así cierra esta trilogía:
Siempre que la vida se torne abrumadora regresa al capítulo uno piensa sobre tus días, da lo mejor de ti para llenarlos con maneras que te lleven un poco más cerca a dónde quieres estar. Ten paciencia contigo mismo y tomate tu tiempo, preocúpate menos por tener el trabajo listo, preocúpate más por las cosas que valgan la pena hacer, preocuparé menos por ser un artista grandioso, preocúpate más por ser un buen ser humano que hace arte, preocúpate menos por dejar una huella, preocúpate más por dejar las cosas mejor de como las encontraste.
Sigue trabajando, sigue tocando, sigue dibujando, sigue buscando, sigue escuchando, sigue pensando, sigue soñando, sigue cantando, sigue bailando, sigue pintando, sigue esculpiendo, sigue diseñando, sigue componiendo, sigue actuando, sigue cocinando, sigue investigando, sigue caminando, sigue explorando, sigue dando, sigue viviendo, sigue prestando atención, sigue, sigue adelante. [Audiolibro]
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