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Home Is Where We Start from

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His ideas have influenced the diverse psychoanalytic schools of Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Hans Kohut. But his reach extends far beyond professional circles: his talks to general audiences over the years won him enormous numbers of followers among parents and teachers who have found his observations rich in penetrating insight.

This collection brings together many of Winnicott's most important pieces, including previously unpublished talks and several essays from books and journals now difficult to obtain. They range widely in topic—from "The Concept of a Healthy Individual" and "The Value of Depression" to "Delinquency as a Sign of Hope"—and elucidate some of Winnicott's seminal ideas, such as the "transitional object" and the concept of false self. All convey Winnicott's vision of the ways in which the developing self interacts with the family and the larger society.

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1986

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About the author

D.W. Winnicott

81 books335 followers
Donald Woods Winnicott was an English pediatrician, psychiatrist, sociologist and psychoanalyst.

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
Profile Image for Thomas.
1,630 reviews10.1k followers
May 29, 2022
This book contained some astute insights as well as misfires related to social justice topics and obfuscating prose. I appreciated some of the points D.W. Winnicott made about how as children, we are dependent on our caregivers and how they treat us shapes how we turn out. I also liked his writing about the “good enough parent” forming a base for healthy attachment and how what happens in society shapes us as individuals.

However, there were quite a few comments he made where I was like, what is happening?? Yes, these essays came out a long time ago and at the same time even the logic of these statements made little sense controlling for that time gap. To provide a few examples, first, he writes about “healthy heterosexual trends” which I was like uh there are a lot of unhealthy heterosexual relationships so idk why heterosexuality is positioned as the norm here. He also writes about how war is beneficial so that men can develop a sense of confidence and self-worth and I was like um have you heard of PTSD? Yikes!

Finally I think at times his writing was a bit over-intellectualized and he could have made some of his points in a more direct way. If you’re looking for psychology/mental health books, I’d recommend Why Do I Do That? by Joseph Burgo for psychodynamic content, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple by Seth Gillihan for cognitive behavioral content, and the memoirs Tastes Like War by Grace Cho and The Body Papers by Grace Talusan for content about how social forces affect mental health.
Profile Image for Flora.
199 reviews141 followers
January 31, 2010
Winnicott's brilliance is matched only by his humility, and for an avowed Freudian, he's strikingly original -- you'll find little real received wisdom here, as he filters his training and mastery of psychoanalytic theory through a deeply personal vision, informed by a diverse and beautifully-vignetted practice. What's most striking is how Winnicott develops Freud's notorious pessimism in the direction of a subversive optimism that regards depression as a manifestation of ego-strength-in-the-making, and juvenile delinquency as an act of "hope." Plus, his pithy humor and unpretentious lyricism makes his rigorous, uncompromising work truly pleasurable to read: perhaps itself a demonstration of his vision, which regards "creative living" as the prime condition of individual (and, by extension, cultural) health. By asking us, as readers, to contain the destabilizing insights here, and reconcile them with the wit and whimsical metaphor, Winnicott offers us a "dry run" of what he sees as our life's goal, as individuals: the achievement of true integration. He's teaching us, through reading, more than we realize.

Profile Image for Sergio Gomes.
16 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2013
In this book, Winnicott shows the theoria development maturacinal from a particular idea: it is at home that the child's development begins. Some ideas about democracy from their point of view are also presented in this book.
Profile Image for Rick Sam.
409 reviews128 followers
March 29, 2022
Winnicott is paediatrician and psychoanalyst.

Topic is Childhood Development Psychology.

His writing is Academic, Research Essays.

One must understand some terms, background with Psychoanalysts like Freud.

He says -- home is where, society's members are formed, and ends with Society.

Deus Vult,
Profile Image for Suélen Fernandes.
123 reviews38 followers
April 14, 2022
gente psicanálise é muito coisa de lele da cuca né meu deus só consigo entender winnicott pq ele se deu ao trabalho de ser sucinto mas mesmo assim várias coisa q eu ficava que????
Profile Image for Claire.
104 reviews41 followers
June 25, 2012
This compilation of Winnicott's essays/lectures proved a mixed bag from me. Content covers issues of mental health and illness and psychopathology, in the individual, in the family and through to level of society, country and even the world. What was clearer than ever to me in these writings compared to other material I have read, was his understanding and knowing of mind-body holism, our innate wisdom - even of our 'pathology', and our interdependent nature.

He has heart and compassion for the difficulties of adolescence and adulthood, and I think this arises from his understanding of the conditioning factor of early infancy/childhood - our first bonds (or lack there of), our first environments, and the support we receive. Unlike other psychoanalysts/psychologists etc he has not forgotten the lasting impact of our early years. These writings convey this in a straightforward, matter-of-fact manner without being righteous - what he says is just common sense.

The later chapters in this book focused more on social structure and our mental health - not surprisingly, his thoughts feel a little outdated, with many comments on gender issues seemingly more fitting of the Victorian era than early-mid 20th century. His views on democracy and monarchy also have limited relevance to us today perhaps, but what remained interesting was the continual connections made between an individual's health and society's health.

Overall definitely a worthwhile, classic, to read for anyone in the field. Im definitely more deeply appreciative and liking of Winnicott following this read - this usually happens with him. He seems ahead of his time in his views, no doubt a testament to his intelligence, acute observational and listening skills, his genuine empathy and ability to connect with others. Notably, there's little on object relations theory or therapy in practice if thats what someone is looking for.
Profile Image for Arek.
94 reviews11 followers
April 16, 2021
Psychoanalytical essays about individuals, family and society. Especially interesting when it comes childhood and creation of individual self. Main thoughts: 1. society and parents expect kids to be always a good boy/girl which is very harmful. Children have to have space to rebel and to show and feel full spectrum of emotions.
2. Being good enough parent (and generally person) is better than perfect parent. World is not perfect, we all have to learn that when we are children. Additionaly it puts too much unnecessary pressure on everybody
Profile Image for Sema Dural.
294 reviews10 followers
September 13, 2023
“ Yüzyıllar boyunca yürekli insanların fiziksel olarak kısıtlandıkları durumlarda özgürlük duygusu, hatta pekişmiş özgürlük duygusu edindikleri iyi bilinir. Şu dizeleri başka bir yerde aktarmıştım. ‘Taş duvarlar cezaevi yapmaz, demir parmaklıklar da kafes.’ “

Çeviriyi beğenmedim. Birebir çeviri yapmak uğruna metnin anlaşılması zorlaşmış. Eksik ya da fazla kelimeleri düşünerek tekrar tekrar okumaya, anlamaya çalıştığım yerler oldu.
Profile Image for Jamie Peoples.
8 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2018
Not sure my star rating does it justice. One of the must-read Winnicott texts, it is revealing of both the author, their practice and how it is shaped by their worldview along with not only interesting theoretical ideas and practice but a philosophical treatise at times on the nature of maturity and freedom told with great empathy.
16 reviews
August 7, 2023
Winnicott explored some really interesting ideas throughout this collection of talks, articles and papers. I liked how each chapter was generally self-contained whilst being connected to its neighbours, offering a loose narrative throughout the anthology. Personally, I struggled to properly engage with the book due to a combination of old-fashioned style and lack of subject knowledge.
Profile Image for Ryan Croke.
121 reviews5 followers
December 16, 2018
It's somewhat hit or miss; many essays are fantastic but some are more philosophical. What a great mind he had.
June 7, 2022
The vast and nuanced conversation on a variety of topics with simplicity and brilliance. Stating truth without the "fear of freedom" while facing the depth of the fears of them all 💥
Profile Image for Larissa Tollstadius.
55 reviews14 followers
January 4, 2014
O livro constitui-se de várias palestras. Pelas notas do autor, pode-se deduzir que Winnicott escrevia a maior parte de suas palestras. Apenas um dos textos é uma transcrição de uma palestra preservada em áudio.

O autor era um palestrante frequente e falou para plateias diversas: professores de matemática, médicos, assistentes sociais, religiosos. Sempre com a preocupação de mostrar como seus estudos poderiam contribuir para as várias práticas profissionais.

Antes que seja tarde, vale dizer que o foco de estudo de Winnicott é a relação entre a mãe e o bebê nas primeiras semanas de vida e como isso repercute na saúde mental do indivíduo adulto. Seria um ponto bem específico de estudo, mas o psicanalista avança fronteiras e se dedica a pensar outros temas como democracia e feminismo.

No momento que cruza os limites da sua profissão devemos ler com mais cuidado suas teorias. Algumas coisas são interessantíssimas, como o medo endêmico da mulher poderia explicar a opressão feminina. Para Winnicott todo ser humano para existe, seja homem ou mulher, deve isso a uma mulher. Essa dependência inicial pode causar um trauma (mais frequente nos homens) e um medo de mulher na vida adulta.

Porém é importante notar, que Winnicott é um inglês, que atuou como psicanalista em meados do século XX. Talvez suas colocações sócio-políticas sejam agressivas para progressistas latino-americanos do século XXI. Acredito que seja importante lermos suas contribuições com respeito, tentando extrair suas contribuições positivas, e cautela, compreendendo as limitações impostas pelo seu contexto cultural.
Profile Image for Micah.
147 reviews36 followers
July 19, 2013
Probably a good introduction to Winnicott; public lectures he gave throughout his career, but mostly towards the end, in the 1960s. He has a very graceful way of expressing himself and is a pleasure to read. He covers all kinds of themes, but often comes back to the idea that psychoanalysis doesn't focus just on the individual psyche, but because of its developmental perspective, must consider the environment - i.e., the mother or whatever acts as mother, which leads on to the family and society. If health, maturity and integration are to be reached - and Winnicott is too smart to think this is a simple matter of passing through stages and coming to an end - the mother must be "good enough," adapt to needs, including the need for independence, and survive the primitive love that destroys the object. The "result" is a whole that accepts and contains conflict, paradox, and the ability to be depressed. In some essays, Winnicott draws parallels between this and society - sometimes with fairly conservative, if humane, results. But his emphasis on play and creativity would be recognizable to any anti-work anti-capitalist, only he enriches these concepts by placing them in that mysterious "transitional area" that he likes to return to, between subject and object, sleep and wakefulness, dream and reality etc. His take on the youth rebellions of the 60s is interesting - a matter of life and death, as he says.
Profile Image for Murilo Costa.
60 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2022
"o viver criativo envolve, até o último detalhe dessa experiência, um dilema filosófico - isso porque, quando estamos sãos, realmente só criamos aquilo que descobrimos. até mesmo nas artes não podemos ser criativos "do nada", a menos que sejamos solistas numa clínica psiquiátrica ou no hospício de nosso próprio autismo. ser criativo em arte ou em filosofia depende muito do estudo de tudo o que já existe, e o estudo do contexto é essencial para entender e apreciar qualquer artista. só que a abordagem criativa faz com que o artista se sinta real e importante, mesmo quando o que ele fez seja um fracasso do ponto de vista do público, ainda que este continue a ser uma parte tão necessária de seu equipamento quanto seus talentos, seu treinamento e suas ferramentas."
April 27, 2023
This book can be insightful for those who are already familiar with Winnicott's ideas. It can be incomprehensible for new comers though, so I would encourage people to learn basic psychoanalytic ideas ("atleast" Freud and Klein), especially those about object relations.

This book is very enjoyable once you know what he's talking about.
Profile Image for Thiago.
10 reviews
March 5, 2015
O livro é uma coleção de palestras do autor sobre saúde e sanidade, família e sociedade. O que mais me marcou foi o conceito de "segurar" que ele apresenta no início e revisita ao longo de todo o livro.
408 reviews28 followers
April 3, 2016
Des réflexions psychanalytiques sur de grands sujets de société. L'application du concept d'inconscient a différents niveaux. Passionnant novateur et plutôt rigolo par rapport au sujet. C'est brillant intéressant et enrichissant - je recommande !
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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